Kenyan comedian Nasra is waving goodbye to 2023 and her Kilimani apartment with a bittersweet mix of nostalgia and excitement. In a series of candid social media posts, she documented her moving day, sharing heartfelt reflections on the memories she leaves behind and the thrilling anticipation of a fresh start in Kileleshwa.
Nasra’s video tour takes us through her soon-to-be former home, showcasing the familiar spaces that witnessed countless morning routines, hilarious content creation, and visits from fellow comedians like Mammito and Eddie Butita. Saying goodbye wasn’t easy, as she admitted feeling choked up while thanking the resident security guard for his kindness.
Yet, the sadness is intertwined with a palpable sense of growth and progress. Her new abode in Kileleshwa promises not just stunning views but also an upgrade in lifestyle. Nasra proudly describes this move as a “big ‘I AM PROUD OF ME’ moment,” celebrating her personal accomplishments and inspiring others to strive for self-improvement.
Nasra’s journey reminds us that endings, even emotional ones, often pave the way for exciting new chapters. Her infectious energy and determination to “level up” serve as a reminder to embrace change, chase dreams, and celebrate every step along the way.
Remember that time when Nasra announced she had parted ways with husband, Director Rashid? It was actually way before her miscarriage and i remember that after the announcemenr, the same Nasra came out claiming it was just a silly prank they decided to pull on their fans….but come to think of it – this was smoke from a little fire theyd tried to contain, but marriage ishachomeka.
Nasra announces pregnancy
Okay at the time Nasra was still the one sharing these personal information on social media but looking at director Rashid….he just maintained his silence the whole time and even after he was accused of cheating….Director Rashid just remains mute.
Well, when you see a man acting like Director Rashid has been acting – one has to wonder….was he really in love with her or …’clearly this man is fed up with drama’ hence his silence, right?
Nasra with husband, Director Rashid
Why Rashid maintance silence on divorce rumors
Avoid drama
You see unlike women who overreact and cause drama after a break….men actually prefer sometime off especially if the breakup happens during a heated moment.
This is why you might see Rashid holding back from announcing anything on his pages….simply because, chances are that he might not be done with Nasra….and to avoid looking like an immature man, he chooses to remain silent hence letting Nasra do the damage by oversharing.
Protect mental health
Whats better than to protect your own peace of mind? I dont thing there’s anything better than choosing yourself when things get toxic…and judging from how Nasra has been talking…..we can already tell why maybe Rashid isnt saying anything….more of like kibaya chajitembeza, kizuri cha jiuza…
Moved on already
Another reaaon I believe director Rashid remians silent on the divorce rumors is because he already moved after figuring out the woman he married wasnt what he wanted. Or maybe…because Islam allows a muslim man to marry upto 4 wives….maybe his new alleged woman has been in the picture the whole time but Nasra did not want to share.
Not compatible
Do you know that you can actually get over a person youve been in love with for years, the moment you move in and start living together?
It happens because this time around the fights will be in person and not texts….then you realize hapana, I cant do this and just like that you start wondering why you even rushed into marriage.
Breakups are tough nut believe it or not – divorce is worse and I say this judging from what i have personally seen from – my divorced relatives, friends and from celebrities on social media.
So yea, I totally understand that comedian Nasra is currently having rough after parting ways with the love of her Rashid Abdi; who she had exposed for moving on with another woman – shortly after Nasra suffered a miscarriage.
Throwback: Nasra with ex husband, Director Rashid
Okay, having him move on so fast painted Rashid Abdi like the villain and of course – Nasra’s fan base threw stones and sticks at him; but then again – no one is perfect right?
Plus – having not heard Rashid’s side of the story means there is more to the story than what Nasra has been sharing on social media….and until we learn the real story – I have come up with 5 tips to help the new divorcee move on and focus on herself…..just like Rashid is.
Nasra announces breakup
Practice acceptance
You see, when getting married one never thinks ‘we will get divorced someday’ right? But it happens to some couples and whether you like it or not – the moment the other party feels uninterested you cant force them back. So yea, youre allowed to hurt and feel betrayed….but in the end you have to remember is that acceptance is a bridge that leads to peace.
Embrace the many mixed feelings
Youre allowed to feel everything at once. The pain, betrayal, heartbroken and the fact that he never loved you like you wanted.
The moment you tell yourself its okay…or it will be okay – those feelings start to slowly slip off and before you know it – you’ll be happy again. Like I said…embrace them inorder to work on them as time moves on. Remember you owe yourself some happiness!
Cut communication
Nasra on breakup
Okay by now i am sure both Nasra and Rashid have had heated conversations on text and if i am not wrong – even thrown some insults around. It happens, but at this age – its better to cut off communication to protect your peace. I mean, there are no kids involved right? So why deny yourself some peace by ghosting?
Reach out to loved ones
Although relatives sometimes tend to take sides…find one to you can connect with, one that understands your pain – but again remember not to over-share; or paint your ex as an evil being cause mambo huenda yakabadilika (by reconnecting again) and i am sure – you wouldn’t want your family looking at him in a certain way…..simply because you shared too much unnecessary information on him.
Go out
Having Nasra discuss her ex husband online means she’s still cooked up in the house wallowing about the breakup; but again this won’t help. So how about stepping out for coffee? Night out with friends? Call it a short term distruction from reality…but it works.
Reconnect with yourself
There’s no denying that marriages change people and you only realize you’re not the same person you used to be after getting dumped or lose a partner.
So how about some soul searching to help find yourself? What you like, your goals and what you left pending before you found your better half?
I know applying this in your life is harder than we can imagine…but think about it this way……you’re a catch and atleast you tried and didn’t work out. So it’s time to put the same effort on yourself.
Y’all still breaking up with your spouses for cheating? I guess not because at this point looks like most relationships in Nairobi are about sharing; I mean, look at Bensoul who got another woman pregnant and in the end just main woman still chose to stay.
Again, Bien a while back revealed he is in an open relationship with his wife – only for him to change the tune months later…but iris whar iris. Anyway with your favorite celebrities talking about ‘polygamy;’ comedian Nasra has joined the bandwagon saying she is open to have her man take another wife.
Nasra revealed this responding to a QnA post where a fan wrote asking whether she can be her co wife;
Nasra with husband, Director Rashid
Can I be your co wife
And to our suprise – Nasra seemed quite welcoming to the idea of her husband getting a second wife. I mean, her religion supports polygamy…but with conditions that is – he can take care of his wives and provide equally to each one of them.
I actually don’t mind having a co wife…its hight time we agree that men are polygamous in nature.
To her, it’s better having her man with someone she knows than stepping out with a stranger she knows nothing about.