Do you agree with Jeff Mwathi’s family or DCI?

Jeff Mwathi’s family has come out to reject the report issued by the DCI who were investigating the death of their son. The police were looking into his mysterious death which occurred after he had gone out for merriment with DJ Fatxo and his cohort.

DJ Fatxo goes to church to celebrate new case developments

Jeff, a young enterpreneur and interior designer had been approached by DJ Fatxo to redesign his office and they indeed agreed to do business together and he even reported back the same to his mother.

Unfortunately, he met his demise when they returned to DJ Fatxo’s abode and therein lies the mystery. After a botched first round of investigations, Jeff Mwathi was quickly buried and later exhumed but as anyone with common sense knows, this coupled with the embalming process would have servely compromised any evidence.

Police hint at not having adequate evidence against DJ Fatxo

DJ Fatxo on his part was steadfast in his denial of any involvement or wrongdoing when it came to the death of the young man. And he seems to have been vindicated according to the DCI findings.

But who do you support? Jeff Mwathi’s family who say there was foul play in the investigation or do you believe the DCI did their level best on this matter?

Jeff Mwathi evidence doctored? What does DJ Fatxo know?

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DJ Fatxo goes to church to celebrate new case developments

DJ Fatxo made his way to church to celebrate new investigation findings that hint at the unlikely dismissal of all charges against him. He is finally vindicated in the matter pertaining to the query into the death of Jeff Mwathi, a young entrepreneur and interior designer who mysteriously met his end after partying with a DJ and his entourage.

DJ Fatxo and his girlfriend celebrate his birthday

While this is awesome news for the DJ it is terrible news for Jeff Mwathi’s mother who has been crying pleading and begging for police officers to investigate the matter seriously as she places the blame for her son’s death at Fatxo’s feet.

Police hint at not having adequate evidence against DJ Fatxo

And as we have been saying all along we should all remember when discussing the intriguing case that Fatxo is innocent until proven guilty. Assumption of innocence is a MainStay of our judicial process with good reason.


The DJ decided to celebrate the news at KAG Church Engineer (Kenya Assemblies of God). And you can check out how that went below:

KAG Church Engineer muri arathime thanks for the warm reception

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Jeff Mwathi’s mother breaks down after giving up hope for justice

It is nothing short of heartbreaking to see just how hopeless Jeff Mwaithi’s mother is about any chance of getting justice for her son. She seems to be all too aware of information we do not have as of yet about the investigation into the mysterious death of her son perhaps hitting a snag.

Kenyans attack Samidoh for not fighting for #JusticeForJeffMwathi

Anne Mwathi, whose son’s life ended after a night of revelry with Dj Fatxo and his cohort, has spoken out about her despair over the elusive justice in her son’s case. Ann Mwathi, also known as Wacuka, spoke during an interview with Nairobi News, recounting her five-hour encounter with detectives probing the mysterious circumstances surrounding her son’s death.

Despite the long conversation, Wacuka was left doubting the odds of her son getting justice:

“I do not agree with the findings of the inquest into the death of Jeff Mwathi. I believe that justice must prevail and all parties involved must be held accountable for their actions,”

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A girlfriend from heaven: DJ Fatxo celebrates love

DJ Fatxo is celebrating the love of his life who has stood by him. It was his birthday on the 25th of April and he decided to break his social media silence with a defiant self-appreciation message. He wanted the world to know he is appreciative of his trip around the sun and he wasn’t ever going to let the hate get to him.

Meet the woman standing by DJ Fatxo

His girlfriend was there cheering him on and he was very appreciative of the fact with them having a rather sweet exchange between themselves about the gift he would be receiving from her and whether he needed to invite her deputy to present the gift.

Police hint at not having adequate evidence against DJ Fatxo

DJ Fatxo is a suspect in the mysterious death of Jeff Mwathi, an interior designer and entrepreneur he had employed for a gig at his office before they went out partying to celebrate the business deal.

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DJ Fatxo and his girlfriend celebrate his birthday

There is no denying that the Year 2023 has been a difficult one for DJ Fatxo who has been under scrutiny for the suspicion of involvement in the death of Jeff Mwathi, an interior designer he was seeking to employ.

Meet the woman standing by DJ Fatxo

That however has done little to stop his zeal for life and he is currently planning to celebrate his birthday in a big way. Following a very long hiatus from social media, DJ Fatxo has come out to wish himself a happy birthday as has his girlfriend, Waruguru.

Taking to her social media account, the journalist posted the following:
Loving you is a privilege but being loved by you is a blessing and very gratifying.Being with you makes me zero fearful and gives me a sense of power❤️ I wish I could ATTACH my heart to this birthday wish ,only then you might understand how much you mean to me darling ???? I’m here for you no matter what! “Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.” Happy birthday MY DUKE❤️

For his part, DJ Fatxo said the following:

“I have been young, and now am old; Yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.” ~ Psalms 37:5 ????

I’m delighted to celebrate another year of my life. Happy Birthday to me! Thanks a lot, God for giving me another year of life.
27 please be kind juu this past year will always be pensive… nimepitia mengi just like Gold which must go through furnace but the most wonderful truth is, I’m not getting old, I’m just becoming experienced.
I am grateful for surviving all the challenges throughout the last 365 days and turning a year older.

Always do good to others it will come back to you in unexpected ways and pray for protection because there’s a lot we can’t see.

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Jeff Mwathi friend viciously beaten for demanding justice

Close friends and family members of the late Jeff Mwathi have been demanding justice for him and last week saw them hold a protest and march to DCI headquarters. The fire in their hearts for justice is still blazing strong.

Justice for Jeff Mwathi update: DCI announce conclusion in investigation

However, after the demonstration, one of them was accosted by men who even taunted him to go and report the matter to the police. They clearly felt untouchable and they beat the young man in front of his mother.

It is unclear whether the men are part of DJ Fatxo’s entourage or were random but he gave an interview to Eve Mungai’s team and he was still sporting the bruises he had received.

In a recent update, DCI have since said they have concluded their investigations and the general public waits with bated breathe for the outcome of the investigation to become public.

Jeff Mwathi’s grandmother makes heartbreaking message for DJ Fatxo

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Justice for Jeff Mwathi update: DCI announce conclusion in investigation

The DCI through their twitter page announced that they have completed their investigation into the death of Jeff Mwathi and they have since shared the file with the DPP for further advice on how to move forward.

Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika promises justice for Jeff Mwathi

PROBE INTO JEFF MWATHI’S DEATH COMPLETED The Directorate of Criminal Investigations has this afternoon completed investigations into the death of Jeff Mwathi, 23, who died on February 22, 2023, in unclear circumstances.

Dj Fatxo

This is after the Homicide department, that has been investigating the incident received an autopsy report from the government Pathologist and the government Chemist, following a fresh probe into the death as ordered by the DCI Director, Mr Mohamed Amin.

Meet the woman standing by DJ Fatxo

The file is now complete and has been forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions this evening, for perusal and advice. #FichuakwaDCI 0800 722 203.

Jeff Mwathi met his death after a night out of partying with DJ Fatxo, his cousin and their driver. This followed them agreeing to do business together and they had later decided to celebrate.

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Meet the woman standing by DJ Fatxo

DJ Fatxo might be one of the most reviled and infamous men in Kenya at the moment but that doesn’t mean he is lonely.

He has a lady and friends who have refused to abandon him even as many Kenyans continue to bay for his blood under the guise of wanting justice for Jeff Mwathi, the man who died in his house after a night of partying.

Police hint at not having adequate evidence against DJ Fatxo

And the woman who has been lending him her strength, the woman who has been keeping him warm and happy even as he continues to live his life (as interrupted as it currently is) is a lady by the name Gathoni Waruguru and she is a journalist at a Kikuyu vernacular station.

Check her out below:

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Police hint at not having adequate evidence against DJ Fatxo

DCI officers have hinted at the lack of adequate evidence against DJ Fatzxo which means he will likely walk if the situation persists.

This was revealed while they were speaking to Mungai Eve.

Jeff Mwathi’s grandmother makes heartbreaking message for DJ Fatxo

He was responding to a question about an update on the case against DJ Fatxo that is currently under investigation regarding the death of Jeff Mwathi who was a young businessman and interior designer.

Jeff Mwathi evidence doctored? What does DJ Fatxo know?

For those of you who are unaware, Jeff Mwathi had met with DJ Fatxo to pitch his idea for redesigning his place of business.

He was eventually invited out for a night of revelry only for things to go haywire once the entire party retired back to DJ Fatxo’s apartment.


Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika promises justice for Jeff Mwathi

Jeff Mwathi met his end under unclear circumstances that unfolded after a night of merrymaking with his potential client, DJ Fatxo, his cousin, their driver and three female friends. Details are fuzzy about what exactly happened before the young interior designer plummeted to his death but one thing is; there was a conspiracy to keep things obfuscated.

All we know is that they were together, Jeff fell from the 8th floor, Kasarani Police officers declared his death a self-deletion and DJ Fatxo has been a confusing mess of contradictory information that anyone with a brain would not dare to believe.

The DCI got involved following the outcry from the public and they are now not just investigating the matter of Jeff Mwathi’s death as a homicide but are also investigating Kasarani Police Station for its involvement in the matter.

Details On Why Jeff Mwathi’s Body Was Re-Buried Shortly After Exhumation (Video)

And a lot of politicians have also gotten involved in the fiasco with the latest being Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika who has vowed to follow through to the end to see Jeff Mwathi receives justice.

She went on to declare a veiled threat to DJ Fatxo and everyone involved saying she will push to the very end of the investigations and prosecution for justice’s heavy hammer to fall on them.

Jeff Mwathi evidence doctored? What does DJ Fatxo know?

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Jeff Mwathi’s grandmother makes heartbreaking message for DJ Fatxo

Jeff Mwathi’s family have all been gutted by his passing and given just how unclear his death was, the pain is made that much more unbearable. And the one person they all seem to hold responsible for the death is DJ Fatxo.

DJ Fatxo wins Mugithi Award even as Jeff Mwathi investigation proceeds

The deceased upcoming interior designer’s grandmother gave an interview to the YouTube channel, Nakuru Today in which she spoke directly to the popular Kikuyu music Dj and artist and her message was as equally poignant:

I am pleading if he may be removed from other people’s presence. He is bragging because he has money but he doesn’t know God. I do not know if he bribed his way or not. By the way, things are being done in darkness. It’s obvious something is going on.

This sentiment echoes what most people are saying and feeling about the manner in which DJ Fatxo is being investigated for his involvement in the death of Jeff Mwathi. It should be remembered that young Jeff’s death was ruled a suicide and there were a lot of interferences in the original investigation only for the collective outcry from Kenyans to prompt the government to get involved and demand fresh investigations.

Jeff Mwathi evidence doctored? What does DJ Fatxo know?

Let’s give the investigations time to be carried out professionally and as always, remember that everyone involved as a suspect is innocent until proven guilty.

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DJ Fatxo wins Mugithi Award even as Jeff Mwathi investigation proceeds

This one is going to rob a lot of people the wrong way. DJ Fatxo just got awarded the Mugithi artist of the Year award by e360 awards.

Jeff Mwathi evidence doctored? What does DJ Fatxo know?

It is unclear still whether this is a troll award or whether it was legitimately earned.

What is however a very clear is the fact that it has rubbed people the wrong way with many bringing up the fact that DJ Fatxo you still under investigation over the mysterious death of Jeff Mwathi.

3 key lessons to learn from the DJ Fatxo situation

DJ Fatxo easier to respond today’s recent win as he has been rather in active on social media since the public caught wind of this death.

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Jeff Mwathi evidence doctored? What does DJ Fatxo know?

The case involving the death of Jeff Mwathi is one that has gripped the nation. The upcoming interior designer had gone out clubbing with DJ Fatxo and they later went back in the company of other individuals to his domicile only for Jeff to wind up dead.

Detectives to exhume the remains of Jeff Mwathi

At first the police who responded to the scene of the crime close the case saying it was a suicide. This has later been disputed.

The DCI have since taken up the case and they have claimed to have overwhelming evidence pointing towards foul-play. As a result of which they have obtained a court order to exhume Jeff Mwathi’s body.

‘Police Are Not Trustworthy’-Jeff Mwathi’s Close Friend Reveals As He Swears Not To Give Up On The Case (Video)

Needless to say the family is devastated but they have chosen to champion on for the sake of justice for their son.

DJ Fatxo has since maintained a low profile and it is mainly his supporters who are trying to dispel the murder theory. But this was all after an ill-advised that he gave to the media.

What does DJ Fatxo know? Jeff Mwathi will never get justice

New series of surfaces to what happened with Kenyans weighing in on the matter as they intend to see justice carried out for Jeff Mwathi.

A recent video going around on TiK ToK things to claim that there are two factions within the police force one that has interest in obfuscating and perverting the course of justice. As a result of which there are videos that have surfaced and photos that seem to support the claim the Jeff committed suicide.

#JusticeForJeff: Close friend Peter Kioi receives death threats

The DC I have ever has been steadfast in its insistence that this was a case of homicide and they are treating the matter as such. All we can do is sit back let the police officers do their jobs but continue to push for just outcome.
And let us please remember it is innocent until proven guilty.

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Detectives exhume the remains of Jeff Mwathi

The investigations into the mysterious death of young interior designer Jeff Mwathi who tumbled to his death following a night of revelry with famous Kikuyu artist and DJ, DJ Fatxo.

‘Police Are Not Trustworthy’-Jeff Mwathi’s Close Friend Reveals As He Swears Not To Give Up On The Case (Video)

At first, the matter was investigated and concluded a suicide by officers from Kasarani Police Station but following public outcry, the DCI took over the case and have since claimed they have enough evidence to pursue the matter as a homicide.

The DCI had announced the conclusion of the first stage of investigations which included interviewing of the first cluster of witnesses in the case, forensic examination of the scene and retrieval of CCTV footage that captured the deceased’s last moments.

Karen Nyamu Set To Get Involved In Samidoh’s Nephew Jeff Mwathi’s Death

Several other Forensic experts based at the DCI National Forensic Laboratory who are augmenting the Homicide team have equally collected crucial evidence and the same is being analyzed scientifically.

The next stage of investigations seems to have commenced with the exhumation of Jeff Mwathi’s remains as the police attempt to build a case against DJ Fatxo, his cousin and their driver who many feel are responsible for the interior designer’s death.

Andrew Kibe went too far in rubbishing Jeff Mwathi’s death

Once the DCI officers feel content with the case they’ve built, appropriate recommendations made before being forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions for action. The officers continued their call for members of the public to exercise patience as the Directorate endeavoured to establish the circumstances surrounding Jeff’s untimely death.

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The Speculation Against DJ Fatxo Has Gone Too Far

I need to call out the bloggers who are really running with half-baked stories about the death of Jeff Mwathi. There are people, led by one Simon Mwangi Muthiora, who are doing a reactionary smear campaign to accuse DJ Fatxo of doing the unthinkable to Jef Mwathi who was close to him. This speculation involves sharing gruesome photos of the supposed body of Jeff, blurry footage of alleged CCTV cameras in the building, and blatant rumor mongering about hearsay from “sources close to the family.”


These are incredibly serious accusations on DJ Fatxo. All being done by armchair investigators obviously just sitting in their houses and posting any random message they receive as facts. If these so-called reporters had any video footage that actually proved guilt, they would have handed it to the authorities with details and timestamps, to slam the case shut. But they have no concrete evidence at all. It’s all just a smear campaign to let off steam in what must be a very emotional period for those who are close to the case. But death is not something to let of steam on others with. DJ Fatxo should prepare a defamation and libel lawsuit against these bloggers when the dust settles. That is, if he will still have the strength to pursue this matter any further.


As for me, I will be steering clear of speculating on this case. I am a strong believer in letting justice take it’s course and respecting the decision of the courts at the end of the day. And if you lack faith in the justice system, fight to reform it, rather than resorting to extrajudicial, vigilante justice.

DCI Reports Progress On The Jeff Mwathi Probe

Two weeks after the death of Jeff Mwathi under mysterious circumstances, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations appears to be marching forward with the probe into the cause of his death. Here is the progress report they released this morning:



The Directorate of Criminal Investigations Homicide detectives investigating the death of Geoffrey Mwathi Ngugi aka Jeff that occurred on February 22, 2023 have concluded the 1st phase of their investigations.


May be an image of 4 people, people standing and text that says 'foreign'


The process included interviewing of the first cluster of witnesses in the case, forensic examination of the scene and retrieval of CCTV footage that captured the deceased’s last moments.

Several other Forensic experts based at the DCI National Forensic Laboratory who are augmenting the Homicide team have equally collected crucial evidence and the same is being analyzed scientifically.


May be an image of 7 people and people standing

We are now progressing to the second phase of the investigations where several persons of interest in the case will be interrogated and appropriate recommendations made before being forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions for action.

In the meantime, the public is requested to exercise patience as the Directorate endeavours to establish the circumstances surrounding Jeff’s untimely death.


May be an image of 2 people, people standing and outdoors