Boondocks Gang Comes Back With Two New Songs

After the gengetone groups Ethic and Ochungulo Family made a comeback, fellow gengetone group Boondocks Gang has also joined the party with two new songs: “Milayas for Milayas” and “Piga Lap.” The two songs have been released in one video that you can check out below:



Boondocks Gang is a Kenyan hip-hop group that rose to prominence in the late 2010s, popularizing the “gengetone” subgenre with their raw lyrics, catchy hooks, and energetic performances. Hailing from Dandora, a neighborhood in Nairobi, the group’s original members consisted of Odi Wa Muranga, Gaddafi, and Maddox. They gained widespread recognition with their hit single “Rieng,” which showcased their distinctive style and street credibility. Their music often reflected the realities of life in their community, addressing social issues and celebrating local slang and culture. While the group experienced changes in its lineup over time, their impact on the Kenyan music scene remains significant. They are considered pioneers of the gengetone wave, inspiring a new generation of artists and contributing to the evolution of Kenyan hip-hop.

Why the group approach has really favored Gengetone artists

Almost all the successful new-age artists are members of a group but have have you ever wondered why?

It’s pretty simple. You are probably thinking about it as you read this article. The reason Sailors Gang, Boondocks Gang, Ochunglo Family, Rico Gang, and the likes are fast gaining traction is because of diversity. That’s it.

Ochunglo Family
Ochunglo Family

You see, by belonging to a group, that is made of up between three to six people, they can offer their fans a mixutre of talent. Think of it like a mouth-watering burger combo, okay maybe not but I know you get my point.

Truth is, in a music group you’ll find someone whose style you relate to. At the same time, you will also feel like you don’t understand some of the members or perceive them as weaklings.

Interestingly, this varies from one person to the next. For instance, I hold the opinion that Benzema and Seska are the best lyricists in Ochunglo Family and Ethic respectively because I like their flow.

Aslo read: New-age musicians have killed Nigerian music and that’s a huge win

However, a good majority say that Nelly The Goon and Rekless are the best songsmiths in the two groups.

This explains why the group approach is favouring the new-age musicians. At the end of the day, you’ll find someone who’s style you really appreciate and it varies from one person to the next.

While you might not neccesarily hate the other group members, you’ll just have this one person who’s verse you can’t wait to hear.

Sailors Gang
Sailors Gang

The difference between a group and a solo singer is that once you hate an individual’s approach, then it’s a done deal. However, in a group you are literally spoilt for choice.

Local music fans should brace themseleves for the emergence of more music groups because upcoming musicians have realized that this approach is working.

Is Kenyan music generally trashy?

There has been a long-running debate about the songs that are popular in Kenya at the moment, while some, like yours truly, find them enjoyable, others are quick to dismiss them as trashy.

Also read: Stop looking for content from new-age musicians!

In most cases, those who are opposed to the new local sound argue that the artists often sing about sex and as a result they are misleading youngsters.

Boondocks Gang
Boondocks Gang

I agree that they need to tone down their songs a bit. However, we shouldn’t be to quick to dismiss the new crop of as trashy Kenyan artists simply because of this.

Truth is, Kenyan music has never been bigger than it is right now. Even the early 2000s does not come any close thank to platforms such as YouTube.

Instead of rubbishing the new sound entirely, the skeptics should point out areas that the artists should  work on.

Better still, they can identify a different genre that they resonate with and let those of us who enjoy the trashy Kenyan sound be.

Ochunglo Family
Ochunglo Family

We have come really far as a country, musically speaking, and we have the new-age artists to thank for the strides that we’ve made.

Gone are the days when local clubs, radio and TV stations would play one Nigerian song after the other and in my opinion that’s a huge win.

Kenyan artists are mining gold hosting live shows, and not stopping even after the pandemic

Hollywood star Idris Elba proved his prowess away from the screen to host an electric live show tagged Africa Day Benefit Concert @ Home in celebration of Africa Day, on 25th May 2020. The concert was break from the normal, thanks to changing times occasioned by the global Covid-19 pandemic.

The exclusively African show was awash with a stellar cast of regional celebrities to make the online concert a digital musical talent footprint. In normal times, this cast would have graced the red carpet in the characteristic VIP treatment vibe, but well, times change.

Idris Elba had a terrific time hosting stars Bebe Cool, Yemi Alade, Sauti Sol, Burna Bwoy amongst others. Also making an appearance was South African stand-up comedian and TV host, Trevor Noah.

Closer home, Kenyan stars have had to re-package their brands to remain relevant in the dynamic industry. In the earlier times physical shows and concerts would give an artist instant feedback from their fans, but would be a handicap of sorts – their fan base would be restricted. Only the artists familiar with their work would be available.

A live, online show has a greater reach. An artist easily interests and captures followers beyond their normal fan base. This is great, especially post-pandemic with promise of sold out shows inclusive of the new following achieved in live YouTube and IG shows.

In Kenya, it’s hard to credit the most memorable live show. The list is impressive. They have had to learn on the job – there’s no handbook to learn from!

Music fans have been treated to the One Day Concert, by the eclectic performing artist Juliani. This show had a striking ‘Fight Inequality – Fight Covid-19’ theme. Another regular concert that took refuge online is the iconic Koroga Festival on Sunday 24th, which featured artists Zzero Sufuri and the Boondock’s Gang, live.

