Tanasha donna is back to Tanzania and so is baby Naseeb.
The Kenyan-Tanzanian couple seems to have re-ignited the flames of love once more especially for critics who thought they would not last.
First, was the love letter Diamond posted to a dear Tanasha Donna while she was away on ambassadorial duties here in Kenya.
Then comes his bonding with baby Naseeb and the moments are just mind-blowing.
In a video posted by Mama Dangote 3 days ago, Diamond is seen singing to the tunes of his little chubby one as he cuddles him in the balcony.
With a view of his palatial home, Diamond holds Naseeb Junior close to his chest and he slowly rocks his baby boy who seems to be at peace with daddy.
No cries, no discomfort. A clear indication that Naseeb Junior and Diamond have had a fair share of daddy-son bonding moments.
Away from that, let us focus on mummy and daddy. Diamond and Tanasha slashed off their busy schedules to celebrate Queen Darleen as she got married to her billionaire lover.
Meanwhile, amidst all the hullabaloo, Diamond and Tanasha sat on a table, next to each other.
At one point, Diamond leans on to Tanasha´s right shoulder and they sing their hearts out.

Seems the two are back to being the passionate lovebirds we knew them for, while they were still dating.
Take a look: