How Elsa Majimbo Broke Free from a Toxic Relationship

Comedian, model, and content creator Elsa Majimbo recently shared how she managed to escape a toxic relationship earlier this year.

In a TikTok video, Majimbo revealed that at the beginning of the year, she was dating an Armenian guy. “We used to have so much fun together. When I was with him, it felt like the rest of the world didn’t exist. We really enjoyed each other’s company,” she said.


Elsa Majimbo Shines a Light on the Complexities of Family Finances

However, she also admitted, “But we fought a lot. We were constantly arguing. Eventually, we realized that this wasn’t healthy.”

Although they decided to end the relationship, they couldn’t fully stay away from each other, so they continued seeing each other casually. “We both knew we weren’t going to get married,” she added.

Majimbo described him as a gentleman, noting, “He always took me out for sushi because I love sushi.”

She recounted an incident where she brought him to a fashion party she had been invited to. She liked several items at the event, and he agreed to buy them for her. However, when she wanted to go home afterward, he questioned her, saying, “What do you mean you’re going home? I just bought you all those clothes.”


How Elsa Majimbo Discovered Her Boyfriend’s Infidelity

This led to a full-blown argument. The next day, they argued again over text, and Majimbo realized how unhealthy the relationship was. She decided to block him.

Two months ago, she saw him again, and he demanded that she unblock him, but she refused. Majimbo advised her fans to steer clear of such toxic relationships.

“Be careful with intoxicating relationships,” she warned.

Elsa Majimbo Shines a Light on the Complexities of Family Finances

The decision to extend financial assistance to relatives is a delicate balancing act that often stirs a complex interplay of emotions and practical considerations. While the instinct to support loved ones is deeply ingrained, it’s essential to approach such matters with clarity and discernment.

On one hand, the bond of family is often characterized by mutual support and a sense of shared responsibility. Assisting relatives in times of need can be a profoundly rewarding experience, fostering a deeper connection and creating a legacy of generosity. Moreover, it can provide a sense of security and stability for those who rely on our support.

However, the path to helping relatives can also be fraught with challenges. Financial assistance can sometimes blur boundaries, leading to resentment, dependency, or even strained relationships. It’s crucial to establish clear expectations and limits to prevent misunderstandings and maintain financial stability for oneself and one’s family.   

Furthermore, the nature of the financial need must be carefully evaluated. A temporary setback, such as a job loss or medical emergency, might warrant short-term assistance. On the other hand, chronic financial difficulties may require a more comprehensive approach, involving guidance and support in developing long-term financial stability.

Ultimately, the decision to help relatives financially is a deeply personal one. It requires careful consideration of one’s financial capacity, the nature of the request, and the potential impact on both parties involved. By approaching the situation with empathy, open communication, and a clear-headed assessment, it’s possible to navigate this complex terrain while preserving both familial bonds and personal well-being.

Remember, it’s equally important to prioritize self-care and financial security. Helping others should not come at the expense of one’s own financial stability. Sometimes, the most effective form of support might be offering guidance, advice, or emotional support rather than financial assistance.

Ultimately, the decision rests with the individual, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. By carefully weighing the pros and cons, individuals can make informed choices that align with their values and circumstances.

Elsa Majimbo Comes Out Strongly Against Supporting Family Members Who Ask For Money

Kenyan-American comedian Elsa Majimbo has ignited a heated debate after sharing her views on the common African practice of sending money to extended family members. In a video posted on X, Majimbo expressed her strong disapproval of this tradition, asserting that she would not be participating in it.

Sending money back home or to your extended family is such a common African practice that I absolutely hate. I saw my dad doing it, and I don’t even know any of my extended family.

The comedian argued that while some individuals work diligently to support themselves and their families, others may have an excessive reliance on financial assistance from relatives abroad. Majimbo emphasized that she would not tolerate being pressured to support family members who she believes are capable of providing for themselves.

There’s this one extended family member of ours who used to ask my dad for money, and she texted me and asked me for money. You’ve been asking my dad for money since. Before I was born. Now, you’re asking me for money. I’m not feeding your habits. You’re too lazy to be alive

Her candid remarks have sparked a flurry of reactions, with some people supporting her stance and others criticizing her perceived lack of empathy and cultural sensitivity. The issue has highlighted the complexities of family dynamics and financial obligations within African communities, particularly those living abroad.

How Elsa Majimbo Discovered Her Boyfriend’s Infidelity

Elsa Majimbo shared on TikTok that during the summer of 2022, a friend hinted that her boyfriend was cheating on her.