Yemi Alade
Yemi Alade

The perennial star Nyashinski has made a mark with his IG show. The Decimal Chronicles concert tagged the ‘Curfew Edition’ was lit, notably songstress Bridget Blue kicking it off with her single, Cheza.

Naiboi has teamed up with Avril, and H_Art the Band live on diverse dates and kept their followers on their toes. With such talent and vigor seen with Naiboi, the energy seeps right through the digital barriers.

Besides the music stars, celebrated mix-master DJ Bash became the first Kenyan entertainer to do a 24-hr live IG show. That’s previously unseen on these shores – uninterrupted, sizzling performance.

In this industry, things and trends change in an instant. Regardless of how things get after the global pandemic is brought under control, the live shows by our artists will be to stay. They’ve timely uncovered a hitherto-ignored digital gold mine, and its infinite possibilities.

Ex Ray Vs Miracle Baby, a case of two youngsters confused by fame

I have been trying to follow the drama between Ex Ray (Boondocks Gang) and Miracle Baby (Sailors Gang) and I realized that it’s just a case of two youngins who have let fame get into their tiny heads.

Also read: Gengetone is still alive, kind of

Although I don’t know what caused the fallout that resulted in the name-calling, I believe there are better ways of solving their issues than washing their dirty linen in public.

Miracle Baby

You see, the truth is that once someone starts getting attention from the public, they start feeling that they own the world and no one can tell them anything. This is what others refer to as an ego.

Ex Ray and Miracle Baby have been getting a lot of attention for the last two years or so and as a result, they have both developed massive egos and we can’t really blame them, it comes with the territory.

The fact that they have been in the industry for a short time means that they don’t understand the do’s and dont’s like for instance you can’t just wake up one morning and call another public figure ‘umbwa’.

Ex Ray

They should probably learn from the likes of Khaligraph who have been in the industry for a long time. Although he does not see eye-to-eye with Octopizzo, he can’t just wake up morning and refer to him as a dog.

What he does is to throw low-key shade and in most cases he never mentions his name but if you read between the lines you’ll know that he is talking about Octopizzo. That is how grown ups handle their business.

This is exactly the reason why you need role models. I believe someone like Jimwat would still be relevant today if he had people to guide him and not let fame get into his head.

Ex Ray and Miracle Baby are making the same mistakes in front of our eyes and to be honest there’s little that we can do other than to grab popcorn and follow the drama as it unfolds.

Why are Gengetone in a hurry to release new music?

If you are keen, which I believe you are, I am sure you’ve noticed that there are some Kenyan artists who always have a new song every week or every fortnight.

Lately, I’ve been wondering whether this strategy really works vis-à-vis what we, the fans, want i.e. would they prefer to listen to one song and get bored with it before their favourite artist releases a new one?

Ochunglo Family
Ochunglo Family

Or would do they want their favourite artists to churn out as many tracks as possible so that they can select what they want to listen to? Sometimes I really wonder.

Truth be told, the habit of releasing many jams in a short span of time was almost non-existent before the emergence of new-age artists.

A few years back, an artist would release a song and let it marinate for some months before they drop another one. In a way, this worked to their advantage as it allowed them to study the industry and plan their releases accordingly.

Boondocks Gang and Magix Enga on Rewind it
Boondocks Gang

But times really have changed. These days a song is recorded, the video is shot and edited within two days or less. In simple terms, the whole process is hurried and this, in most cases, leads to poor output.

The emergence of Gengetone is to blame for this because it has made us compromise on quality. The truth is that we have gotten used to consuming mediocre content to a point that we don’t even care anymore but why?

I understand that there is a lot of competition among new-age artists for instance Boondocks Gang could be worried if Ethic has two new songs and they are yet to release any.

So what do they ordinarily do? They rush to studio and release two jams in a day without giving a hoot about quality, market trends and whatnot. Who is to blame when these songs don’t get traction? It’s entirely them.

If you ask me, the old way of doing this was better. As much as there’s so much demand for new music from new-age artists, rushing the whole process is just dangerous. Enough said.

Rico Gang
Rico Gang

Naiboi is ahead of his time

Michael Kennedy Claver, better known as Naiboi, is without a doubt one of the few music geniuses that we have in the country at the moment. If you ask me, I’ll tell you that he’s way ahead of his time.

Also read: Naiboi has really slowed down lately

I have to admit that I was a little bit worried when I realized that the Pacho Records founder didn’t have a song whose success can be compared to 2018’s 2 in 1 then Sondeka All Stars Remix happened.


If you look at the artists who were featured on the song, from the new-age acts to those who have been in the game for longer, then you’ll appreciate Naiboi’s ingenuity.

Just like 2 in 1 – which was made up of short videos of celebrities singing along to the song – Sondeka All Stars Remix features artists who are constantly on the lips of Kenyans.

They are; Fena Gitu, Mordecai of H_art The Band, Visita, Benzema of Ochunglo Family, Kristoff, Ex Ray of Boondocks Gang, Femi One and Khaligraph Jones.

Khaligraph Jones
Khaligraph Jones

Chances are, your favourite artist(s) is among the aforementioned names and this will make you listen to the song, and when you do you’ll realize that it’s actually a masterpiece.

To prove that the project was a brilliant idea, it has not only clocked 300,000 views, which is really good, but it has also been on the top 5 trending songs since it was released.

Naiboi just doesn’t release music like most local artists, every step is well-thought-out and the end result is always amazing.

I don’t know what he is planning next but I can tell you for free that it will be unique and you will be left asking for more. Established artists who are struggling to stay afloat should take a cue form him.

Listen to Sondeka All Stars Remix below and tell us what you think.

Kenyan artists need to think outside the box

The emergence of of the new crop of Kenyan musicians is good proof that all the players in the local entertainment industry should think outside the box. It is what it is.

Also read: New age musicians are unpredictable and that’s the beauty of music

Every time you listen to a song by Zzero Sufuri, Ochunglo Family, Sailors Gang, Boondocks Gang, Rico Gang and the likes you should remember that we would not be here today if Ethic didn’t look at music from a different perspective.

Ochunglo Family
Ochunglo Family

For a long time, Kenya had a copy paste approach to music. Musicians would wait for the likes of Nonini, Jua Cali and Nameless to release a song then they would hit the studio and release a song that is similar to the ones by these artists.

Back then, Genge and Kapuka were the in-thing. Funny enough, nobody thought they should invent a new sound and own it until Ethic came along with Lamba Lolo in 2018 and changed the game.

Interestingly, the same thing is now happening with the Kenyan sound. Every artist, even the established ones, is now making music that you can tell borrows a lot from the sound that Ethic introduced us to.

Ethic Figa

This is a good sign that most Kenyan artists are afraid of thinking outside the box. Instead of copying a sound that already exists why don’t they come up with a distinct sound that they can own?

The Kenyan industry can only grow if we diversify i.e. have different approaches to music so that even the people who don’t feel the wamlambez and lamba lolo vibe can have something that they can listen to.

Boondocks Gang educate fans about COVID-19 in new single ‘2020’ (Video)

Boondocks Gang, the group that brought us hits like Rieng, Madam and Kidolee is back with a new jam and this time around they are very serious because they are raising awareness about the corona virus.

Also read: Gengetone is still alive, kind of

The song dubbed 2020 talks about how the deadly virus has caused suffering across the world and led to the death of so many people across the world.

Boondocks Gang and Magix Enga on Rewind it
Boondocks Gang

In the song, they urge their fans to stay and follow the directives that have been put in place by the government such as; sanitizing, avoiding public gatherings and seeing a doctor when one has symptoms of the virus.

Although the message that this song carries is serious, Boondocks Gang still found a creative message to pass it and I think that’s really commendable.

One of the reasons why I love Gengetone and the artists behind it is because of their sheer creativity. These guys can come up with random rhymes and it’s just awesome to listen to them as they play around with words.

The first verse by Ex Ray is on point. He is one guy that never has to try so hard to impress and I guess that’s why I’m a big fan of his. You get hooked from the moment he starts singing.

Boondocks Gang come through with 'Sidonyo'
Boondocks Gang

Edu Maddox also aced it. His flow is so smooth and as you’re listening to him you’ll find yourself wondering why he’s so underrated because he is really talented.

Odi Wa Murang’a didn’t disappoint either. I often ask myself why people love him. Is it that he is a dope lyricist or is it because of his voice? Anyway, that is a story for another day, isn’t it?

Also read: Boondocks Gang is the future of Kenyan music

The beat by Magix Enga is impeccable, unlike most Gengetone jams, it’s really subtle and I bet that was done to help you understand the seriousness of the message in the song.

I love the concept of the video though I must say that it felt really creepy at some point. Anyway, the locations, props, styling, dramatization and scene transitioning were also perfect.

Watch 2020 below and tell us what you think.

Ex Ray teams up with Dezian on hot banger ‘Kamangwe’ (Video)

Ex Ray, who is one third of Rieng hitmakers Boondocks Gang, has dropped a new track with Dezian and it’s getting a lot of love from their fans.

Also read: Gengetone is still alive, kind of

The song titled Kamangwe has been ruling the airwaves since it was released a few hours ago and to be honest, we’re also feeling it.


This jam is about a certain lass who is giving the musicians sleepless nights so they want to taste her to know what it feels like to be with her. Sorry prudes, this is not for you.

Anyway, like I often say, if you chose not to concentrate on the dirty things that they are singing about, you’ll actually realize how talented these youngsters are, even in songs that seem extreme like this one.

The first time I heard this jam I was not so sure what to make of it but with time I came to love it and now I can’t stop listening to it, my finger has been stuck on the replay button.

Ex Ray

As expected, Ex Ray brought his A-game on Kamangwe. He aced the hook and it will definitely stick in your head the first time you listen to this jam. Notably, his verse was also sick.

Dezian, who is famed for his Cheza Na Dudu hit, did not disappoint either. He has a dope flow that will make you hit the replay button t lest a couple of times.

The beat isn’t that bad either. Other than the fact that is slaps so hard, it also blends well with the flow of the both Ex Ray and Dezian.

Listen to Kamangwe below and tell us what you think. Enjoy.

Masauti teams up with Ex Ray on ‘Pepo’ (Video)

The much-anticipated collaboration between Masauti, real name Mohammed Ali, and Ex Ray who is one of the three members of Rieng’ hitmakers Boondocks Gang is finally out and it’s a big tune.

Also read: Masauti is living proof that patience pays

The song dubbed Pepo, which is a Swahili word that means evil spirits or a demon, is all about a certain girl who has made the singers go crazy because of her affection.

