Dennis Itumbi’s heartfelt open letter to the late Jahmby ‘Njambi’ Koikai

Digital strategist Dennis Itumbi has written an open letter to the late Mart Njambi Koikai, shortly after the announcement of her passing.

In his social media posts, Itumbi mourned Jahmby, celebrating her as a warrior and a fighter who endured over 21 years of pain.


Khaligraph Jones Opens Up About Past Mistakes That Led Him To Custody

He reminisced about the good times he shared with Jahmby, reflecting on how she inspired him to strive for greatness.

Itumbi expressed regret for not knowing that Njambi’s first name was Mary.

“You were a good person with a pure heart. A fighter par excellence.

It is only now that I learn your first name was Mary. On a light note, I wish I had the chance to call you Mary. Maria, and use the different Mary jokes on you,” Itumbi mentioned.


Jahmby Koikai shares funny story of when she dated a rich kid 

Jahmby Koikai sadly passed away on Monday after a prolonged battle with Endometriosis.

The late Njambi ‘Jahmby’ Koikai Image: Instagram

Here is Itumbi’s Letter to Jahmby:

Njambi Koikai,

Go well.

The lamp you hold reminds us of the light you shone on the darkness of the pain many girls face.

Thanks for pushing me even when I didn’t fully understand what you were fighting for until I did. Okay, not completely, but mostly.

21 years battling pain.

10, 15, 20 surgeries +

Fighting for others, even as your pain intensified.

You leave, having left a visible footprint next to everyone who witnessed your journey.

You tried to take me to a reggae dance-out—you really tried. That one failed.

But you introduced me to Bob Marley and his quote, “You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.”

In your final days, you pushed to understand and raise awareness about the dilemma many girls face—Thoracic Endometriosis. You died educating and motivating me.

Thank you for allowing me into your life.

Travel safely, Fyah Mumaah!

Paul was writing about you, you have indeed fought a good fight, you have finished the race!

To your family and friends, I pray for comfort and blessings.

You were a good person with a pure heart. A fighter par excellence.

It is only now that I learn your first name was Mary. On a light note, I wish I had the chance to call you Mary. Maria, and use the different Mary jokes on you.

Let me conclude with this: “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch, but on its own wings.”

Njambi, fly into God’s arms of love and no pain.

Itumbi rejoices at BFF Jacque Maribe’s employment with the government

Digital Strategist Dennis Itumbi expressed gratitude to CS Moses Kuria after he appointed former TV Host Jacque Maribe as the Head of Communications in the Ministry of Public Service Performance and Delivery Management. Itumbi, a longtime friend of Maribe, took to Twitter to congratulate her and thank CS Kuria for the appointment.

Itumbi’s tweet read, “Congratulations, Jacque Maribe. May God bless you as you serve. Asante @HonMoses_Kuria for standing with a generation, please keep doing good and stretching your hand.”

The appointment follows Maribe’s recent acquittal in the Monica Kimani murder case, which had lasted for nearly six years. Many social media users congratulated Maribe on her new role, while some raised questions about the transparency of the appointment process.

Here are some reactions to Maribe’s appointment:

@AnuarSaddat: “Jackie is lucky to have you in her corner. From Love poems, to acquittal in murder trial, and now to her appointed in government on a Sunday from a bar, all because of your influence. Congratulations to you and her both. The true love story of endurance!”

@bungomaduke: “Congratulations to Jacque Maribe. A well-deserved appointment.”

@MrOnsase: “Hii job mliadvertise kweli? Ooo nilisahau graduates wanaenda majuu kuvuna dollars.”

@Gerjed: “With millions of Kenyan youth who are jobless, that position had to wait for Jackie Maribe to be excused by the court? The job was specially for her. KK loves crim*nals, it’s their first qualification to employability or appointment.”

@GardyChacha: “Was the position advertised in the first place or she is ‘uniquely qualified’?”

@MAKOKHAM: “All the best Jacky. Kudos @OleItumbi for great support & being there for a friend…what a blessing!”

@samoei5: “Thought civil servants are hired competitively by the public service commission!!”

Dennis Itumbi Removes CAS Title From Bio After Court Ruling

Dennis Itumbi, one of the 50 Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS) appointed by President William Ruto on March 23, has removed his CAS title from his Twitter bio following a court ruling that declared the appointments unconstitutional.

The High Court ruled on Monday that the appointments were unlawful because they did not go through the required public participation process. The court also ruled that the creation of the 27 new CAS positions was unconstitutional.

Itumbi has not yet commented on the court ruling, but his removal of the CAS title from his bio suggests that he may be accepting the court’s decision.

The court ruling is a major blow to President Ruto, who had seen the CAS appointments as a way to strengthen his grip on power. The ruling also raises questions about the legality of other appointments made by the president.

