Boniface Mwangi: I spent about 18 million campaigning in Starehe and got broke like crazy afterwards

The race for Starehe parliamentary seat was contested by Jaguar (Jubilee), Steve Mbogo (ODM) and Boniface Mwangi (Ukweli Party).

Jaguar emerged as the winner even though Steve Mbogo moved to court to challenge the win. The candidates spent million of shillings in their campaigns.

Boniface Mwangi opened up about how much he spent during an interview with SDE. He revealed that he spent close to 18 million in his campaigns.

“I spent about Sh18 million in cash and in kind. My competitors spent five times more. Instead of manifestos, they had lots of ‘moneyfestos.’ Voters didn’t even bother asking, “Where is all this money coming from?” That’s the problem with our politics,” said Boniface Mwangi.

In a recent post on social media, Boniface revealed that he ran out of money and was even forced to sell his wife’s car to raise money for his campaigns.

“You run out of money midway and no one is picking your calls, so you start selling personal things to raise more money (I sold my wife’s car). You start smelling victory, but you have nothing left to sell and you go to a shylock and borrow some money (I did that too). Lose or win, the campaign ends with most candidates in debt. If you win (for those who bribed voters), you get to Parliament and your first order of business is to pay your debts. Then you realise your constituents expect you to pay maternity and school fees,” wrote Boniface in part.

Kenyans not ready for change

Boniface says Kenyans are not yet ready for clean politics, apparently he could tell he would lose the elections because voters wanted him to align with Raila or Uhuru to get their votes.

“Kenyans aren’t ready for clean politics. Most voters wanted me to align with either Uhuru or Raila for them to elect me. I refused to play tribal politics. I campaigned on issues, printed a manifesto for my vision for Starehe and they still ignored me. When you’re used to being treated like trash, you have a problem when someone who shows you respect,” Boniface told SDE.

Voice of the people in Parliament

Boniface believes that he would have been the opposition leader if he had been elected Starehe MP. He says that he would have pushed for the removal of hefty privileges.

“I believe I would be the official leader of the opposition and the voice of the people in Parliament. I would have made public all the dirty secrets and dirty deals in Parliament. The bribes they get to approve nominees and attend rallies would have been revealed.

I would have pushed for the removal of the so-called ‘privileges’ – bodyguards, medical cover and sitting allowances, etc – when MPs already have a salary. I would have turned people’s perception of what an MP is upside down and reminded them that an MP is a servant, not chief or… a thief!”



“Your security people hit me in the balls, I had to see urologist” Boniface Mwangi lists things he would tell retired president Kibaki if they meet

Boniface Mwangi will never forget Madaraka Day June 1st 2009, the Rights Activist faced off with presidential guard at Nyayo Stadium and he lives to tell the tale.

Boniface stole all attention when he stood up to heckle president Mwai Kibaki as he was delivering Madaraka Day speech at Nyayo stadium.

Boniface Mwangi heckling president Mwai Kibaki at Nyayo Stadium
Boniface Mwangi heckling president Mwai Kibaki at Nyayo Stadium

Boniface was roughed up by the president’s security detail, he was manhandled and carried out of the stadium in the full glare of cameras.

Kibaki's security personnel wrestle Boniface Mwangi
Kibaki’s security personnel wrestle Boniface Mwangi
3 things to tell Kibaki

In an interview with SDE, Boniface listed three things that he would tell Kibaki in case they meet. The incident in 2009 at Nyayo Stadium was in Boniface’s list.

“Wow! Thank you for free primary education. That was a game a changer. But I will also tell him that he failed to fight corruption; that his regime did not secure a single conviction in high profile corruption case. Ooh, and the day I heckled him, his security people hit me in the balls and I had to see a urologist several times,” said Boniface Mwangi.





Boniface Mwangi comes out to advise Miguna Miguna after he loses Twitter war to Edwin Sifuna

Miguna Miguna and ODM secretary general Edwin Sifuna were embroiled in a fierce tweef following Raila Odinga’s interview with Citizen TV’s Hussein Mohammed.

Raila said he didn’t want to talk about Miguna Miguna when Hussein asked him about the self-declared NRM general. Baba said Miguna savagely insulted him when he tried to help him.

Sifuna came out defend Raila saying he tried his best to help Miguna but the NRM general frustrated everyone who tried to help him. Miguna fired back and the tweef gained momentum, Sifuna however beat Miguna into submission.


You’ve a way of making everyone your enemy

Boniface Mwangi came out to advise Miguna Miguna after the tweef with Sifuna. The Rights Activists calls on Miguna to take a break on social media to reflect on his life.

“Comrade @MigunaMiguna you have a way of making everyone your enemy by abusing them, sometimes even when you’re right, silence can be the best response. You can’t win alone. Take a break from social media and reflect. Aluta Continua!” Boniface Mwangi tweeted.

But Miguna Miguna just couldn’t keep quiet;

“You were my favorite bro” Babu Owino disowns Steve Mbogo, reveals he supported Boniface Mwangi for Starehe seat

The race for Starehe parliamentary seat was contested by Jaguar (Jubilee), Steve Mbogo (ODM) and Boniface Mwangi (Ukweli Party).

Jaguar emerged as the winner even though Steve Mbogo moved to court to challenge the win. Babu Owino was rooting for Steve Mbogo because they are friends and they were also in the same party.

Now it turns out Babu was secretly supporting Boniface Mwangi. The Embakasi East MP confessed to supporting Boniface after he talked about his ordeal vying for Starehe seat.

“You run out of money midway and no one is picking your calls, so you start selling personal things to raise more money (I sold my wife’s car). You start smelling victory, but you have nothing left to sell and you go to a shylock and borrow some money (I did that too). Lose or win, the campaign ends with most candidates in debt. If you win (for those who bribed voters), you get to Parliament and your first order of business is to pay your debts. Then you realise your constituents expect you to pay maternity and school fees,” wrote Boniface in part.

You were my favorite

Babu Owino says he understands Boniface’s ordeal because he also went through the same experience when he first vied for Westlands parliamentary seat and lost.

The Embakasi East MP also confessed that he supported Boniface Mwangi during the race for Starehe constituency seat.

“You were my favorite bro.It happened to me in 2013 when I vied for Westlands Mp and auctioneers were very fast to take all my earthly belongings.God will see you through.One day I believe you will be there coz you have what it takes,” Babu Owino commented on Boniface’s post.

Boniface Mwangi: I was offered free sex and drugs during campaigns 

Activist Boniface Mwangi recently took to social media to share how being a politician in Kenya is a hard task that leaves you worn out to the bones.

According to Boniface who ran for the Starehe seat and lost badly, politicians in Kenya pay a heavy price to get elected and the price includes your family who you neglect in pursuit of the votes.

In a long post he said:

I am taking a break from the Nairobian column. I haven’t rested for years, and I feel fatigued from the toil of the 2017 election where I ran for MP. I feel the need to step back, reboot, and play with my children.

And I can’t think of a better way to say bye than sharing my brief experience as a candidate for Member of Parliament. It takes a lot of courage to run for office. The moment you announce that you’re vying, a strange confidence, a feeling of self-belief surges through your body. Friends who used to call you by your childhood name start calling you Mhesh. Security guards start saluting you. Political brokers and conmen start sending you lists of voters, claiming they can influence them for you. You develop an air of self-importance because that’s how voters treat you.

Every day, you wake up early and spend the day begging for votes, while your evenings are spent calling on people and attending dinners begging for campaign cash. Voters rush excitedly when they hear you’re in the area, smile and say how much they love you. But the moment they realise you will not part with money, the fake smiles disappear, and they start insulting you and shouting your rivals’ names.

In many cases, political candidates start their ambitions to serve with good intentions, but the voters treat you like a cash cow and, if you’re broke, a communicable disease. Even when you have no intention to bribe voters, like myself, campaigns cost money — staff, campaign merchandise, transport, compliance fees, etc.

You run out of money midway and no one is picking your calls, so you start selling personal things to raise more money
(I sold my wife’s car). You start smelling victory, but you have nothing left to sell and you go to a shylock and borrow some money (I did that too). Lose or win, the campaign ends with most candidates in debt. If you win (for those who bribed voters), you get to Parliament and your first order of business is to pay your debts. Then you realise your constituents expect you to pay maternity and school fees, contribute to funerals, church fundraisers, even weddings. So, the voters don’t expect you to deliver services, they just want handouts. That’s why politicians become arrogant; the majority can say, “my money elected me”, because it’s true – they bought and transported voters.

When the recent proposal to increase MPs’ salaries was floated, I called a couple of young, first time, MPs I know and invited them to hold a press conference to disown the proposal. They emphatically told me, “No way, we are broke, we need the money.” On a personal level, politicians in Kenya pay a heavy price in Kenya to get elected. You neglect your family and alcohol, drugs and women become your constant solace (I was offered cocaine, bhang and free sex during my campaign). You become what voters think of you. In the end, you lose yourself and become like the people you were fighting to change.

The greediness and heartlessness of some of the politicians we have can be explained by the heavy personal price they have paid to get elected. Every time you ask a politician for some money or donation, you’re encouraging them to steal our taxes to meet your needs. Good leadership isn’t about handouts. Public office for those who really want to serve can drive you crazy because our politics is so bitter, so corrupt.

A Kenyan politician is like a priest. All the problems are dumped on you. Depression is real. That is why if you run for office, have a fall back option. For me, photography and giving talks comes naturally and has helped me recover.

This piece is dedicated to everyone who supported my campaign, to the Nairobian who gave me a column to earn some money, and to friends and family who have walked with me to recover my sanity. Adios!

Boniface Mwangi: Jomo Kenyatta and Mama Ngina Kenyatta are thieves, if Uhuru is not a thief prove it

Boniface Mwangi has come out all guns blazing to dare president Uhuru Kenyatta to prove he is not a thief or benefits from corrupt practices.

The daring Rights Activist claims the president is shielding corrupt individuals from his side of the coalition from being persecuted.

“A time comes when the truth must be told. Is the President of the Republic of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta , part of the gang of thieves stealing from us? Before you start throwing stones at me, hear me out. All Kenyans agree that the Deputy President William Samoei Ruto is a known land grabber and thief extraordinaire. His name is synonymous with looting. Now, if you look at all corruption scandals over the past five years, you notice that in any theft that involved people from Uhuru’s side of the coalition, the thieves walked scot free – NYS 1, Afya House Scandal, etc,” wrote Boniface Mwangi in part.

It’s all stolen

Boniface further claims all the wealth the Kenyatta’s have made is all stolen. He states that Jomo Kenyatta and Mama Ngina Kenyatta didn’t work hard for their money.

“We all know his father Jomo Kenyatta was a thief, a man who left jail with nothing, but managed to grab over 500,000 acres. The Kenyatta family was involved in elephant poaching and the ivory trade. Uhuru and his mother, Mama Ngina Kenyatta, have been on the list of Africa’s richest dollar billionaires. None of them worked hard for any of that money. It’s all stolen,” wrote Boniface in part.

No fear, death is for us all

In a separate post, Boniface states that he is not afraid to name and shame corrupt individuals regardless of the consequences. He stress that everybody will eventually die some day.

“People take life too seriously! We shall all die. The thief, the jobless, the president, the activist and the saint, our eventually end is death. Stop fearing death and live your life. Fear is fake! Fear is imagined! Fear is of the devil! Speak Courage Fluently! #TeamCOURAGE for life,” wrote Boniface.



Boniface Mwangi to Mohammed Ali: We’ve been friends for over 10 years but am extremely disappointed by your behavior as an MP

People really change when they get to parliament, Mohammed Ali has shocked Kenyans by his behavior since he was elected to the August House as Nyali MP.

Moha was the beacon of hope for millions of poor Kenyans whose only wish is for MPs to be accountable for public funds and stop being greedy.

The former KTN investigative journalists vowed to fight for poor Kenyans from within parliament. But now it’s obvious Moha has joined the greedy MPs, he is one of them.


Moha was among Kenyan legislators who traveled to Russia to watch the World Cup on taxpayers money. Can you imagine how hot the exposé would have been if he was still a journalist?

Moha’s friend Boniface Mwangi called him out over his behavior as an MP. The rights activist reminded Moha that he is the people’s last hope in parliament.

Mohammed Ali and Boniface Mwangi
Mohammed Ali and Boniface Mwangi

“As someone who has known @mohajichopevu as a friend, comrade for over 10 years am extremely disappointed by his behaviour as an MP. He has four more years to go and l pray that he doesn’t forget why he was elected by the people of Nyali. He was our last hope in parliament,” wrote Boniface Mwangi.


Man with iron balls! Boniface Mwangi celebrates 35th birthday in court (Photos)

Defiance is the word that best describes Boniface Mwangi. The fierce rights activist has turned 35 today July 10th but he is not celebrating because he had to be in court.

Boniface stated on Monday July 9th that he will gladly celebrate his birthday in court because he is on the the right side of history. He was arrested and charged with cruelty to animals over the famous 2013 pig protest.

Boniface together with other activists  staged the ‘Occupy Parliament’ demonstration using 31 live pigs to protest greed among MPs for demanding a pay hike just a few months after being elected to office.

“Tomorrow I turn 35, instead of celebrations, l shall be in court for being on the right side of history.
Our (Kenya’s) hope for a renewed leadership quickly disappeared after the 2013 election. Two months after new Members of Parliament were sworn in, their first action was to award themselves a hefty pay rise, making them some of the highest paid in the world. We decided to paint pigs with the names of the greedy legislators who were leading the push for higher pay. The message for the day was greedy Mpigs occupy the bloody Parliament. On May 14, 2013 we delivered the pigs to parliament,” wrote Boniface Mwangi on Monday.

Case to determine how police treat protests

Boniface says police have been violating Kenyans’ right for a peaceful protest. The activist claims the ruling on his case will determine how police treat peaceful demonstrations.

“Our case has started at the Supreme Court. This case will determine how police treat peaceful protests. Kenya police have been violating Article 37- the right to protest and charging Kenyans with criminals offenses for peaceful protests. So, it’s important we all follow this case.‬”


“My wife is the fire that keeps me going” Boniface Mwangi shows Kenyans his romantic side!

Human activist Boniface Mwangi has seen it all! His  profession has seen him battle with the police and at the same time collide with big politicians in the country.

Well, many tend to ask whether he really loves himself since he is always out to get blows and kicks from the police. However being an activist requires self sacrifice and I bet this is what he does.

Also read: “For the many Uhuru can’t deport he will order their killings” Boniface Mwangi warns after Miguna’s deport

Anyway though he is one who likes to use social media, you will rarely find Boniface Mwangi parading his family. This is because of personal reasons but when he does it, he leaves many amazed by his love towards them.

Boniface Mwangi celebrates his wife

In a new post shared on his Instagram page, Boniface Mwangi pours out his heart to his wife in a beautiful message.

For the first time he narrates how he proposed via a video call all the way from South Africa where he had traveled to. He narrates saying;

Untouchable tout now instigates arrest of witnesses… Boniface Mwangi reveals why police are colluding with him

Will justice ever prevail? Felix Mwingirwa shot to fame when he savagely beat a passenger after he refused to board a matatu on January 30th 2018.

Felix is a staff member of UNIQUE Shuttle Sacco at Tea Room, just long Accra Road Nairobi. He boasts of having connections with top police bosses and even State House.

Also read: “you’re a thief” Boniface Mwangi’s barrage of insults force Ezekiel Mutua to burry his head in the sand

Felix Mwingirwa poses at State House

Felix was arrested after public outcry following the assault of the passenger. He was however released as the dust settled on his case.

Cash cow

Boniface Mwangi explains that police wouldn’t dare charge Felix because he is their cash cow. The Right Activist says that Felix collects bribe money from all Tea Room shuttles and forwards it to the police.

And even more shocking, Boniface reveals that Felix has now instigated the arrest of John Kariuki Mwaniki and John Kithinji who were witnesses on 30th January incident when he assaulted a passengers.

John Kariuki Mwaniki and John Kithinji

Read Boniface’s full post below:

The untouchable Felix Mwingirwa is back again. This time he has engineered the arrest of two of the people he assaulted, and who had reported the matter to Central Police Station, to be charged tomorrow at Milimani Law Court. John Kariuki was assaulted by Felix on 5th October 2016. He reported the matter at Central Police Station, OB 03/05/10/2016.

The police recorded the statements of John and his witness and then, in a strange twist, John was arrested and detained at Central Police Station for two days. Following that intimidation, John was forced to drop the case.

Fast forward to 30th January 2018. Felix assaulted a passenger, cracked his skull and left him for dead. Wayne Wafula Msungu took photos and shared them on social media. The uproar forced police to release a statement that Felix is known to them as a serial offender and he has three assault cases before court. Police arrested Felix but the whistleblower, Wayne, was threatened.

He goes on to add;

Felix was charged in court and, in spite of being a serial offender, he was released on a Sh50,000 bond. Felix has now instigated the arrest of John Kariuki Mwaniki and John Kithinji, who were witnesses, on 30th January, when Felix assaulted the passenger. The two Johns tried to help the passenger and both were assaulted. Kithinji reported his assault at Central Police station, OB number, 61/30/01/2018.

Kenya Police and the Meru route matatu operators are protecting Felix Mwingirwa. It’s alleged that Felix is the one who collects bribe money from all Tea Room shuttles and forwards it to the police. So, Felix is untouchable because he is the bribe collector of money that ends up as “protection fee” for the police. Police don’t want their money collector jailed and the shuttles are afraid of losing that link between them and the police.
So, this is how Felix operates; he assaults people, and then if you report to the police, they call to let him know that you have reported. The police, working together with Felix, frame the victims and lay bogus assault charges on them. Felix is walking around Tea Room saying no one can touch him because Japheth Koome, who is at police headquarters, and Mr George Kinoti, the Director of Criminal Investigations, are both Meru, just like him.

Tomorrow, two innocent men, Mwaniki and Kithinji, will be arraigned at Milimani Law Courts, charged with assaulting the man who assaulted them. #TeamCourage


“For the many Uhuru can’t deport, he will order their killing” Boniface Mwangi warns after Miguna is deported

Boniface Mwangi asserts that the worst is yet to be seen in Kenya. The right activist warns those speaking truth to power to be prepared for all eventualities.The illegal deportation of Miguna Miguna has sparked fear of the unknown. There is no telling what will happen next as no one expected Miguna could be deported just after the court released him.Boniface Mwangi says Miguna was deported for speaking truth to power. He asserts that those who can’t be deported will eventually be killed.

“Miguna Miguna is a Kenyan Citizen by birth. He didn’t commit any crime because if he did, we have enough laws to jail criminals. He was deported illegally for speaking truth to power. To those of us they can’t deport, prepare to be killed for speaking the truth. #TeamCourage,” Boniface Mwangi tweeted.

Uhuru is a coward

Boniface further states that president Uhuru Kenyatta is a coward. He explains that the president fears arresting Raila Odinga yet he is the one who committed the act of treason for being sworn in as the people’s president.

“President @UKenyatta is a coward. Deporting @MigunaMiguna is an act of cowardice and against the constitution. If treason was committed then he should have @RailaOdinga arrested but since Uhuru is a coward, he won’t. For the many Uhuru can’t deport, he will order their killing,” Boniface Mwangi tweeted.


“Mwizi ni mwizi!” Kenyans tell off Boniface Mwangi for defending youths shot dead for mugging people in the CBD

On Tuesday 23, the police fighting crime around CBD shot 3 muggers believed to be terrorizing many in town.

This came shortly after people on social media alerted each other on what was happening. With the news spreading like wild fire, an anti-mugging squad was formed following an outcry by the public.

Most victims who suffered in the hands of the muggers confessed that these young men robbed them in broad daylight.

Activist Boniface Mwangi’s post

However, activist and former Starehe MP Aspirant Boniface Mwangi says these young men have turned into crime due to lack of jobs. He goes on to point fingers at politicians for embezzling funds set aside for the youths.

According to him the big thieves (politicians) should be targeted in order to help reduce petty thefts in CBD. But with all this; Kenyans have come out to call him out for defending these young men terrorizing hustlers in town.

Here are the comments left by Kenyans on the post.

“We shot guns, cameras and drinks together” Boniface Mwangi pays heartfelt tribute to James Quest

James Quest died in a tragic accident after being hit by a runaway motorist. Boniface Mwangi eulogized his friend in a heartfelt tribute.

Renowned photographer James Reuben Oliver Nzuki alias James Quest died on January 22nd 2016. Quest lost his life after a car hit his motorbike along Waiyaki Way.

The late photographer was a close friend of both Boniface Mwangi and Larry Madowo. They were part of ‘Mwanaume ni Kujichocha’ group.

Also read: Larry Madowo And Boniface Mwangi Bury Their Colleague Who Was Killed On Waiyaki Way Last Week

L-R: Boniface Mwangi Brian Inganga , Sam Soko, James Quest, Larry Madowo, Anthony Ndun’gu, and Elijah Kanyi.

Boniface eulogized his friend in a touching tribute. The activist reminisced about the things they used to do together with his fallen friend.

He says Quest was a gift to them because of his virtues. Boniface praised his fallen friend as he also revealed the things he misses about him.

“We shot guns, cameras and drinks together. We drove, flew and rode together. We travelled everywhere and had the best of times together. Life is a gift and James Quest was a gift to our lives. He was selfless, fearless and tireless. Who knows where you go after you die? Quest knows. We miss you Quest,” wrote Boniface Mwangi.




“The billions you stole and stashed in foreign bank is useless in afterworld” Boniface Mwangi sends hard-hitting message to billionaire thieves

Boniface Mwangi urges Kenya’s ‘billionaire thieves’ to give back to society before they perish. The controversial activist warns that the stolen billions will go to waste in the event of death of these billionaires.

Boniface shared a photo of five individuals who he says should give back part of their wealth to society. The activists argues that the billionaires should offers scholarships and build libraries to secure their legacy.

“It’s time for the old men who have looted Kenya dry, who bankrupted parastatals and government coffers, to give back. Building cheap malls and shoddy apartments will not secure you a legacy. Give back while you’re still alive. Build libraries. Offer scholarships named after you even,” wrote Boniface Mwangi in part.

Beneficiaries of a scholarships

Boniface states that scholarships from these billionaires will help future leaders of Kenya. He gives the example of Barack Obama and Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai who benefited from scholarships.

“President Barack Obama is the son of Barack Obama Snr, a beneficiary of a scholarship. The only Nobel Peace Prize from Kenya, Wangari Maathai is a scholarship beneficiary. You know damn well that your kids are too rich to work, so why not sink that stolen loot in the education of brainy, but poor children who will uplift communities?”

Boniface further warns the billionaires that their money won’t be of any use to them when they die. He says family members and other interested parties will fight over their wealth upon their deaths.

“Upon your death, strangers will fight with your loved ones over the wealth you accumulated. It won’t matter because you will be dead anyway – the billions you stole and stashed away in foreign bank accounts useless in the afterworld. Instead, your entire life will be reduced to one newspaper headline.”


Boniface Mwangi and Cyprian Nyakundi’s beef is the funniest thing on the internet

Boniface Mwangi and Cyprian Nyakundi are both activists but they don’t see eye to eye. The latter is a rights activist while the former is a boy child activist.

Nyakundi has been talking smack about Boniface for a while. The blogger claims Boniface’s activism is driven by monetary interests.

Nyakundi further implored his rival to take his activism in Tanzania where Magufuli is cracking the whip on women who dress indecently.

“Tanzania is seriously cracking down on Slay-Queens. This one has been banned by the Ministry from doing any performance for 6-months, because of posting nudes. Activist-for-hire Boniface Mwangi’s services are needed in Tanzania where he can also launch the #MyDressMyChoice demo,” Cyprian Nyakundi tweeted.

Go play marbles with fellow boys

Boniface Mwangi sparked laughter on Twitter when he replied to Nyakundi. The rights activist says Nyakundi has a problem because a grown men don’t refer themselves boys.

“Cyprian @C_NyaKundiH comes to twitter and calls himself a boy?There’s a problem when a grown man refers to themself as a “child”. Twitter isn’t a wet station where parents breastfeed and change diapers. Go play marbles with fellow boys,” Boniface Mwangi tweeted.



“You’re a thief” Boniface Mwangi’s barrage of insults force Ezekiel Mutua to bury his head in the sand

The new beef in town is between Boniface Mwangi and Ezekiel Mutua. The moral cop clashed with Boniface after the activist cast aspersions on his IQ.

Ezekiel Mutua is one of the most hated persons in Kenya. The Kenya Film and Classification Board (KFCB) chairman has been attacked by so many people.

Boniface ruffled Mutua’s features when he stated that the KFCB boss lacked a sense of judgment. The activist called Mutua outright stupid.

Someone should ban Ezekiel Mutua stupidity,” Boniface Mwangi tweeted.

You can’t even win MCA seat

The moral cop immediately fired back at Boniface. He says the controversial activist is thinking like a toddler that why he can’t even win MCA seat.

“Your infantile thinking and juvenile delinquency is the reason you couldn’t win an MCA seat. Useless activism!” Ezekiel Mutua tweeted.

The KFCB boss however knew he couldn’t stand the heat from Boniface. He chose the block the activist instead of putting up with his insults.

Boniface sensationally claims Ezekiel Mutua is a thief. The activist reveals this in his response to Mutua’s earlier tweet.


“So @EzekielMutua you blocked me but l will still keep reminding you that you’re a thief,you stole TV’s,cash and switched the winners list at Kenya Union of Journalism awards in 2005. Have you told your followers your greed killed KUJ?” Boniface Mwangi tweeted.

Boniface Mwangi suffers burn mark as police attack peaceful protesters at Uhuru Park (Photos)

Boniface Mwangi’s nonpartisan demonstrations turned chaotic as police clamped down on protesters. Once again police brutality was witnessed as Boniface himself suffered injuries.

The rights activist was demonstrating against police killings witnessed across the country. The Thursday demo followed a report by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch highlighting 33 deaths caused by police in Nairobi alone.

Boniface Mwangi suffers burn mark

Boniface Mwangi suffered a burn mark on his chest after an anti-riot police officer lobbed a tear-gas canister straight at him. The rights activist and his Team Courage protesters had assembled at Freedom Corner when anti-riot police moved in to disperse them.

The protesters were dispersed from Uhuru park after police teargassed them. They regrouped at Jevanjee Garden but then again police were on their trail.



Boniface Mwangi plans protests as Amnesty International publishes names of 33 people killed by police

Boniface Mwangi plans to hold nonpartisan demonstrations against police killings. This after Amnesty International revealed police killed 33 people in Nairobi alone.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch on Tuesday October 17th released a report highlighting how the 33 people died.

The 37-page report, titled Kill Those Criminals’: Security Forces’ Violations in Kenya’s August 2017 Elections, documents excessive use of force by police and other security agents against protesters and residents.

Human rights watchdogs says the 33 victims were killed during police operations in Mathare, Kibera, Baba Dogo, Dandora, Korogocho, Kariobangi, and Kawangware. These killings happened between August 9th and 13th 2017.

Boniface’s October 19th demo

Rights Activist Boniface Mwangi plans to hold peaceful demonstrations on Thursday. Boniface calls upon Kenyans from all walks of life to join him at Uhuru Park in demonstrating against police killings.

Boniface Mwangi highlights 5 points why Jubilee attacks on Judiciary is based on false evidence

Jubilee has stepped up its attacks on Judiciary following recent allegations that two Supreme Court judges were in contact with Nasa a few days before the landmark ruling on September 1st.

Rights Activist Boniface Mwangi however believes whatever Jubilee is throwing at the Judiciary is based on false and or cooked evidence.

Below are the 5 important points Boniface Mwangi highlighted:

  1. President Uhuru access to intelligence

I have been following the attacks on the Supreme Court by Jubilee Party and l am shocked. If the Supreme Court Judges were bribed, President Uhuru would have made the transactions public and investigations would have commenced. President Uhuru has access to the military, the National Intelligence Service and Kenya Police Service. If money exchanged hands, it would be very easy for them to track it. If there is probable cause, a search warrant can be issued and the houses of the mentioned Supreme Court judges searched.


2. Sideshows

The hashtags and street protests are just sideshows and unnecessary distractions. They’re a nuisance and they will end up dividing Kenya even more. It’s also shocking to see how the police are treating Jubilee supporters with kid gloves. When NASA supporters exercised their right to protest, they were teargassed, beaten and some shot dead. Jubilee supporters lit fires on the Naivasha highway and harassed people while police stood by protecting them.


3. Victim of fake news

In 2014, I was accused by the government, through the National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC), of receiving money to overthrow the government, but my bank account contained no such funds. That story ran in the media, even though no evidence was produced, and my reputation was discredited. As a victim of fake news and false accusations by paid bloggers, l stand by the Supreme Court. What Jubilee bloggers and paid media are trying to do is discredit and intimidate the Supreme Court Judges before the election petition judgment is read in a few hours. Pure propaganda.

I don’t belong to either NASA or Jubilee, but l believe we must defend the independence of the judiciary. Our courts aren’t perfect, but they deserve our protection from angry, self-centered politicians. The independence of our courts is enshrined in the Constitution and in the recent past they have exhibited this independence by refusing to be swayed by self-seeking politicians.


    4. Court upheld Uhuru’s win in 2013

The Supreme Court upheld President Uhuru Kenyatta’s election in 2013, so is he implying that he bribed the Judges to get that favourable judgement? Or is it bribery only when the judgement doesn’t favour him? President Uhuru has every right to disagree with the ruling, but trashing the court publicly is immature, shameful and demeaning the office that he occupies. CORD, now NASA, also attacked the Supreme Court after the 2013 decision, but their attacks weren’t as malicious and vengeful. Jubilee politicians have threatened to reduce the powers of the Supreme Court. A few misguided politicians even want the Constitution, a posterity document serving 48 million people, amended just because they’re upset by one ruling.


5. Private citizen who file case against supreme court judges had access to call logs

And the attacks don’t stop there. What’s more shocking is the case filed in court by a private citizen against the Supreme Court Judges. As part of the alleged evidence mentioned in this case are call logs. How did a private citizen manage to get access to call logs? Everyone has a right to privacy. Neither the government nor your mobile service provider have any business meddling in your life without probable cause and a court order. That petitioner is a lackey. The CEO of Safaricom, Bob Collymore, should explain how private call logs ended up in the hands of a citizen without a court order. That’s criminal. Either Bob Collymore denies the call logs’ legitimacy, or admits he has allowed the state and thugs to unlawfully access personal call data. We know, as a fact, that Safaricom refused to hand over call logs to the ICC when requested to do so. You may see this as a partisan issue, but unless we protect our privacy, the precedent set spells doom for all of us. We go back to the dark days of the Nyayo era.


Boniface’s conclusion:

Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga are past their prime age. 70% of Kenya’s 48 million people are under 35. We shall outlive both Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga. We must protect our future using TRUTH, not TRIBE. Defending the Supreme Court, as an institution, from bullying and harassment is ensuring respect for the rule of law and, one day, our children’s children will fully trust the courts and live to see the mighty and powerful jailed.

I wish Uhuru Kenyatta had used the same energy he is using against the Supreme Court to fight corruption and impunity. #TeamCourage


“Moses Kuria is no ordinary Kenyan” Boniface Mwangi provides in-depth understanding of Gatundu South MP

Rights Activist Boniface Mwangi has the answer for those who can’t comprehend why Moses Kuria is unapologetic about his inciteful utterences.

The controversial Gatundu South MP has stepped up attacks on Raila Odinga and Kenyans from specific enthic background prompting public outcry.

Rights Activist Boniface Mwangi has since stepped forth to provide an indepth understanding of Kuria.

“Moses Kuria is no ordinary Kenyan. He is the poster boy for hate speech in Kenya. Moses Kuria comments are beyond disgusting, they’re criminal. National Cohesion and Integration Commission is useless,they have failed to nail Moses Kuria,the hate-monger,” Boniface Mwangi wrote in part.

Boniface reminded Kenyas to read an essay he wrote on August 7th 2015 which reveals why Kuria is ‘untouchable’ and why his service is highly appreciated by his party.

Read Boniface’s essay below:

“The rich man’s fart doesn’t smell. On Sunday 2nd,August 2015, Moses Kuria flew to Tanzania to watch the Gor Mahia Vs Azam game. Nothing special for a Kenyan to go watch a football match, except Moses Kuria is no ordinary Kenyan. He is the poster boy for hate speech in Kenya. His utterances have largely been against a community who arguably make up the largest percentage of Gor Mahia’s primary fans and he has two ongoing cases for hate speech. Never mind that he is a member of parliament who was elected unopposed because the president’s party wanted an attack dog against the opposition.

“Moses Kuria’s support for Gor was celebrated by the usual twitter trolls. The paid twitter brigade retweeted images of Moses wearing a Gor T-shirt. Why was there so much excitement that a hate-monger was going to watch the game? Well, he was carrying a package of Ksh 500,000 for the cash strapped football team on behalf of Deputy President Ruto. Just because messenger Moses was carrying money, his hate speech stench was ignored.

“On a daily basis Kenyans complain of corrupt politicians who steal and grab land but don’t question where the handouts politicians give us come from.

“President Obama, whose visit we celebrated and whose speeches we lauded, is not known for his philanthropy or contributions to fundraisers. He was elected by young people who donated their own money to his campaign, trusting his vision for transformation. Kenya needs leaders who will create wealth for the people and provide jobs, not handouts.

“Handouts by politicians is not leadership but a sad trickle refund of what they have stolen from the Kenyan taxpayers. We need to stop taking or celebrating these handouts. #StopTheHypocrisy”


Boniface Mwangi expresses his joy as Steve Mbogo finally challenges Jaguar’s win in court (Photos)

Jaguar clinched Starehe parliamentary seat after beating ODM’s Steve Mbogo and Ukweli party’s Boniface Mwangi in August 8th general election.

The popular singer managed to garner 52,132 votes compared to Mbogo’s 32,357 votes and Boniface Mwangi who bagged 13,413 votes.

Mbogo was quick to dismiss Jaguar’s win right from the word go, the ODM candidate embarked on a mission to gather evidence to prove the singer was unrightfully elected as Starehe MP.

Steve Mbogo at his office preparing documents to present in court to challenge Jaguar’s win

“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself. Filing my petition tomorrow at 9am … Starehe constituents have spoken ….. Justice must prevail…..” Mbogo wrote a day before he finally filed the petition in court challenging Jaguar’s win.

Mbogo through his lawyer Anthony Oluoch filed the petition in court yesterday September 6th; he claimed that he has hard evidence to prove the Returning Officer selectively manipulated and deliberately distorted votes cast in Starehe.

Steve Mbogo and his lawyers at Milimani law courts

Boniface Mwangi was excited by Steve Mbogo’s move to challenge Jaguar’s win in court. He was confident that the court would annul the results of Starehe constituency.

“Starehe’s MP aspirant Steve Mbogo files petition challenging Starehe MP Charles Njagua’s win. Says election wasn’t free and fair. Looks like we might have a by-election in Starehe in the near future. For those who voted for me, thank you. l shall be coming back to ask you and your friends to vote for me. #StareheNiBonnie” wrote Boniface Mwangi.


Boniface Mwangi: Mombasa could use Joho beard treatment to be the cleanest city in the country

Boniface Mwangi has turned his guns on Mombasa Governor whom he accuses of neglecting the city’s hygiene while his beard is well groomed.

The Rights Activist took a swipe at Joho when he visited the city with his daughter, he claims the governor has billboards all over Mombasa yet sanitation was in a sorry state.

“Over the years l have seen Mombasa grow and expand. As we were walking around Mombasa, my daughter asked me, “Is Joho a rich man?” When l asked her why, she replied, “his photos are everywhere. If you haven’t been in Mombasa lately, there are images of Governor Joho everywhere. There are billboards of him every few metres, just like the piles of overflowing garbage. If Joho could put as much effort in cleaning Mombasa as he has put in his personal visibility, Mombasa would be a whole lot cleaner. If Joho put as much effort in cleaning Mombasa as he has put in maintaining that famous beard of his, I bet it would be the cleanest city in the country. Mombasa could use a “Joho beard treatment”, washed and cleaned everyday,” Mwangi wrote in part. 

Mwangi further challenged the Mombasa governor to ensure he delivers service to his people since he is serving his final term in office.

“Most Mombasa people have no memory of a cleaner Mombasa, that’s why they throw garbage anywhere and everywhere. Mombasa and Kenya as a whole needs to create a clean-up culture, weekly community clean-ups should be organized at ward level. Apart from garbage collection, Governor Joho should repair and build pedestrian footpaths, which are almost non-existent, in the entire city of Mombasa. Mombasa is a small, beautiful, friendly city choking with garbage, and unpainted buildings.

As Joho starts his final term as Governor, I hope he will do right by the people of Mombasa and focus on leaving it clean, with reliable water supply and pedestrian walks. Making Mombasa city clean and walkable should be as easy as maintaining his beard. No one spits in a clean house. Once Mombasa is cleaned, the residents and visitors will be proud and will fight to keep it that way. Let’s clean up Mombasa, Joho. #TeamCourage.”




Boniface Mwangi concedes defeat

Rights Activist Boniface Mwangi has accepted the will of the people and congratulated Starehe MP elect in a message that he shared on social media.

Boniface, who was seeking Starehe parliamentary seat on Ukweli Party, conceded defeat and went on to say that he had learnt more from the election.

Jubilee’s Charles Njagua popularly known as Jaguar won majority of the votes cast in Starehe followed by ODM Steve Mbogo while Boniface Mwangi came a distant third.

Below is Boniface Mwangi’s concession message:

We get the future we fight for

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who supported me in this race. My campaign team, who worked day and night to ensure we got this far. The thousands of Kenyans who funded my campaign, thank you. To all the Kenyans who voted for me, thank you for believing in me and demonstrating your hope for building a better Kenya. We ran an honest, innovative and revolutionary campaign; we did our best. l am humbled by the love and support l got from all of you.

Our campaign proved that our country is yearning for change and our people are ready for a different kind of politics. Our campaign has shown that you can run a campaign based on issues and not tribe and that you can actually gain traction from this. This gives me hope in our people and our country. It gives me hope that in 2022, matters of tribe and political party allegiance will no longer be a big deal, as long as you run on issues.

The people of Starehe have spoken and l respect their decision.

To the Starehe MP-elect, l wish you all the best. God bless you and God bless Kenya. #TeamCOURAGE

The Kenya we want! 5 politicians who met their rivals while campaigning exchanged pleasantries and went their way peacefully

Section of Kenyan politicians has demonstrated maturity in politics like what we see in Western countries. These politicians went against tradition to do what wowed Kenyans.

In Kenya, whenever supporters of rival politicians or political factions meet in the campaign trail, chaos is usually what follows. The level of intolerance in Kenyan political scene is sickening.

But there have been events that indicate we are heading in the right direction; politicians meeting their rivals in the campaign trail and exchanging pleasantries instead of fighting.

Below are the few politicians who have demonstrated maturity:

Wycliffe Oparanya

Kakamega governor who is seeking re-election on ODM ticket was lauded after he was seen waving and exchanging pleasantries with Jubilee supporters while on a campaign trail in his county. Oparanya asked his supporters to desist from witch hunt and hate.

Kakamega Wycliffe Oparanya interacts with Jubilee supporters

Johnson Sakaja

Jubilee candidate for Nairobi senatorial seat lit up social media when he posted a photo of his interaction with Nasa supporters.

“Stopped to say hi to these NASA supporters who were heading to their own political engagements earlier today. Great interaction. #SiasaSafi” Sakaja tweeted on July 15th.

Johnson Sakaja interacts with Nasa supporters

Boniface Mwangi and Jaguar

Jubilee candidate for Starehe parliamentary seat Charles Kanyi Njagua alias Jaguar and Ukweli Party candidate Boniface Mwangi met during their campaign trail at Kariokor market.

The two celebrity politicians had a friendly chat and even Boniface gave Jaguar a copy of his manifesto before each camp went on their way to campaign.

Boniface Mwangi shares a copy of his manifesto to Jaguar when they met while campaigning

Evans Kidero

Nairobi governor Evans Kidero who is seeking re-election on ODM party ticket caused tongues to wag when he interacted with Jubile supporters on Friday, August 4th.

Kidero ran into Jubilee supporters while he was campaigning in Embakasi and he ended up waving and exchanging pleasantries with residents who bore Jubilee-branded shirts.

Nairobi governor Evans Kidero interacts with Jubilee supporters in Embakasi

Kenyans wowed as Boniface Mwangi and Jaguar meet during their campaign trail in Starehe

A month ago Boniface Mwangi called Jaguar a socialite and even claimed the singer was defacing his campaign posters. But yesterday July 27th things were different when Boniface met Jaguar.

Starehe constituency seat is a hotly contested race with three aspirants Jaguar, Steve Mbogo and Boniface Mwangi all eyeing the same seat.

Boniface Mwangi previously had issues with Jaguar whom he accused of sabotaging his campaign in Starehe constituency.

Also read: Boniface Mwangi produces evidence to prove Jaguar is sabotaging his campaign in Starehe

On Thursday however Boniface and Jaguar met while they were both campaigning in Kariakor. The Rights Activist gave Jaguar a copy of his manifesto, shared a few jokes and went back to his campaign.

Boniface Mwangi campaigns in Starehe on Thursday

The nonviolent approach that Jaguar and Boniface showcased melted the hearts of Kenyans who lauded them for showing political maturity despite both running for a political seat for the first time.

Jaguar campaigns in Starehe


Comedian Njugush openly endorses Boniface Mwangi for Starehe seat

Boniface Mwangi now has the support of popular comedian Njuguna in his bid to be the next Member of Parliament (MP) for Starehe constituency.

All eyes will be on Starehe constituency come August 8th, all the three frontrunners are celebrities who command huge following. It will be interesting to see who carries the day.

Bonfica Mwangi, who will be facing off with Jubilee’s Jaguar and ODM’s Steve Mbogo, has now won the support of Njuguna.

The two (Boniface and Njugush) were recording the comedian’s new show in the streets of Nairobi where Njuguna openly endorsed Boniface’s candidature.

“Starehe ni Boni, Boni ni Starehe” Njuguna said.

Watch the video below: