Daddy Owen has been a rather outspoken anti-LGBTQ advocate and it really is just common sense given the fact he is a GOSPEL artiste and the Bible is very clear about where Christians and even Jews (all Abrahamic faiths really) on the matter.
Anitah Raey on the other hand is an unabashed and vocal liberal who enjoys pushing her “woke” views on her audience. Everything that is conservative, she is against just because… She’s your veritable contrarian.
Daddy Owen
So it made for a rather interesting debate when Lynn Ngugi invited them to her show for a debate on the same alongside a panel of their peers. Daddy Owen took the predictable stance of what the Bible says and he argued that the Supreme Court was wrong to allow Kenyan homosexuals the right to set up an NGO as it now opens the door for bandits and gangsters to do the same.
On her part, Anitah Raey clung to her argument that we should stop calling the culture western as if we do then we should relinquish our technology and clothes (everything Western) because we need to be consistent in our argument.
Daddy Owen
Daddy Owen and Anitah Raey, however, fell short of having an intellectual argument. On the one hand, the gospel artist was speaking to atheists and homosexuals about the Bible while the latter was using the fallacy of Post hoc ( is a logical fallacy in which one event seems to be the cause of a later event because it occurred earlier).
It was a really disheartening debate (for me personally) to witness because of the realisation that this calibre of debate is just a slight level above infantile and this is the way a majority of Kenyans reason on the matter.
Daddy Owen has come out to say he wants a kienyeji woman and Kenyans seem hellbent on helping him identify a wife. Why this is working for him where it failed for Ringtone is because he is seen as unproblematic.
But why does he want a kienyeji woman from the village? Well, that’s because he has been burnt before when he tried to settle down with a woman who was already a single mother when he met her and who left him for a wealthy man when his chips were down.
Daddy Owen learnt the painful way that a man is only as useful as what he can bring to the table. And when he was down on his luck for whatever reason (he fell off), his wife found herself a businessman who was doing well and she sunk her teeth into her new victim. That situation I just described was Briffault’s Law in action. He found out that it’s the woman who decides with whom to form a family.
And now that he has been betrayed, he has taken those lessons and decided that what they were meant to teach him is to run to a naive girl from the village. On the surface of it, it makes sense for Daddy Owen to want a simple lass but since he has’t changed who he is, the issues will eventually bubble up to the surface again.
Daddy Owen’s ex-wife, Farida
She will get to Nairobi, marry him and settle down into a happy life. Then she will get exposed to her new life and everything it comes with and she will decide that she wants to date a man who is either wealthier or better at being a man.
And Daddy Owen will find himself back at square one. What he needs to do is to look within himself and as painful as it will be, he needs to examine his failings honestly and hold himself to the flames.
Daddy Owen with ex wife, Farida
Fire purifies so he needs to hold himself up to it. Do an audit of everything and how he failed as a man. Once he has done so, he will know what he needs to do to improve. Sadly, no man in the church can help him because they are all swindlers of simps.
He needs to seek out some real masculine men and at the onset, he will not find their ideas palatable but eventually, he will get better at being a man.
But will Daddy Owen do the time? Will he put in the work? No. He will look for the most basic village girl and then get upset when in 10 years she walks out on him and gets with a businessman.
Daddy Owen is a weak man. That is the full story. Go on, get. Seriously though, he is the best example of what happens when you fall off your mission and then get left by your wife and what you should not do once she has taken to living with another man.
You see, at one point in his career, he was the biggest name in gospel music. He was consistently churning out hit-after-hit and his name was a bonafide draw for any concert. As a result, huge corporations such as Safaricom were eager to work with him.
Daddy Owen and wife, Farida celebrate 4th wedding anniversary
But Daddy Owen became complacent. He stopped putting out hits and he fell off. And the Kenyan entertainment scene is a brutal one because once you fall off, we collectively move on and having a comeback like Nyashinski’s is something most can only dream of having. It’s why we have so many one-hit-wonders.
What most men aren’t taught by their fathers and uncles is that women love a man on his mission. That attraction is only strengthened when said men ascend to the top of their world. However, as our gospel guy found out when you fall off, women are brutal about discarding you. And that is precisely what happened here.
Daddy Owen celebrates wife, Farida
And just like that, Daddy Owen found himself facing a cold tundra that his wife would create in their house. They were doubtless arguments that stemmed from small misunderstandings that he had to contend with. Not only could he do no right, but he also found that she didn’t respect him. And still, he stayed.
And the thing of note about weak men who identify as being born again is that they often elect to suffer a horrible marriage because Hosea did so. And the church leaders champion this weak-minded misinterpretation of the Bible to push their own agendas. And weak-willed men like Daddy Owen pay the price for this horseshit.
Daddy Owen
Now at least, after paying his penance for the failure of his marriage, he has decided to take off his ring. Or rather, his daddy-pastor has permitted him to take off that wedding ring. And he is celebrating the fact that he has won something as he intimates that he might be in a new relationship.
Someone needs to slap him hard. Twice. What he needs to focus on is his mission. He needs to get back into the studio and release hits. He needs to decide whether that is still his mission or not and attempt to conquer it. He needs to focus on that alone.
And therein is the moral of our story: men need to focus on themselves. Think of it this way, men need to focus on learning to be strong until they are strong. They need to learn to focus on their mission until they are solid. No one is coming to rescue you and you cannot lean on your woman. That is an unfair burden you’re putting on her.
Don’t be Daddy Owen, don’t forget your grind. Love is for women, children and pets. Men aren’t human beings, they are human doings. That’s why only women can sing songs that ask, “What have you done for me lately?” or “No Romance With No Finance”.
From the Kabus (Simon and Sarah) to Frankie Just Gym It and his two women (Maureen Waititu and Corazon Kwamboka) and Weezdom and his nonsense, Mulamwah the king of simps and Carol Sonnie, Daddy Owen’s marriage, KRG da Don and his wife Linah Wanjiru Kiruthi, one would be forgiven for thinking Kenyan celebs are incapable of actually conducting healthy relationships be they long term or actual marriages.
And even in the instances where our celebrities date and marry foreigners as is the case with both Tanasha Donna (and Diamond) and Anerlisa Muigai (and Ben Pol), Kenyan celebs just can’t seem to get the formula right and it is abundantly clear this is a Kenyan issue.
Nicah the Queen with her ex
Whether the root of the problems experienced were infidelity, abandonment or a simple case of fools rushing in where even angels would fear to tread, these celebs are actually showing us what we all already knew about the current generation of Kenyans: we are a deeply damaged and rudderless society. Think about it and try to figure out for yourself why we have a precious few examples of healthy, functional relationships.
Let’s actually discuss what the issues are and try to understand why Kenyan celebs suck so badly at having healthy relationships and which will explain to you further why the other day I argued against taking their relationship advice because let’s face it, you should only ever take advice from people you envy, not people whose life is in the latrine.
For starters, the fact that a lot of celebrities hide who they truly are is a huge reason why their relationships often fail. Instead of a man accepting and informing his partner that he wants to be polygamous, he hides that fact. Infact, some hide it from themselves and keep trying to go to church every Sunday to pray away the sin. But you can’t pray sin. And so when these men get into the position where they finally have options, they have already gotten into a relationship or marriage where the terms established were monogamous. So they are stuck sneaking around. That is what the likes of Frankie Just Gym It and the other cheaters get caught up in.
Then there are celebrities like Mulamwah who completely failed to be the men they are supposed to be. They decided to simp and pedestalized their women. The problem with putting up your wife or girlfriend as a goddess is that the only thing she can do while on that perch is look down her nose at you. As a result, you end up with her losing her respect and admiration for you.
Ms Sarah Kabu
What about celebs like Daddy Owen? His is a more simple issue to deal with: he did not properly vet the woman he wound up married to. What do I mean by that? Well, for starters, she was a single mother. That in and of itself is a red flag unless her husband/ boyfriend before you had died. Beyond that, he should have taken as much time as possible getting to know her. Hell, given they wed while he was ontop of the world and his career was at it’s zentith, he should have put her through the ringer. Human beings are incapable of hiding who they are for very long. That is why when the tough times hit, she dumped him and moved right on into another man’s bed. If this man can teach you anything, a great deal of it is not to settle down with a pretty face devoid of loyalty. That and not simping and crying over a woman who is lying in another man’s bed.
Then you have your angry Kenyan women being thoroughly represented by female celebs. These are the ladies who give trash advice like Maureen Waititu who was using her sons as a weapon wielded against their father, Frankie. I mean, just because a man might not be a good husband, doesn’t mean he is a terrible father. The likes of Amber Ray who was briefly married to Jimal Roho Safi and that was a complete shit-show because the only thing she knows how to do is pose seductively on social media and sleep with a man. Once that is done, she has little else to offer.
And let’s not even get started on Yummy Mummy who was reported by Edgar Obare to have been in dire straits after her husband left her in search of peace and appreciation right into the arms of another woman. But he is a weak man who doesn’t stand on principle so he ran back home when he was emotionally blackmailed. But Murugi Munyi is always talking about how she tells off and yells at her husband and how he has no say in matters pertaining to her body… Constantly emasculating the simp to the rest of us to the point we cannot understand this particular relationship short of having our minds run into the BDSM category of the Hub.
Others are dying just to live up to societal expectations of their marriages that they themselves put in place. This last group is the likes of Sarah Kabu. That is why when we see the cracks in their union, it is over something explosive and it always ends up feeling like it was bubbling under.
And who are these celebs to turn to for advice? At the end of the day we have to remember that they are the pioneers of an entirely different level of celebrity that we Kenyans, hell, we Africans have never seen before. So who can tell them how to manoeuvre? But they do need to stay ten toes down: grounded. They need to start being real about what they want and their expectations of their partners and holding themselves accountable.
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Daddy Owen recently came out to admit that the rumours circulating about his marriage coming to an end is true. He and his ex-wife, Farida Wambui decided they were better apart but the information was not released by either of them, rather, by Daddy Owen’s friends who were worried about him.
And as a result, Daddy Owen came out to tepidly admit that indeed, she had left him for another man, a man said to be a well to do business tycoon from the greater GilGil area. She was even to be seen driving one of his luxury 4×4 vehicles.
Daddy Owen is a simp
This was doubtless humiliating and he had no option but to eat that humble pie. The problem most men have with how Daddy Owen responded to the drama is that he has been moping and whining. And this has led me to wonder what the church has done to provide this man with leadership and direction and support in the most trying time in his life but more importantly, in the lead up to these issues.
You see, before he was married, Daddy Owen was a man of God. He was a gospel artist who would tell it from the rooftops that he really loved God. he was always active in church and at one point was one of the leading figures in the church.
Daddy Owen never got actionable advice for his marriage with Farida Wambui
However, when it comes to marriage, it would seem his Christian peers and men of the cloth did nothing to prepare him for the realities of life and are still doing nothing to help steel him. Why do I say this? because he has no stoicism.
You see, I am a university kid with mentors I was lucky to get to agree to mentor me. While they are but men, they have a lot to teach with regard to masculinity. I have a space where I can go and be a man in every sense of the word. And it is jarring for me to see that I am getting more information from a world selection of gents than a man got from his church when his marriage was at stake.
Daddy Owen chilling
Daddy Owen needed a male pastor who would sit him down and explain the challenges to be expected from marriage. The truth that men are human doings and not human beings like women and children. A man only has his utility to fall back on. if he is of no use to society or his family, he gets no love. Women and children are loved for simply being. I was taught this. how is it the church failed him when it comes to learning this? I mean, the book of proverbs teaches self-improvement to men and teaches women not to destroy their home and marriage?!
Daddy Owen never learned not to pedestalize a woman. You see, when you put someone above you, you, in essence, are worshipping them. That means that Bwana Daddy gave Farida Wambui no option but to look down at him. Yet the Bible clearly says that man must have no other idol but God. How a pastor failed to have real conversations grounded in reality with him is scary.
Daddy Owen and Farida Wambui in happier days
Daddy Owen was never taught how to settle conflicts in his home and provide leadership. That is why he says for three years he has had hell on earth with Ms Wambui. he never was taught that he needs to lead. Yet the Bible is clear on him having the responsibility to be the head of his household. Pastors failed to translate this fact to him within the context of the modern world. This is insane to see that men are clearly not benefiting much from going to church.
The pastors, the church has failed men yet they shame men for not attending faithfully. When I see a story like this and see the comments online of men sharing similar experiences, I see that there is a reason for the declining attendance numbers of men. It offers little if any value. I mean, I am learning more from being around mentors than I would be going in to listen to politically correct rubbish that has little to do with my journey in life as a man.
Daddy Owen is a simp but we already knew that. Actually, seeing his conduct makes me sympathize more with his cheating wife than him. You see, he recently revealed that though his wife is gearing up to marry her new man, a man who she reportedly cheated on him with.
To be fair, Daddy Owen simply confirmed the story after it broke. Anyway, she was revealed to be well on her way to marrying a businessman who was even allowing her to drive his high end SUV. The lady in question, Farida Wambui is said to have had a rather caustic relationship with Daddy Owen by the time they were calling it quits.
Lovebirds, Daddy Owen and Farida in happier days
You see, he was at one point, the hottest artists in Kenya. Nothing he released flopped and it seemed he could do no wrong. As a result, he was minting a lot of money from endorsement deals and his performance fees.
When the tough times came, his wife decided to leave. And here we find ourselves. Daddy Owen still holding onto the dying embers of his relationship because he is refusing to take off his ring and claiming it is due to the significance of the vow he took before God and man or some bullshit like that.
Daddy Owen needs to ponder on moving on from his marriage
But him clinging to that sign of his vows when his partner has shown that she doesn’t care about them anymore is actually pathetic. I get it, he loved her and the idea of marriage. He wanted to honour his vows.
And as more information hits us about their split and impending divorce, Daddy Owen seems to be looking like more and more of a chump and a clown. Why? Because in one of the communications Farida Wambui has passed onto Daddy Owen through her lawyers, she is insisting he delete her photos from his social media accounts. Another thing is that she is demanding back her educational and legal certificates.
Daddy Owen had pedestalized Farida Wambui, a single mother
Let that sink in. She is being petty about the breakup to the point she is demanding he deletes her photos. That speaks to the fact that Daddy Owen is being forced to realize she wants nothing to do with him to the point where she believes he is of lower value than her and her new man.
Daddy Owen on the other hand is like the man clinging onto her legs and begging her not to go. He has refused to wake up to smell the coffee and see that his wife has left the union so all that hoopla about him clinging onto the ring because of his vow to God is nonsense. He is refusing to let go of the hope he has that they will reconcile and that is stupid. he is lowering his value not only in her eyes but in the eyes of Kenyans.
Daddy Owen with small brother, Slejj who needs to step up and be a real friend
That is why we do not see women commiserating with him. Everyone who is discussing this matter is laughing at him. He is weak. if he has any friends, they should be talking to him about not just this fact but the fact that when he shows the world how weak he is, it damages his brand. And unless he has the talent to put that into a love-song that can make him some beaucoup money, he is wasting his emotions.
And in a world as unfeeling and uncaring as ours, the weak are meat for the strong to eat. And Farida Wambui has decided to eat off the emotions Daddy Owen is throwing about in his attempt to win her back.
Kenya’s entertainment scene is choke-full with simps and Bahati, Daddy Owen and DJ Mo are a trio who best exemplify this fact. As a result, we have a popular culture and media that celebrates weak, spineless men who define themselves by how happy their partners are without ever thinking to find out what the difference is between social media happiness and real, everyday happiness.
Instead, of a culture that celebrates healthy takes on happiness, a culture that realizes that lying about being happy is bullshit as fake it to make it doesn’t work in that regard (I am looking at you DJ Mo), we have a culture that instead pedestalizes me who do not seem to have themselves as the focal point of their joy, men who are aware that they can be complete in and of themselves, entertainers who actually have a mission outside making m’lady happy.
Daddy Owen with alleged ex wife, Farida
As a result, there are very few men who are thought leaders for this new generation of Kenyan men. So whenever young Kenyan men want to look up to, they are forced to look beyond our borders and then our artists cry about the fact that they aren’t supported. It is much easier to support people you look up to than people who have nothing to offer you.
And while I could talk about the degenerates, today what we will instead focus on is the leaders of Kenya’s simp nation, DJ mo, Bahati and Daddy Owen. Let us look at their relationships and find out where they have gone wrong and how we can improve our own lots by learning from their nonsense:
Daddy Owen
Bashati who refuses to take leadership of his boma.
Bahati is not the type of man many can look up to because he refuses to take the lead in his relationship. It is a strange scenario we get treated to every time we see the couple together. Bahati is an orphan and understandably doesn’t know how a proper functional family unit operates but it is jarring to watch him refuse to learn and improve who he is. And as a result, he always defers to his wife’s opinions and decisions. Whenever the cameras are around and we see him stand for something, it is usually when he is throwing a childish tantrum and being a prick.
Size 8 and DJ Mo 7th wedding anniversary
Instead, what he should be trying to do is to identify a couple that has been happily married for longer than a decade and try to get the husband to mentor him. In this, we should also learn how to manage our personal relationships by setting boundaries and taking leadership. I truly hope you aren’t hearing this concept for the first time from a university student.
If ever there was a toxic philosophy that seems to have seeped into the skulls of men like Daddy owen and Bahati, it would be this. The idea that a man should sacrifice his ambitions and his interests for the sake of keeping his wife happy. The main problem with this is that it invariably leads to resentment either when the man is no longer able to get the sun and stars for their wives or if they finally realize their only utility to their marriage is keeping their wife happy.
Daddy Owen found this up when his finances dried up. His wife was out of there but not before tearing him down with her disrespect. Bahati is still yet to realize this but it is on the offing. As for DJ Mo, he decided to cheat because he realized he had put himself into a box that made marriage unsatisfying for him.
Pedestalizing women (who have dubious pasts)
Learn how to deal with relationships from a grounded perspective, not from some Disney understanding of life. You see, we are human beings which means we have our faults and cracks. The problem with some of you men is you see you celebrities place their women on a pedestal and fail to understand why this is an issue. If you put a woman on a pedestal like Bahati has done, like Daddy Owen did, you will end up with a partner who has no option but to look down at you. Now you are nothing more than a groupie and she is your goddess.
To make matters worse, it is clear that daddy Owen, Bahati and indeed, to some degree, DJ Mo did this with women whom they had not vetted. They had not bothered to take the time to understand how their partners’ pasts could possibly become a demon lurking in the shadows of their homes. Atleast on this one, Diana Marua (Bahati’s wife) has began opening up about her past in an attempt to deal with it.
Daddy Owen married a single mother, Bahati, a lady who had for a long time been the property of the streets. The same goes for DJ Mo. And what do we know about single mothers? Well, they are only an option for men who think they have found women who are too good for them. And it will end spectacularly badly.
DJ Mo, Bahati and Daddy Owen refuse to improve who they are as men.
These guys need mentors, therapy and to read up on modern-day realities of marriages. They need to hit the gym and more than anything, ensure they are investing heavily so their money never dries up. Entertainment is a fickle industry. When the fans decide you’re a has-been, that’s that for you. These guys need to stop simping and defining themselves as husbands, fathers and such solipsistic emotional bullshit and actually find out what makes them tick and how to define themselves from a perspective that wants them to be whole.
Daddy Owen’s relationship has fallen through. Yup, like the year 2020, his marriage has gone under but what is insane is the fact that all the information is now public fodder. And as a result, he became the butt of every joke -with good reason.
You see, when you act goofy, it is only natural that people will have some seven chuckles at your expense. And Daddy Owen had made some serious mistakes in his relationship (read marriage) that we can all learn from but that doesn’t answer the question of what comes next for him.
Lovebirds while the love lasted: Daddy Owen and Farida
You see, for many, throwing in the towel is a viable strategy. Many would forgive Daddy Owen for becoming an angry incel who begins to have and even evangelize a bleak opinion and view of women. However, this is far from the end of his journey with ladies and love. While his marriage might be as rotten as a fish discarded at Burma market, he still has his children to look forward to and he can also start to win at love and here’s how:
Daddy Owen celebrates wife, Farida on their wedding day
Daddy Owen needs to stop being a skinny fat beta cuck and start hitting the gym. This will do wonders for him by giving him some self-esteem and respect aswell as make him more attractive to members of the opposite sex. You see, we as a people delude ourselves that looks do not matter. They do. If Daddy Owen is going to get back into the dating scene he should start hitting the gym.
Men are human doings, women and children are human beings. According to the reports, Daddy Owen’s marital woes began when he started having a decline in his financial standing. He needs to start channelling his inner turmoil to his creative work. he needs to actually hit the studio and get back to really churning out hits. I get it, the Kenyan entertainment scene is brutal and it might seem like he is washed out but he really needs to really get back at releasing hits. This will make him more attractive to women.
Daddy Owen needs to look up the “Manosphere”
#3. Start dating again.
Daddy Owen needs to get back to the playing field. I would suggest he gets a dating coach or a friend who is a lothario with the women. Why? Because being married really rusts the engine and trophies the flirtation muscles. Plus Daddy Owen is probably out of touch with the realities of what women are in the current dating economy. He needs people who can help him bey being his wingmen and also men whom he can model himself off and even learn from. He probably needs to start looking into online dating apps aswell. Howebver, he should keep things very casual. No need for him to fall head over heels for some new babe simply because he is feeling low and lonely.
Daddy Owen has legit suffered a trauma. Getting rejected in the public way he was is a real problem. He was in essence weighed and found wanting and she had moved on and was engaged by the time the news was made public. This is a huge hit to the ego, it is crushing to the nuts. He needs to heal enough to realize the issue is with Farida Wambui and not him. He failed as a husband and a leader but he can rebuild himself.
Daddy Owen was one of the hottest stories at the start of the year (dragging on from the end of 2021). He was the happy winner of an imploding (imploded) marriage when word went around that his wife was about to get married to another man while still married to him -I believe this is called bigamy.
You see, Daddy Owen had married his wife, Farida Wambui. She was a single mother of one when they decided to start dating and we will get to why this is actually an important part of the equation. Anyway, Kenyans woke up to the news that she was seen riding around in a luxury 4×4 car and was infact engaged to some wealthy businessman from GilGil.
Former lovebirds, Daddy Owen and Farida
And when Daddy Owen decided to finally address all the rumours surrounding his family, he simply said some tepid, spineless bullshit that read:
I want to take this opportunity to issue an official statement. Thank you to all who have reached out to me in one way or another over the last few days with prayers or encouraging words of support following news circulating in the media involving me and my family.
The Word of God encourages us in all seasons to rejoice, for the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. This requires us to maintain a perspective of joy in whatever we go through as we know ultimately our walk will produce perfection in God for He makes all things work out for good.
Thank you for all your encouragement and as I journey through this season, I request for time, patience and lots of prayers as you’ve always supported me in my Ministry. I appreciate you for always being there, and I remain confident God will see us through. Love conquers all and Love covers a multitude of sins. God Bless You All.
Daddy Owen has been left pondering the meaning of love after his wife reportedly left him
This statement and everything we have since learned about Daddy Owen’s marriage is what we need to focus on so we learn from this debacle.
Never in a million years date a single mother seriously. Enjoy the ride and then get off when things begin to get serious. And for the love of God, do not commit and marry single mothers. These relationships usually have some major problems. First, let us start with the fact that she clearly has poor decision-making skills which led her to end up with the child of a man who didn’t want to be a father. Secondly, you will never be allowed to discipline her children as if they are your own. you will constantly be reminded they are her children.
Add to this the fact that it doesn’t benefit a man to help raise crotch-goblins not of his genetic makeup who will constantly be cheeky and remind you that you’re not their father. They will go through life with a chip on their shoulder and you will be served with dealing with the emotional damage that comes along with having been rejected by their fathers.
Daddy Owen and Farida Wambui back when they were dating
Why was he mourning and moaning about this failed relationship? He should have sucked it up and moved on. Clearly, the people within his circles are just as useless as he is because they are the source of this information about him. He needs to rethink who his friends are and to quickly move on to only trusting one or two people and only shedding tears in their presence. The rest of the world doesn’t need to know about his suffering. As a man, showing a chink in the armour is taken as weakness. That is why when word first broke about his failed marriage, Kenyans mocked him rather than sympathized and empathized with him.
#3. Just like Daddy Owen realized, men are human doings, not human beings
When he was the biggest star in Kenya, he was happily married. When he was making money, his wife, Farida was happy to make a home for them and their children. Now that he has fallen off and most of the shows have dried up, her love for him too has dried up. Men are only as valuable as what they do for their partners, their parents, siblings and society. The minute you as a man fall off, society will move on as you no longer have utility.
Daddy Owen would speak about his wife as if she were a veritable goddess. The problem with putting people up a pedestal is that they have no other way to look at and address us but by looking down at us and talking down. He used to treat her like a superstar so she treated him like a groupie. That is why she has moved on with her life so quickly; in both their minds, he is nowhere near her level. We are human beings and at the end of the day, we are flawed. He needs to go forward with his life understanding and internalizing this.
Daddy Owen has been left to pick up the pieces pof his life.
#5. Learn to lead
According to Daddy Owen, whenever they would get into a heated argument, Farida would begin speaking in Kikuyu. This is something that shows a lack of leadership because he is incapable of even setting rules within his own home that govern their interactions. How can you not lead in your own home and not expect things to go awry? It is something as simple as letting the other party know how to deal with differences in opinions. He should have let her know that he was not the one to talk Kikuyu to and when she broke this rule, he should have walked out of the house and withdrawn attention. Instead, he kept silent about this disrespect or he ignored it.
I would also tell that Gilgil businessman to tread carefully with this one because she will define their relationship through the means she got into it -cheating. unless ofcourse, he is obtaining a third wife.