Jane Kirubi – I persuaded Kathy not to break up with Allan while they were dating

On July 17, 2024, a solemn yet heartfelt service was held at JCC Paradise in Thindigua, Kiambu County, to celebrate the life of the late Bishop Allan Kiuna.

One of the most moving tributes came from Jane Kirubi, Bishop Allan Kiuna’s sister-in-law and sister to Reverend Kathy Kiuna. Her words provided a vivid picture of the man Bishop Kiuna was and the deep love within their family.


Kathy Kiuna’s vow to her late husband, Bishop Allan Kiuna

Jane began by reminiscing about the early days when Kathy first met Allan. She described how they would often go for fruit salads at City Market during lunchtime when Kathy worked at an international company on Kenyatta Avenue.

One day, as they were walking back, a tall, handsome man called out to Kathy. Jane humorously noted her surprise at not having heard about this charming individual before.

“A few dates in, and we got to know each other,” she recalled, highlighting how Allan soon became part of their daily routine, joining their trips to City Market. Allan’s charm and presence quickly made him an integral part of their lives.

Jane recounted a particularly challenging time when Allan was between jobs. She remembered a distressing phone call from Kathy, who was considering ending the relationship after Allan had been involved in a car accident with her vehicle. Kathy was distressed, not because of the car damage, but because she felt uncertain about Allan’s future prospects.


Kathy Kiuna reveals the two times she sought mum’s help to resolve conflicts with Bishop Allan Kiuna

“Then he used to borrow my sister’s car and one day my sister called me very distressed, that Allan had been in an accident. I’m like, don’t worry, we will fix the car. But Kathy was like, no, I think I need to cut him loose because it’s been months and the guy doesn’t have a job. During that time Allan was in between jobs, basically jobless. That day I was on his side… I convinced her not to dump him. Because she really was going to,” she said.

She persuaded Kathy to give Allan another chance, sensing the potential and genuine love between them.

Jane spoke highly of her sister Kathy, describing her as a true Proverbs 31 woman, a pillar of strength and virtue. She recounted how, even in Allan’s final moments, Kathy’s love and dedication were unwavering.

“My sister is that Proverbs 31 woman. You all don’t understand. When her husband checked out she didn’t want to let go. She told him no baby don’t go, we have a lot we still have to do. Please hang around. My sister, when I look at you I’m so heartbroken.

“I know how you loved him, I know how he loved you,” Jane said, her voice filled with empathy and sorrow. She expressed her heartbreak for her sister but also conveyed a message of hope and faith, encouraging Kathy to find strength in God during this difficult time.

The service saw an outpouring of support from various quarters, including notable leaders. Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and his wife, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, were among the attendees. They praised the fallen Bishop for his contributions to the church and the community. Pastor Dorcas offered words of encouragement to Kathy, urging her to remain steadfast in her faith and continue the work that she and Allan had started together.

Kathy Kiuna’s vow to her late husband, Bishop Allan Kiuna

In a deeply moving church service at JCC Paradise in Kiambu on July 17, 2024, Reverend Kathy Kiuna made a heartfelt promise to her late husband, Bishop Allan Kiuna.

The service, filled with emotional moments and tearful remembrances, saw Kathy clinging to Rev Teresa Wairimu, affectionately known as ‘Mum,’ for support.


Allan Kiuna Biography: Born In A Slum To Sh460 Million Cancer Battle

Reflecting on their nearly 30-year journey together, Kathy expressed the profound bond she shared with Bishop Allan.

“Not only was Bishop my husband. He was my best friend… For 30 years we have been together, he loved me loudly and openly. And I loved him with all my life,” she said, her voice breaking with emotion.

During the service, Kathy thanked Bishop Masinde for his comforting words, which reminded her of God’s unwavering faithfulness.

She also expressed gratitude to everyone who supported her during this difficult time. “Thank you everybody for just stepping in. I don’t take it for granted,” she acknowledged, highlighting the importance of community and faith in her journey of healing.

In an emotional moment, Kathy made a touching promise to her late husband. “I want to make a promise to you, baby. Honey, you raised me well. I did not even know I could preach. But you saw it, honey. And you said, ‘You can do this.’ You called it out. And I have been doing that with you urging me every step of the way,” she said, her words filled with determination and love.


Kathy Kiuna and her children shed effusive tears as they view Allan Kiuna’s body

She vowed to continue the work they started together, ensuring that their shared vision and mission would live on.

“Look what the Lord has done. I just want to tell you, honey, we will make you proud. That he who began the good work in us is faithful to complete it… We will make you proud, honey,” she declared, her faith and commitment evident in every word.

The service was a testament to the deep impact Bishop Allan had on those around him. Friends, family, and congregants gathered to honor his memory and support Kathy in her time of grief.

The atmosphere was one of solidarity, as the community came together to celebrate the life and legacy of a beloved leader.

Bishop Allan Kiuna’s influence extended far beyond his immediate family. His teachings and leadership touched countless lives, leaving a lasting legacy of love and faith.

As Kathy steps into her new role, she carries with her the strength and wisdom imparted by her husband, ready to lead with the same fervor and commitment.

Kathy Kiuna and her children shed effusive tears as they view Allan Kiuna’s body

Kathy Kiuna and two of her three children, Vanessa and Jeremy, were overcome with grief as they viewed Bishop Allan Kiuna’s body at the Lee Funeral Home before his burial.

During the visit, Kathy was seen consoling Jeremy, who leaned on his father’s casket. The hearse later departed for JCC Paradise in Thindigua, where the funeral service is currently taking place.

Watch the video below for more details:

@letrisejamesIt’s hard to say goodbye. Rev. Kathy Kiuna pays her last respects to Bishop Allan Kiuna.

♬ Very Sad – Enchan

Kathy Kiuna reveals the two times she sought mum’s help to resolve conflicts with Bishop Allan Kiuna

In an emotional memorial service held at the Faith Evangelistic Ministries Church in Karen on July 15, Reverend Kathy Kiuna reminisced about her early years with her late husband, Bishop Allan Kiuna, and the significant role Reverend Teresia Wairimu, Allan’s spiritual mentor and their ‘mum,’ played in their lives.


What Allan Kiuna Told Rev. Kathy Kiuna Before His Death

Rev. Kathy recalled a poignant moment when Allan introduced her to his spiritual mother, Reverend Teresia Wairimu. She recounted the surprise and slight embarrassment she felt when Allan did not inform her beforehand, leading her to meet the esteemed Reverend in shorts.

“My husband was the firstborn of this family of mums. You know that she loved him so dearly. She literally made him who he was, and he acknowledged that all his life,” Kathy began. She humorously added, “When he first took me to mum, I was a 24-year-old young girl. And he never told me he was bringing me to you. I would have dressed like this at least. But he took me to mum when I was in shorts.”

Kathy continued, “That’s the time mum was ministering at City Hall and Charter Hall, and that’s when I knew that mum sees you even in the intestines. Like she knows everything inside out about you.”

Despite her initial apprehension, Kathy admitted that Reverend Teresia accepted her as she was and saw her spiritual suitability as Allan’s wife. “I was like, how are you gonna take me to her wearing shorts? Khai, she can see everything, even what I ate. But she looked at me and told him, ‘This is she.'”


“I’m Wounded & Hurt, I Don’t Know What to Do” – Kathy Kiuna’s Emotional Tribute to Her Husband

“My mum caught me in the spirit; she didn’t see the shorts. She saw in the spirit that I was the wife. And she told him as much, and he had taken other girls before. She said, ‘Don’t even dare bring that one to me, I don’t even want to see them,'” Kathy shared.

“She had rejected everyone else until she saw me and said I was the one. And mum, how so prophetic that yes, I was his wife, and I walked the journey with mum with my husband all the days of our marriage,” Kathy added.

Kathy also humorously recalled the times she sought Reverend Teresia’s intervention in times of need. “Any time that my husband…there were few, like only twice, that I called mum. The first time, I went to mum and brought her right into my bedroom. My husband didn’t know I was bringing her; he thought it was me entering. I went in with mum and said, ‘Mum, here is your son, deal with him.'”

“By the time mum was done, the boy was on the ground worshipping God, saying ‘I’m sorry.’ But it was just twice. He was an obedient son,” Kathy added.

Kathy also spoke about Allan’s long battle with illness, which began in 2018. “It was a long journey that started in 2018. In 2021, he started feeling pain in his leg and later became cancer-free in 2023. Again, he started getting unwell in February 2024. He started ailing in May, then in June…”

Allan Kiuna will be laid to rest on July 17, 2024.

Bishop Allan Kiuna to be laid to rest today

Bishop Allan Kiuna of the Jubilee Christian Church will be laid to rest today, Wednesday, in Thindigua, Kiambu County.

Several dignitaries, including Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, are expected to attend the send-off ceremony at JCC Paradise, Thindigua.

A memorial service was held on Monday at Faith Evangelistic Ministry Family Church in Karen.


Kathy Kiuna Recounts How She Met Her Husband Allan Kiuna

Kiuna passed away on July 9 at a hospital in Nairobi after a long battle with Multiple Myeloma.

His spouse, Reverend Kathy Kiuna, described him as an epitome of strength who battled cancer with hope.

Kiuna, 57, was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2018-19, a battle he publicly shared.

Kathy said he underwent a bone marrow transplant after which he was given a clean bill of health by doctors.

She said Kiuna started feeling unwell again in 2021 but was declared cancer-free later that year.

However, Kathy added that Kiuna began feeling unwell again in May this year.

