Morgan Bahati is undeniably a sweetheart and is Diana’s favorite baby boy as seen on social media.
Both Diana and Morgan Bahati have been close since Bahati introduced the lovely lady as his better half on social media.

Morgan adopted
However fans have been asking whether Bahati adopted his son Morgan Bahati; or whether stepped in as a sponsor to help raise his nanny’s son.
I bet the questions have been raised thanks to the uncanny resemblance between Morgan Bahati and Irene Nekesa’s son. The two boys undeniably look so much like each other and now fans hope Bahati will finally set the record straight!

Irene’s son
Since Irene is boarding nanny, that means she gets to live with the Bahati’s and of course her young son who also happens to live in the same compound.
However fans couldn’t help the striking resemblance between Morgan; and Irene’s son on a photo taken during their swimming session at their home.

Looking at the photo it is evident to see that Morgan looks exactly like Irene’s young son – which could only mean that Morgan is related to Irene?

Morgan’s history with Bahati
When Bahati was 20 years old, still fresh in the entertainment industry; he went on to announce that he had adopted a 4 year old baby boy from ABC Kenya children’s home.

He announced the good news through his Facebook where he wrote;
“Meet the four-year-old Morgan Bahati. It’s my 1st Sunday with my adopted son from ABC Kenya Children Home. I know it’s too early to be a father but just show some love and wish this kid all the best in his Life and has he starts his education.”