Bahati & Wife Diana Marua Enjoy Nightlife, Serve Friends With Liquor

Kenyan singer Kevin Bahati and his wife Diana Marua were recently spotted at a nightclub, dancing and having a good time. Bahati was seen wearing a pink sweater and white shorts, while Diana wore a short pink dress with a side cut. Diana was drinking cocktails while Bahati held a glass of liquor. At some point, Bahati was seen pouring drinks for his friends.

This is not the first time the couple has been seen at nightclubs together. In July, Diana was seen dancing on top of a table, and her husband joined her.

It is clear that Bahati and Diana enjoy spending time together and having fun. They are a popular celebrity couple in Kenya, and their fans are always happy to see them happy.

Bahati has become controversial after quitting gospel music. And it’s evident that the singer is not bothered by what people think of him despite him promising to live the religious way years ago. However, in tandem with his wife, the sweethearts have had a palpable chemistry between them. They’ve produced content together and rarely go out without each other.

Bahati reveals he regrets supporting Baba in 2022

Kenyan artist Kelvin ‘Bahati’ Kioko has expressed regret for supporting Azimio leader Raila Odinga’s 2022 presidential bid.

In an interview on September 25, 2023, Bahati also disclosed that he financed his campaign independently despite contesting on a Jubilee party ticket. He said he spent roughly Sh27 million on his campaign.

Bahati also revealed that President William Ruto secretly supported him despite being on the opposing side during the campaign period. The Head of State was serving as the Deputy President at the time and had fallen out with his then-boss Uhuru Kenyatta.

Bahati said that Azimio never believed in young people, but Ruto did. He said that Ruto was the first one to know that he was interested in running for the Mathare MP seat, and that he supported Bahati’s campaign.

Bahati said that he had been assured of a job offer by Mr Odinga in exchange for stepping down in favor of Anthony Oluoch, who ultimately won the seat.

Bahati also addressed an incident during the campaign when he left a rally where Raila was speaking. He said that he knew Raila was going to endorse him for the seat on that day, but that Raila instead told him to drop his bid and that he would give him a job. Bahati said he wondered how Raila would give him a job, yet he was also jobless.

Bahati secured a distant third place in the highly competitive Mathare MP race, with the incumbent Anthony Oluoch of ODM emerging as the winner.

Bahati said that he has since expressed his ambition to run for the presidency in the 2037 elections.

Bahati Reveals The Millions He Used On His Lost 2022 Election Campaign

Kenyan musician Kelvin Kioko, also known as Bahati, has revealed that he spent about 27 million shillings from his own pockets in his campaign for the Mathare Parliamentary seat in the 2022 general election.

In an interview with comedian Chipukeezy on the Chipukeezy Show, Bahati said that despite running for the seat on a Jubilee ticket, he was essentially an independent candidate as the party led by former president Uhuru Kenyatta never gave him any support.

Bahati also claimed that the leader of the Union Declaration Raila Odinga only wanted the ODM candidate to take the seat and even asked him to withdraw from the race promising him a job in the government after they won the presidency.

Bahati said being ordered to withdraw from the race just 10 days before the election changed a lot of things as many of his supporters returned home knowing that his name had already been removed from the ballot paper.

“I don’t even know how I happened to come to that vote I got, I don’t know at all. It was a miracle,” he said.

In last year’s Mathare parliamentary election, Oluoch of ODM retained the seat by getting 28,098 votes while Ojiwa of UDA came second with 16,912 votes. Bahati managed to get 8,166 votes for the Jubilee party ticket.

Bahati’s revelation that he spent 27 million shillings on his election campaign is a significant amount of money, especially for a young artist. It is also a reminder of the high cost of running for political office in Kenya.

Bahati’s New Song Pulled Down From YouTube Over Copyright Infringement

Kenyan artist Kevin Kioko, also known by his stage name Bahati, has suffered a major setback after his new song, “Huyu,” was pulled down from YouTube over copyright infringement claims.

The song was reportedly deleted on claims by Tanzanian upcoming artist and singer Jay Melody’s producer, Genius Jini X66.

Bahati confirmed the incident in an Instagram post, claiming that the move was malicious.

“Another attack from Tanzania… who is genius Jini x66??? he maliciously deleted my song #huyu from YouTube no.2 on trending,” Bahati wrote.

Genius Jini X66 responded to the malice claims, saying that this was the second time his beats had been sampled by Kenyan artists without his permission.

“This is the second time a Kenyan artist has sampled my beats without permission,” Jini X66 said. “I am not sure why they are doing this, but it is not fair. I have worked hard on my music, and I deserve to be credited for my work.”

The removal of Bahati’s song from YouTube is a major setback for the artist, as it was one of his most popular songs to date. The song had already reached number two on the trending list before it was pulled down.

It is unclear when or if the song will be reinstated on YouTube. However, the incident has highlighted the importance of artists respecting copyright laws and obtaining permission before using samples of other artists’ work.

Fight fire with fire! Diana Marua and Bahati clap back at Pastor Ezekiel Odero

The Bahati’s have clapped back at Pastor Ezekiel Odero following his controversial comments advising men against marrying women named Diana.

The couple, Bahati and Diana Marua, known for their strong bond and successful marriage, took offense at the pastor’s remarks and chose to respond publicly.

In one of his recent sermons, Pastor Ezekiel Odero claimed that women named Diana are not suitable for marriage and tend to dominate their partners.

“Ushawai kuona Diana yeyote kwa ndoa? Hakuna hata mmoja. Ukioa Diana ushi na yeye, yeye ndiye anakucontrol kama robot. Utaishi na Diana, she becomes the husband. Lakini wewe ndio uwe mume, Diana anaenda, hapo nimeongea ukweli”

Additionally, the controversial preacher advised against naming children Diana, claiming that the name has a bad “spirit.”

“Usimpe mtoto wako jina Diana. Sababu akiolewa, utashare na watu. Diana anapendwa bila sababu hata kama hajui. Because the name carried the spirit.”

Pastor Odero’s prophetic authority was immediately called into question by Bahati, who noted that he and Diana Marua have been wed for seven years.

“Is this a true or false Prophet??? 🙆 Somebody tell this Pastor to stop misleading the Church. @Diana_Marua and I are celebrating 7 golden years of marriage this coming October 20. Dianas are the best!!!”

On the other side, Diana Marua charged Pastor Odero with lying.

“Don’t be Married to Ezekiel’s!!! They will look at you straight in your eyes and lie! Is this the same Ezekiel that was part of the Shakahola massacre???”


Vinny Flava’s Unfulfilled Dream of Releasing Music under EMB

Vinny Flava, the singer behind the hit song “Habibi,” never realized his dream of releasing music under EMB, a music label owned by Bahati.

In 2019, Vinny sought Bahati severally, and after many attempts, Bahati offered him a contract. The contract did not outline a specific date when Vinny would be launched, and he was never told about any plans to launch him.

Bahati shut down his music label after wrangling with his other signees, which shattered Vinny’s musical ambitions.

To make up for this, Bahati offered Vinny full access to record songs and to open a business of his choice. However, Vinny was frustrated because he could not release songs, and he eventually ditched the studio.

“It was one of my toughest journeys. If ever there was a time I was dead broke, it’s this year beginning in January. Dead broke. It was so bad that if you called me to meet you I did not have 20bob to come,” Vinny said.

Among the songs he recorded was “Habibi,” but he did not tell Bahati about it. He simply uploaded it to his YouTube channel in April this year and forgot about it.

“I had stopped recording, prayed for 3 weeks,” he said.

Vinny’s story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of signing a contract without understanding the terms and conditions. It is also a reminder that even when things don’t go according to plan, it is important to never give up on your dreams.

Vinny is now determined to pursue his musical career independently. He has released several singles since the release of “Habibi,” and he is working on his debut album.

“I am not giving up on my dream,” he said. “I am going to keep working hard until I achieve my goals.”

Size 8 Thanks Bahati for Prophetic Words That Helped Her Have Children

Gospel singer and pastor Size 8 has thanked fellow musician Bahati for his prophetic words that helped her have children.

In a post on Instagram, Size 8 said that Bahati told her in 2013 that the devil had planned for her to have a series of miscarriages so that she would not have children.

“God spoke to you concerning the devil’s agenda to make sure I don’t have kids thru miscarriages and you told me, ‘Size 8 REBORN omba omba sana,'” Size 8 said.

She said that she took Bahati’s words to heart and prayed fervently, and that she is now blessed with two children.

“I bless God I now have 2kids,” she said.

Size 8 also said that she believes Bahati still has a lot to offer in the gospel industry and that she will always recognize him as a prophet.

“I will always call you PROPHET BAHATI, SERVANT OF THE MOST HIGH GOD,” she said.

Size 8’s revelation comes after she and her husband, DJ Mo, lost what would have been their third child in 2021. Size 8 was five months pregnant when she had a miscarriage.

She said that she had completely lost hope of ever being pregnant again after the miscarriage, but that she is now grateful for her two children.

“I am so grateful for my two children,” she said. “They are a blessing from God.”

Size 8’s story is a reminder that God can use even the most difficult circumstances to bring about good. She is an inspiration to many women who are struggling with infertility.

Bahati smokes bhangi to celebrate nearly achieving a decade in entertainment

Kevin Kioko Bahati, CEO of Eastlands Most Beloved Records, has been a musician for ten years.

In order to demonstrate how hard he works, Bahati released a number of images taken in his studio to mark this significant occasion.

As he urged his admirers to write him personal messages regarding his artistic development, he was also smoking something.

“Nawaskiza! Feel Free to Advise… I’m almost Marking 10 Years in the Game! What Do You Love about Bahati and What Do You Hate about Bahati ??? Let’s Ch@t .. Let’s be Honest!”

The star was warned by anti-drug activist Stivo Simple Boy, who has sung a song cautioning against drug abuse.

Bahati Writes touching letter to his son trolls claim was fathered by Victor Wanyama

After days of being mocked online by trolls, Bahati has decided to reassure his son that he loves him regardless of what the trolls say. It all started when Kenyans on Twitter began mocking his wife Diana Marua for having a vast array of lovers in her past and going as far as claiming that some of the couple’s children belong to those men.

And bahati’s adopted son Morgan was among the kids who were marked by terrible human beings. And so as a father must, he has decided to reveal his son’s confidence in the wake of the nonsense. This is what he had to say:

A Letter to My Son 💙
I have Looked at this picture and Just realised you’re becoming a Man. (SWIPE LEFT) This is 10 years ago the first Day I met you. That Day when I invited ABC Children’s Home (Where I grew up at) to Come and Perform at my Album Launch in 2013 at NPC Valley Road. Son I remember that day like it was Yesterday; the way you Cried and Called me Daddy. It was so difficult for me seeing the 2 year’s old you forced to enter the bus heading back to the orphanage; I saw your pain and I saw myself through you; Having have grown in a Children’s Home at times Lonely without no one to Call Mum or Dad!
My Son from that Day ; though I was not ready I decided to be a Father and I took you in as my son… Son Listen to me! I am your Father and You’re my Son! God Planned it Nothing can Change that! As You grow you will see alot of Nonsense and inhuman stuff said on this Ruthless World but always Remember above all… I’M YOUR FATHER AND YOU ARE MY SON. PERIOD! Only God Knows exactly what we have Been through… People will never know that I took you in even before I established myself. Do you remember when I could not afford to pay a House help and I could cook for you, clean your clothes and even change your beddings juu ume susu kwa Bed??? 😃 I know you don’t like it when I tell the stories juu Sahii unaenda shule ya Ma Sonko na Madem watakuchongoa🙈

I will not open up about everything but something I’ve never shared with anyone is that even Some Women left me because they were not ready to raise a Child that’s not theirs! Yes it was that bad but look at you now you have the most caring mother on Earth! Mimi nawewe ni watoto Wa Diana 😊 I don’t want to say Much but I wanna take this opportunity to Say I’m Sorry for the online trolls it’s all my fault. Forgive me for introducing you to the public this young 🙏 But above all I want you to Know that You’re the Best Gift I ever gotten – You’re my First Born and Without you Our Family is incomplete! Always remember You’re Loved and Treasured and I will do whatever I can as the Lord enables me to see all your dreams Come to pass. MORGAN BAHATI KIOKO… YOU’RE A STAR 🌟
With Love from Daddy

Bahati Defends Wife Diana Marua From Online Trolls

Kenyan musician Bahati has defended his wife Diana Marua from online trolls. In a long post on Instagram, Bahati referred to his wife as a star and encouraged her to ignore all the negative comments.