“She told me, ‘I’m quite sure your boyfriend is cheating on you.’ She had no proof, but I believed her immediately.”

Majimbo confronted her boyfriend, who denied the allegations and accused Majimbo’s friend of lying.


Elsa Majimbo’s Shopping Spree Triggers Her Bank Freeze

“His friends were calling me, saying my friend was a liar. I still believed her even though she had no proof.”

A few months later, proof emerged that confirmed the infidelity.

“The proof actually came out. She (Majimbo’s friend) got screenshots from the girl’s phone and sent them to me.”

Majimbo advised prioritizing friends over boyfriends.

“You will have many boyfriends, but if you let them get in the way of your friends, that’s not someone who is truly for you. Any real boyfriend who loves you would get along with your friends.”

She emphasized that a boyfriend should not ask a girlfriend to choose between him and her friends.

Previously, the comedienne claimed she only dates rich men.

“I don’t know if it’s my type or just coincidental, but even when I was flat broke, my boyfriend was loaded.”


When someone tries to put a wedge between Elsa Majimbo and her parents, she fiercely shades them

Majimbo also described different types of rich men in the dating world.

“The playboy; they usually have a new pretty girl every other two weeks. I never date them; they are usually my friends. They are nice to the women they date but never call after a week or two. However, they usually have this one girl they are actually in love with.”

When someone tries to put a wedge between Elsa Majimbo and her parents, she fiercely shades them

US-based Kenyan model and internet sensation Elsa Majimbo has addressed the issue of certain individuals attempting to create tension between her and her parents due to her social media content.


Elsa Majimbo’s Shopping Spree Triggers Her Bank Freeze

In a post shared on her social media accounts, the 22-year-old expressed her frustration with people sending screenshots of her revealing outfits to her parents in an apparent effort to criticize her online presence and possibly prompt her parents to intervene. However, Majimbo made it clear that such efforts would not succeed, as she has a strong and supportive relationship with her parents.

“Some people are trying to cause a rift between my parents and me based on my outfits. Not only do they have wisdom, but they also love and support me,” Majimbo wrote on her account. She advised these individuals to focus on their own families instead of interfering in her personal life.

Majimbo further implied that her father would not be concerned about her appearance, given the financial benefits he enjoys from her success. “Maybe worry about your home? Your child is yet to graduate after 8 years in a 2-year course. My dad gets watches and vacations lol,” she added.


Elsa Majimbo explains her declaration that “I hate Kenya.”

Responding to a user’s advice to block these individuals, Majimbo expressed her frustration, suggesting that those criticizing her may have bigger problems to deal with, including their own children’s shortcomings.

Her post has sparked mixed reactions, with some supporting her stance on personal freedom and others criticizing her attire and supporting the concerns raised by those reaching out to her parents.

Elsa Majimbo’s Shopping Spree Triggers Her Bank Freeze

Kenyan comedian and internet star Elsa Majimbo left fans in stitches after revealing her bank froze her credit cards – not because of a lack of funds, but because of a major shopping spree!

The 22-year-old shared the story in a TikTok video, explaining how she decided to retail therapy her way out of a rough patch. Inspired by a friend who found solace in shopping after a difficult time, Elsa embarked on a shopping marathon.

“I woke up one day and just decided I was going to shop until I dropped,” Majimbo said in the video. Her targets? Everywhere you can imagine – high-end stores like Versace, trendy brands like Zara, and lingerie giant Victoria’s Secret.

The comedian recounted the initial suspicion from her bank, with alerts questioning large purchases. Unfazed, Majimbo cleared things up with the bank, confident in her spending power.

But after a few more high-dollar transactions, the shopping spree came to an abrupt halt. Her cards were frozen! The bank, understandably concerned about unusual activity, required verification to ensure Elsa wasn’t a victim of fraud.

Majimbo’s story highlights the lighthearted side of dealing with financial security measures, even for the rich and famous.

Elsa Majimbo explains her declaration that “I hate Kenya.”

Renowned content creator Elsa Majimbo, aged 23, has strongly refuted accusations suggesting that she harbors hatred towards her home country, Kenya.

The social media star, now residing in the US, took to her social media platforms to clarify her stance and express her deep admiration for South Africa.

In a tweet shared on her official account, Elsa Majimbo expressed her profound love for South Africa, highlighting the unwavering support she has received from South Africans both online and offline.