In her tribute during the memorial service, Kathy revealed that her husband had a premonition of his death.


Bishop Kiuna’s family issues official statement after his untimely death, outlining the way forward

“He said, ‘I want to go home,’ and he was saying it in front of us. I told him he was already home because we were in the house, but he said he wanted to go home,” she said.

Kathy described Kiuna as her best friend, someone she had known more than she had been alone.

“I have known him more than I have been alone; I’ve been with him more than I have been by myself. I don’t know how to do life without this man,” she said.

Allan Kiuna Biography: Born In A Slum To Sh460 Million Cancer Battle

The late Bishop Allan Kiuna rose from humble beginnings, battling alcoholism, to become one of Kenya’s most influential and wealthiest pastors.

Bishop Allan Kiuna was a distinguished pastor, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur, renowned for his dynamic leadership and profound impact on the religious community.


Mama Rachel, Pastor Dorcas Attend Allan Kiuna’s Memorial Service [PHOTOS]

As the co-founder and overseer of Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) alongside his wife, Reverend Kathy Kiuna, he transformed the church into one of Kenya’s largest and most influential ministries. His charismatic preaching style and practical teachings garnered a vast following both in Kenya and globally.

Allan Kiuna’s Early Life

Allan Kiuna was born at Pumwani Maternity Hospital and raised in Jericho, Nairobi, where his parents lived. When he was about 10 years old, his parents separated, and his mother moved to the Kariobangi North slums with her children, living in a one-room house on a monthly income of only Sh800. Kiuna attended Kimathi Estate Primary School, Ofafa Jericho High School, and Parklands High School for his A levels, later pursuing accounting at the tertiary level.

Growing up, Kiuna was introduced to alcohol and other substances at 14. This lifestyle affected his focus in school, leading to poor performance and the necessity to repeat his final high school exams. At 19, he turned his life around and committed to Christianity. Later, he reconnected with his father, who had moved to the village, and supported him financially until his death from liver cirrhosis in 2006.

Allan Kiuna’s Career

After completing his accounting studies, Kiuna worked as a cashier at a local bank. With his first salary, he moved from Kariobangi North to Buruburu and then to another bank as an accountant. Despite not having a passion for banking, he worked for about four years before quitting without a backup plan, feeling a calling to start a church ministry.

After leaving his banking job, Kiuna served Reverend Teresia Wairimu, doing menial tasks and gradually finding his path in ministry.

Meeting Kathy Kiuna

Kiuna met his wife Kathy while serving under Reverend Wairimu. Kathy was part of a worship team in a church where Rev. Wairimu often preached. Initially, Kiuna did not think much of her, but he eventually became interested and asked her out. They got married in 1994 and had three children together. Kiuna described Kathy as a supportive partner who stood by him during financial struggles.

Starting His Own Church

Bishop Kiuna

From 1996 to 1998, the couple served in Rev. Wairimu’s church. In 1999, Kiuna felt called by God to start their own church. With Rev. Wairimu’s blessing, they began their ministry in a small part of a hotel on Kimathi Street in Nairobi CBD. The church grew into the Jubilee Christian Centre, with locations in the UK, South Africa, and the U.S.


What Allan Kiuna Told Rev. Kathy Kiuna Before His Death

Allan Kiuna’s Children

The Kiunas’ welcome another grandchild

The couple has three children: Venessa, a lawyer; Stephanie, an architect; and Jeremy, who works in finance.

Allan Kiuna’s Assets

Allan Kiuna was among Kenya’s wealthiest preachers. The couple owns a mansion in Runda, featuring intricate architectural design and multiple levels. The property includes large windows, a grand entryway, manicured lawns, and vibrant flower beds. There are also reports of Kiuna owning a Cessna Citation X 1997 model worth Sh2.4 billion and other luxury cars.

Cancer Battle

Kiuna was diagnosed with multiple myeloma cancer in 2018/2019. He shared his battle publicly in 2019, expressing gratitude to God for his recovery. Reverend Kathy Kiuna revealed that chemotherapy caused him to lose hair, gain weight, and become physically weak. Kiuna underwent a year of treatment in the United States, costing approximately Sh460 million. Despite the financial burden, he credited God for providing for him during this time.

In early 2023, Kiuna returned home cancer-free, celebrating his 57th birthday and the couple’s 29th anniversary. However, it is unclear when the cancer relapsed, leading to his eventual demise.

What Allan Kiuna Told Rev. Kathy Kiuna Before His Death

Reverend Kathy Kiuna shared a heartfelt account of her husband, Bishop Allan Kiuna’s, final moments. She revealed that before his passing, she and other men of God prayed fervently around his hospital bed for three hours.


Vanessa and Jeremy Kiuna’s Heartfelt Tributes to Father Bishop Allan Kiuna

Bishop Allan Kiuna passed away on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, while receiving treatment at Nairobi Hospital.

