Charlene Ruto Unveils Her Battle Plan for Surviving Online Onslaught

President William Ruto’s daughter, Charlene, has finally addressed how she manages to remain resilient in the face of online insults and abuse.

Unlike her siblings, Charlene has always been vocal, steadfastly supporting her father and his decisions. Her stance has often angered many people, leading to a barrage of criticism.


Charlene Ruto Visits Victims of Anti-Finance Bill Protests at KNH

Charlene’s vocal support for President Ruto has made her a frequent target for online trolls. She maintains that her father makes the right choices and always has the citizens’ best interests at heart. This public display of loyalty has not sat well with everyone, especially during contentious times like the recent Finance Bill debates.

However, the First Daughter has been at the receiving end of online vitriol even before the Finance Bill issues arose. The insults increased significantly over the past few weeks after she called on young people to support the president. Netizens have frequently dragged her into her father’s political decisions, sometimes advising her to influence him on their behalf and other times blaming her for remaining silent.

Despite this, Charlene has remained unshaken. On July 14, she took to social media to share her coping mechanism, revealing that her sense of purpose shields her from the negativity.

In her first post, Charlene wrote, “Many of you ask me how I manage to have such tough skin and still go on, no matter the insults and abuses thrown at me. I thought I could share my answer to that as we start the week… praying it encourages you too, no matter what you are going through.”


Charlene Ruto’s Message to Gen Z Amid Anti-Finance Bill Protests

“Truth be told…God called me to work with the young people, and once He did, I developed such a love and passion for what I do. I was happy with my more private life before, but now I am more fulfilled and satisfied living my life’s purpose,” she wrote.

She explained that her clear sense of purpose keeps her grounded and no matter what is thrown at her, she will never be shaken.

“What does this mean? It means that no matter what sort of names people call me, insults they hurl at me, how they abuse me, my hairstyles, my dressing, etc., yaani my call and purpose are so clear in my heart that it doesn’t matter,” she wrote.

Charlene also acknowledged that she has gotten used to the fact that life isn’t always easy.

“It also means that things are not always rosy and sweet. Many times, things are difficult. I can’t meet everyone’s expectations, and I don’t have all the answers. Nevertheless, I always go back to my source (God) and bring these matters to the cross for more direction and wisdom. Because He knows and He will guide,” she wrote.

In her concluding remarks, Charlene offered encouragement to her followers: “So guess what, they will talk behind your back, laugh at you, abuse you, and so much more… but if you know what you are doing is from your heart of hearts and guided by God, do it anyway!” she wrote.

Charlene’s advice comes as Kenyans eagerly await the announcement of President Ruto’s new cabinet, following his decision to fire all current cabinet secretaries.

Charlene Ruto Visits Victims of Anti-Finance Bill Protests at KNH

Charlene Ruto, daughter of President William Ruto, emphasized the need for national reflection and healing during her visit to young people injured in the recent protests against the finance bill.


Charlene Ruto’s Message to Gen Z Amid Anti-Finance Bill Protests

“I believe it’s time to reflect and heal as a nation as we search our deepest postures of patriotism, forgiveness, and integration as one people! God bless Kenya! We are one,” she stated.

During her visit, Charlene expressed gratitude to those who assisted the injured in various ways.

“It was a very emotional day visiting some young people and members of the public who found themselves as unfortunate victims of the chaos that surfaced in recent days,” she said.

“I want to thank the medical fraternity including the Kenya Tissue Association, Medics for Kenya, Kenyan by Blood Foundation, my fellow blood ambassadors, and many other teams for collaboratively donating blood needed during this period.”

On July 5, Charlene encouraged youths to seize the opportunity to articulate their issues during President Ruto’s engagement with Kenyans on X.

In a message on X, Charlene described the opportunity as a “chance of a lifetime” that should be utilized wisely by engaging constructively.


Charlene Ruto: I accept and even enjoy my large forehead.

“Young people, the chance of a lifetime awaits you. I encourage you to use it wisely and engage constructively because you are the ones who will determine the continuity of such levels of discussion for your success,” she said.

Charlene highlighted the historic nature of the X-Space engagement, noting that Ruto would be the first president to hold such an online meeting with Gen Z.

“The first-ever president in the world to hold an online meeting with all Gen Z. Let’s go!” she added.

Charlene Ruto’s Message to Gen Z Amid Anti-Finance Bill Protests

President William Ruto’s daughter, Charlene, has urged young people to use their platforms to promote peace across the country.

Charlene attributed the recent violent demonstrations to ‘dark forces’ attempting to create chaos in the nation. She highlighted the destruction and looting of businesses during the protests, resulting in significant losses for owners.