“Damn, I love South Africa. Like a ride-or-die kind of love. South Africans have shown up for me in ways that I have no words to describe. Just here to acknowledge and be grateful,” she posted on X platform.

Elsa’s fondness for South Africa has been evident through various gestures, including prominently featuring the South African flag in her social media bio—a symbolic representation of her enduring love for the country.

This clarification comes amid recent controversy where Elsa found herself in a dispute with Kenyan netizens. Allegations surfaced that she had made derogatory remarks about Kenya, leading to an uproar on social media.

In response, Elsa publicly offered a $1000 reward to anyone who could provide evidence of her allegedly saying, “I hate Kenya.” She strongly denied the claims, asserting that she had never made such statements and expressing pride in her Kenyan identity.

During this online scrutiny, singer KRG the Don joined the conversation and made an unusual offer to Elsa. He presented her with a substantial sum of $5 million to renounce her Kenyan citizenship—a gesture that received mixed reactions from the public.

In November, the 22-year-old comedian revealed that criticism based on her skin color motivated her to seek refuge in a nation where her complexion is celebrated. She spoke about facing colorism in Kenya and the negative comments she encountered, which fueled her decision to move to a place where her identity is embraced.

Here’s Why Elsa Majimbo Is Trending After Throwing Shade At Naomi Campbell

Kenyan comedian Elsa Majimbo, known for her viral rise to fame during the pandemic, has recently shared details about her past relationship with supermodel Naomi Campbell. This has sparked significant discussion online, particularly on social media platforms across Kenya and beyond.

Majimbo’s candid revelations provide insight into the initial connection, forged in December 2020 through social media outreach. Following an invitation from Campbell, the two engaged in activities like vacations and vlog appearances, leading many to perceive a mentor-mentee dynamic.

While Majimbo has acknowledged mutual admiration and support, her recent video delves into the complexities of the relationship. This personal account has offered viewers a glimpse into the often-unseen challenges and pressures associated with navigating connections within the public eye.

A miscommunication regarding a planned documentary project, which Majimbo pursued on her own initiative even though Campbell had suggested it to her, was one of the main causes of the rupture.

The two became estranged as a result, with Campbell lamenting what she saw as a lack of respect and communication for her mentorship.
Majimbo claims that Naomi also claimed credit for her quick ascent to stardom, a claim the comic refuted, claiming that while Naomi was a valuable resource, she wasn’t the one who “made her.”
She said as well that the Campbell introduced her to powerful figures in Hollywood.
Majimbo saw a drop in her celebrity influence after the split, which she blamed to her breakup with the supermodel.

Elsa Majimbo Speaks Out: No Broke Boyfriends, Seeking Wealth and Love

Social media influencer and comedian Elsa Majimbo has made her desires clear when it comes to future partners: wealth is a non-negotiable factor. In a recent TikTok video, she declared, “I will not marry a broke man. I love rich boys! If you are not going to be an asset to me, then I will stay single. I will not have anyone as a liability. I always knew I would marry rich.”

Majimbo, known for her humorous and candid takes on life, wants a partner who offers not just love and good looks, but financial stability as well. “Since I was a child, I knew very well that whether I’m gonna get rich or not, I would end up rich. I’m going to marry for love and looks, but I’m also going to marry for money,” she asserted.

In another TikTok video, Majimbo offered a glimpse into her past love life, sharing her story of a first love at the age of 16. Though the relationship was marked by strange occurrences surrounding her boyfriend’s family wealth and potential danger, Majimbo remained devoted. “I didn’t really know the source of the family’s income because he was very shifty about it. Weird things would happen, like his house got gunned down or his brother got kidnapped at some point, and even knowing this immediate danger that was around me, I didn’t care. I was so loyal to this man. I was a ride or die for him,” she revealed.

However, the dynamics of their relationship shifted unexpectedly when Majimbo met Mike’s best friend. Despite being known for public displays of affection, Mike turned cold towards her in his friend’s presence. “Mike was someone who loved PDA, he would hug me, touch me, kiss me, this man would turn the world upside down for me. On this day, you would have thought he was a stranger. I held his hand, he would hold it for like five seconds and then pull away. I went home and cried, then later I brought it up to him, and he said that my hair had caught him by surprise,” Majimbo recounted.

While the story of her first love ended with disappointment, Elsa Majimbo remains clear about her future expectations. She seeks a partner who can contribute to her financial aspirations and provide not just love, but a stable and comfortable life.

My networth up! Elsa Majimbo claps back at her haters

Kenyan comedian and content creator Elsa Majimbo, who is residing in the US, has responded to those who have criticized her for wearing skimpy clothing and cosmetics.

Elsa, who never expressed regret, admitted that she knows her taste in clothing has changed but that she is not sad about it.

“I have seen a lot of comments saying how money has changed me so much. Of course, it has, are you joking? I was never humble; I was a victim of my circumstances. Do you know the difference? My net worth went through the roof; that’s what happened to the old Elsa. Oh, I am rich; even the laugh is rich”

Elsa recently encountered criticism for attending an international event without proper cosmetics and wearing a wig.

Getty Images provided the image of the content creator that went viral, and online users took issue with her appearance.

She was forced to clap back as critics expressed their dissatisfaction with her looks on X app.

In fact, Kenyans would rather stay away than stand up for one of their own, and South Africans started making fun of her for it.

Some Kenyans chose to remind her that she disowned her nation, and they left her to be ridiculed by South Africans.


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Elsa Majimbo Defends Her ‘Wealthy’ Transformation After Heavy Criticism

Kenyan comedian based in the United States, Elsa Majimbo, has addressed criticism from fans who have attributed her recent change in style to her newfound wealth. In a TikTok video, Majimbo asserted that her life circumstances, not money, have shaped her current persona.

“I have seen a lot of comments saying how money has changed me so much. Of course, it has, are you joking? I was never humble; I was a victim of my circumstances. Do you know the difference?” Majimbo stated confidently.

She further explained that her financial success has impacted every aspect of her life, including her mannerisms.

“My net worth went through the roof; that’s what happened to the old Elsa. Oh, I am rich; even the laugh is rich,” Majimbo remarked with a chuckle.

Recently, Majimbo’s fashion sense came under scrutiny after she shared a photo that some fans deemed unfashionable. Critics urged her to refine her style and elevate her comedic content, which they felt had declined.

Majimbo’s path to stardom has not been without its challenges. She has faced criticism and disapproval from her own family for her online content. In an upcoming documentary, Majimbo reveals her family’s initial reaction to her videos. She recalls her older brother expressing his disappointment and stating that her videos brought embarrassment to the family.

Despite the criticism, Majimbo has remained steadfast in her pursuit of success. Her self-assurance and unapologetic attitude have made her a popular figure among fans who appreciate her unique brand of humor.

As Majimbo continues to navigate her newfound fame, it is evident that her transformation is not solely attributed to financial gains. Her experiences, both positive and negative, have shaped her into the confident and successful individual she is today.

Kenyans enjoy Elsa Majimbo getting blasted by South Africans

Kenyan US-based TikToker Elsa Majimbo has recently shared a photo with a new hairstyle and makeup, attracting mixed reactions from netizens. While some have expressed appreciation for her bold look, others have criticized her choice of hairstyle and makeup.

Some South African social media users have mocked Majimbo’s appearance, while others have questioned why someone who is a model for various brands and is in the public eye would choose such a hairstyle and makeup.

@CastroKarani….If Kenya’s jet in to roast her. Career over.

@bamb_the…Asoze Elsa that wig and beat my dhiye noo

@Kaluluu…they are roasting her so badly and doing it in Zulu

@amosbiwott12….It’s giving satafrika

@mrright_now_…Hey SA when you are done cooking her you tell us Kenyans we are preparing spices very ready to cook her

@0DY3_…Kenyans were never the problem, SA cooking her with extra sauce

@Makhedamaaa….Always untidy this one

@SinovuyoEL…My girl doesn’t even try if you wanna wear weave why not go for proper stuff. udyola nomlungu?

Character development: Elsa Majimbo reveals how her rich ex did her dirty

Elsa Majimbo, a popular social media influencer and comedian, has spoken openly about her first relationship. She shared the intriguing details of the relationship on TikTok, revealing that it left an indelible mark on her life.

Majimbo’s first love story began when she was just 16 years old. She met a boy named Mike, and they quickly fell in love. They were inseparable, and everyone knew about their relationship, including Majimbo’s father, who hated Mike. Mike came from a wealthy family, but Majimbo didn’t fully understand the source of their wealth. She also noticed some strange occurrences, such as Mike’s house being gunned down and his brother being kidnapped. Despite the danger that surrounded her, Majimbo remained loyal to Mike.

One particular episode stands out in Majimbo’s recollection. It was the day Mike introduced her to his best friend. Majimbo had recently gotten hair extensions, and when Mike saw her, his face went blank. He treated her coldly for the rest of the time, barely holding her hand. This was a stark contrast to Mike’s usual affectionate behavior. He would usually hug, touch, and kiss Majibo, and he would do anything for her. But on this day, he seemed like a stranger.