“I don’t think we’ve ever prayed so hard in our lives,” Kathy recounted. “When Bishop went to be with the Lord and took his last breath, I told him, ‘Listen Bishop, you tell Jesus it’s not yet time.’ When I saw he wasn’t responding, I started begging him, ‘Please baby, you can’t, this is not the hour.'”

Kathy explained that they prayed for three hours, telling the nurses, “Leave us, you don’t get it.” Despite their efforts, she acknowledged that the will of God was done. “In our human nature, there was nothing we didn’t try.”


“I’m Wounded & Hurt, I Don’t Know What to Do” – Kathy Kiuna’s Emotional Tribute to Her Husband

Kathy shared that Bishop Allan repeatedly said, “I’m going home.” Despite their refusal to accept it, God made it clear to them. “He made him keep quiet. For the last two weeks or so, he was just quiet, looking at us. He eventually just closed his eyes.”

“He was like, ‘You know what, I’m done with you. I’ve already told you I’m going home, you have refused, now I’ll shut you out,'” she said.

Kathy emphasized that her husband did not die prematurely. “Bishop went to be with the Lord at the opportune time,” she affirmed.

President Ruto Offers Condolences to Kathy Kiuna Following Bishop Allan Kiuna’s Passing

President William Ruto has extended his heartfelt condolences to the family of Bishop Allan Kiuna, who passed away on Tuesday after a prolonged battle with Multiple Myeloma Cancer.

Ruto mourned Bishop Kiuna as a committed Christian leader who founded the Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) and inspired many to embrace the teachings of the Lord.


Remembering Bishop Allan Kiuna: Facts About His Life, Family, and Legacy

“It is with profound sorrow that I learned of the passing of Bishop Allan Kiuna. I join the Christian community in mourning his death. Bishop Kiuna was a dedicated Christian leader who founded the Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) and inspired many to follow the teachings of the Lord. To his wife, Rev. Kathy Kiuna, and family, we stand with you in this time of grief and mourning, and pray that you find the courage to persevere through this trying period. May he rest in peace,” President Ruto expressed.

The family confirmed his death through a press release, urging for privacy as they cope with their loss.

“It is with heartfelt condolences that today we announce our beloved Bishop Allan Kiuna has gone to be with the Lord. Bishop Allan Kiuna, the general overseer and founder of Jubilee Christian Church was an extraordinary man who touched the lives of many and had a great passion for ministering not just locally but globally,” the statement read.

His unwavering faith, compassion, and dedication to the church and community have left an indelible mark on all who knew him. He was not only a spiritual leader but also a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend.

The Kiuna family and the JCC community expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support and messages of condolences received from Kenyans across the nation.


Bishop Kiuna’s family issues official statement after his untimely death, outlining the way forward

“As a church and as a family, we appreciate the outpouring of love and support, especially from our church family. We kindly request some privacy as we go through this challenging time of mourning and reflection,” they added.

Several prominent Kenyans also paid tribute to Bishop Allan Kiuna:

  • @theRealPitson: “The last time we met, you told me, ‘Pitson, never stop singing about Jesus.’ Bishop Allan Kiuna, a shepherd to my generation, my nation, and my city. Through trials and triumphs, you showed us the way. Your legacy, a testament that will never decay. Rest in Peace, Bishop.”
  • @aweexperience: “With very heavy hearts, we honor the memory of Bishop Allan Kiuna, God’s steward at Jubilee Christian Church in Parklands, a shepherd of souls and a beacon of faith. May his legacy inspire generations to come. Rest in eternal peace, Bishop Allan.”
  • @MuchiriGichuri: “The Body of Christ in Kenya has today lost one of its most dependable servants and kingdom-minded individuals. Bishop Allan Kiuna touched countless lives with his wisdom, kindness, and unwavering faith. May his soul rest in eternal peace.”
  • @Panjoka: “This is extremely sad. RIP Bishop Allan Kiuna. Blessed are those who die in the LORD. They rest from their labor.”
  • @SyombuaOsiany: “Revelation 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Write this down: Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed, for they will rest from their hard work; for their good deeds follow them!’ Rest, Bishop Allan Kiuna.”

Vanessa and Jeremy Kiuna’s Heartfelt Tributes to Father Bishop Allan Kiuna

The passing of Bishop Allan Kiuna, founder of Jubilee Christian Church (JCC), has deeply impacted his family, particularly his children, who have turned to social media to mourn their beloved father.


Bishop Kiuna’s family issues official statement after his untimely death, outlining the way forward

Jeremy Kiuna, one of Bishop Kiuna’s three children, took to Instagram to express his profound sorrow and admiration for his father. In his tribute, Jeremy described Bishop Kiuna as “a man after God’s own heart” and expressed his enduring love. He shared a poignant Bible verse from Philippians 3:8, emphasizing the supreme value of knowing Christ.