It remains to be seen what impact the court ruling will have on Itumbi’s future. He is still a government employee, but his role in the government is now uncertain.

Here are some of the key points from the article:

  • The High Court has ruled that President Ruto’s appointment of 50 CAS was unlawful.
  • Dennis Itumbi, one of the CAS, has removed his CAS title from his Twitter bio.
  • The court ruling is a major blow to President Ruto.
  • It remains to be seen what impact the court ruling will have on Itumbi’s future.

Dennis Itumbi responds to High Court ruling stripping him of CAS position

Dennis Itumbi, one of the 50 CASs whose appointment was revoked by the High Court on Monday, has responded to the decision.

In a tweet, Itumbi said that he would continue to “focus, serve, and connect dreams to opportunities.” He also said that he would “come here, go there” as needed.

Itumbi’s response was in line with his previous statements about his role as a CAS. He has said that he is a “facilitator” and a “connector” who helps to bring people together and get things done.

The High Court’s ruling on the 50 CASs has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have welcomed the decision, saying that it was necessary to uphold the rule of law. Others have criticized the decision, saying that it was politically motivated.

Itumbi’s response to the ruling suggests that he is not going to let the decision deter him from his work. He has said that he will continue to serve the people of Kenya in whatever capacity he is able.

Background on the 50 CASs

The 50 CASs were appointed by President William Ruto in April 2023. The positions were created to help the president streamline his administration.

However, the appointments were challenged in court by the Law Society of Kenya and the Katiba Institute. The petitioners argued that the positions were unconstitutional and that the appointments had not been made in accordance with the law.

The High Court ruled in favor of the petitioners on Monday, saying that the appointments were unlawful. The court ordered the government to revoke the appointments and to pay the petitioners’ legal fees.

The government has said that it will appeal the High Court’s ruling.

Itumbi’s role at State House

Itumbi’s role at State House has been described as a “facilitator” and a “connector.” He is said to be close to President Ruto and to have a wide network of contacts.

Itumbi’s work at State House is said to involve a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Overseeing the president’s social media presence
  • Arranging meetings and events
  • Providing advice to the president
  • Connecting the president with people and organizations

Itumbi’s work at State House is said to be important to the president’s administration. He is seen as a trusted advisor and a valuable asset.

Itumbi’s response to the High Court ruling

Itumbi’s response to the High Court ruling was brief but positive. He said that he would continue to “focus, serve, and connect dreams to opportunities.” He also said that he would “come here, go there” as needed.

Itumbi’s response suggests that he is not going to let the High Court ruling deter him from his work. He has said that he will continue to serve the people of Kenya in whatever capacity he is able.

Baba mtoto ni Eric, Itumbi ama Sam Ogina? Jackie Maribe addresses relationships

Media celebrity Jacque Maribe has disclosed her relationship with journalist Sam Ogina and Chief Administrative Secretary for ICT Dennis Itumbi.

In a social media post, the mother of one stressed that she has never been romantically involved with either of the two.

Maribe also responded to allegations that she had refused Eric Omondi, the claimed father of her child, the chance to have a DNA test done on their son.

Maribe implied that she had been helpful throughout the entire paternity test controversy.

She continued by venting her anger at individuals including Ogina in the drama.

“Road trip to heal the mind and gratitude for sane friends. Also, let me clear the air here publicly. Leave my friends alone. How and why is my friend Sam Ogina being dragged into unnecessary drama? We have never dated. Just like you said I dated Dennis Itumbi. Leave me alone.”

The former Citizen TV host made it clear that she had never been romantically involved with either of them.

In an Instagram story from January, Maribe introduced Itumbi as her father’s son-in-law, seemingly in joke.

She had sent her father a picture of Itumbi with a caption on it.

“Mr Maribe and his son-in-law, no matter what anyone says, we remain family.”

This sparked questions regarding her romantic status.

On the other side, Kenyan comedian Eric Omondi had earlier claimed that he met Jacque when she was already involved with Ogina.

Later, Maribe told him about the pregnancy that resulted in the birth of her child, the subject of his dispute with the former television star.


Dennis Itumbi Claims That His Twitter Account With Over 2 Million Followers Has Been Hacked

Blogger and digital strategist Dennis Itumbi’s twitter with over 2.1 Million followers has been hacked. According to Dennis, the account has been hacked by Crypto traders; whom he has been in touch with for a while.

Writing on his Facebook account, Itumbi gave his fans an update;

”HACKERS. Have taken up my twitter account.

The hackers are associated with Crypto Currency. Yes I own a few bitcoin, I bought them when they were selling at 60k. Google how much one bitcoin exchanges now.

Do not shy from Crypto-currency, even with the challenges that come with it.

There are promising coins going for 9 bob, research them and buy, you never know.

As for my account it shall be restored shortly, they tried my email, Instagram and FB too, but I got them before they could.

Brutal welcome and a clear message on Cyber Security.