Majimbo’s deep affection for Mike remained unchanged, but his changed behavior left her deeply unsettled and questioning her self-worth. She realized that the treatment she was receiving was a far cry from the affection and admiration she was accustomed to in their relationship.

Faced with this emotional turmoil, Majimbo made a difficult but necessary decision: she ended her relationship with Mike.

Elsa Majimbo Receives Sumptuous Gifts From Beyoncé

content creator Elsa Majimbo has received an array of expensive gifts from US superstar Beyoncé Knowles-Carter. The gifts include a pair of Amina Muaddi Royal blue shoes, a Tiffany and Co bracelet, and ILIA skin care products.

Majimbo shared photos of the gifts on Twitter, captioning them “This week’s gifts.” The shoes are Rosie Crystal Bow Halter Pumps, which retail for $1170. The bracelet is a round tag necklace in Sterling silver with the inscription “Welcome to the Renaissance,” emblazoned with “Beyoncé 925.” The necklace is part of Beyoncé’s custom-designed jewelry collection for Tiffany & Co, with all proceeds going to the About Love scholarship program. The program offers scholarship funding for students of the arts at five black colleges and universities.

Beyoncé celebrated her 42nd birthday on September 4 with a mega concert in LA’s SoFi Stadium. More than 70,000 fans attended the star-studded event.

Majimbo has been making major moves in the US entertainment industry. She has recently signed a deal with Italian fashion brand Maison Valentino and has been rubbing shoulders with the who’s who in the industry.

In August, Majimbo took to Twitter to address a distressing situation in which she was pursued by a stalker in Los Angeles shortly after attending the star-studded Black Excellence Brunch held in the heart of Los Angeles.

Majimbo is a rising star in the entertainment industry and is sure to continue to make waves in the years to come.

Elsa Majimbo Excited As She Gets Exclusive Invitation By Beyoncé

Kenyan comedienne Elsa Majimbo has been invited to a secret space by global music sensation Beyoncé.

Majimbo shared the exciting news on her social media accounts, saying that she was “surprised” and “overwhelmed” by the invitation.

In a video, Majimbo can be seen inside her car, playing a video of Beyoncé speaking directly to her.

“It’s Beyoncé,” the singer says in the video. “Along my year journey, I’ve experienced it all. And I look forward to sharing it with you. I wish I could be there tonight, but I’m a little bit tired. I’ve been in one of my favorite secret places, and I look forward to seeing you.”

Majimbo responded with an enthusiastic

“Yes, I am.”

The invitation is the latest in a string of high-profile interactions for Majimbo. Last week, Beyoncé gifted her a gift pack from her Icy Park collection. And in August, Majimbo was seen spending time with Kelly Rowland, the former Destiny’s Child member and renowned R&B singer.

Majimbo is a rising star in the comedy world. She has over 10 million followers on TikTok and her videos have been viewed over 1 billion times. She is known for her witty and relatable humor.

The invitation from Beyoncé is a major coup for Majimbo and is a testament to her growing star power. It is unclear what the secret space is or what will happen there, but it is sure to be an unforgettable experience for Majimbo.

Elsa Majimbo Donates Over Ksh 70Million To The Poor After Clearing Her Bank Accounts

Elsa Majimbo, a 22-year-old Kenyan comedian who is based in the United States, has revealed that she emptied her bank accounts and gave away $500,000 to help others.

Majimbo said that she made the decision to give away her money because she felt that she didn’t need it as much as other people who were struggling to make ends meet.

“I couldn’t justify earning half a million dollars when other people were struggling to make ends meet,” she said in a video posted on social media. “I just didn’t need that kind of money to support my lifestyle.”

Majimbo said that she gave the money to a variety of charities and individuals, including people who were struggling to pay for medical care, education, and housing.

“I am so grateful for everything I have,” she said. “I have been so blessed and I want my blessings to bless other people.”

Majimbo’s decision to give away her money has been praised by many people, who have called her an inspiration.

“Elsa Majimbo is an amazing young woman,” said one Twitter user. “She is using her platform to make a difference in the world, and I am so inspired by her.”

Another Twitter user said, “Elsa Majimbo is a true role model. She is showing us that it is possible to be successful and still be generous with our blessings.”

Majimbo’s story is a reminder that we all have the power to make a difference in the world. Even if we can’t give away as much money as Majimbo did, we can all find ways to help those who are less fortunate.

Elsa Majimbo Donates Millions of Shillings to Charity

Elsa Majimbo, a 22-year-old Kenyan comedian based in the United States, has donated millions of shillings to charity.

Majimbo, who is known for her humorous videos, said that she decided to give back to society after realizing that she had more money than she needed.

“I couldn’t justify earning half a million dollars (over KSh 60 million) as a 20-year-old,” she said in a video shared on social media. “It’s on Forbes. It’s public information. I couldn’t justify that.”

Majimbo said that she directed her manager and business manager to distribute the funds to individuals and organizations that are working to make a difference in the world.

“I want my money to be used to help people,” she said. “I want it to be used to make a difference.”

Majimbo’s donation has been praised by fans and fellow celebrities.

“This is amazing,” said comedian Eric Omondi. “Elsa is setting a great example for young people.”

“This is so inspiring,” said singer Nadia Mukami. “I’m so proud of Elsa.”

Majimbo’s donation is a reminder that even small acts of generosity can make a big difference. It is also a reminder that we should all be grateful for what we have and use our blessings to help others.

Elsa Majimbo Rejects Kenya Once Again, Says Kenyan’s Prayed For Her Downfall (Video

Award-winning comedienne Elsa Majimbo has once again rejected her home country Kenya, citing that she felt un-appreciated and rejected for her comical skits.

The jester has been bitter with Kenya ever since her departure to London, where she’s currently residing. She vows never to return to Kenya.

She said that Kenyans bullied her on the internet with colorist remarks and that they were praying for her downfall.

“I have a very complicated relationship with Nairobi. When things started going on well for me there was alot of backlash to me and there were alot of colorist things said towards me and surprisingly its people from Kenya who were doing that and they were bullying me on the internet,” she told Forbes.

“They were hell bent on my failure and it was so absurd. When the whole world was cheering me on Kenya was praying for my downfall so when I got the chance I packed my bags and I left. I’ll go to see my family but I left and I’m never going back.”

Majimbo is among 50 creators who have been identified by Forbes as the most powerful influencers on the Internet in a first-ever ranking, called the Top Creators 2022 list.

Watch her full interview below;

Cuffed? Elsa Majimbo Raises Eyebrows Getting Cosy With Alleged Boyfriend (Photo)

After breaking new ground and finding fame in her own terms, Kenyan comedienne Elsa Majimbo decided to move to a place where her talent would be appreciated; South Africa. Elsa described her new home as the perfect place to be.

Kenyan comedian Elsa Majimbo joins the Fenty family with this hilarious  sunglass campaign skit | W24
Elsa Majimbo-Google

According to Elsa, her relationship with her motherland Kenya isn’t a good one. To begin with, she complains about being trolled and bullied a lot. This is why she vowed never to return home.

Being a student at Strathmore University, Elsa says that she was massively criticized and felt like everyone in Nairobi was against her.

”I have a very bad relationship with Nairobi. I think I’ve faced a lot of bullying there… No, I’ve been bullied in Nairobi my whole life… It seemed like everyone in the city was against me. So most of the times I would just stay in the house, mind my own business.”

Newest Couple?

Away from that, Elsa rarely talks about her love life, nor posts anything about it. This time, Elsa has given us ideas that she’s taken. She has posted a cosy photo with whom is believed to be her new catch; with a love sticker on the photo.

Elsa Majimbo is however, yet to confirm if they are an item. But seeing is believing. And from the photo, we can conclude she has finally found her gem.

‘I Have A Very Bad Relationship With Nairobi’ Elsa Majimbo Explains Why She’s Never Returning To Kenya

Elsa Majimbo is becoming a globally recognized name; which is associated with a simple piece of staged comedy. At only 19 years old, Elsa Majimbo is already being applauded for her unique kind of comedy by renowned artists worldwide, including Rihanna, Snoop Dogg, and many more. Her benevolent attitude when it comes to doing her comedy has kept her moving from critics; literally.

Kenyan comedian Elsa Majimbo joins the Fenty family with this hilarious  sunglass campaign skit | W24
Elsa Majimbo-Google

She began her comedy in Kenya, which is her home country. This might however come to pass as Elsa has disclosed her hate for Nairobi; where she received all kinds of criticisms. Being a student at Strathmore University, Elsa says that she was massively criticized and felt like everyone in Nairobi was against her.

