Need a new ride? Follow these simple steps and walk away with a new Isuzu thanks Co-op Bank

For an entrepreneur in a seasonal business, or, a businessman in a contractor-based project and need reliable, financial motivation, there is a bit of good tidings in store.

Do you run a private school – and, needs to prep up for operations when the learning program is back?

You need to know that Co-operative Bank has renewed for the fifth year running the special Motor Vehicle Purchase Schemes established with major motor vehicle dealers, Isuzu East Africa Ltd and Simba Corporation Group. This is structured to enable Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) acquire vehicles they need at highly negotiated terms.

With the Biashara Indelee na Isuzu promotion, one enjoys up to 95% funding for the vehicle of choice. Also, you can choose to attain additional funding for up to 500, to boost business operations.

Incredibly, the package affords your business a 6 month grace period to start making the payments.

Vehicle models under the Special Scheme for Isuzu are Pickups – TFS & TFR series, Isuzu N-series Models – NHR, NKR, NQR, NPR; Isuzu F-Series models – FRR, FSR.

Simba Colt are offering Mitsubishi Canter FE 71, 84,85CG, 85CH, Mitsubishi Trucks and Mitsubishi Pickups.

These are the requirements needed to secure Biashara Iendelee na Isuzu financing:

  • 6 months’ bank statements: (Non Co-op Bank clients) Mpesa statements are an added advantage. 1 year statements for seasonal/contractor business OR schools
  • Copy of ID/passport for all applicants/directors/officials
  • Copy of KRA pin certificates
  • Business registration certificate
  • Duly filled Asset finance application form, include working capital form
  • Limited Companies: Certificate of Incorporation, PIN, Memo & Articles of Association, annual returns
  • Saccos: PIN, Certificate of Registration, Registered borrowing powers, minutes authorizing the borrowing, minutes appointing officials
  • Copies of contracts where applicable
  • Pro forma Invoice
  • For amounts above 10 million: 3 years audited accounts, latest management accounts

In addition, the package comes with:

  • A working capital of Ksh 300,000/=
  • A 60-day repayment holiday on the loan
  • A comprehensive insurance package priced at 4.75% of the vehicle value (that includes political violence & terrorism)
  • Insurance Premium Financing which allows you to pay insurance premiums in easy instalments
  • 1% processing fee

Each business has unique challenges. To address them and achieve success, visit any one of the 150 Co-op Bank branches across the country. The solution shall be met with equal zeal.

To check the Biashara Iendelee na Isuzu promotion online, click here.

This is how cereal, fruit & vegetable traders get easy financing for brand new trucks to ferry produce, cut transit losses and irksome middlemen

Do you know why bananas are a sure fixture in the breakfast basket in every hotel? Or, in your own kitchen, or sneaked into your school lunch basket?

The fruit is loaded with healthy benefits. It’s loaded with fibre – both soluble and insoluble.

The soluble fiber has the tendency to slow down digestion and keep you feeling full for a longer time.

In Nairobi, and other major towns across the region, the banana is the fastest moving fruit in grocery stalls, street vendors and supermarket fruit stands. Its available all year round, and a common staple in most households.

The versatility is boundless.

Ripe? You game.

Chopped and tagged with other fruits as pudding? Even better.

Peeled raw and chopped into tire shapes and fried? Who doesn’t miss that cuisine?

The banana also features heavily in every urban bachelor’s dwelling. Its affordable – and a high -energy fruit.

In Kenya, many regions grow bananas. The richest, though, and famous for their banana-cultured lifestyles, are the Kisii people. In hot pursuit is the Meru region.

The banana trade is booming, but the blunt edge is borne by traders – on the transport part. It’s really hectic. But necessity is the mother of innovation, right?

In banana-rich Kisii and Meru region, traders have joined up to form empowerment groups. This enables them to pool resources and hire a single hauling truck, as opposed to the previous trend to just source for available transport at the main markets.

One step further, is that these trading groups have evolved to be financial outfits, and got duly registered. Each member has a membership number to the group, and deposits money directly to the group’s central account.

For Co-op Bank, these trader groups enjoy customized services, and expert financial advice. The bank has assiste4d the group acquire Safaricom till numbers that deposit money directly to the group’s account.

Despite the prevailing financial melt-down spurred by the pandemic, Co-op Bank has renewed a vehicle financing deal financing deal that is set to empower such registered groups – like, the banana traders.

The Biashara Iendelee campaign deal gives clients up to 95% funding on selected vehicle brands to boost Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

These are versatile lorry and pick-up trucks ideal for business, from Isuzu Kenya and Simba Colt.

For Isuzu, models available are: Pickups – TFS & TFR series. Trucks: N-series Models – NHR, NKR, NQR, NPR; Isuzu F-Series models – FRR, FSR.

For Simba Colt, Co-op Bank clients can pick the versatile Mitsubishi Canter FE 71, 84,85CG, 85CH, Mitsubishi Trucks and assorted Mitsubishi Pickups.

If they wish, these groups can also apply for a Ksh.500,000 working capital facility to ride out the crippling Covid-19 season. Other exciting perks is the 60 day loan-grace-period, a negotiated motor vehicle insurance cover and the longest, flexible re-payment periods in the market – 5 years.

There’s really no need for your group to incur losses due to delayed transport from the farm to the market – NO MATTER THE DISTANCE!

What’s the weirdest experience you’ve had travelling long-distance on a public bus?  

Who doesn’t love a long road trip?

The endless open road, favorite jams and binge-ing on junk with a loved one.

If one is lucky, a spontaneous fight with the significant other over some useless trivia from weeks ago – that results to a few miles of tarmac in total silence – as each goes over the minute merits and de-merits of dating a complete Neanderthal …….

It’s never that serious, right?

Endless miles staring at gaping cornfields and bare-chested farm workers often lead to a wise, epiphany moment – and you always make up!

But, have you had a chance to travel long distance on public transport?

On the long distance, overnight buses, it’s easy to be a complete idiot. Something takes over the minds and personalities of otherwise rational citizens to transition them to undesirable versions of themselves.

Is it the caging feel? It can be overwhelming for natural free birds.

Most overnight buses are severely sealed and air-conditioned. Free birds seek refuge in some sort of protest. Is it the scented air of the bus cabins – tainted with a variety of individual smells – garlic, alcohol, strong perfumes and, of course, body sweats?

Whatever it is, people act weird and irritable.

Once in a while, though, these night travel buses have been the source of very inspiring stories.

Lifelong friendships and even marriages have started with a mere, random seating arrangement. Getting stuck with someone for long periods sometimes leads to honest one-to-one conversations – meeting new friends, and networking.


On a personal front, an eye-opening encounter happened in November 2019.

The pandemic hadn’t yet gained traction in East Africa, and business was still bustling – gearing up for the Christmas festivities.

On this day, I was booked on a 10 PM bus from Nairobi to Mombasa. It wasn’t the high-end, air-conditioned class. Just a regular commuter mini bus. The firm is cheap, but has a reputation for reliability. For this reason, it’s the favorite for the market traders, fondly referred to as Mama Mboga’s.

On this day, I chanced upon a trader – supplied bananas, oranges and whatever other fruits are in season – from inland to the coastal city. She was talkative, and opened up quite fast. In less than an hour, she’d talked of her supportive chama, her family, her clan and, thankfully, her business.

It’s the business part that inspired me.

After half a year saving with her chama – which had a central account at Co-op Bank – she’d taken a chama loan. She’d partnered with a colleague and started buying seasonal fruits in bulk, to sell at the coastal areas.

They’d been in a promising business streak for a few weeks. Never underestimate the reach of ambitious women. In just two months, they’d repaid their chama loans.

The challenges they faced?

Top of the list was the uncertainty with the cargo lorries. They’d load at Ngara Market, then follow up on the night buses to rendezvous with the lorry at the main coastal market at dawn – Kongowea.

Sometimes, delays on the road happened. The lorry crew would hike fees. The fruit cargo would naturally go bad. Transport was their main headache.

I dozed off at some point, after the Mtito Andei stop-over.

I wish I’d picked her contacts. I’d be glad call her about an exciting opportunity that could solve her transport challenges, as a long time Co-op Bank client, dubbed Biashara Iendelee’.

Co-op Bank has a vehicle financing deal with Isuzu and Simba Colt that gives clients up to 95% funding on selected vehicle brands to boost Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

These are versatile lorry and pick-up trucks ideal for business, from Isuzu Kenya and Simba Colt.

If they wish, clients can also apply for a Ksh.500,000 working capital facility to ride out the crippling Covid-19 season. Other exciting perks is the 60 day grace period, a negotiated motor vehicle insurance cover and the longest, flexible re-payment periods in the market – 5 years.

I hope Mama Mboga gets wind of this deal.

Visit the nearest Co-op Bank branch, or click here, to learn more of this business deal.

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