Yes, I Have A Big Forehead & I Like It’- Charlene Ruto On Critics Body-Shaming Her

“We have used our voices and platforms to be a part of current affairs. I say ‘we’ because I stand before you today not just as the President’s daughter, but as one of you—a young Kenyan passionate about our country’s future,” she stated on Wednesday.

“I hear your voices and understand your concerns. The challenges we face as a generation are real and pressing; from unemployment to the rising cost of living, we are all feeling the impact of our current economic situation.”

Charlene emphasized the importance of youth engagement in national affairs and welcomed their involvement. She urged young people to consider the complexities of governance, noting that seemingly simple solutions can have unforeseen consequences.


Daddy Owen Maintains He’s Not In A Romantic Relationship With Charlene Ruto

“This doesn’t mean we should stop pushing for change, but we should approach issues with nuance and openness to dialogue. As I continue to use my platform to support all young people, I urge us to engage constructively,” she added.

“Let us criticize when necessary and propose solutions. Let us be the generation known not just for its passion but for innovation in governance and civic participation.”

Charlene pledged to listen to and learn from the youth to find solutions for the country. She noted that the government, through the Ministry of Youth, is actively engaging with young people.

“We will not allow anyone to use our name to misalign us and to distract us from the support we need.”

She emphasized the need for government and agency support for the youth and expressed solidarity with the current government.

Charlene acknowledged that peace has been elusive for Kenyans in recent days. Gen Z Kenyans have taken to the streets to protest against the unpopular tax regime, calling for significant changes in governance.

The nationwide protests have resulted in injuries, deaths, and property destruction. Although President William Ruto declined to sign the controversial Finance Bill 2024, sparking outrage, many remain dissatisfied with the current state of the country, including high public expenditure.

President Ruto: I didn’t want my daughter to speak or be present at the funeral for General Ogolla.

President William Ruto reflected on the profound influence the late Chief Defence Force General Francis Ogolla had on numerous individuals, including his own family.

Addressing the funeral service at Senator Obama Primary School on April 21, President Ruto shared a touching anecdote about his daughter, Charlene Ruto, who was deeply moved by General Ogolla during his tenure.

Recalling an amusing incident, he recounted his attempt to dissuade Charlene from attending the burial.


Charlene Ruto: I accept and even enjoy my large forehead.

“When my daughter called me last night expressing her wish to attend the burial, I told her, ‘Charlene, there is no way you are going, and there is no way you are going to speak anywhere.’ But as fate would have it, she found her way here, and before I knew it, she was at the microphone. That’s how influential Gen Ogolla was,” President Ruto remarked.

The head of state also mentioned how he initially suggested to his wife to focus on other engagements, but she opted to attend the burial instead.

“Again, I had suggested to my wife that since we were occupied yesterday at Lang’ata, maybe she could attend to other matters today.”


Daddy Owen discusses his connection with Charlene Ruto in detail

President Ruto emphasized the significant loss felt by the nation, stating:

“General Ogolla was influential not only to those he worked with daily but also to those who understood his contributions to our country. Many may say various things because they do not comprehend what those of us who closely worked with General Ogolla know about his dedication to our country. I am certain the general here knows that we have lost a remarkable man, and I wish we could all honor him with a dignified sendoff.”

Kenya’s First Daughter, Charlene Ruto, delivered a poignant tribute to General Ogolla and conveyed condolences on behalf of the nation’s youth.

Sharing the platform with General Ogolla’s daughter, Lorna, Charlene extended heartfelt sympathies to the family, stating: “Our heartfelt condolences to the family of General Ogolla from the young people of Kenya. Kenya has lost a CDF, and as young people, we have lost a mentor and a champion.”


Charlene Ruto Encourages Youth To Take Initiative & Engage On Global Issues- ‘Don’t Be Lazy’

Reflecting on her interaction with the late General Ogolla, Charlene recounted their conversation from last year.

“I met him last year, and he spoke highly of the Africa Youth Climate Assembly and inquired about how we could promote environmentalism and climate action within the defence forces. Perhaps we still need to do that in his honor,” she expressed.

Charlene also shared the contents of the general’s final message to her.

“…I recently read his last text to me, and it deeply moved me. He was truly our champion. May he rest in peace,” she concluded her address.

Yes, I Have A Big Forehead & I Like It’- Charlene Ruto On Critics Body-Shaming Her

In a recent interview, Charlene openly discussed the online criticism she receives regarding her physical appearance, particularly her forehead.

Confidence in self-image

She emphasized that she doesn’t shy away from her natural features and even instructs her stylist to avoid covering her forehead.

 “Yes, I have a big forehead and I like it. I don’t hide it since God blessed me with it,”

Personal experience with cyberbullying

Charlene acknowledged being targeted online, not just for her looks but also for her style choices and hairstyle. This experience motivated her to actively address the issue of cyberbullying.

“It came with a lot of online scrutiny and pressure about my dressing, how I do my makeup about my hair. I was cyber bullied and that is how I decided that it is one of the 30 things that I want to focus on.”

Charlene also spoke positively about her father, highlighting his encouragement and guidance during her upbringing. She praised his hands-off approach, allowing her to pursue her own career aspirations in the field of communications.

“My father is a great man. When we were growing up, he gave us the leeway to be who we wanted to become.

She acknowledged her father’s strong work ethic and dedication to serving the nation

Charlene Ruto: I accept and even enjoy my large forehead.

First Daughter Charlene Ruto has addressed cyberbullies who criticize her for having a prominent forehead. In an interview with Citizen, Charlene confidently stated that she is not ashamed of her looks and even advised her hairstylist not to conceal her forehead.

“Yes, I have a big forehead, and I like it. I don’t hide it since God blessed me with it,” Charlene declared.

She acknowledged experiencing cyberbullying, particularly regarding her appearance, dressing style, makeup choices, and hair. Charlene revealed that dealing with online scrutiny prompted her to focus on personal growth and self-improvement.

“It came with a lot of online scrutiny and pressure about my dressing, how I do my makeup about my hair. I was cyberbullied, and that is how I decided that it is one of the 30 things that I want to focus on,” she shared.

Charlene also expressed admiration for her father, acknowledging his dedication to the nation and highlighting his hands-off approach to her and her siblings’ career choices.

“My father is a great man. When we were growing up, he gave us the leeway to be who we wanted to become. He didn’t pressure us on what courses he wanted us to take. He would only give us guidance, and so for me, I loved communications. He is a mentor and very passionate about this country,” she said.


A Section Of Netizens Send Marriage Proposals To Charlene Ruto

The recent Healing the Nation Crusade drew significant attention in Kenya, with public figures attending the event. One particular prayer request during the crusade stood out, generating widespread discussion in the country.

Marriage Proposal for Charlene Ruto

Charlene Ruto, daughter of Deputy President William Ruto, openly expressed a desire to find a spouse through prayer. This prompted numerous public responses, including proposals from various individuals.

  • Usiku wa Manane: This well-known activist humorously offered himself as a potential candidate, expressing his surprise at Charlene’s single status and promising to protect her.
  • Omwamba: A Kenyan media personality (identity protected due to potential privacy concerns) penned a heartfelt letter expressing his admiration for Charlene and her faith. He highlighted her sincerity and grace, suggesting a desire to build a future based on mutual respect and support.

Public Interest and Potential Implications

Charlene Ruto’s personal life has become a topic of public interest due to her family’s political position. While her choice to seek a spouse through prayer sparked diverse reactions, the event also showcased expressions of support and well wishes.

American Preacher Benny Hinn Prays For Charlene Ruto To Get A Husband Soon

On the final day of his crusade at Nairobi’s Nyayo Stadium, renowned Israeli-American televangelist Benny Hinn said a special prayer for First Daughter Charlene Ruto upon her request.
Pastor Hinn specifically addressed Charlene Ruto’s wish for a future spouse in the prayer, pleading with God to grant her the lifelong companion of her dreams.

“Give her a husband. That will fulfil that call with her. Lord, send that young man her way. That will be a strength to her, a great support to her,” Hinn prayed.

He emphasized how important it is for Charlene to have a solid, encouraging partner as she sets out on her missionary career and spiritual journey.

“Lord, send him her way, soon. Let him be exactly what she wants, everything she wants. Grant it, Lord, grant it Lord in the name of Jesus,” Hinn continued.

The timing of this prayer coincides with rumors that have been floating around about Charlene Ruto’s romantic life. Specifically, there have been rumors that connect her to well-known gospel musician Daddy Owen.

The prayer session at the crusade seems to imply that the first daughter hasn’t found a suitor despite the rumor.


Charlene Ruto Encourages Youth To Take Initiative & Engage On Global Issues- ‘Don’t Be Lazy’

Charlene Ruto, daughter of President William Ruto, addressed the challenges of youth unemployment in Kenya, urging young people to actively create opportunities for themselves.

Charlene encouraged self-starting rather than waiting for job opportunities & emphasized on personal passion and proactive idea generation. She also highlighted her preference for supporting existing initiatives with potential.

International engagement for change

Charlene also called for increased youth participation in international platforms like climate change discussions & believes it can amplify youth voices and advocate for rural communities most affected.

She also cited her involvement with the Smachs Foundation, which empowers youth through sustainable agriculture and climate action.

