So Frankie Just Gym it and Corazon Kwamboka not only have a son together but are engaged to be married. However unlike other couples you know, these two decided not to live together (probably to keep things spicy) but it’s clearly not working for pregnant Corazon.
Also read: Corazon Kwamboka’s Situation Is Hilarious!
Well, just a few hours ago the pregnant lass who happens to have a one year old by the way – shared a post complaining about hunger; and trust me it’s not the kind of normal hunger you’re used to.
And seeing Corazon talk about her empty tummy on a post means the hunger came with emotions too. So blame it on the hormones. She wrote,
Now I’m literally dying of hunger!!! What should I make? Living Solo isn’t fun????
Also read: Frankie Just Gym It and Corazon Kwamboka facing relationship issues?
Cry for help
Although it’s evident that Corazon Kwamboka’s idea of letting Frankie enjoy his ‘freedom’ is a smart strategy to keep him coming back; truth is, this move is proving to be one big sacrifice that she may have to rethink in the near future, especially with another kid on the way.
Anyway, since she doesn’t want to keep her man cooked up in the house (like his previous girlfriend) shouldn’t baby daddy be offering to spend sometime with her? But again, Ooliskia wapi?

Rumor has it that apart from flaunting his abs on social media and camping with friends, Frankie is apparently enjoying life thanks to his girlfriend’s free pass.
Anyway while he eats life with a big spoon, Corazon is having Ugali and Mala since juggling the pregnancy, a toddler and house chores is simply wearing her out.