Ex Ray

This jam is really incredible. At first, I was afraid of what the collabo would sound like but now I am happy that they decided to release a song together.

Masauti totally nailed his verse with his incredible voice. This guy can really sing and the way he does it, you can tell that it’s coming from his heart, what I mean is that there is a lot of sincerity in his voice.

The other thing that you’ll of course notice as you listen to this track is that the Mombasa-bred singer who is famed for hits such as; Ipepete, Sokote and Nurulain has a good vocal range.

As you would expect, Ex Ray also did a good job in Pepo. However, I noticed that he was doing more of singing than flowing here. I’m not saying that it is whack, I actually love it. Like really!


The beat and instrumentation on this song are impeccable. It has a feel of Gengetone and Coastal music at the same time and I guess that is why I can’t get enough of it. It also blends well with the vocals of both Masauti and Ex Ray.

About the video, I really love it. It is a masterpiece and you get to appreciate the crisp visuals as you listen to the jam because of it’s quality and general execution.

Watch Pepo below and tell us what you think. Enjoy.

Ex Ray teams up with I’man on hot banger ‘Dora’ (Video)

Ex Ray, who is one third of Rieng hitmakers Boondocks Gang, has released a collabo with an upcoming artist known as I’man and it’s getting a lot of love from their fans.

Also read: Gengetone is still alive, kind of

The song titled Dora is about this lass who is giving the musicians many sleepless nights because of her beauty, body and smile. You can predict where this will eventually lead to.

Ex Ray

Like I always say, if you chose not to concentrate on the dirty things that they are singing about, you’ll actually realize how talented these youngsters are, even in songs that seem extreme.

I really love this jam. I think it’s really dope. Although it was my first time listening to any jam by Iman I was actually impressed.

This chap has a dope flow and to add to that he does not have predictable rhymes as is the case with most artists and maybe that is why he stands out. I’m obviously looking for other songs by him after listening to Dora.

He also did a good job on the hook though at some point it felt too repetitive because he just kept saying Dora. I can assure you it’s not that bad.

Boondocks Gang and Magix Enga on Rewind it
Boondocks Gang

As expected, Ex Ray had a dope verse on this jam. He has a unique ability to play around with words and make dope rhymes that might leave you scratching your head as you try to make sense of it all.

About the beat, I really don’t know. Although it is catchy, as you listen to the song you’ll realize that the producer did sample a number of popular jams to make the beat and it is kind of irritating but then again maybe it’s just me.

Listen to Dora below and tell us what you think. Enjoy.

Magix Enga brings Ex Ray on board for ‘Gwala Remix’ (Video)

The original version of Magix Enga’s Gwala was a hit but the remix is totally out of this world because it features the one and only Ex Ray – who is one third of Rieng’ hitmakers Boondocks Gang.

Also read: Gengetone is still alive, kind of

I have been jamming to it since it was released a few days ago and believe you me, Gengetone has never sounded this amazing ladies and gentlemen.

Both Magix Enga and Ex Ray are amazing lyricists with unique voices and maybe that’s the reason why this jam is so infectious. It’s like have the very best on one track.

Ex Ray

Just like his previous releases, Ex Ray demonstrated his unique ability to play around with words. He’s interesting to listen to because his rhymes are random yet impeccable.

For instance, there is a line where he says, “Ita toto akuje nikadoe, nina rungu na ngeus ni kadonye kuna giza hakuna to ma goe, beba riz nikuingize ndani soe, ni ma bush bush ntakuingiza fore, ni ku dush dush ntakuingiza chore.”

I know that line does not make any sense, don’t even bother yourself with figuring it all out. It sounds pleasant to the ears and that is all that matters at this point, don’t you agree?

Magix Enga
Magix Enga

Magix Enga also came through on this jam. Other than laying an infectious hook, he also proved to us one again that he can rap and I tell you this chap has a mad flow.

The beat and instrumentation is also on point. Anyway, I wasn’t expecting anything less seeing as it was produced by Magix Enga himself.

Also read: Magix Enga has taken Kenyan music to the international stage

The video didn’t change much from the original version but I think it’s just okay. However, I didn’t really like how he superimposed Ex Ray’s picture during his part but then again maybe that’s just me. Anyway, Kudos Magix Enga.

Watch Gwala Remix below and tell us what you think.

Gengetone is still alive, kind of

When I thought of writing this article, I wanted to explain to you – the reader – that real talent comes from the ghetto  or what other people refer to as the poor neighborhoods. Think of it though, some of the biggest music entertainers -even those from abroad – are not from wealthy backgrounds.

Also read: New-age musicians have killed Nigerian music and that’s a huge win

You see, my logic is that ghetto folks don’t have as many options as those who are filthy rich. So, what most of them want is that one thing that will get them out of there as soon as possible. For some it’s crime – which is the common choice but others don’t want to be gunned down so they study hard or play a game like football.

Boondocks Gang and Magix Enga on Rewind it
Boondocks Gang

The other common option is music. So these youngsters start singing, they get a few fans along the way as they hope and wait that they will find someone to believe in them any maybe pay for studio time or record a video for them so that they can get their names out there.

And it finally happens and one after the other they start getting noticed. Before you know it, they are celebs because of their music. Anyway, that what they wanted so it fine because some money is also going into their pockets. That is exactly what Gengetone is.