Charlene Ruto Graduates With Certificate In Kenyan Sign Language

Charlene Ruto, daughter of Kenyan President William Ruto, has graduated with a certificate in Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) after completing a three-month basic course.

Ruto, who is passionate about KSL and the deaf community, said that she was inspired to learn the language after meeting former Miss Deaf Africa & Miss Tourism Mombasa Babelyn Mukila, who communicated with her solely through sign language.

“I was amazed by her ability to communicate so effectively without using her voice,” Ruto said. “I realized that I wanted to learn more about KSL and the deaf community.”

Ruto described the experience of learning KSL as a challenging yet rewarding journey.

“It was difficult at first, but I’m so glad I stuck with it,” she said. “I learned so much about the language and the deaf community. It was an eye-opening experience.”

Ruto is grateful to the many people who helped her learn KSL, including her teacher Rosemary Indeche, her examiner Washington Akaranga, and her friends Leakey Nyabaro, Nick Tolina, Babelynn Mukila, Baraza Joseph, and Benson Kariuki.

“I couldn’t have done it without their support,” she said.

Ruto is excited to use her new skills to help the deaf community. She plans to volunteer with organizations that support deaf people and to advocate for their rights.

“I want to make a difference in the lives of deaf people,” she said. “I want to help them feel included and accepted.”

Ruto’s achievement is a testament to her dedication and commitment to learning KSL. She is an inspiration to others who are interested in learning the language.

Charlene Ruto Congratulates Chipukeezy on 10 Years in Comedy

Charlene Ruto, the daughter of Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto, has congratulated comedian Chipukeezy on his 10th anniversary in the comedy industry.

In a video message, Charlene praised Chipukeezy as one of the funniest comedians she has ever met. She said that she was impressed by his ability to make her laugh, even though she is not a naturally funny person.

Charlene also said that she was looking forward to attending Chipukeezy’s upcoming show at the Mwai Kibaki Convention Centre in Thika. The show, which is titled “Ten Toes Down,” will celebrate Chipukeezy’s 10 years in comedy.

Chipukeezy is a popular comedian in Kenya. He is known for his witty humor and his ability to connect with audiences of all ages. He has hosted several shows and events, including the Kenyan Kwanza government’s youth events.

Charlene’s message of support is a boost for Chipukeezy as he celebrates his 10th anniversary in the comedy industry. It is also a sign of the growing popularity of comedy in Kenya.

“Charlene Ruto Is A Serial Liar,” Kenyans React to Her Smokie-Selling Story

Being a rich man’s daughter comes with it’s own advantages. You’ll grow up being a spoiled child; getting all the goodies you’d want.

Those raised in wealthy households generally live in wealthier neighborhoods. These neighborhoods typically have better school systems & more Resources – The rich obviously have more resources.

President Ruto’s daughter, Charlene, is one of the kids who were lucky enough to get a good life; judging from her father’s wealth.

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But recently, Charlene left everyone flabbergasted after claiming that she sold ‘Kachumbari‘ and smokie while she was in the University.

The video has received mixed reactions among Kenyans including those who she was addressing.

A section of the audience is heard in the video dismissing her claims saying “hiyo ni uongo, aaai mtoto wa deputy president? Hapo umetubeba ujinga”

Her University days were in tandem with her father’s period as Deputy President; so there was no way she could do such an odd job.

Most successful people tend to pretend that they started off as broke & from poor backgrounds. This was the case with Charlene. And not everyone is buying her sentiments.

She has been denigrated heavily over the same. To be honest, it doesn’t make sense. Selling smokies while your dad is a deputy President? Doesn’t make sense, right? Charlene is obviously taking us for a ride.


Charlene Ruto Is Overdoing Her Aid

For those who have been following up on President William Ruto’s daughter whereabouts, you’ll notice how she has been up & down trying to help netizens in one way or the other. She has been sharing donations with the less fortunate and those in starvation.
Charlene has been showing empathy while sharing what she can. But her engagements have led to speculation amongst Kenyans. Why?

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Charlene Overworking

Well, Charlene is the first daughter to ever publicly take on an active role and keep Kenyans up to date. Her active role is seen as a method of the President enriching his family members.

Additionally, a section of netizens believe it’s a scheme made up to embezzle government funds, pretending to be moving around to help a few people to impress netizens.

Ruto's daughter Charlene tours Kisumu for tree planting initiative


It’s probably the taxpayers money helping around with this missions; most of which are overdone. For her effort, Netizens have since compared her to former US President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump; who wasn’t officially assigned a role in government but was involved in it’s affairs.

Charlene has since been a trend on social media for her role(s). Do you think all the work by Charlene is necessary?