Just a month before Bishop Kiuna’s passing, Jeremy celebrated Father’s Day with a moving message, calling his father a real-life Superman and his best friend. He expressed deep gratitude for Bishop Kiuna’s exemplary leadership and unconditional love, highlighting how his father had shaped him into a man.

“To the man that words can’t describe; words just don’t do justice. The real-life Superman, all I can say is thank you Bishop Kiuna for being an amazing example, for being a leader of men, and not just that but for being my BEST FRIEND,” Jeremy wrote.

He further expressed his ongoing admiration, emphasizing that one day wasn’t enough to honor Bishop Kiuna. Jeremy concluded with a heartfelt declaration of love and gratitude, affirming that his father was the most incredible father in his eyes.


Remembering Bishop Allan Kiuna: Facts About His Life, Family, and Legacy

Vanessa Kiuna, Bishop Kiuna’s daughter, also shared her grief on Instagram, struggling to find words that could adequately express her emotions. She acknowledged the profound loss her family was experiencing, reflecting on her father’s passing.

“I’ve been trying to find the strength to repost this and I still don’t have it, but here we are. Words cannot explain what we are going through, but I know dad is in a better place. Rest well dad, I will miss you forever and a day,” Vanessa wrote.

Both Vanessa and Jeremy’s tributes offer a glimpse into the deep love, respect, and admiration they held for their father, Bishop Allan Kiuna, whose legacy will continue to inspire many.

Remembering Bishop Allan Kiuna: Facts About His Life, Family, and Legacy

Bishop Allan Kiuna, the revered founder of Jubilee Christian Church (JCC), peacefully passed away on July 9, 2024, following a courageous battle with cancer.

In a heartfelt statement, his family shared, “It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of our beloved Bishop Allan Kiuna, who has gone to be with the Lord. He was a visionary leader who touched countless lives, both locally and globally.”

Here are some lesser-known facts about Bishop Allan Kiuna:

  • Marriage to Kathy Kiuna: Bishop Allan Kiuna married Reverend Kathy Kiuna on December 10, 1994.
  • Children: He was a proud father of three children: two daughters, Vanessa and Stephanie, and a son, Jeremy.
  • Public Battle with Cancer: In 2019, Bishop Kiuna publicly announced his battle with multiple myeloma cancer.
  • Declared Cancer-Free: By 2023, he joyously declared himself cancer-free.
  • Early Life: He grew up in Eastlands, Nairobi.
  • Nearly Three Decades of Marriage: Allan and Kathy Kiuna were married for almost 30 years.
  • Birth and Age: Bishop Kiuna would have turned 58 in December 2024.
  • First Date: He took Kathy on their first date at Utalii Hotel.
  • Personal Challenges: At one point, he endured hardships, including sleeping on the floor after facing financial difficulties.
  • Founder of JCC: Bishop Allan Kiuna founded Jubilee Christian Church in 1994, driven by his faith and vision.
  • Spiritual Leadership: He served as the founder and bishop, guiding JCC as a prominent Christian institution.
  • Wealth and Influence: He was known as one of Kenya’s wealthiest preachers, recognized for his impactful ministry.
  • Ethnicity: Bishop Kiuna belonged to the Kikuyu tribe.
  • Health Struggles: He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma cancer in 2018 or 2019, a battle he fought with resilience until his passing on July 9, 2024.

Bishop Allan Kiuna’s life and legacy are marked by his unwavering faith, dedication to ministry, and profound impact on the lives of many.

Kathy Kiuna Recounts How She Met Her Husband Allan Kiuna

Kathy Kiuna, co-founder of JCC, recently shared the story of how she first met her husband, Pastor Allan Kiuna.

During an interview on Kameme FM, Kathy recalled the moment vividly, noting that she had noticed Allan earlier but didn’t realize he had also taken notice of her.


Bishop Kiuna’s family issues official statement after his untimely death, outlining the way forward

“I was on my way to a lunch hour evangelism meeting when I spotted Allan making a phone call. I had seen him before with my sister, who had remarked on his good looks,” Kathy said.

As she passed by, Allan interrupted his call and asked her to wait a moment so he could speak with her. “After he finished his call, he greeted me with ‘Hi Kathy,'” she continued. “I was surprised because I didn’t think he knew my name. He then asked me out to lunch, but I turned him down initially.”

Despite playing hard to get, Kathy hoped Allan wouldn’t give up. “Deep down, I prayed that God wouldn’t let him slip away. The second time he asked, knowing it wouldn’t be wise to refuse twice, I agreed.”


JCC schedules 5 memorial services for Bishop Allan Kiuna

“On our first date, I shared with him that I had a 3-year-old daughter,” Kathy added. “He was genuinely excited and eager to meet her. From that moment, we became the best of friends.”

Kathy and Allan have now been happily married for over 25 years, their journey together marked by a deep friendship and mutual respect.

Bishop Kiuna’s family issues official statement after his untimely death, outlining the way forward

The family of Jubilee Christian Church Founder Bishop Allan Kiuna has released an official statement following his untimely passing.

In their heartfelt message, the family confirmed Bishop Kiuna’s death and requested privacy during this challenging time.

“It is with heartfelt condolences that we announce our beloved Bishop Allan Kiuna has gone to be with the Lord.

Bishop Allan Kiuna, the general overseer and founder of Jubilee Christian Church, was an extraordinary man who touched the lives of many and had a great passion for ministering not just locally but globally,” the statement read in part.

“His unwavering faith, compassion, and dedication to the church and community have left an indelible mark on all who knew him. He was not only a spiritual leader but also a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend.”

The Kiuna family and the JCC fraternity expressed their gratitude for the messages of condolence received from Kenyans across the nation.

“As a church and as a family, we appreciate the outpouring of love and support, especially from our church family. We kindly request some privacy as we navigate this challenging time of mourning and reflection,” they added.

The statement also announced the commencement of services to honor Bishop Kiuna’s memory and legacy.

Memorial Services Schedule:

  • Wednesday, July 10 to Friday, July 12, 2024: Evening services will be held at JCC Parklands from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM.
  • Saturday, July 13, 2024: A service will be held from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
  • Sunday, July 14, 2024: A special worship service will take place starting at 9:00 AM.

The family invited everyone to join them in prayer for the family and the broader church community. They emphasized the importance of respecting the family’s need for privacy during this period of mourning.

“Thank you for the love and support once again, and God bless you all.”



Kenyan leaders eulogise the late Bishop Allan Kiuna

Yesterday, Kenyans were saddened by the news of the passing of Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) founder and head overseer, Bishop Allan Kiuna.

The announcement was met with deep sorrow, prompting an outpouring of condolence messages from across the nation. Among those who paid tribute were prominent Kenyan leaders, who shared heartfelt messages in memory of the late cleric. Mpasho has compiled some of these messages:


JCC schedules 5 memorial services for Bishop Allan Kiuna

“The last time we met, you told me, ‘Pitson, never stop singing about Jesus.’ Bishop Allan Kiuna was a shepherd to my generation, my nation, and my city. Through trials and triumphs, you showed us the way. Your legacy is a testament that will never decay. Rest in Peace, Bishop.”

Syombua Osiany
“Revelation 14:13 – And I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Write this down: Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed, for they will rest from their hard work; for their good deeds follow them!’ Rest, Bishop Allan Kiuna.”

Alinur Mohamed
“Rest in peace, Bishop Allan Kiuna. Pole sana Mama Kathy Kiuna, family, and friends.”

Gerald Bitok
“Sincere condolences to the family of Bishop Allan Kiuna. May his soul rest in eternal peace, and may the family find comfort.”

Dennis Itumbi, CBS
“Bishop Allan Kiuna, safiri salama. You left a mark in many hearts, won many souls, disrupted the norm, and importantly, impacted many journeys on earth. To Rev. Kathy and family, Mungu awabariki and be comforted.”

Mwenda Thuranira
“I am greatly saddened by the demise of Bishop Allan Kiuna, a man renowned for his unwavering faith and his mandate to the gospel. May our good Comforter, our God, comfort his dear wife, children, and all the JCC fraternity. RIP servant of God.”

Dr. Ezekiel Mutua, MBS
“Bishop Allan Kiuna preached with zeal, power, and conviction, never holding back even in the face of criticism. His powerful sermons and transformative leadership made JCC a global brand. He touched so many people with the power of his faith. My sincere condolences to Rev. Kathy and the entire family, the JCC fraternity, and the church at large. May Bishop’s soul rest in peace.”


From sleeping on a cold floor to owning a mansion: The Kiunas tell their story

Bishop Margaret Wanjiru
“Bishop Allan Kiuna was a great man of God who blessed many with his sermons and contributions to the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Words are not enough to describe his immense dedication and achievements. For all the lives he touched, including mine, we give God all the glory. We do not mourn; rather, we celebrate his life because we know that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. To Rev. Kathy Kiuna and the JCC family, may the Father of all comfort strengthen you now and in the days to come.”

Kanini Kega, CBS
“A very sad day indeed. Fare Thee Well, my friend Bishop Allan Kiuna of JCC church. May you shine on your way. Sad!”

Dorcas Rigathi
“A gallant soldier has rested: Bishop Allan Kiuna of Jubilee Christian Churches. My heart goes out to Rev. Kathy Kiuna and her family as the nation mourns the loss of a great teacher of the Word and a pillar in the body of Christ. On behalf of the Office of the Deputy President and my family, we stand with you in prayer. May God comfort and strengthen you to bear this great loss of a father and husband. Further to the JCC fraternity and the entire body of Christ, may the peace of God reign in your hearts at this difficult moment. Our Bishop has fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7). To God be the glory. My departed brother, rest in peace and shine on to glory until we meet again at Jesus’ feet.”

Hon Didmus Barasa
“Bishop Allan Kiuna made a significant impact through his ministry. His dedication and powerful sermons resonated with many. His passing is undoubtedly a great loss to his family, friends, the JCC fraternity, and the church community. My heartfelt condolences to Rev. Kathy and everyone affected by this loss. May his soul rest in eternal peace. #RestinPeace”

JCC schedules 5 memorial services for Bishop Allan Kiuna

The Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) has announced a series of memorial services to honor their late founder and overseer, Bishop Allan Kiuna.

Bishop Kiuna passed away on Tuesday at a Nairobi hospital, where he was receiving treatment.

The Church has indicated that more details on the funeral arrangements will be shared in due course.

“We invite everyone to join us in praying for the family and the broader church community during this difficult time,” JCC stated.

The memorial services will commence today, Wednesday, and continue through Friday, July 12, with three services held daily from 5 pm to 7:30 pm at JCC Parklands.

A fourth service is scheduled for Saturday, July 13, at the same venue, from 2 pm to 5 pm.

The final service will take place on Sunday, July 14, featuring special worship to celebrate Bishop Kiuna’s life and legacy, beginning at 9 am.

The church remembered Bishop Kiuna as an exceptional individual who profoundly influenced many lives and had a fervent dedication to spreading the word of God globally.

“His steadfast faith, compassion, and commitment to the church and community have left an unforgettable impact on all who knew him,” the church noted.

Bishop Kiuna’s passing was confirmed by a family spokesman, who mentioned that he had been admitted to the hospital following a deterioration in his health on Tuesday.

He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma cancer in 2018/2019.

Tears of joy flow freely as the Kiunas welcome bouncing baby boy

It is all dance and praise in the Kiuna family after the celebrity pastors welcomed a new addition into their family.

Now blessed to be called grandparents a third time after their second-born daughter, Stephanie and her mzungu lover, Wulner successfully delivered a bouncing baby boy.

Also read: From sleeping on a cold floor to owning a mansion: The Kiunas tell their story

News made public by the flamboyant man of God who could not hold back his joy, filled with tears of gratitude to God.

The Kiunas family

Barely days old, the new bundle of joy has already been named baby Ethan Allan according to a long moving post by the city Bishop, online.

Please thank God together with me, my wife and our family as we welcome the most handsome grandson in the universe ETHAN ALLAN!!! TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE!!! read Bishop Allan Kiuna’s post in part.

Baby Ethan Allan

Admitting he had no words to explain just how well God had done for them, urging fans to keep them in their prayers as he continued to shower over his Caucasian son-in-law with unending praises.

“May God’s best be on the WULNER family. We love you so much!!!!! And gosh I can swear i used to look like that at that age????????????????????????????????????????,” continued his post.

Also read: “I saw a man with a vision!” Reverend Kathy Kiuna reveals why she settled for her darling husband

Rev Kathy Kiuna’s wild reaction

His wife on the other hand, shared a fun-filled video clip of her with family and friends dancing to Gods overwhelming goodness upon them. Because for her, if this is exactly what King David felt after God’s favor fell upon him, then she rather dance until the clothes fall off.


Ethan Allan becomes the second child to 24-year old Stephanie Kiuna and lover Wulner after the pair welcomed their first child, baby girl Amanda back in 2017.

Bishop Allan and Rev Kathy also stand as grandparents of Nia Gizelle Kiuna Kovac, their first grandchild born to parents, Vanessa Kiuna and husband Kovac in 2016.

The Kiunas’ growing family

Congratulations to them!

“I saw a man with a vision!” Reverend Kathy Kiuna reveals why she settled for her darling husband

Reverend Kathy Kiuna adores her husband, Allan and thanks to her live session with MC Jessy; we now have a few details concerning the Kiuna’s who have invested quite wisely through their JCC ministry!

Speaking to MC Jessy on a live session that went down on 10th May evening; Kathy Kiuna shared new details about her relationship with the Bishop. Back then when they started dating Kathy says she first said no after the bishop asked her out on a date!

According to Kathy she had no option but to play hard to get despite knowing that she was interested in Allan kiuna. However unlike now, back then the bishop was a struggling from a humble back; but his determination to go far was among the reasons why Kathy fell for him.

Bishop Kiuna

First date

The reverend went on to tell Jessy that after refusing to go for the first date; she was left hoping he would ask her for the second time and he did! However unlike before this time around she agreed to having lunch with him. As revealed by Kathy Kiuna they both went to Utalii hotel which was among the most expensive hotels back in the day.

Since Allan had no money; Kathy was then forced to pay for the first date and till date she has no regrets about it. On the live session, the reverend who is not only a mother but a grandmother to stunning grandchildren went to to advise the young women of today’s generation.

Kathy Kiuna insisted on the importance of couples building each other as that is  the only way to the real success! Women who pray for rich husbands were also encouraged to try building with the ones they have instead of focusing on earthly treasures. The reverend also went on to add that her husband back then was a simple man with nothing…but through his hard work things finally fell into place.

Allan Kiuna and daughter

Malnourished goats

Just as example to show how bad things were; Kathy Kiuna happened to mention that for bride price her husband Allan and his family showed up with Malnourished goats; forcing her dad (Kathy) to swap them with his healthy fat goats to avoid the elders and village people judging their new in laws!

Below is a video showing the live session between Kathy and MC Jessy!


When you are gay and rich even churches kiss your a**! Kenyans tear into Kathy Kiuna’s JCC for hosting gay CNN anchor

There are at least 25 Bible verses about homosexuality, the scripture is very clear that sex between persons of the same gender is strictly forbidden and shouldn’t be embraced, at least not in churches.

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

On Sunday October 28th Bishop Allan and Reverend Kathy Kiuna hosted open gay Richard Quest at their Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) and Kenyans were not pleased at all.

JCC embracing homosexuality

Kenyans blasted the Kiunas for going against the scripture and openly endorsing homosexuality by hosting Quest at their church and even giving him a platform to address faithful.



Allan Namu denies buying 15 million brand new Ranger Rover from huge pay cut he allegedly got from Cambridge Analytica

As more and more Kenyans get the inside story on how they were manipulated by British’s data company Cambridge Analytica to vote for Uhuru Kenyatta, other dark secrets that have been treats as facts are also emerging.

Former news anchor Allan Namu, who has been hitting the headlines hard with many accusing his company,  Africa Uncensored, for working with Cambridge Analytica to manipulate the data in 2013 and 2017 elections, has denied the allegations completely.

Never bought a Range Rover

Namu also clarified one more thing that has been circulating but is not true; he doesn’t have a Range Rover, nor did he ever buy one despite rumors that he bought one for his birthday, for 15 million shillings allegedly got after working with Analytica.

Allan after posting the Range Rover

” I do not own a Range Rover, nor do any of the members of my immediate family. Standing in front of a car does not mean that a person owns it. I have repeatedly stated this, but given that the story was mischaracterized by gossip blogs who have no interest in finding…… the truth, a lie has been spun repeatedly,” he said.


 “The false parallels being drawn between myself, my company and Cambridge Analytica are not just false, they are defamatory. They are meant to put Africa Uncensored’s, and indeed my own credibility in doubt, and endanger the livelihoods of the employees of Africa Uncensored.” 


Back when Kathy Kiuna was a young lady with only one child!

Reverend Kathy who is a renown preacher and motivational speaker at JICC was recently celebrated by her hubby Bishop Kiuna who shared a photo from way back in the day when she still a young lady with their first born daughter on his social media pages.

The photo clearly shows how young Kathy Kiuna was and judging from how she is dressed…there is no doubt that she has always been keeping her outfits trendy.

Bishop Kiuna captioned the photo #tbt but from the comments, many praised Kathy for her beauty which cannot be overlooked.

Anyway the couple is now blessed with two grandchildren and a son who is now a teenager and probably already in high school. Below is the throwback photo:

Kathy kiuna

Bishop and Reverend Kiuna vacationing at the coast (photos)

There is nothing that can beat love. As far as we all know the Kiuna’s are among the most popular couples in Kenya. They not only run a successful church ministry but inspire a lot of people.

Well,when they are not busy with their businesses the two prefer spending time at their humble abode. However I recently bumped into a few photos from a trip they took to the coast – and boy do they look happy.

From Mr Kiuna’s caption, the trip was to help them unwind after a busy year. Anyway, they continue to inspire many who believe in love and again set an example for those who don’t believe in love.

Below are a few photos from their social media pages.

New video footage shows the scale of the paradise that is Bishop Allan and Kathy Kiuna’s home in Runda

The founders of the famous Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) in Parklands – Bishop Allan and Kathy Kiuna live in a paradise in the leafy suburb of Runda.

There are several photos online of Bishop Allan and Kathy Kiuna’s residence, but none shows the huge scope of their palatial home.

Kiunas’ mansion in Runda

Video footage reveals the scale of the paradise that is Bishop Allan and Kathy Kiuna’s home in Runda – a clear revelation of God’s blessing to His loyal servants.

The video which was taken from an elevated area shows Kiunas’ huge swimming pool and well manicured garden on the massive private property.

Watch the clip below: