Catherine Kamau is proud to have both her husband and son bond in a special way despite not being blood related. As we all know, Catherine Kamau conceived her baby boy immediately after joining campus in Uganda.
According to the actress, she was just a naïve girl in a new country with new friends; and I bet any lady from a strict family would have made use of the freedom the same way Catherine Kamau did.
However sadly Catherine Kamau ended up having too much fun which led to her son existence; but looking back, this may have seemed like a set back – but years later Catherine Kamau this experience as a blessing in disguise.

Although her son’s father remains anonymous, Director Phil Karanja has been playing the daddy role for years; and looking at the bond he shares with Catherine’s son – one wouldn’t say he did not father the handsome boy.
Daddy and son goals
Apart from just bonding, the two recently went on a daddy and son photoshoot where they had quite an interesting experience. Well, this is judging from the photo shared by Catherine Kamau on her page appreciating her soldiers. she went on to caption this post saying;

Everything ❤️
This is probably another way to give thanks for having survived the hectic beginning back when she got pregnant; and seeing the struggles life threw her but still managed to survive. Indeed her boys bring nothing but joy in her life not forgetting how special addition of baby Karla.