But music is not a drug. Sorry, maybe the person who said that it is was just high, drunk perhaps. People get tired of music, unless it’s a classic. People stopped listening to Gengetone sometime last year or was it early this year? Funny thing is that they even bashed the artists that they were dancing to and labelled them as ratchet.

But you see, these artists don’t want to go back to the ghetto where they are from because life is tough there, there is little or no food, the crime rate is high. My point is that they will keep making music, even if you don’t want to heat it. But remember, real talent is from the ghetto like I told you.

That means that there will still be a few probably many songs by Gengetone artists that are hits and that’s is what I mean when I say, Gengetone is still alive, kind of. If you are not sure, watch the video below and tell me.

Ex Ray teams up with 34 GVNG’s Shagwah and Hitman Kaht on ‘Taniua’ (Video)

Ex Ray, who is one third of Rieng hitmakers Boondocks Gang has released a new track with 34 GVNG’s Hitman Kaht and Shagwah and it’s a big tune.

Also read: Hitman Kaht could be the baddest producer in Kenya right now

The song dubbed Taniua, a catchphrase that is commonly associated with Ex Ray, has been ruling the airwaves since it came out a few days ago.

The first time I heard this track, it made me wonder what they were thinking but after listening to it twice or thrice, I came to love it and now I can’t stop hitting the replay button.


Like I always say, if you chose to ignore the raunchiness of the lyrics and focus on the wordplay and rhymes, you will realize that some of these Gengetone are amazing lyricists. I am dead serious.

All the three artists who were featured on Taniua did a good job and to be honest, it’s so hard to choose whose verse I loved the most so we’ll just talk about each of them briefly.

For starters, I was totally impressed by Hitman Kaht. I’ve never know that he can sing let alone rap since we are used to him producing songs not knowing that he is even a better artist.

Hitman Kaht
Hitman Kaht

If you ask me, his flow on Taniua is quite impressive. His verse is on point because he has a way with words to make some dope rhymes that keep you hooked.

Shagwah also aced it. He is also a talented chap. He’s one of the two members of 34 GVNG that I hold in high esteem, the other of course is Vuva. Anyway, his verse on this jam is sick because he has great punchlines.

As for Ex Ray, he does not really have a verse on this jam. The two artists just borrowed  his Taniua catchphrase and incorporated it in the song.

As expected, the beat is also on point seeing as it was produced by Hitman Kaht. Seriously though, when has he ever disappointed us?

Listen to Taniua below and tell us what you think. Enjoy!

Rico Gang teams up with Boondocks Gang on sizzling track ‘Fimbo’ (Video)

Rico Gang, the Kenyan group that is famed for hits such as; ChachishaKimonyoski and F*ckboy, has released a new jam alongside Boondocks Gang and we can’t get enough of it.

Also read: New-age musicians are so unpredictable and that’s the beauty of music

Dubbed Fimbo, the track has been ruling the airwaves since it was released a few days ago and it is not really hard to understand why because it’s too lit.

Boondocks Gang and Magix Enga on Rewind it
Boondocks Gang

I have listen to this song a couple of times since it came out and every time I play it, I marvel at the creativity of these youngsters.

Like I always say, if you chose to ignore the raunchiness of the lyrics and focus on the wordplay and rhymes, you will realize that some of these Gengetone are amazing lyricists. I am dead serious.

All the artists who were featured on Fimbo did a good job so much so that it’s hard to choose whose verse I loved the most so we’ll just talk about each of them briefly.

As expected, Ex Ray killed it. To date, I can’t tell what I like more between his unique voice and his unique ability to play around with words. The same applies to Odi Wa Murang’a.

Rico Gang
Rico Gang

Gray Cee, who is the only lass in this jam, didn’t disappoint either. Notably, she also has an impeccable flow and she is generally just interesting to listen to.

Tirand Rands and Harry Craze also came through. They had some sick verses, the kind that will make you rewind the song as you try to make sense of what they are saying.

Of course, Edu Maddox also delivered. Every time I listen to this lag I can’t help but wonder why he is so underrated because he is very talented.

The beat on this track is dope. It get you in a good mood from the moment you hit the play button. Other than that, it also blends well with the artists’ styles and tempos.

Listen to Fimbo below and tell us what you think.

Gwaash links up with Ex Ray, G Rock and Shagwah on ‘Mtaro’ and it’s a big tune (Video)

Celebrated Kenyan singer Martin Wagura, better known as Fatboy Gwaash or Gwaash, has dropped a new track with Ex Ray (Boondocks Gang), G Rock and Shagwah (34 GVNG) and we are really feeling it.

Also read: Stop looking for content from new-age musicians!

The track titled Mtaro has been topping local music charts since it came out a few days ago and it’s not really hard to understand why. Ladies and gentlemen, this song is really dope. I’m not exaggerating.

Ex Ray
Ex Ray

Like I always say, if you chose to ignore the raunchiness of the lyrics and focus on the wordplay and rhymes, you will realize that some of these Gengetone are amazing lyricists.

I’ve been listening to this jam on repeat over the last few days and one things is for sure, it’s really infectious. I don’t know if it’s just me but this is one of the best Gengetone jams that I’ve listened to since the year began.


The verses on Mtaro are so sick. For instance, you have to admit that Ex Ray did a good job. This chap has a unique ability to play around with words and you just want to keep listening to him.

As expected, Fatboy Gwaash also nailed it. Apart from his unique voice, his flow is so good that you would think that he wrote the lyrics while asleep. I don’t know if this makes any sense because it sounded okay in my head.

Shagwah, who is a member of 34 GVNG, did not disappoint either. He has a knack for telling stories and believe you me, you’ll be hooked to his verse as soon as he starts rapping.

Boy Bleezy and Tratic of G Rock Music

The trio that make up G Rock Music i.e Madra, Boy Bleezy and Tratic also have some impeccable rhymes. Actually, I am disappointed that I discovered them late but as they say, better late than never.

The beat is catchy and it gets you in a party mood the moment you hit the play button and that is not a bad thing or is it? The video is simple but I feel it works for this song since they shot it in a stream and they’re singing about mtaro.

Watch Mtaro below and tell us what you think.

Odi Wa Murang’a titled teams up with Benzema and Breeder LW ‘Nyege Nyege’ (Video)

There are days when Gengetone artists make me extremely happy and today is one of days. I have been listening to a new jam by Breeder LW, Odi Wa Murang’a and Benzema and to be honest, I am so amazed by their creativity.

Also read: Stop looking for content from new-age musicians

The track dubbed Nyege Nyege has been ruling the airwaves since it was released a few days ago and it is not hard to understand why. Ladies and gentlemen, this song is really dope. I’m not exaggerating.

Odi Wa Murang'a
Odi Wa Murang’a

Like I always say, if you chose to ignore the raunchiness of the lyrics and focus on the wordplay and rhymes, you will realize that some of these Gengetone artists are amazing lyricists.

I’ve been listening to this jam on repeat over the last few days and one things is for sure, it’s really infectious. I don’t know if it’s just me but this song will put you in a good mood as you listen to it.

The verses on Nyege Nyege are really sick. For instance, you have to admit that Breeder LW did a good job. This guy has a unique ability to play around with words and you just want to keep listening to him.

Breeder LW

As expected, Benzema also aced it. I know you’ll agree with me that he had the illest verse on this track and for him it is never really about rhyming but the things that he says. He has a way of getting his points across.

For instance, in this jam he says “Twende twende nina maradhi radhi ya ngono ngono*2, na leo naekelea si betslip ni rungu hongera, ntakugwara saa ya ngono na aloe vera, panga line kama Rono na Vera.” It’s so dope right?

Odi Wa Murang’a, who’s one third of Boondocks Gang, did not disappoint either. Apart from delivering a dope hook, he also had a lit verse and for him it has everything to do with his hoarse voice.

The beat on this song is also impeccable. It blends really well with the musicians’ styles and tempos. To add to that, it just gives off some good vibes

Listen to Nyege Nyege below and tell us what you think. Enjoy!

Boondocks Gang drops new hit titled ‘Kawazim’ alongside Sailors and Magix Enga (Video)

One of the collabos that many people, including yours truly, have really been looking forward to since the Gengetone sound emerged is between Sailors Gang and Boondocks Gang.

Also read: Boondocks Gang is the future of Kenyan music

We’ve longed for the day when the two groups which have been instrumental in pushing the new Kenyan sound will come together on one song and after what seemed like a never-ending wait, that that day is finally here.

Sailors Gang

A few days ago, Boondocks Gang released a track dubbed Kawazim in which they have featured Sailors Gang and the award-winning producer Magix Enga and it’s getting a lot of love from their fans.

This jam is impeccable. As you listen to it, you get to appreciate the sheer creativity of these youngsters as well as the evolution of the Kenyan sound.

Although all the artists on this jam had some dope verses, if I was asked to pick one who I think really aced it then I’d go for Magix Enga. He has a good flow s much so that I kept rewinding his part.

Boondocks Gang
Boondocks Gang

Other than him, I was also impressed by Miracle Baby and of course Odi Wa Murang’a. I am not saying the rest were whack, it’s just that I resonated with the three aforementioned artists.

The beat on this jam is also infectious. Anyway, I was not expecting anything less seeing as it was produced by Magix Enga himself. Believe you me, you can’t resist the urge to dance as you listen to track.

Listen to Kawazim below and tell us what you think.

Boondocks Gang’s new collabo with Berry Family dubbed ‘Kutu’ is getting mad love (Video)

Boondocks Gang, the group that became a household name in Kenya after releasing Rieng’ circa 2018, have released a new track alongside Berry Family – which is made up of  Krystah, Blondy and Wesley Wess – and we are feeling it.

Also read: Stop looking for content from new-age musicians!

The song titled Kutu, which is a Sheng word that means dry spell, has been getting good airplay on both TV and radio since it was released a few days ago.

Odi Wa Murang'a
Odi Wa Murang’a

One of the reasons why I really love this jam is because of the creativity of the artists who were featured in it. Each of them has a unique ability to play around with words and make impeccable rhymes.

Take for instance Odi Wa Murang’a – who happens to be my favorite member of Boondocks Gang. He totally aced his verse. To add to that, he has this unique voice that you want keep listening to.

Ex Ray also did a good job on the hook. It’s so dope and maybe, just maybe, he’s the reason I can’t get enough of  this jam.

Boondocks Gang and Magix Enga on Rewind it

Notably, Berry Family also delivered on this jam. I had to pick one of them then I would definitely go for the guy who is known as Blondy because I think I he has a lot of potential. Don’t get me wrong, Krystah and Wesley are also dope.

The beat on this jam is also on point so much so that you won’t resist the urge to dance when this song come on. The video was not that bad either.

Watch Kutu below and tell us what you think.

Boondocks Gang feature VDJ Jones and City Boy on new banger dubbed ‘Prr’ (Video)

Boondocks Gang, the group that became a household name in Kenya after releasing Rieng’ circa 2018, have dropped a new track alongside VDJ Jones and Mombasa-based singer City Boy and it’s a big tune.

Also read: Boondocks Gang is the future of Kenyan music

The jam dubbed Prr has been getting good airplay on local TV and radio stations since it was released a few days ago and to be honest, we are also feeling it or else we would not be reviewing it, would we?

City Boy
City Boy

On the surface, this track seems stupid and childish but if you listen to it keenly, you’ll appreciate the creativity of the artists who put it together and the ingenuity behind it.

The first verse by Edu Maddox is on point. His flow is so smooth and as you’re listening to him you will find yourself wondering why he is so underrated because he is really talented.

As expected, Ex Ray really came through on this joint. His verse is really solid. To add to that he has a unique ability of playing with words and making impeccable rhymes.

Boondocks Gang
Boondocks Gang

Odi Wa Murang’a also aced it. Other than the fact that he laid down a good verse, he also did a good job on the hook thanks to his unique voice. Actually, I can never tell what I like more between his voice or impeccable lyricism.

City Boy spiced up the song by introducing a ragga/dancehall vibe. Notably, the beat is also great. However, this does not come as a surprise seeing as it was produced by the one and only Jegede.

I don’t have much to say about the video other than the fact that I loved the quality and of course, the vixens who are featured in it. The scene transitioning was also flawless.

Watch Prr below and tell us what you think. Enjoy!

Maddox drops new banger with Joefes and Kappy dubbed ‘Pose Za Kunguru’ (Video)

Edu Maddox, who is one third of Rieng hitmakers Boondocks Gang, has released a new jam alongside Joefes (Mbuzi Gang) and Kappy (Team Ganji) and it slaps so hard.

Also read: New-age musicians have killed Nigerian music and that’s a huge win

The song dubbed Pose Za Kunguru, which means a reven’s pose, has been ruling the airwaves since it came out a few days ago and to be honest we also love it or we would not be reviewing it, would we?

Listening to this track made me appreciate the creativity of these youngsters as well as the evolution of Genge music because it takes you back to the early 2000s when the likes of Jua Cali and Nonini were a big deal.


I had a difficult time determining who is who on this jam since they kind of sound the same. Anyway, I must say that the guys first verse verse as well as the last did a good job.

I strongly believe that the two are Joefes and Maddox. Well, I could also be wrong but the truth is that I totally loved how they were playing around with words and making effortless rhymes.

The hook on this track is also very catchy and you are likely to master it after listening to it once. The beat is so dope so much so that you will retain this jam on your playlist for a very long time.

Listen to Pose Za Kunguru below and tell us what you think.

Magix Enga teams up with Arrow Bwoy and Odi Wa Murang’a on ‘Banana’ (Video)

Talented producer and singer Magix Enga has released a new jam alongside Arrow Bwoy and Boondocks Gang’s Odi Wa Murang’a and it’s really dope.

Also read: Magix Enga has taken Kenyan music to the international stage

The song titled Banana has been ruling the airwaves since it was released a few days ago and to be honest, we’re also feeling it.

Arrow Bwoy
Arrow Bwoy

If you thought the likes of Odi Wa Murang’a can only sing about sex, drugs and crime then you should brace yourself because this jam is very different, in a good way though.

Believe it or not, Banana is a love song. While I’m not sure if it’s the direction that Gengetone artists should go, I love it because it’s a breath of fresh air.

Once again Magix Enga has proven that he is a jack of all trades. The way he sings his out in this jam, you would even mistake for Chris Brown. Okay, I’m pushing it but you get my point, don’t you?

Magix Enga
Magix Enga

To add to that award-winning producer has a melodious voice, the kind that you just want to keep listening to gender notwithstanding.

We are used to Arrow Bwoy releasing love songs and that means that there’s not much that I can say about him other than acknowledging him for throwing his weight behind this project.

On the other hand, there’s so much to say about Odi Wa Murang’a since he showed us a side of him that many people were not even aware of.

Odi Wa Murang'a
Odi Wa Murang’a

Other than the fact that he sang in Kikuyu and made it sound like French, there’s a part where he is twenging it make you wonder if he’s the same person with risque lyrics on Rieng, Mboko Haram, Mathogothanio and whatnot.

The beat, which was produced by Magix Enga, is also subtle but that does not mean that it’s whack. Actually, I really love it. Although I felt like the video was too simple, it’s still dope.

Watch Banana below and tell us what you think. Enjoy!

Boondocks Gang comes through with ‘Mdarano’ alongside Iphoolish (Video)1

Boondocks Gang, a group that is made up of Ex Ray, Odi Wa Murang’a and Maddox, have released a new track with Iphoolish and it’s getting a lot of love from their fans.

Also read: Stop looking for content from new-age musicians!

The jam titled Mdarano, which is a Sheng word that means caressing, has been ruling the airwaves since it came out  out a few days ago.

I totally love this track. Wait, that is something that I say about most of Boondocks Gang’s songs but believe you me, this one is really dope.

Boondocks Gang and Magix Enga on Rewind it
Boondocks Gang

Everytime I listen to these youngsters I not only appreciate their sheer creativity – which is evidenced by their ability to play around with words – but also the evolution of local music.

Ex Ray had a tight verse. He has some dope rhymes that will leave you scratching your head as you are wondering if any of it makes sense which to be honest in many cases it doesn’t.

Iphoolish also nailed it. I honestly don’t know if it’s a Gengetone thing but the deep bass works with him as well as it does with Odi Wa Murang’a.

Maddox did a good job. Truth be told, he’s a dope lyricist, perhaps even better than Odi Wa Murang’a and Ex Ray but for some reason he’s very underrated and I don’t know why.

The hook on this song is very catchy and so is the beat. Simply put, listening to this track instantly puts you in a good mood.

Listen to Mdarano below and tell us what you think. Enjoy!

Boondocks Gang drops new jam ‘Kamweretho’ alongside Sailors Gang’s Shalkido and Vuva (Video)

Boondocks Gang – the group that became a household name in Kenya after releasing Rieng in December 2018 – have released a new track alongside Shalkido (Sailors Gang) and Vuva (34 GVNG) and it’s a big tune.

Also read: Stop looking for content from new-age musicians!

The song dubbed Kamweretho, which is a Kikuyu word that means disappearing without a trace, has been ruling the airwaves since it came out a few hours ago.


Although this is a party tune, you have to love the creativity of the musicians who have been featured in it. They have a unique ability of playing around with words and this results in some very dope rhymes.

For instance, I think Joefes’ had a tight verse. His flow is also smooth and he makes it look so easy. I am sure that it won’t take long before Kenyans notice his talent.

As you’d expect, Odi Wa Murang’a also nailed it. The truth is that I’m yet to decide what between his hoarse voice or impeccable rhymes make him interesting to listen to, perhaps it’s the latter. You tell me.

34 GVNG's Vuva
34 GVNG’s Vuva

The hook on this jam is so catchy and easy to master. After listening to this song twice, or maybe thrice, you will just find yourself singing along to it and that’s not a bad thing or is it?

The beat, which was produced by Jesse, is also impeccable. Believe you me, this is one song that you can not listen to while seated down. However hard you try, you won’t resist the urge to dance along to it.

Listen to Kamweretho below and tell us what you think. Enjoy!

The new age artists’ signature style can be tagged as a uniquely Kenyan Hip Hop sound

It’s now official.

The Kenyan hip hop scene has become of age. The present hip hop artist generation are out on the street, outdoing themselves with unbelievable, never-before-seen talent. We have finally found a signature beat that solely speaks and identifies as Kenyan Hip Hop.

Wikipedia, on Hip Hop: “…stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhymic speech that is chanted. It’s defined by four key stylistic elements: MCing/rapping, DJing/scratching with turntables, breakdancing and graffiti writing….”

Present day Kenyan hip hop outfits have perfected the art of sampling beats or bass lines from records (or synthesized beats and sounds), and rhythmic beat-boxing.


Ethic Entertainment, Ochungulo Family, Boondocks Gang, KRG The Don, Magix Enga…….

*This list is not conclusive. It stars in a great extent, other equally talented outfits.

This new sound didn’t debut with the Z-generation artists. They have gone on to perfect the sound that debuted with the Nairobi club-banger by the artists Mayonde and Stonie Jiwe. The track was a huge success.

A few months back, Ethic broke out with a catchy, infectious track, tagged Pandana. That track received an instant stamp of approval by fans – who outdid themselves uploading short dance videos. More favorites followed in quick succession:

Na Iwake, by Ochungulo Family, that stars the amazingly talented Nelly The Goon and Benzema.

Rieng, a punchy rhyming track popular on the party scene, by Boondocks Gang.

Wabebe, by Gwaash ft. 34GVNG.

Amongst other awesome releases (it’s hard to keep up).


What greatly resonates with this new hip hop style is that the artists and their producers haven’t over-hyped the genre with an exotic, upper class feel that’s common with the older generation hip hop artists. The videos aren’t shot in upscale neighborhoods with heated swimming pools as a back drop, but in mid-level suburb streets – Dagoretti, Doonholm, Githurai and the ilk.

The cast do not break the bank dressing in Gucci and Armani. They do not use expensive jewelry and unrealistic, hired video vixens – madem wa mtaa wako tu sawa. Teens across the country appreciate and connect with this!

In the USA, that’s exactly how hip hop started in The Bronx, and became a revolution.

The only case of extravagance in a video appears on Mathogothanio by KRG The Don and Boondocks. The video has rides not for the everyday kid, up and including a Ford Mustang 2017 model (they are forgiven – it’s a huge track with awesome beat flow and seamless rap).

Self-appointed moral policemen would be quick to trash the new generation Kenyan hip hop music as ratchet level, vulgar and unsuitable for the average teen. It’d be wise to remember we, read millennials, have grown up on a dirty staple of American rap: Lil Wayne, T.I, Future, et al. These rappers are the real definition of dirty and vulgar. The real problem is that with Kenyan artists, you get to hear the actual lyrics.

Message? Be real, support your own.


In videos, videos, observe some restraint: Thou shall not have a dancer twerking seductively in the national flag. (The Na Iwake video).

Keep up the spirit. Let’s make this signature style truly Kenyan.