She disclosed all this in a recent interview on ABtalks;

”I have a very bad relationship with Nairobi. I think I’ve faced a lot of bullying there… No, I’ve been bullied in Nairobi my whole life… It seemed like everyone in the city was against me. So most of the times I would just stay in the house, mind my own business. I was supposed to go to South Africa for 4 days, I left and never went back. I have a home in South Africa and I’m really glad I do… But Kenya is not that place”

Elsa has also claimed she’s not coming back to Kenya anytime soon. Elsa changing her citizenship will probably not come as a surprise to us.

Elsa Majimbo looks stunning in her first Asian Magazine cover shoot (Photos)

After dining with the likes of Naomi Campbell and gaining recognition from popular celebrities; Elsa Majimbo is now penetrating into Asian after she made it to the cover of a leading magazine.

The young lady shot her first Asian cover shoot with a luxury Magazine ‘Xpedition Middle East;’ and from her reaction – we can tell that she was pretty excited.

Elsa, who is an Instagram comedian, took to her social media pages to share her excitement; and pictures from the shoot. To caption the posts, the funny girl wrote;

I’m so happy to have done my first ever cover in Asia !!! With luxury magazine: Xpedition

Congratulatory messages

Although not many Kenyans can relate to her jokes; Elsa continues to gain recognition world wide and truth is – it’s her time to shine!

Her Kenyan fans however continue to show their support through the many congratulatory messages they have been leaving in the comment section. Well, we’re barely 5 months into the year and of course Elsa Majimbo is already proving that 2021 might be as successful as her 2020!

Anyway checkout the lovely photos below.

Elsa Majimbo Once Again Receives Opulent Gifts, This Time From Valentino (Photo)

Unlike most Kenyan comedians, Elsa has been able to fetch a global audience for her eccentric comedy. The 19 year old Journalism student has captured the attention of globally recognized icons like Rihanna, Campbell, Beyonce, Lupita Nyong’o, among others through her comedy.

Elsa started creating monologues in 2016, but as the pandemic hit and her semester came to a close, she decided to utilize the lockdown to revive her videos in 2020. Without a doubt, COVID-19 contributed to the rise in fame of the 19 year old. Her videos were watched more during this period. She now has over 2 million followers on Instagram from all over the world.

On one occasion, Elsa received gifts from American singer Beyonce, just days after getting a letter from Rihanna. Majimbo is probably one of the luckiest people on earth!

Nevertheless, Elsa also bagged a deal from Valentino, a renowned Italian fashion Brand. After wearing an outfit from the brand, she was contacted by them to be their brand ambassador. Of course, she wouldn’t think twice about it. She has now received gifts and flowers from them. She shared the amazing gifts on her twitter and wrote;

”Woke up to a Valentino gift and flowers”

What a way to start your morning. Keep winning Elsa!

Lanes! Elsa Majimbo flaunts the special package gifted to her by singer Beyoncé (Video)

Elsa Majimbo was born to shine. After years of living life as an ordinary girl – Elsa got her breakthrough in 2020 after one of her ‘funny’ clips went viral on social media.

For some reason, her content did not seem to impress Kenyans (online) who felt that she was a wannabe. Others accused her of copying comedianne Rono; but little did they know what was awaiting her.

Elsa Majimbo wins

After the numerous trolls and of course mean comments – just like the rain that hits after a drought; Elsa flourished overnight with international acts giving recognition on social media. Talk about blessings on blessings.

Gifts from Beyoncé

Just like that Elsa Majimbo became a star and the funny part is that no one saw it coming. So far she has received recognition from the likes of Rihanna, Naomi Campbell and now BEYONCÉ!

Elsa Majimbo born to shine

As seen on her latest post, Elsa Majimbo is seen flaunting a package from American singer Beyonce’s latest ‘Icypark’ collection which she collaborated with Adidas.

Announcing the good news through her gram, Miss Elsa wrote;

Comedienne Elsa receives gifts from Beyoncé

BEYONCÉ!!! ICY PARK !! WE ARE NOT THE SAME!???????????????? thank you so much @beyonce @adidas @weareivypark !!!!

If this does not prove that Elsa was born to be a star; then I don’t know what y’all are waiting for! Congratulations to Elsa for the far she has since come! Watch Elsa unbox her gifts below.

Ameomoka! Comedian Elsa Majimbo Lands Lucrative Deal With Valentino

You probably recognize her from her signature laugh accompanied with some old school glasses and crunchy potato crisps while chattering ironical jokes on her bed. 19 year old Elsa Majimbo is one of the youngest successful Kenyan comedians, being recognized globally. International celebrities including Rihanna and Snoop Dogg noticed her comedy.

Elsa has landed several deals including being an ambassador for MAC cosmetics. She has also bagged an ambassadorial role with Rihanna’s Fenty where she showcases the brand’s glasses in every shade.

Image result for elsa majimbo

Additionally, days ago she posted herself wearing Valentino on the cover of Teen Vogue, an American online publication, which includes stories about fashion and celebrities. Days later, she lands a new deal with Valentino, an Italian luxury fashion house founded in 1960 by Valentino Garavani. On her page she wrote;

” I am SO proud and excited to announce my entry into high fashion with an upcoming collaboration with @maisonvalentino!!!!!
my team has worked so hard on this and I can’t wait to share more details!”

Valentino also announced on their page to confirm about Elsa’s collaboration with them,

”It’s Elsa’s world, we’re just living in it. Valentino is proud to announce a special project with writer, actor and comedian Elsa Majimbo (@ElsaAngel19), culminating into a soon-to-be-released collaboration.  Stay tuned to find out more. ElsaxValentino.”

Elsa is a student of journalism from Strathmore University Nairobi. She has been posting monologues from 2016 but had stopped until 2019. Her monologue videos went viral during the COVID-19 lockdown.

I hope she doesn’t stop giving us the good comedy after this. Keep winning Elsa!

Mixed reactions after Elsa Majimbo revealed Kenyans rejected her for the dark skin-tone

Elsa Majimbo is one funny character. Literally.  But unfortunately she never got the support she deserves by her fellow Kenyans; who unfortunately prefer Ronoh Chebet over her.

Not in a mean way or anything but truth is, it’s taking Kenyans a little longer to understand her English jokes; which are more understood by South Africans who have been supporting for her career for the longest time.

According to a few Kenyans on social media, Elsa’s targets wealthy kids in most of her jokes; and this why we have seen even Caucasians enjoying what she has to offer through her videos shared online.

Elsa Majimbo wins highly competitive E! People’s Choice Awards

Kenyans react

Well after her interview with Naomi Campbell Kenyans now feel that Elsa may have overreacted or rather over stretched the truth hence making them look like mean animals.

Responding to the colourism accusations; many pleaded not guilty but applauded Elsa for making use of this opportunity that will work in her favor one way or another.

Others laughed off at the fact that she assumed her dark skin tone is the reason Kenyans don’t support her. I mean with the likes of Catherine Kamau, Stivo Simple boy, Wahu, Butita, Mulamwah and others doing so well despite being dark; I wonder whether they would have played the ‘dark card’ if things did not work their way.

Anyway below are a few screenshots from Kenyans responding to Elsa’s colourism accusations.

19-year old Kenyan comedian Elsa Majimbo wins highly competitive E! People’s Choice Awards

Elsa Majimbo, a 19-year old comic whose shining star came at a time when the world seemed to be on its knees, has been crowned E! People’s Choice Awards African Social Star winner.

Introduced to many as the crisp-eating, straight-talking Kenyan comedian whose love for the classic style made her stand out and become unavoidable.

Also read: Wild reactions after America’s Steve Harvey endorses 19-year old Kenyan comedy star Elsa Majimbo

A 19-year old journalism student, whose simple, blunt comical stunts were discovered amid the COVID-19 lock-down, bagging her a massive audience on her social media and now on International arenas.

The much-awaited announcement

“I won the E! People’s Choice Award!!!” she screamed. An announcement she made public this morning, looking calm and unbothered with the fact that she was declared winner at the highly-competitive global nominations.

Elsa Majimbo wins highly competitive E! People’s Choice Awards

Also read: Popular Kenyan comedian nominated for prestigious US Award\

Well, probably that’s just her, she can make the world laugh but she is a relatively calm, composed and easy-going individual.

An award nomination she managed to clinch, flooring major International superstars whom she was up against, including South Africa’s pop star Sho Madjozi among 7 other nominees, globally.

This is under the category of ‘African Social Star of 2020’ whose win would be solely decided upon by the voters.

Elsa Majimbo

This year has been a whirlwind of discomfort and confusion for everybody. But for me it’s also brought with it a great lesson. That sometimes even the greatest obstacles in our path can be opportunities in disguise,” she beautifully acknowledged.

Penning a big thank you to every single person who supported her n any way – big or small – it all made a huge impact in the end, and look at her now!

It has been all Congratulatory messages to the Kenyan Internet sensation!