Betty Kyallo is the subject of a trending topic on Twitter that alleges she is not where she is with a governor she used to be with (according to reports).
Yes, a photo surfaced online of Joho and Junet Mohamed on a private chartered flight to Dubai and a handbag featured prominently.
According to the Twitter investigators, that handbag looked similar to a handbag that Betty Kyallo owns. And just like that, the rumour was born and already sprinting halfway across the world.
Betty Kyallo it should be remembered is rumoured to have had a relationship with the Mombasa Governor, Hassan Joho and theirs was a storied history indeed.
Anyway, when the rumours began to swirl around, Jahao was in transit but as soon as he landed and was informed, he opted to take a rather interesting photo for the gram…
And Betty on her part too had a rather interesting response to the haters. She simply laughed it off and made light of the drama that had engulfed her.
Sisters, Mercy and Betty
And this was the best play at hand. You see, Betty Kyallo has indeed in the past acted and been involved in situations that would link her to these rumours. And a decision to blast her haters would be a really bad decision because it would make KoT double down on their memes.
Instead, she laughed at just how ludicrous the allegations were, simply diffusing the situation and making the purveyors of this particular rumours look stupid.
In doing so, Bety Kyallo has done more than just deal with these rumours, she has effectively completely nullified any rumours that might come out in future linking her to her past. And Betty Kyallo did so in a sublime way. Kudos to the former K24 Tv girl.
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Denis Okari and Frankie Kiarie or as most of you know him, Frankie Just Gym It have two things in common; the first that they were blamed by their ex-wives, Betty Kyallo and Maureen Waititu respectively, blamed them for being the reason why their marriages failed.
The second would be the fact that after their partners dropped them, they both have moved on long before their partners did and for some reason, Kenyans decided that they had betrayed their partners for moving on.
Denis Okari was blamed by his ex-wife, Betty Kyallo in the many interviews she conducted after their split but one that comes to mind is an interview she granted True Love. In that interview, she painted a damning image of the type of man and relationship she had with Denis Okari. From failed traditional weddings to an inattentive man.
Maureen Waititu on her part framed Frankie Just Gym It out to be a man who couldn’t be bothered to help quell her insecurities. You see, in an interview on Radio Jambo with Japanni Massawe, Maureen claimed that Frankie Just Gym It (who is a good looking man and infact a Wafula Thundercock) would receive a lot of female attention and rather than silence her doubts, he would ignore the matter and Maureen’s feelings altogether.
Denis Okari was painted as a fatally flawed man whom no woman would love and I admit that I watched the whispers take a toll on him. He went missing from the public eye. Turns out he was working on himself. And along the way, he found a woman who has made him a very happy husband.
Betty Kyallo on her part has jumped from relationship to relationship, racking up the mileage points, all the while deluding herself that a high-value man would see value in her and wife her up.
Frankie Just Gym It picked himself up after being dumped and he went on to pick himself up and saunter right into Corazon Kwamboka’s arms. And he is clearly welcome and comforted there. All the while this has been going on, Maureen Waititu is clearly affected by the fact her ex-husband has moved on.
So why have these men been able to move on so quickly? At a glance it would seem that it is because they were not the problem in their marriages. But I would go so far as to posit that Frankie Just Gym It and Denis Okari are clearly of far higher value than their partners on a relationship and dating scale. plain and simple.
Frankie Just Gym It is a good looking celebrity fitness trainer. Any woman would be happy to have him. And he doesn’t seem to be half as toxic as Maureen Waititu would have us believe.
Denis Okari is a successful media personality with an incredible career ahead of him and he has been taking care of himself. Clearly, any woman would have to be mad to pass up the opportunity to start a family with him.
This is a true world dating reality that shows the two celebrity women that the dating market has not reacted well to what they have to offer and we could cheat each other that this is the market’s fault but we understand basic economics.
Denis Okari and Frankie Just Gym It is basically so high value that the fact that they had messy divorces/ breakups, the fact they have chatterbox exes nd the fact that they have children did not dissuade their next partners one bit.
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Betty Kyallo has a new man whom she has been flaunting and if indeed he is not just a prop being used to insult our intelligence, then the couple will indeed last a long time yet.
Why you ask? Because Betty Kyallo has something that is a hidden trump card of sorts that she did not have in her previous relationships.
Betty Mutei Kyallo
With her dalliance with Hassan, it is rumoured to have come right at the heels of her relationship and wedding to Denis Okari. Infact, rumour has it that the powerful man paid for their honeymoon but do not quote me, quote me, quote your housegirl.
Anyway, during her relationship with denis Okari, Betty Kyallo was a young girl just at the cusp of her prime. She and Okar had a child but the world was her oyster. And as a result of beauty being its own reward, she caught the eyes of Hassan.
Sisters, Mercy and Betty Kyallo
That relationship too didn’t last very long as Hassan is married and Betty was said to be angling to be not just the main but the only bean in his githeri. Whatever the case may be, we then saw her with an Indian and a Somali Bae. It is actually a great thing that Ms Kyallo isn’t plagued by prejudices against certain races and ethnicities.
All those relationships ended but I would wager my house that this one, if it is indeed a real relationship will last long. Why you ask? Because Betty has doubtless come to the realization that this is her last hurrah! That’s right, she knows that this is her last best bet at hitting that buzzer-beater.
So we must celebrate the fact that even her perception of things seems grounded in pragmatism. Betty Kyallo even stated recently that she has been calling her exes to find out what she needs to do to get that ring. Besides that, she has been mending the fences with her ex-husband denis Okari and we can only hope that he has told and taught her a thing or two about marriage.
That would mean that even as she seeks to move her life forward both professionally and in terms of romance, she can only come to the table better prepared. So her smarter head and more grounded self is the type of stuff that almost guarantees that the relationship she is currently flaunting on social media is going to be her longest lasting.
I just hope I haven’t wasted my time typing out these words when all along Betty Kyallo new she was pulling a Zari and “King Bae”.
When we take Kenyan celebrity marriages into account, more often than not, we are discussing failures rather than success and that is because we discuss the likes of Nice Wanjeri and Wagithomo or whatever her husband calls himself. We are discussing Betty Kyallo and Denis Okari, DNG and his ex-wife, Willis Raburu and his wife Marya Prude.
And unfortunately, this situation reflects the state of Kenyan marriages in Kenya in a way that can get too uncomfortable for most people to admit. Kenyan celebrities face the same issues and things aren’t looking too rosy for marriages in Kenya.
You see, if we take each individual couple as an example, it will allow us a better view of how things work in terms of the challenges Kenyan marriages face. For example, we could start with Willis Raburu and Marya Prude.
In this case, the first issue that we can see was the trial of the miscarriage. That is a larger issue that plagues Kenya: our healthcare sector is a joke. However, that only served to exacerbate a clearly bad situation because the couple went for a short vacation in America and even that couldn’t save their marriage. We were instead treated to stories of their separation being occasioned by infidelity.
When we take DNG and his ex-wife, it was clearly a case of a couple that decided to get married to satisfy societal and familial pressure. That is why they engaged in a disastrous marriage after such an expensive wedding. The couple were clearly not on the same page when it comes to the important issues that form the foundation of a marriage and family. And this issue isn’t unique to them. Kenyan celebrities also get the same pressure from society and their families to “step up” and get married when they arrive at a certain age even if they aren’t financially or mentally prepared for such a big step.
Another Kenyan celebrity couple we can look at is Betty Kyallo and Denis Okari. These two divorced from each other because their marriage was rocked with the most unforgivable of sins: infidelity.
But what happens when you find out your spouse has been unfaithful or when you begin to become close to another individual right at the point where you and your partner are experiencing a low point in the marriage? This situation engulfs many marriages but Kenyans largely act like this is a foreign concept.
Nice Wanjeri and Wagithomo were a couple who hit the skids when the woman, Nice began to get to enjoy success in her career and her husband says she became a problem to deal with. As a result, they went their separate ways. This is a Kenyan celebrity couple that experienced the problem of what to do when a woman becomes the main breadwinner. And this is a problem many modern couples face and what happens then?
These Kenyan celebrity couples are an example of what Kenyan couples deal with and they are a very good reflection of what happens when these circumstances aren’t handled well.
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Jalang’o and Betty Kyallo were both victims of the recent axe that fell at Mediamax owned stations, Milele Fm and K24 respectively. And interestingly, they both took the same approach to the news, “You can’t fire me because I quit”.
Jalang’o has been working on his own brand and platform through his YouTube videos and Betty Kyallo announced that she would be focusing more on her business, Flair by Betty.
However, what is interesting is the fact that when Jalang’o hosted her on his YouTube segment, they lit up the interview with their chemistry.
And then, with Betty Kyallo relaunching her business, she has tapped into Jalang’o to host the entire event. And perhaps, this is a spark that perhaps they can work on building and form the next powerful media partnership.
You see, a situation could emerge where after Corona, the media begins to re-adjust in the next few months and business begins to return, they will search for new brands and Jalang’o and Betty Kyallo can be just that.
It would understandably be a difficult task at the offset. You see, Betty Kyallo and Jalang’o speak to two different and very diverse audiences. But it is their shared sense of humour that can bring the two worlds together. It wouldn’t be so far removed in concept from the days when Jalang’o was the sidekick on Kiss FM’s breakfast show with Caroline Mutoko.
And it would be quite the pairing. With Jalang’o providing the homely, down to earth humour and Betty Kyallo regaling the world with her ditzy, worldly experiences and knowledge.
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Betty Kyallo seems to be taking steps towards healing herself and fixing her relationship with her ex-husband and the father of her daughter Ivanna, Denis Okari.
You see, the two had a whirlwind romance that took the imagination of a lot of Nairobi women’s imaginations by storm. They quickly became what is referred to as “couple goals”.
Betty Kyallo and Denis Okari then got married and even their employers, KTN and NMG respectively got in on their wedding to celebrate Kenya’s most celebrated wedding. They even got so much free stuff to help them mark the day that the wedding literally became an extended sponsored content feature.
But as quickly as their relationship took us by storm, the love left their union and we were met with rumours of infidelity. And then it was confirmed that the couple was separated and there was a governor in the mix. Betty Kyallo only ever referred to him as Hassan but the fact that she was seen using his car and reportedly even living in one of his properties in Nairobi was confirmation enough.
And from there going forward, Betty Kyallo and Denis Okari were antagonistic to each other with Betty playing the major role in keeping that sentiment going.
Things came to a head when a few months back, Denis Okari’s friend Ken Mijungu came out to reveal that he felt his friend was not only being disrespected but he was also being sidelined when it came to their daughter Ivanna. Betty Kyallo’s family quickly got involved for a second time. The first time was when her brother alleged that Denis Okari was a violent husband (a claim that he never backed with any proof, he was just pointing and sputtering). This time, Betty Kyallo’s sister came out to tell us that he wasn’t there for their daughter when she was ill and admitted in the ICU.
Since then, however, things have changed. For Betty, her professional setting has changed with K24 choosing to release her from her contract. Her many relationships have each gone belly-up be they romantic or with her former househelp. And she has had a change of heart so she reached out to denis Okari.
At the end of the day, Denis Okari was only too eager to give co-parenting a try (something we sensed was true of his nature) ad so they are finally giving it their all. Denis Okari has since married another woman but he has made it clear to everyone involved in his life that his daughter Ivanna is an important aspect of his life.
Former couple, Betty Kyallo and Dennis Okari
And that brings us to the fact that they even celebrated their daughter Ivanna’s sixth birthday together. This is a wonderful thing because as studies have shown, children need both parents around for them to turn out balanced, for them to also have the best shot at succeeding at life.
We are here for it. Because at the end of the day, a lot of Kenyans look up to both Denis Okari and Betty Kyallo and seeing them work towards making a proper co-parenting arrangement.
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Apparently Betty Kyallo has been trying to mend the fences with Denis Okari. Why this a significant step, especially with the recent public tiffs they have had, should be clear for all to see but I will enumerate.
The couple who share a daughter as the fruit of their brief but passionate love was recently in the headlines with Betty Kyallo’s sister attacking Denis Okari through a post aimed at his friend, Ken Mijungu. Actually, this was a good example of a proxy war, with Denis Okari having his say through Ken and Betty Kyallo having her say through her sister.
And that exchange left their already strained relationship (as evidenced by the exchange) even more acrimonious. But then recently, in 2020, Betty Kyallo simply stated that whenever she gets drunk, she drunk-dials her exes. And then, add to this the fact that she recently revealed she talks to Denis Okari about their daughter so perhaps he will be able to reach her mind and convince her of the following truths about marriage:
Pick a man who satisfies your hypergamy and be sated. Stop getting swayed by governors and businessmen. When you decide to settle down and a man picks you, accept whom you have and should the notion to stray strike you, have the common sense to be discreet. Speaking of discretion…
Keep your private life private
Betty Kyallo has one major flaw: she is always putting her private affairs out in public. It makes sense for her to want to publicize her brand because she is a public figure but she should learn what deserves to remain private. Her love life and her daughter do. I once heard on a show on Kiss100, some guy say, “There is a difference between secrecy and privacy. Secrecy locks the demons in, privacy locks the demons out”.
Betty Kyallo should learn to keep what she loves and wants to protect, private.
Betty Kyallo from whispers in the entertainment scene is anything but a quiet lass. She is a party girl who loves the ritz and glitz of the nightlife. These rumours remain just that but even her househelp came out and accused her of going missing from her home and house for weekend benders. Betty should begin to calm down and enjoy homely pursuits because at the end of the day, while women control sex and who has access to it, men control relationships and who has access to it. And guess what, most Kenyan men will want a semblance of traditionalism in their marriage.
Time is not on your side
Betty Kyallo is not a spring chicken no more. And it is time she faces this reality. AShe isn’t as attractive as she remembers and cannot attract the same calibre of men as she used to. Add to this the fact that she had a very public and messy divorce that featured prominent infidelity allegations against her person and she also has a child in tow. Like it or not, these are the sort of things that alienate men seeking serious relationships.
And she isn’t getting any younger. So if she manages to land a successful man, she should be cognizant of the time trap.
As we said earlier, Betty Kyallo isn’t a spring chicken nor the pick of the litter any more. Yes, she has dated the ultimate in men’s men from governors to businessmen and top-billed journalists but she isn’t at the point in her life where any of these men would have her as their first option. She was not the governor’s first pick and I would argue that she wouldn’t be the businessmen’s first or only pick. As a result, she needs to get realistic about her “standards”.
Work on healing yourself
Betty Kyallo needs to actually heal herself. This would involve forgiving herself and more importantly, accepting herself. If her former best friend Susan Kaittany is to be believed, Betty Kyallo needs to take some time off of the limelight and retrospect on her life. This will ensure she actually lands a healthy relationship with a balanced man and that when she has this, she will know to appreciate and value said relationship even though it will be more boring than the highs (and lows) of being the superstar.
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Betty Kyallo has announced that she will be taking a break from dating and I for one am very happy she came to this realization. You see, Betty Kyallo’s storied love story began when she dated and eventually wed Denis Okari, the father of their daughter Ivanna.
This was a shortlived nuptial with word eventually surfacing to expose just how chaotic their romance and marriage was. Betty Kyallo during an interview with a popular magazine revealed that she felt let down by Dennis Okari during their traditional wedding as he was a no show. So their marriage started on a bad note and it was downhill from there.
And after that, we were treated to the circus of separation and divorce with a politician by the name Hassan being mentioned adversely. According to sources from all around, Betty Kyallo was rumoured to have been seeing the politician even before she and Dennis decided to tie the knot. And theirs was a whirlwind romance with betty clearly glowing as we have never seen her glow before during this shortlived romance. And when it was done, it came crashing down to earth. And she was reportedly destroyed but Bwana Hassan allegedly allowed her to keep his furniture.
From there, it was a string of dalliances and short stints with some people, with Betty Kyallo being linked to businessmen and bankers but there was never really any concrete evidence given to back the rumours. Then Betty Kyallo chose to first share the photos of herself in the company of an Indian man whom she called bad before eventually introducing us to her Cushitic bae. And that is the most recent relationship she has publicly teased online.
Then with all the turmoil in her life, what with K24 firing all its media personalities, Betty Kyallo decided to pause her dating life and focus on other things. As a result, she will not be dating anyone in the foreseeable future but she hasn’t given up on her happily ever after.
So why is this a brilliant move by the former news personality?
For starters, Betty Kyallo is finally going to actually heal.
This is the one thing she hasn’t given herself time to do. Betty Kyallo has bounced around like a headless chicken, from one relationship to another and this is has meant she hasn’t really had time to mourn her relationships or reflect on the problems she caused in them. So there has been no accountability.
She can focus on her daughter more.
When we take into account the small bits of information we have been treated to from within the Betty Kyallo household, we can paint the picture of a woman who might not have had a lid on the parenting of her child. Her house-help was the first to state this but Betty Kyallo recently admitted that she knows her daughter refers Dennis Okari to her. This downtime is good for her to buckle down and get right back into the raising of her daughter. She can now have a more hands-on approach to it.
Betty Kyallo can work to better herself.
Healing is all well and good but she also has to further develop who she is as a person and as a partner. There is no point in healing and still continuing to perpetuate the same behaviours that were problematic. She should improve on who she is so she might be the type of person who improves the life of her partner.
She can now invest in some hobbies.
Having a life of your own outside of your relationship is a great thing as it avoids you making your partner feel crowded. And who knows, perhaps she just might meet her Mr. Right while participating in her hobbies.
Betty Kyallo is a divorced woman whose relationship played out in its entirety right in front of our eyes. From her and Denis Okari’s courtship to the child their love produced, to them actually getting married. Then over to reports that there was infidelity in their marriage. Then it came out that she had a dalliance with a certain Governor from the Coast province.
She was seen driving the Governor’s car until the day they had a tiff and he repossessed it along Mombasa Road. Anyway, when that relationship imploded too, she moved on to a string of relationships, each with a varying degree of success.
K24 journalist, Betty Kyallo
But now, as she comes face to face with her advancing age, she is now giving relationships more serious thought and she has decided she knows the type of man she wants -a divorcee.
Betty Kyallo has decided she wants a man who has had a marriage that failed and he got out of the marriage.
While many people would argue that divorcees come with one form of baggage or another, she, on the other hand, has come to a certain set of realizations and one of those realizations is that no high-value man who hasn’t been married will take her seriously. The only men she seemed to have been attracting were already married, to begin with.
From there, only divorcees would be willing to overlook the fact that Betty Kyallo has more red flags than a Chinese communist parade.
Journalist and businesswoman, Betty Kyallo
So when Betty Kyallo says she is only willing to seriously date divorcees, she has simply made her necessity a virtue. Because when you think about it, no girl growing up looks forward to settling for a second-hand husband. No person who can actually get the best will be willing to accept second-hand goods.
But it isn’t only gloom and doom for Betty Kyallo because, given her status and how spineless Kenyan men are, she will no doubt be inundated by high-net-worth divorcees and men looking for a second or third wife so as long as she is willing to play in that ballpark, she is bound to stay winning.
The only word of caution is for her to select for a man with a daughter around the same age as her daughter Ivanna because the uncomfortable truth about life is that women are often at risk from men not of their bloodline and blended families have some very dark truths few are brave enough to explore.
Betty Kyallo
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You have to hand it to Betty Kyallo because for better or worse, she knows how to keep it real. She never dials down who she is for any of her fans online and that is why she has managed to grow her brand and attract followers.
In her recent admission of who she is, Betty Kyallo revealed that whenever she gets drunk, she drunk dials her exes. That includes Denis Okari, Mombasa Governor (or so it is alleged) and her most recent lover. What makes this interesting aside from imagining how the conversation goes, is realizing that even women as famous as Betty Kyallo still bear the same insecurities the rest of us do.
Betty Mutei Kyallo
And Betty Kyallo revealing this fun fact about her actually reveals a hell of a lot more than she wants to put out there. Because when we analyze what she said, it tells us two things; the first being her desperation and the second being her sexual frustration.
Let us first delve into the desperation aspect first.
Betty Kyallo revealed that when she calls her exes, it is usually to ask why the relationship ended. Why they broke up. This reveals a level of desperation. An acute awareness of the reality that she might be running out of time to set up and establish a family of her own. And for the love of God, do not tell me about her being a single mother cutting it. Her own househelp spoke up and raised doubt on this setup working for Betty Kyallo. Who the househelp felt is not the best of mothers but I will not comment on that.
And as a result, she is trying to investigate why she cannot get her own “happily ever after”.
Dennis Okari (right) and Betty Kyallo´s daughter, Ivanna (left)
When Betty Kyallo and her ex-husband Dennis Okari divorced, she went on a concerted exercise of painting him as the problem. When she gave her interview to the popular female magazine, she depicted Dennis Okari as an emotionally vacant man who left her high and dry even on their traditional wedding day. And she did so without accounting for her role in the messed relationship which left feminists feeling vindicated that he, the man, was the problem.
But now, Okari is happily married and Betty has moved on from relationship to relationship like a bad smell wafting through a bus when the driver cuts the cheese. Okari, on the other hand, seems to have a more stable family life even though he and his wife co-parent with Betty Kyallo at her whim mind you.
Then she moved on (allegedly) with the Governor and even this was a shortlived dalliance with reports of the breakup painting her as a woman who is all about upward social mobility through the men she is with. The callous manner in which she dealt with her marriage as she monkey branched to Bwana Governor was also very off-putting. then after that situation ended, she was rumoured to have dated a businessman -a fact that we must note, she denied.
And we saw her run around with a man of the Indian persuasion whom she would tease in her social media profile. Whenever she would tease the man, it was as they went on a “baecation” or as she showed off her gifts from the man which included an Audemars Piguet watch.
Then she ended up with the latest ex, a man of Cushitic extraction. This man was her rock when she and her family went through a trying period as her daughter was seriously ill and even had to be put up in the ICU. And after a few months, that situation is over.
And the desperation is setting in as Betty Kyallo’s hindbrain is beginning to awake to the realization that she is the greater common denominator. So she revisits her relationships, some of which ended humiliatingly to try and understand what caused them to end…
I smell desperation.
And going on into the sexual frustration aspect of my argument, we can look at the question of why a woman who feels she is at the top of her sexual marketplace value, is calling exes when she gets drunk instead of getting called up by new, more eligible bachelors. The well is drying up and the thirst is getting real.
The only reason for people to live in the past is that the past holds more prospects than the present. People who feel optimistic about the future seldom dwell on the past.
And as we all know, nyege hazina adabu. So perhaps Bety Kyallo calling her exes is her seeing whether they will be receptive to her advances. As Biggie Smalls once famously trapped, “Some say the ex/ makes the sex/spectacular!” so maybe Betty is trying to see whether there is room for her to make a comeback.
Then again, this is just a hypothesis. But one thing that’s for certain, she is not doing better on the relationship and familial front than the one ex she completely humiliated, Dennis Okari.
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