It’ll be such a task to leave the house this Saturday.
This is, traditionally, the official family’s bonding day. When the kids were little, it’d be called ‘Daddy’s Day’ – but they suddenly grow up, make friends and have things to do.

But this is ain’t just the average Saturday – the UEFA Champion’s final featuring perennial foes Chelsea and Manchester City – is going down.
You cannot miss that. Not if Armageddon happens.
“Hey, babe, I’m meeting the boys tonight at Infinity Lounge, to catch the finals”.
“What finals?” She’ll ask.
“The UEFA Champion’s League finals.”
You’ll say, offhandedly stirring your cup of chocolate.
The breakfast table is laden with pastry treats.
Reminds you of Christmas in the village at Aunt Martha’s. They have that homely smell.

The household has a Saturday code. She makes breakfast, you make dinner. She’s never broken that code. She wakes up at dawn to make pancakes and perch a red strawberry on each.
While you often break the code, not once has she failed the team. You, on the other hand, is a perennial outlaw.
Hey, but the Finals don’t happen every Saturday.
“Mike will be there, and I want us to get his cabin this August.”
Mike is a college friend, whose family has a string of cabins at the coast. Over the years, he has offered to lease it to you for a week, at ‘for-old-time’s-sake’ rates. You are yet to take up the offer.
“Mike hates football. He follows the Grand Prix”.
She says, layering a pancake with cheese.
“Oh, he fell for Arsenal. He became a fan.”
“Ok, then. Let me come, I want to laugh at him when they lose”. She doesn’t even look at you.
“No need. Arsenal won’t be playing. He’ll just be hanging out. Plus, it’s always so loud at Infinity.”
The unsaid rule with the gang is to not bring the spouse. Anything, but that.
Who needs a spouse asking where the money for the umpteenth round is coming from?
The pancakes are heavenly, no doubt. Plus, the strawberry.
“I just want to make sure we can use his cabin in August. I’ll cook dinner tomorrow. Ama Monday”
You stutter, with a mouthful of strawberry pancake.

She looks up. Monday, on the menu plastered on the kitchen wall reads ‘Matoke and Greens’. She never likes Matoke and greens.
“Baba Jnr, you’ll cook chapati on Monday evening? Promise…”
“I thought we do Matoke on Mondays? But, it’s alright – I’ll get off work early”.
Well, things will thaw out, somehow. You know you’ll not get off work early. Mondays are always a stroll down the narrow path.
The boss is always in an ugly mood. Lots of people get laid off on Mondays.
The thing with Mike, though, is legit. You have a plan to reel in his pledge for brotherly rates to use his beach cabin for a week. You have a plan to treat your family to a soft life in August.
With the green light to watch the Finals with the boys, you ignore the pancakes (and the strawberry) and pick your phone.
You log into
There’s a long bet slip, a week old. You made a tentative pick for ten games in the UEFA play offs, from the semi finals and an alley of other games in between.
They are all ticked, green. Perfect picks.
The only remaining game is the UEFA Champions League final.
As it is, the winnings from the nine games already guarantees the family a week’s worth of fun on the beach. How will the finals play out?
It’s a dilemma.
Have you made the right choice for the finals?
Will you win the ticket, or lose the last, vital game?

Betika now offers a Cash Out option.
The Cash Out feature allows you to take an early payout on your bets before they are settled.
This means that you can get your money back before the event is over and your bet is ultimately resulted.
You’ll either make a profit or get a portion of your initial bet back, depending on how your selection is doing at the time of your taking up the Cash Out.
In a multi bet of, say, 10 teams, you are free to Cash Out before the tenth game is played…..
You have secured your bet, there’s a way out without risking the outcome of the Finals!

In a flash, Cash Out allows one to:
- Pay out a portion of a bet before it is settled.
- Reduce your risk and collect some winnings if you’re concerned about the remaining time in an event, or your selections in your Multi Bet not going your way.
- Cancel your bet before kick-off and receive a portion of your bet back if you’ve changed your mind.
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