Brenda Jons Embraces a Radical Spiritual Path

Since undergoing a transformation, Brenda Jons has dedicated herself to spreading the gospel. She recently expressed a shift from being a “cute Christian” to a more serious and radical approach.


Brenda Jons quits LGBTQ community, says it was just a phase

“Some days, you might feel discouraged, weak, and unable to pray or read the word or worship. And yes, these days are part of our journey with God. One thing I remind myself is that even on those days, I should rise up, keep trying, drag myself into His presence, and simply tell Him about my day,” she shared.

Reflecting further, she added, “A few days ago, I decided to stop being a cute Christian and become more serious and radical. I resolved to preach the truth, even the truths that many may not want to hear. I was reminded that I wasn’t called to be merely pleasant and good, but to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth.”


Brenda Jons should embrace her wild past, it shaped the woman she is today

In a heartfelt message to her followers, Jons urged, “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but RISE UP CHILD OF GOD. I know you haven’t prayed in a while, you haven’t opened your Bible for so long, you keep planning to pray but you miss it. God is still waiting for you to return to that place of prayer, that sacred space between just you and Him. He’s waiting for you to listen to Him, ready and loving you unconditionally. RISE UP CHILD OF GOD! COME BACK TO YOUR FIRST LOVE!”

Jons had recently taken a hiatus from social media before announcing her spiritual renewal.

Why Brenda Jons was absent from social media for three months

Content creator Brendah Jons took a three-month hiatus from social media, which she described as the best vacation ever, to focus on her spiritual growth and hear God’s voice more clearly.

“For such a long time, I was defined by social media; it was all I knew. It was about time I learned who God says I am,” Brendah wrote on Instagram, referencing Jeremiah 1:5: ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.’


Brenda Jons should embrace her wild past, it shaped the woman she is today

She further explained, “I needed to know who that person is and how He defines me. What a faithful God! I’ve managed to read the Word more and meditate on it. When He says in John 10:27, ‘The sheep recognize the voice of the shepherd, the one who feeds them, guides them, and protects them,’ I now hear Him more clearly. How beautiful. I missed you, friends. Catch me up—what has the Lord been teaching you?”

In September 2022, Brendah announced that she had been born again the previous month. She shared her journey: “This year, I lost friends, some who betrayed me, and some who couldn’t go on with me. I almost lost my life to alcohol and to things I can’t even testify to yet. I made really bad decisions. I didn’t know I could make it out alive; I never knew it was possible to come out on the other side.”


Brenda Jons quits LGBTQ community, says it was just a phase

She continued, “I never knew I would come back to Christ this soon, but He found me and carried me home because of His love and mercies. On August 7th, a long-time friend and I reconnected. She talked to me about Jesus and reminded me of the days I used to really serve God. In my heart, I knew it was time to come back home. That same night, I gave my life back to Christ. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but since I had known God for so many years, I knew it wasn’t a mistake.”

Brenda Jons Explains Why She Decided To Take A Break From Social Media

Jons took a three-month break in 2022, a period of self-discovery she called “the best vacation ever.” Stepping away from the constant influence of social media, Jons sought a deeper connection with God.

“For so long, I was defined by social media,” she shared on Instagram. “It was all I knew, and it was time to learn who God says I am.”

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Jons found inspiration in Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” This scripture led her on a path of personal reflection.

“I needed to know who that person is,” she wrote. “How does He define me?”

Jons dedicated herself to studying scripture and meditation. “Now I can hear Him more,” she expressed, referencing John 10:27: “The sheep recognize the voice of the shepherd, the one who feeds them, guides them, and protects them.”

Jons’ journey wasn’t always easy. In September 2022, she revealed a challenging period in her life.

“This year, I lost friends, some through betrayal, others who couldn’t walk the path with me,” she shared.

Jons battled addiction and poor choices.

“I almost lost my life to alcohol and things I can’t even talk about yet,” she wrote. “I didn’t know if I could survive.”

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However, a rekindled faith offered hope.

“I never knew I’d return to Christ so soon,” Jons said, “but he found me and carried me home because of his love and mercy.”

A reconnection with a longtime friend in August sparked a turning point. Jons described, “She talked to me about Jesus and reminded me of the days I used to truly serve God. In my heart, I knew it was time to come back home.”

Jons recommitted her life to Christ that night.

“I knew it wouldn’t be easy,” she acknowledged, “but since I’d known God before, I knew it wasn’t a mistake.”

Brenda Jons Re-dedicates her life to Christ months after she quit LGBTQ community

Content creator Brenda Jons popularly known as Mama Kingstone is makimg major life changes out here. Just the other day she announced to have quit the LGBTQ community and was no longer interested in same sex relationships.

Brenda Jon’s

For a minute – many assumed this was her trying to attract some attention to herself – because the last time we saw her fight for a relationship…trust Brenda Jons proved she was in love with her ex girlfriend.

But again – turns out that at the time she was undergoing an experimental phase….which explains why she assumed she was gay; only to realize she is straight and prefers boychild.

Another major milestone for Mama Kingston

Well a few months after quitting LGBT – looks like Brenda Jons has now dedicated her life to christ, a new move she announced in a long detailed post saying;

Brenda Jons

13 years ago,I first gave my life to Christ. I didn’t know what it really meant to be born again but I remember saying the words, “my life will never be the same again ????

Having dedicated her life to Christianity, Brenda Jons says she started serving God in truth and in spirit….and with time she started receiving breakthroughs which she had never seen before.

8 years later,a pastor did an altar call and this time I knew exactly what it meant.. it meant I had to lay everything down and serve God in truth and in spirit.I knew it was what I was made to do and so I walked to the altar and officially gave my life to Christ and immediately started serving Him. I started reading my Bible more than I ever have and began to see things I had never seen before.

However despite having rooted her faith in Christ – her faith at some point was shaken after she lost someone close to her; and this is where she swayed away from her faith.

Wow!The amazing gifts God had put in me started to manifest and He used me as a vessel mightily. Along the journey, something happened and for once in my salvation I wondered why God would take away someone I loved yet I was just serving Him faithfully,I could not understand. It took a toll on my faith but I pushed through,barely.

Brenda Jons during church service


Through campus,I kept trying to get back but kept failing over and over,but I knew He was still ordering my steps. A few years later,I got back on track and God placed me on social media and I started ministry as I created content(MINISTRY THROUGH COMEDY) maybe that’s how some of you knew me…I was deep in faith and I honestly miss those days,a lot!
God had really inspired me to really lead and talk about sexual sin and a good friend once told me that the demon that you publicly fight, will be used to greatly test your faith..I didn’t take it deeply but Lord oh Lord… It unfolded that same way…I fell off my walk of faith and I both engaged in and fought sexual sin and many more sins…

But eventually, she’s found her calling and after years of going in circles….Brenda Jons says she’s found the light and purpose to her existence now that her faith is based on testimony and life experiences that have shaped life.

wueh! God sent many people to talk to me and remind me of where my identity is (in Him) but I was too deaf to His call and too blind to His light as He called me home..I was too soaked and ashamed of my sin so I rejected His call and as He is.. HE MADE ME WALK AROUND THE WHOLE ESTATE JUST TO GET ME NEXT DOOR…for His glory’s sake. Wueh ???? and now here I am, telling you that He is real and despite any private or public sin I had, I am fully forgiven ,fully healed and all the chains are broken and grace has taken that place now!I AM BORN AGAIN! that’s my testimony, bye now!!!! ????

Brenda Jons quits LGBTQ community, says it was just a phase

The weekend is over and we’re back to yet another week of nothing but interesting stories from your favorite celebrities. Well, for starters we would like to start with Brenda Jons latest revelation on her sexuality; and after years of being a lesbian – Brenda Jons now says she prefers men.

Brenda Jon’s introduces new girlfriend

Yes. The same lady that literally wept on her social media pages claiming beauty Mogul Phoina Tosha stole her girlfriend – now says that was just a phase and nothing serious but just usual fun.