For now Hackers 1 – Itumbi 0.

In the fullness of time that score will be something else….

Asanteni. Good Evening….”

Best friends! Jacque Maribe and Itumbi spotted together at invites only party(photos)

Jackie Maribe and Dennis Itumbi over the weekend attended an invite-only birthday party of one of their friends.

Maribe and Itumbi’s friendship has been a rather controversial topic given how the two have always insisted they are good friends.

Itumbi more than once has penned lovely poems for Maribe on social media especially during the time she was in Jail.


Jacky has never written anything for him publicly.

Anyway, the two were attending one of their friend’s party in a popular joint and where they shared a few photos. Itumbi, as usual, penned down a sweet poem for his friend which said:

Friendship is Martin Gitau

Happy Birthday my friend.

Our story from the days of hustle in Mukuru Slums to Mbotela and our little victories along the way is one written in both our hearts and soul.

We have had our challenges, but we have stood for each other when we had nothing and when we have something to share.

You family and mine have become friends because we are.

During our birthdays we celebrate our friendship.

Daamn, the journey of life, through its blessings and challenges, poetry and lyrics and through its demands has been easier because you have been right there.

Our trophy and medal moments, our cheer and sad moments – are the paragraphs of our great story of friendship.

As you celebrate your birthday, I wish you a full cup of life. I will be there with you, like you have been here with me.

I wish you a great year buddy!

Happy Birthday!


“This is no longer journalism, this is malicious” Dennis Itumbi up in arms against KTN 

A day after the terror attack at the DusitD2 hotel in Nairobi, New York Times published gory images of dead bodies and Kenyans demanded that the photos should be pulled down.

New York Times remained adamant and refused to delete the photos. The publication said that it was their policy to publish images of dead people.

Well, KTN has done a similar thing like New York Times but this time round it does not involve dead bodies. But rather a photo of DP William Ruto.


KTN tweeted a story titled ‘Three US Citizens of Kenyan descent charged with supporting ISIS’. But instead of using photos of the three, KTN used a photo of the DP.

Dennis Itumbi thinks it was not an accident that the DP’s photo was used in a terror related story. He called out KTN saying their decision to use the DP’s photo was outright malicious.

“Dear @KTNKenya this is no longer journalism. It is regrettable, unfortunate and outrightly malicious. But like DP @WilliamsRuto often says, ” There is a God in Heaven …” Isaiah 22:22 – ” “what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” Itumbi tweeted.

Dennis Itumbi once again writes a sweet poem for Jacque Maribe on her birthday

Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe are more than Best Friends Forever (BFFs), only the two of them can describe the nature of relationship they have.

Itumbi has wrote several sweet poems for Jacque, even when she was about to be granted bail the State House operative wrote her a poem.

The two however have denied multiple times that they are dating, this despite all the romantic things that Itumbi has been doing for Maribe.


Jacque Maribe turned a year older on December 18th. In 2015, Itumbi disrupted live broadcast on Citizen TV to surprise Maribe with a birthday cake.

This year however, Itumbi has decided to write a poem for Maribe on her birthday;

I wrote this one late,

Kindly carry it to the car as you go to court today,

That is why I slip this under your door,

Happy Birthday Jacque Maribe,

Been standing outside your door,

With pen and notebook,

Thinking how Tragic a year you had,
Impressed by the Magic you have,

Aware that like someone said,
A challenge, only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it.

So here my birthday note,

At least one day this year find a very rainy mid-morning, I will come with an umbrella,

So that, I can hold just one raindrop for you, place it on your bicep and watch it roll down.

I ask for no more,
Just a chance to watch you re-introduce yourself in 2019,

With your wounds – Yes.

With your visible scars – Yes.

But with fresh stamina.. Undettered passion

Because you are,

Jacque Maribe.

Happy Birthday!

Super hilarious memes on how Dennis Itumbi is going to ‘feast’ now that Jacque Maribe has been released

Jacque Maribe was released on bail on Tuesday October 30th. Her fiancé Joseph Irungu was however denied bail and will remaind in prison until the case is determined.

While granting Maribe bail, Justice James Wakiaga said there was no likelihood of her skipping bail because she is a well-known television personality with many connections and strong family ties.

“She is a single mother of a young child who needs her presence. The law gives the mother a lot of responsibility of bringing up a child and it is only fair if she stays with the child during the period of her trial to teach him how to become a better citizen,” Justice Wakianga ruled.


Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) came up with hilarious meme showing how Dennis Itumbi is celebrating Jacque’s release. The State House operative had been very supportive to Jacque ever since she was arrested.

Below are some of the memes that showed on on Twitter after Maribe was released:

“He expressed his friendship towards Jacque Maribe just like me” Dennis Itumbi defends Eric Omondi

Dennis Itumbi has come out to defend Eric Omondi after he was severely criticized over a post on Jacque Maribe. Both Eric and Itumbi have a ‘strong connection’ to Maribe.

Eric caused a stir when he posted a photo of Jacque Maribe’s son on IG on October 9th. The comedian is rumored to be the father of Jacque’s son.

Critics fired at Eric for failing to acknowledge that he is the kid’s father and for failing to stand with his baby mama in her hour of need.

We will continue being friends

Dennis Itumbi is now defending Eric following the trolls. Note that Eric and Jacque dated years ago before they broke up sometimes in February 2015. Jacque indirectly announced the breakup when she was seen publicly exchanging saliva with Dennis Itumbi.

Speaking during an interview with Word Is, Itumbi said that Eric was only expressing his friendship to Jacque just like him and many others.

“Eric Omondi is an adult and what people say on social media cannot change his friendship with anyone. If he has expressed his friendship towards Jacque Maribe just like me and many others, it doesn’t matter what you write on social media, we will continue being friends. I cannot comment on whether he is the baby daddy or not, but I’m sure Jacque at the appropriate time will address the issue,” said Dennis Itumbi.




Awww! Itumbi pens lovely poem as Jacque Maribe hopes to be released on bail today 

State House Digital Director Dennis Itumbi has written yet another letter dedicated to Jacque Maribe, this time a lovely poem to give her hope.

Jacque and Governor Obado will be in court today. Maribe is crossing her fingers hoping that the judge will give her bail after confessing that she has a kid and didn’t help fiance Jowi in the murder of Monica Kimani.


Itumbi has stood with Maribe’s in her case all the way showing support in each and every proceeding.

Here’s the letter he posted:

Today as you seek to get bail, I can only pen a little poem, written through a keyboard, but composed from the depth of a soul that has always connected to your heart.

Creating a friendship that we both know, will never pause.

Situations come and go, but our friendship will outlast fake headlines, rumours, false accusations, social media updates, the blog frenzy and even the unfair comments thereafter.

Here my hand,

I wish I had a moment’s eraser,

I would sure delete what faces you today,

Instead – fill the moment with laughter and Joy.

I wish I would be able to move time to tomorrow,

Tomorrow, when am certain you will be free,

Tomorrow, when Justice will have been served,

Tomorrow, when today will be yesterday,

Tomorrow, when your mountains will be flattened,

Tomorrow, like Sarafina to sing, Freedom is coming…

Tomorrow, when I can watch the wind blow your hair,

….and you push the braids back in defiance of interruption, and ruthless focus on your goals,

Tomorrow, when you can dream again!

But Here my hand,

No matter what happens,

I know I will be there to whisper my reservations,

I know I will be there to cheer you up,

I know I will be there to watch you dance in victory!

Here my hand,

Use it as your extra strength,

Use it to write your new chapter,

Use it to bounce back,

Here my hand,

Have enough of it for support and strength,

Then let it go,

There is a reason storms are named after women,

You are a storm, yes you are,

I know you cannot be stopped by the dust of outright lies and falsehoods,

I await the storm in your name,

Sweep us all with your transformation…

Dear Storm,

Jacqueline Wanjiru Maribe!

At the end of it, I pray that Justice is served to all.

Dennis Itumbi’s moving letter to Jackie Maribe’s son that has left many in tears!

Dennis Ole Itumbi who is Jackie Maribe’s close friend and is the Secretary of Innovation, Digital and Diaspora Communications in the office of the President; has come out to send Maribe’s son Zahari a moving message to encourage him in the future.

Itumbi and Jackie Maribe

Having been friends for a long time, Dennis Itumbi describes Maribe as a selfless person. He goes on to tell Zahari that when he grows up he will come across some of the things his mother has been accused of – but all he needs to know is that she loved him dearly!

Also read: Dennis Itumbi prays for Joseph Irungu to be thrown in prison while Jacque Maribe to be freed so they could ride into the sunset together

Itumbi’s letter to Zahari

Although the young boy cannot understand what Itumbi is talking about; he hopes that in future he will come to understand why his mum went through a hard time and what she did just to be close to her son.


“This is a letter addressed to you in future,

I know one day the Internet will show you what has been said and written about Mum, Jacque Maribe.

As the search returns the results, may you also find this message.

Mum has friends, who stood by her because they know, she is the true definition of Love.

When she loved she gave her soul and heart as it should be. She loves with all she got. Pure and true.

As a friend, she was always available, even for smaller functions where friends do not have to turn up, she always showed up. Friendship is not an after-thought for her, it is a lifestyle.

That is why despite all the defense she has, she choose to say the only reason she wants Bail was because she wanted to be with you – Her love. – That is Mum for you.

To her friends Loyalty, to those she loves, wholesome sacrifice and endless affection.

Importantly, despite all that is written, we believe she is innocent.

By the time you read this in the future, she will be free, will have written a great book and all that negativity about her will have been replaced by the reality that Mum is a lovely human being.

We pray for Justice for all involved. It has been established by final verdicts in courts that Prosecutors and investigators are not always right.

We stretch a hand of friendship and sincere prayers to and for Mum.

She was not alone, through what Google may return as results, she lived well with people, in turn, her friends stood with her

I am not a perfect friend, but like all her friends, we all aim for perfection, just like her.

God strengthen Mum.”



Dennis Itumbi prays for Joseph Irungu to be thrown in prison while Jacque Maribe to be freed so they could ride into the sunset together

Dennis Itumbi has stuck on his guns on defending Jacque Maribe. The Secretary of Digital Innovation and Diaspora in the Office of the President Dennis took to social media to pray for the Citizen TV anchor.

“It has always been said and I agree that, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Though it tarries, be sure that Justice will be done my dear friend Jacque Maribe. So shall it be done for Monica and Family. So, graciously hear me Lord. Good week all,” wrote Dennis Itumbi on Facebook.

Still feels a thing for Maribe
Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe
Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe

Itumbi engaged Facebook fans who raised several questions. From her responses, it was clear he only wants Maribe alone to be acquitted because he still feels something for her.

Read some of the responses below:

Dabuke Jela: This is vintage Dennis Itumbi… Quoting Martin Luther King Jr to moralize a murder most foul. Shouldn’t it be the other way round? The family of Monica that is grieving the loss of a daughter first, then your friend Jacque Maribe whose judgement seems to have failed her?

Dennis Itumbi: charging an innocent person in any case is the greatest injustice in any criminal prosecution. That is why they say, you would rather have 1,000 guilty people freed, than one innocent person Jailed. That is my position

Rita Nemayian Oyier: you are taking this case too personal, I hope its not your ladder to climbing back your way to her disintegrated heart. Brother, I will advise that you stop giving this girl false hopes, and focus on looking for another damsel who will love you for real. Ladies are funny, you can try to catch her attention with all this beautiful nonsense yet her heart is probably with another Tarzan out there which may include Jowi the spiderman. I wonder why you don’t speak like this for all ladies implicated in such cases. All said bro, you will never understand women!

Dennis Itumbi: It is personal

Stewart Moses: You’re always not mentioning Jowie anywhere in your prayers. God doesn’t answer such prayers

Dennis Itumbi: I do not remember posting my entire prayer here. Unless you overheard me pray

Sue Kerama: In this case, justice for Monica comes first

Dennis Itumbi: Justice is just that Justice. It bears no positions or time just one thing called Justice at the fall of the hammer. I however agree with you that Monica’s family deserves and should be served with Justice and therefore closure

Jujuh Gal:  Am glad she looks strong today. Dennis Itumbi why ain’t you in court bro?

Dennis Itumbi: i was right there

Zachary Maina: Dennis you have clearly avoided mentioning Jowie because you would have want him rot in jail for a clear reason….

Dennis Itumbi:  to Jowie too, Justice

Stephen Masudi: We believe in this gracious Lord of miracles, when your prayers shall be answered Dennis, on that day, take this gal and marry her you are the only man who can truly love and help guide Jacky in this life. On that day do not even wait for your pastor to come and join you in fact, do not even think of harusi. You remember that birthday cake you gave her on a live national TV, wacha hiyo isimamie cake ya harusi. Continue praying for her, justice will be done and more justice will be served to her when you will marry her. Wish you well and may our gracious Lord be with you.

Dennis Itumbi: Stephen Masudi hahaa you win!

Ndirangu Wa Marcus: imagine Monicah was your sister?

Dennis Itumbi:  she is my sister and I pray to God who know exactly what happened to ensure Justice is served. That is my prayer.

Itumbi: I have no problem with Nyakundi. We even talk

The Director of Digital Innovation and Diaspora in the Office of the President Dennis Itumbi has revealed that he doesn’t have a problem with blogger Cyprian Nyakundi.

Speaking on Ebru TV during the Chipukeezy Show, Itumbi said that he doesn’t have a problem with the blogger though people assume that the two are pure enemies.

“He was kicked out of Meru university it’s a fact, in 2011, 2012. He called us. We are the ones who helped Meru university council return him to school. Akaenda akafanya the same thing and he was kicked out again. Now at that point we couldn’t really help much. I think Cyprian has held an issue since then.” he said.

Not personal

Itumbi went on to add that he has no issue with him and even sometimes has come out to defend him after he was arrested. Nyakundi has been arrested several times for defamation.

“I have no issues with him. Even when he was arrested for blogging i’m the first one who went on Twitter and called police to ask why he’s being arrested. So I have no personal issues with him. I speak to him when necessary.”

Prominent Kenyans who have defended Kobi Kihara so far after she was caught stealing

Former NTV presenter Kobi Kihara has been busted by Kenyans faking for the gram whereby she has been stealing photos from other people and posting them as hers.

Using the hashtag Kobicat, Kenyans have expressed their displeasure over her acts warning other celebrities to stop faking their lifestyle on social media.

Others, however, have defended her.

Keep going

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s niece Nana Gecaga and Dennis Itumbi have come out to encourage the former presenter who is in the US not to give up and keep chasing her dreams.

“Given your eye for detail, I am sure you can replicate no problem. I will confirm when I come to visit your stateside. Hope you are will though and keep up the great work with your studies now that is all you and very impressive,” Nana said.

Itumbi, who has been trolled also several times on social media, also chipped in, going against the follow.

“Dear KobiKihara, memorize this tweet. When you see and read this hashtag KobiKiharaChallenge, shake your collar, take enough photos, do not argue or explain.

“Just smile and look for a dance floor. It is never that serious. From a brother who has faced this enough times.”


Itumbi: Jacque Maribe even knows my parents but we are not dating 

State House Digital Director Dennis Itumbi has been forced to clear the air, yet again, that he’s not and never has dated Citizen TV news anchor Jacque Maribe.

Speaking to Classic 105, Itumbi had a lot to say:

“I have stated this, and Jacque herself has also stated this for the longest time now, that we are not dating. People have always believed we are dating.

“The proposal was actually to say, ‘We told you we are not dating’. So, is Jacque my very good friend? Yes, she is and I am her good friend. She is a person I can call any day, any time when I am in a problem and she will help me out immediately,” he said.


“I am the kind of friend she would call when she has a puncture and she even knows my parents and I know her parents and friends. She knows where I live and I know where she lives but we are not dating. I think we dated more on the voices of print media and on the radio airwaves more than we actually had interacted. I am very excited that she said yes to the [proposal] and we will support her all through her marriage process from traditional marriage to the wedding. She is a very good friend. I met her in the media when I was working for People and she was at K24. That is how our friendship grew.


Dennis Itumbi: I’ve kissed two or three beautiful women but I’ve never dated, I discovered dating very late 

Dennis Itumbi still insist that Jacque Maribe and him are only good friends. This despite the fact that the two have kissed in public, shared love poem and even pulled out romantic surprise on live television.

Jacque recently accepted a marriage proposal from a man called Joel Irungu. And most people concluded that the Citizen TV reporter was only friend-zoning Dennis Itumbi all this while.

Also read: Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe clear the air on their relationship after the marriage proposal

In an interview with Word Is, Itumbi asserts that he will wholeheartedly support his friend Jacque Maribe through her traditional and white wedding.

“I am very excited that she said yes to the [proposal] and we will support her all through her marriage process from traditional marriage to the wedding. She is a very good friend. I met her in the media when I was working for People and she was at K24. That is how our friendship grew,” said Dennis Itumbi.

Dennis Itumbi
Dennis Itumbi

Itumbi also disclosed that he regrets discovering dating very late. He said that he had kissed women before but never dated because to him dating was something more intense.

“I discovered dating very late and I really wish I had done that early in life. Today I would be a father of seven children. Something I would have done better is dating. I have kissed two or three beautiful women but I have never dated because to me that is something more intense,” said Dennis Itumbi.


Concentrate on doing photoshops for government! Itumbi warned by Kenyans after ‘sexy’ comment on Sophia Wanuna

Kenyans want the Secretary of Innovation, Digital and Diaspora Communication in the Office of the President of the Republic of Kenya to focus on his job and leave TV girls alone.

After all, he had one and lost her to another man, Kenyans believe. Itumbi ended up being trolled after posting a rather flattering comment on Sophia Wanuna’s post on Instagram.


Kenyans wanted him to leave her alone claiming that he had Jacque Maribe but lost her to another man, Joe Muchiri, a bouncer, who proposed to her recently.

Itumbi comment with “Sexy” after Wanuna posted a smoking hot photo but Kenyans asked him to stay away from her.


Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe clear the air on their relationship after the marriage proposal

They have kissed in public, shared love poem and even pulled out romantic surprise on live television, but interestingly Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe have never been lovers, at least that’s what they claim.

The two decided to address claims that they have been dating right after Jacque accepted a marriage proposal from another man called Jowi.

Jacque Maribe and Jowi during the proposal
Jacque Maribe and Jowi during the proposal

The conversation between Itumbi and Jacque began after netizens started making fun of Itumbi for being used and dumped by the Citizen TV anchor.

People create their own facts

In their conversation on Instagram, Itumbi and Jacque went to great lengths trying to assert that they have always been just good friends.

See the conversation below:

Jaque: @dennisitumbi thanks, Dennis. I hear you are allegedly serving pilau soon and? that you were allegedly linked to me.

Dennis: Jacquemaribe am telling you. Niko kwa Line-up au sio?

Jacque: @dennisitumbi ebu we ask @jowie.jowi at this rate but??? seriously when will this joke that we were apparently a couple ever end?

Dennis: @jacquemaribe when people create their own Facts, believe them and keep a story going, so convinced about our alleged love and now its end…you just smile and live on. Now the current narrative is that you dumped me…if that is what it takes for people to let go of the false hype. So be it. Let’s accept you dumped me buddy. Now, let us do justice to the moment. Congratulations my Friend. It is about you. Congrats. I salute!


Dennis Itumbi reacts after Jacque Maribe accepts marriage proposal from another man

Jacque Maribe friend-zoned Dennis Itumbi for years. The State House man pulled out all tricks to win Jacque’s love but at the end she said yes to another man.

Itumbi confirmed his love for Jacque in 2015 when he interrupted news bulletin on Citizen TV to present a birthday cake to her. He went on to pull other romantic moves to woo her.

Also read: Dennis Itumbi writes romantic poem to Citizen TV’s Jacque Maribe as she turns 30


Jacque Maribe accepted a marriage proposal from a man only known as Jowi over the past weekend. The proposal was organised by Jowi with help from Jacque’s friends Terryanne Chebet, Shix Kapienga and Monica Kiragu.

Jowi proposes to Jacque Maribe
Jowi proposes to Jacque Maribe

The Citizen TV anchor shed tears of joy when Jowi went down on his knee and asked ask her hand in marriage. Of course she said yes.

Itumbi reacts

Dennis Itumbi took to social media to congratulate Jacque Maribe after she accepted Jowi’s marriage proposal. He wished her well.

“May Laughter fill your path. May you Live to enjoy life and share the beauty of your love with Jowi. Congratulations buddy!” Wrote Dennis Itumbi.




KOT puts Dennis Itumbi on the spot after Jacque Maribe fails to clinch plum State House job that was given to Kanze Dena

Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) are sarcastically demanding answers from Dennis Itumbi after his alleged girlfriend Jacque Maribe failed to secure top State House job.

On Tuesday president Uhuru’s Chief of Staff Nzioka Waita announced the appointment of Kanze Dena as State House deputy spokesperson and deputy head of the Presidential Strategic Communications Unit (PSCU).

Apparently KOT expected Itumbi to pull strings to have Jacque Maribe get the plum State House job. The Citizen TV anchor was close to State House during the presidential campaigns, KOT expected her to be awarded with the job apart from the Head of State Commendation she got on Jamhuri Day 2017.




Head of the Presidential Delivery kicked Dennis Itumbi out of State House?

Dennis Itumbi has come out to set the record straight about claims he has been evicted from State House. Itumbi, The Director of digital communication at State House, was reportedly ordered to leave State House by Chief of Staff and Head of the Presidential Delivery Unit Nzioka Waita.

Business Today reports that Presidential Strategic Communications Unit (PSCU) directors have been kicked out of State House in a move aimed at disbanding the outfit and centralize government communications.

The reports also indicates that some of the directors, Munyori Buku (public communications), Eric Ng’eno (messaging), Dennis Itumbi (digital communications and diaspora), James Kinyua (branding and events)  and Munira Mohammed, are now operating from DP William Ruto’s Harambee House Annex office.

Not true
Dennis Itumbi
Dennis Itumbi

Dennis Itumbi rubbished claims he has been kicked out of State House. He took to social media to dismiss the report by Business Today:

“Assume you are in West Pokot and someone tells YOU that you are walking on the beach in Kilifi…I underline YOU because surely you know where you are

“Then you go get texts, phone calls, insults and get screenshots of people confirming that you are actually in Kilifi by the beach and not West Pokot.

“What do you do?

1. Take selfies or go Live on FB to prove you are in West Pokot and not Kilifi at the beach

2. Meet West Pokot Governor and have him post about a courtesy call on his page

3. Call those saying you are in Kilifi.

“BUT…..after some experience you learn how to respond to such stuff… You do what you are doing in West Pokot. You ignore the Kilifi chatter. Then at an opportune time, you respond with a long update saying literally nothing. Have a nice evening….” Wrote Itumbi.


“I also choose cremation when I die” Dennis Itumbi declares as Matiba’s body is burned to ashes

To many cremation is a savage way of getting rid of the dead. But second liberation hero Kenneth Matiba chose to be cremated and his family has granted him the wish.

The final service for Matiba is set be conducted at the Lang’ata crematorium this Friday April 27th. The fallen hero only wanted those invited to attend the cremation ceremony.

Cremation basically involves placing the casket and the body in an  incinerator and burning it down to ashes. It usually takes  6 to 8 hours to completely burn the body.

Hearse carrying Matiba's body outside All Saints Cathedral Church on April 25, 2018.
Hearse carrying Matiba’s body outside All Saints Cathedral Church on April 25, 2018.

Some 40 litres of diesel fuel is used to maintain the temperatures required to burn the body. The bone fragments that remain are usually crushed in a grinder that reduces the bones to a consistent texture similar to sand.

The ash is then given to family members who either store them in an urn or dispose of them in any other way they deem necessary.

Cremation frees family

Dennis Itumbi has also declared that he wants to be cremated when he dies. The the Senior Director of Innovation, Digital and Diaspora Communication in the president’s office argues that cremation saves family from burden and costs.

“I also choose Cremation when I die and that Cremation within The shortest period after I die. Preferably 3 days after, circumstances allowing.

“Cremation frees family and friends from burden and cost even if they can afford. I believe in the philosophy, Life is for the living not the dead. My will and wishes are safely written and deposited elsewhere…” Wrote Itumbi.




“I regret my past” Dennis Itumbi opens up about being a thief while he was still a nobody

State House director of digital communications was once a shoplifter. Dennis Itumbi confessed his crime as he revealed the vital lessons he learnt.
Itumbi reveals that he used to shoplift one particular supermarket three times a week.  He says he mainly stole perfumes from the supermarket.

“Now one of the things I regret the most in my past was the fact that I have actually shoplifted. Yes, for a while I shoplifted perfumes in a particular supermarket.

“It was easy. Walk in with basket, pretend to be shopping and in the process mark all security points. Then make a second round. Here you pick at least three perfumes and off to a guy waiting outside and then back to do the same thing.

“Repeat process three times in a week. For at least 3 months. So one day, after successfully doing my thing I was caught red handed, taken upstairs and beaten by shop assistants before they recovered what I was about to walk out with,” Dennis Itumbi confessed.

Lesson learnt

Itumbi says he learnt not to spend too much time regretting and hoping he did something differently. He reveals his experience is a great testimony to others.

I am avoiding a few other embarrasing things I had to do so as to atone for my sin. One day, I walked to the supermarket manager and demanded an invoice so that i would pay what my younger self had done, but the manager smiled and told me in the rephrased words of Jesus, ” Go young man and shoplift no more”

A load of guilt was lifted almost instantly.

Someone once rightly observed that, “The heavens will not be filled with those who never made mistakes but with those who recognized that they were off course and who corrected their ways to get back in the light of gospel truth.” The bible sums it up all by noting all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.

Do not spend too much time regretting and hoping you did something differently. Instead, write down your goals, wake up to push yourself towards your dreams despite the hurdles and frustrations.

At one time your embarassing moments will be great testimonies.
I leave you with the great words of Shannon L. Alder, ” Your dignity can be mocked, abused, compromised, toyed with, lowered and even badmouthed, but it can never be taken from you. You have the power today to reset your boundaries, restore your image, start fresh with renewed values and rebuild what has happened to you in the past.” God Bless You, Keep You and Favour You

Dennis Itumbi writes romantic poem to Citizen TV’s Jacque Maribe as she turns 30

Dennis Itumbi and Jacque Maribe refuse to publicly declare they are dating but their actions speak louder. Itumbi has once again showed how much he loves and cares for Jacque as she turned a year older.

In 2015 Itumbi interrupted news bulletin on Citizen TV to present Jacque with a birthday cake. The Citizen TV anchor shed tears of joy when she was surprised by her sweetheart.

Jacque Maribe and Dennis Itumbi when the latter surprised her on Citizen TV

The two still denied they were an item even after the romantic birthday surprise on Citizen TV. Well, Jacque turned 30 a day ago and once again Itumbi couldn’t hide his love for her.

“Stepping into the 3rd floor with an amazing circle of friends that I love and cherish. For the lessons I have learnt in the past 3 decades, the challenges I have dealt and surmounted, for the steps I have advanced, I thank the Almighty. God has been amazing, truly amazing,” wrote Jacque Maribe upon turning 30.

I want my wish for you to remain raw, in my poor handwriting

Jacque Maribe and Dennis Itumbi kiss in public

Dennis Itumbi wrote a romantic poem for his sweetheart as she turned a year older.  The State House Director of Digital Communication however avoided using words that directly implied he was in love with Jacque.

Read Itumbi’s poem below:

Dear Jacque Maribe,


Standing by the window,

Holding pen and notebook,

I want my wish for you to remain raw, in my poor handwriting.

May the wind whisper calm in your new year,

May the shade of fulfilled dreams cover your path,

May you embrace the best of life with endless laughter,

May blessings bigger than HSC, expand your name and that of the #Maribe’s

Challenge NOT their version of the truth, instead, push back your braids and enjoy the sunshine and its golden rays…

For the truth is, you are a good friend, a good soul and indeed JACQUE WANJIRU wa MARIBE, you are a star with a lovely shine and twinkle…

Happy birthday. I may not be there physically with your other friends to cut the cake, but this little note is my hug and wish…