Responding to one of her fans asking why she had omitted the LGBTQ flag from her bio, Brenda Jon’s truthfully responded saying;

The reason is quite deep. I feel like that side of my life was a phase that I had to go through and I went through it.


That wasn’t really my identity. It wasn’t who I am.

Brenda Jons

Brenda Jons

Well, I guess it’s a win for the boy child especially now that there’s competition from the gay community….it’s not like back then when it was about men and women….these days a man can have your man outright!

But hopefully this new phase will be easier for 25 year old Brenda Jons who has clearly had a rough time trying to bag a girlfriend for herself.


“Hide your girls” Brenda Jons back with a warning

Content creator cum actress Brenda Jons for sure now understand the importance of not mixing liquor and feelings!

Must have been a tough lesson for her, but hey – at least she came as gay; a move that saved many men from shooting their shot since she isn’t interested in that gender.

Also read: Meet the lady that dumped ‘Plesident Kingston’ creator for Phoina Beauty (Photos)

Brenda Jon’s introduces new girlfriend

Anyway about a week ago Brenda Jons held an IG live; to talk about the betrayal she suffered after Phoina Beauty stole her girlfriend, Lamar. According to her, before the betrayal things between her and Lamar were so good to a point they had both their parents.

  I had invested even in the family. We had already done a family introduction. My mother knew her and her mum knows me. I even sent her mum money when her mum is down. I did everything for that girl.

Judging from the IG live; it’s s evident that Ms Brenda had been hurt by the two people she thought were her close friends.

But at the same time – for once Bensol’s hit song ‘Nairobi’ hit home; as it painted a clearer picture of how most Nairobi relationships are.

I’m back and better

Anyway having taken a break after insulting her ex and Phoina; not forgetting the part where she embarrassed herself by crying over a lady… looks like Mama Plesdent Kingstone is about to make a comeback.

Also read: What Brenda Jons Did Is Unforgiveable

The lass revealed through a new tomboyish photo shared on her Instagram page to which she captioned;

Brenda Jons

Btw hide your girls????????????????????️‍????????️‍????. Anyway, plesdent kingston is coming back in a few days…. let’s hear what mama has to say about things. Enjoy your week loves.

Anyway good thing is that Brenda isn’t letting her pain get in the way of chasing her money.

Unapologetic! Brenda Jon’s leaves no stone unturned while attacking Phoina for stealing her girlfriend

This is one good weekend of drama on social media and of course, we loved it! However the award of the best drama queen this past weekend goes to Brenda Jon’s; who by the way proved that alcohol is not for light weights nor for heartbroken persons.

Brenda Jon’s introduces new girlfriend

You see the same way we keep saying ‘men will embarrass you’ in Brenda Jon’s case; it was the liquor that left her talking about a past relationship that ended in years.

Also read: Phoina’s betrayal leaves Anerlisa Muigai broken (Photos)

Well, thanks to an IG live held by a drunk Brenda Jon’s on Saturday, 25 September; we now understand that things between her and Phoina have not been good since the makeup artist allegedly stole Jon’s girlfriend a while back.

Brenda Jon’s

Insults Phoina

From the crying to the oversharing details about her private life – it was evident that Brenda Jon’s remains hurt despite having moved on with a new woman.

Also read: Zero chills! Sarah Kabu leaves no stone unturned while attacking Amber Ray and bestie, Phoina

On normal days I’d call the new woman a rebound; that is after seeing Brenda Jon’s cry over her ex on IG – but again, it is what it is!

Anyway having ‘embarrassed’ herself and causing a little drama for Phoina and the alleged ex, Lamar; Brenda decided to issue an apology – and the funny part is that she remains unbothered by the fact that she insulted Phoina.

Infact, I feel like the apology was a continuation of the previous nights drama as she went on to add;

Everything I did and said kwa hiyo live…I was very very drunk…yes…but I didn’t lie about anything. My girlfriend cheated on me with @Phoinabeauty.


Both of them are whor*s and I’m not sorry.