“I know you’ve been on the headlines trending,” Bahati wrote. “I know it really doesn’t bother you but I thought I should remind you one thing before you sleep: you are a star!”

Bahati also expressed his pride for Diana’s success in the content creation industry. However, he said that he regrets exposing her to the limelight, acknowledging that fame does come with its challenges.

“I wish I would have been there to tell you this face to face but I’m out of town for a business meeting,” Bahati said. “But I just want you to know that I love you and I’m proud of you. Don’t let the trolls get to you. You are a star!”

Bahati’s post was met with support from his fans and followers. Many people praised him for standing up for his wife and for defending her against the trolls.

This is not the first time that Bahati has defended his wife from online trolls. In the past, he has spoken out against people who have body-shamed Diana and who have made negative comments about her parenting.

Bahati’s actions are a reminder that online trolling can have a real impact on people’s lives. It is important to stand up to trolls and to support those who are being targeted.

Akothee & KRG the Don Condemn Photoshopped Images Of The Bahati’s

Kenyan celebrities Akothee and KRG the Don have condemned the photoshopped images of Bahati’s family that are making rounds on social media.

The Bahati’s recently celebrated their youngest son Majesty’s fourth birthday and shared cute family portraits on social media. However, some social media users manipulated the photos by adding several male celebrities to the portrait.

In one of the photos, Victor Wanyama was positioned alongside Morgan to justify claims that they are related. Heaven Bahati on the other hand was linked to dancehall artist KRG The Don, while the couple’s younger son Majesty was linked to Actor and Film Director Abel Mutua.

Akothee called out Kenyans who lack empathy and respect in today’s digital age. She condemned the trend of maliciously comparing children and the culture of online bullying, highlighting the lasting emotional impact it can have on innocent young minds.

“These same photos will be used by bullies in school, to bully the innocent children on behalf of their parents. Which world are we living in?” she said.

KRG the Don also condemned the photoshopped images, saying that they were “disrespectful” and “malicious”. He called on social media users to be more mindful of the impact their actions can have on others.

“We should not be using our platforms to spread hate and negativity,” he said. “We should be using them to promote love and understanding.”

The photoshopped images have sparked outrage on social media, with many people calling for the perpetrators to be held accountable. The Bahati’s have not yet commented on the images.

It is important to remember that children are especially vulnerable to online bullying. If you see any content that is harmful or offensive, please report it to the relevant platform. We can all play a role in creating a more positive and supportive online environment for children.

Akothee breathes fire and attacks everyone mocking Bahati and Diana Marua

Award-winning Kenyan singer Esther Akoth aka Akothee has expressed displeasure with those trolling and cyber-bullying musician Bahati and his family.

Bahati and his family have been trending online after unknown Kenyans photoshopped other celebrities into their family portrait.

The act has elicited mixed reactions with many condemning the incident that has exposed Bahati and his family to public scrutiny and cyber-bullying.

In her hard-hitting message, Akothee appealed to Netizens to refrain from abusing Bahati and his family for the sake of their kids.

This photoshop should stop there for the sake of the children. If you hate Bahati and Diana Their Children have nothing to do with the Children 🙏. I wish we all had Humanity,”she said in part.

“Social media is becoming demonic. People have lost empathy, respect, and self-discipline. How can you take a whole family foto and start comparing people’s children with other individuals? What exactly came into your mind? That’s what happened? This is how society paints women in this discriminated society,”.

Akothee challenged those cyber-bullying Bahati and his family to put themselves in his shoes and see if they will handle the insults.

“THIS PHOTOSHOP SHOULD STOP THERE FOR THE SAKE IF THE CHILDREN. If you hate Bahati and Diana Their Children has nothing to do with the Children 🙏. I wish we all had Humanity Social media is becoming demonic. People have lost empathy, respect and self discipline. How can you take a whole family foto and start comparing peoples children with other individuals ? What exactly came into your mind? That what happened? This is how society paints women in this discriminate society. How painful will it be if it were you on this picture,be it a man or a woman ,a father or a mother even the children in the photos? Bulshit, really bulshit🤔😠😠😠. The same photos will be used by bullies in school,to bully the innocent children on behalf of their parents. Which world are we living in? Dunia Gani hii jamani? As celebrities we post our families first as our albums, secondly as motivation to some of the most irresponsible parents I know and third as entertainment. Don’t take this for granted, your jelousy won’t stop celebrities from being celebrated, where Children are involved,I won’t keep quite. s celebrities are equally raising broken children, because of you bullies , you bully us , bully our families, bully our children , Yani Humanity left this streets . The entitlement internet people have is sickening. All are sadist, and narcissist causing people pain left right center. If I am DIANA & BAHATI Will sue your Dahm Assess. Even if you are as a small fan as a maggot . Chieth Nkt. Nimekasirika asanaaaa.SOME SMALL RESPECT FOR FAMILY ESPECIALLY CHILDREN 💪 Go for Bahati & Diana ndio Rika Zenu .”

Bahati finally breaks his silence as Kenyans continue to claim Diana Marua has slept with Victor Wanyama and KRG da Don

In response to the recent controversies surrounding Kevin Bahati and his wife Diana Marua, the couple has stood together to face the haters and trolls.

They achieved this by publicly reiterating in a statement their decision to remain together in spite of the negative feedback. The ‘Mama’ singer went a step further yesterday and told Diana how much she meant to him.

Dear Diana ❤️I know You’ve been on the Headlines Trending, I Know it really doesn’t bother you but I thought I should remind you One thing before you sleep::: You are a Star!!! I wish I would have been there to tell you this Face to Face but I’m out of town for a Business meeting; Coming back to Nairobi Tomorrow. 

My Wife; You’re Loved by Many, You inspire Many, You’re Followed by Many and with that Darling you can’t miss out on hate. No Lie you’ve overtaken Many ever since I did the first post to introduce you to the World as ‘My Prayer Partner’.

At times I feel Sorry and regret forcing you to the limelight, at times I want to ask you for forgiveness for exposing you to this ruthless side of the world but looking at things Babe; This was God’s Plan, You were created for this!!! Look at your Numbers!!! You came just the other Day and you’re now the most Subscribed and Followed YouTube content Creator in East Africa.

You have whole Army of #TeamDiana and #TeamBahati behind You.. I might not say this enough times but I’m a Proud Husband… I’m happy to Call you Wifey🌹Babe your Success and influence is undeniable, Unavoidable and Unthinkable… even them that hate you will agree that they Respect You… I can’t Wait to take Over the World with you; Yeeeesss our wedding plans are 70% done and I just Can’t wait marry You 💍 I LOVE YOU ❤️ @Diana_Marua.

Bahati and Diana Marua respond to allegations Victor Wanyama is the father of their son

Bahati and Diana Marua have been the subject of online scrutiny in recent days after a malicious individual photoshopped the images of several male celebrities onto their family portrait. The insinuations were clear to even the most casual observer.

Kenyans have been eager to see how the couple, who have the largest combined social media following in Kenya, would respond.

They did not disappoint. Bahati and Diana took the high road, choosing to “turn lemons into lemonade.” They used the viral attention to their advantage by posting a video promoting a behind-the-scenes look at their photoshoot.

The caption on the video was a subtle dig at their haters. It read, “All attention is good attention.”

This response was met with widespread praise from fans and critics alike. Many people commended Bahati and Diana for their maturity and grace in handling the situation.

The couple’s response is a reminder that it is possible to rise above online negativity. By choosing to focus on the positive, they were able to turn a negative situation into an opportunity to promote their work.

They wrote, “We are The Bahati’s… We are the News Makers!!! Leo Wanasemaje??? 😊❤️😎 @diana_marua @thebahatisfamily.”

Victor Wanyama reacts in anger to Kenyans on Twitter claiming he fathered Bahati’s eldest son

Renowned Kenyan footballer Victor Wanyama has condemned the digital manipulation of a photo of singer Bahati’s family.

The photo, which was shared on Twitter by an online user, @Wesley_Kibande, has been edited to include the faces of several celebrities, including Wanyama, next to Bahati’s children.

Wanyama took to Twitter to express his disappointment, calling the act “foolish” and “unacceptable.”

“This foolishness needs to stop now!!!” he wrote.

This is not the first time that Wanyama has been linked to controversy. In 2020, a photo of him and Diana Marua, Bahati’s wife, surfaced online, sparking rumors that they were having an affair. Marua denied the rumors, saying that the photo was taken when they were hanging out with mutual friends.

Wanyama has also been involved in a legal battle with socialite Shakilla, who claimed that he had paid her Sh700,000 for sex. Wanyama denied the allegations and sued Shakilla for defamation. The case was later withdrawn.

It is unclear why the photo of Bahati’s family was manipulated, but it is likely that the intention was to cause harm to Wanyama’s reputation. Wanyama’s condemnation of the act is a reminder that digital manipulation can be a serious issue with real-world consequences.

Weezdom Says Kenyan Showbiz Needs Willy Paul Bahati beef

Kenyan singer Weezdom has said that the Kenyan entertainment industry needs to learn from Tanzania if it wants to revive its flagging fortunes.

Weezdom pointed to the recent online feud between Tanzanian music stars Diamond Platnumz and Alikiba as an example of the kind of healthy competition that can be used to generate interest in the entertainment industry.

“If you follow Tanzanian showbiz, it’s very interesting and captivating,” Weezdom said. “There is always some creative gist about their industry, which is what we lack here. What we do here is clout chasing with very silly, stupid stunts that get nowhere.”

Weezdom cited the past feud between former gospel singer Kevin Bahati and Willy Paul as an example of a healthy rivalry that sparked public interest in Kenyan showbiz.

“I enjoyed it when Bahati and Willy Paul tore each other apart,” Weezdom said. “It sparked public interest, which later on created some good business ground for both parties.”

However, Weezdom warned that such rivalries need to be kept professional and not allowed to become personal.

“At some point, they lost the plot, and it became kind of personal and stupid, losing the mojo and flavor,” he said.

Weezdom believes that the Kenyan entertainment industry needs to find a way to generate more excitement and interest if it wants to compete with Tanzania and other regional rivals.

“We need to find a way to be more creative and engaging,” he said. “We need to find a way to get people talking about us.”

Weezdom’s comments come at a time when the Kenyan entertainment industry is facing increasing competition from other regional rivals, such as Tanzania and Nigeria. In order to stay ahead of the curve, the Kenyan industry needs to find new ways to generate interest and excitement.

Diana Marua showers Bahati with love

Popular vlogger Diana Marua took to her social media pages on Sunday to express her love and gratitude to her husband, Bahati.

In a long and heartfelt post, Marua praised Bahati for his love, support, and understanding. She said that he is her best friend, confidant, and the love of her life.

Marua also revealed that she is willing to have a fourth child with Bahati, even though they have already had three children together. She said that she loves him so much that she would do anything for him.

Bahati responded to Marua’s post by saying that he is blessed to have her as his wife. He said that she is his dream girl and that he will love her until eternity.

The couple’s sweet exchange has been met with a lot of love and support from their fans. Many people have commented on how inspiring their relationship is.

Marua and Bahati have been together for seven years, and they have had a lot of ups and downs in their relationship. However, they have always managed to come out stronger.

Their love for each other is evident in their posts, and it is clear that they are very happy together.

Is Bahati cheating on Diana Marua?!

In a recent game of “Truth or Dare” with his wife, Diana Marua, musician Bahati Kioko revealed that his biggest fear is her finding him in bed with another woman.

Bahati explained that he is afraid of Diana’s reaction if she were to find him cheating, as she is known to be a fiery woman. He said that he knows she would kill him, and that is what scares him the most.

Diana was surprised by Bahati’s answer, but she also admitted that she would be furious if she found out that he had cheated on her. She joked that she would need to make plans to find him and deal with him if he ever did cheat on her.

Bahati’s answer to Diana’s question has sparked a conversation about infidelity and the fear of being caught. Some people have commented that Bahati’s fear is justified, as being caught cheating can have devastating consequences. Others have said that Bahati’s fear is a sign that he is not committed to his marriage.

Whatever the case may be, Bahati’s answer to Diana’s question is a reminder that infidelity is a serious issue that can have a profound impact on relationships. If you are in a relationship, it is important to be honest with your partner and to avoid putting yourself in situations where you could be tempted to cheat.


Bahati’s answer to Diana’s question is a reminder that infidelity is a serious issue that can have a profound impact on relationships. If you are in a relationship, it is important to be honest with your partner and to avoid putting yourself in situations where you could be tempted to cheat.

Bahati finally reveals why he ditched the gospel

Bahati, a Kenyan musician, was criticized for switching to secular music after a successful career in gospel music. He was accused of “backsliding” by many people.

In a recent interview on his wife Diana Marua’s YouTube channel, Bahati finally revealed why he quit gospel music. He said that he was tired of the hypocrisy and judgment in the gospel industry.

“I hate people who behave like they are holier than thou,” Bahati said. “I have even lashed out at some artists for judging others. You feel like a small god.”

Bahati said that he learned his lesson when his late brother Charles was struggling with alcoholism and diabetes. Bahati said that he used to judge his brother, but he eventually realized that he was no better than him.

“I thought because I was a Christian who fasted and sang in church, I was perfect,” Bahati said. “I even cut him off. I did not want to be associated with him. We go wrong because we over judge people.”

Bahati said that his brother died at Mbagathi Hospital after battling diabetes. He said that his brother’s death was a wake-up call for him, and it made him realize that he needed to change his ways.

“My mom passed away while we were in Mathare,” Bahati said. “When my mom passed, we were trying to survive. By the time we came to Nairobi, my brother started hustling and because of the pressure, he sought solace in alcohol. He died at age 22.”

Bahati said that despite his brother’s diagnosis, he continued to drink. He said that he regrets not being there for his brother when he needed him most.

Bahati’s story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of judging others. It is also a reminder that we should all be more understanding and compassionate towards those who are struggling.

Bahati Encourages Men To Be Polygamous

Veteran musician Kevin Bahati has questioned why men are afraid of getting second wives, and said that he would follow the biblical King Solomon’s way of life.

In a video shared on his wife, Diana Marua’s YouTube channel, Bahati said that he does not understand why men are afraid of having multiple wives, when King Solomon was considered the wisest man in the Bible, despite having 700 wives and 300 concubines.

Bahati also asked preachers to show where in the Bible it is written that a man should only have one wife.

However, his wife Diana interjected and reminded him that what a man can do, a woman can do better. She also said that cheating should not be the reason why couples end a relationship, as people make mistakes.

Diana recently encouraged couples not to let cheating be the reason they end a relationship, saying people fall. She also revealed that a friend of hers once moved in with her ex a week after she broke up with him.

Bahati’s comments have sparked a debate on social media, with some people supporting his views and others criticizing him.

It remains to be seen whether Bahati will follow through on his plans to get a second wife. However, his comments have certainly raised eyebrows and got people talking.

Bahati Explains Why Men Should Be Polygamous

Veteran musician Kevin Bahati has questioned why men are afraid of getting second wives, and said that he would follow the biblical King Solomon’s way of life.

In a video shared on his wife, Diana Marua’s YouTube channel, Bahati said that he does not understand why men are afraid of having multiple wives, when King Solomon was considered the wisest man in the Bible, despite having 700 wives and 300 concubines.

Bahati also asked preachers to show where in the Bible it is written that a man should only have one wife.

However, his wife Diana interjected and reminded him that what a man can do, a woman can do better. She also said that cheating should not be the reason why couples end a relationship, as people make mistakes.

Diana recently encouraged couples not to let cheating be the reason they end a relationship, saying people fall. She also revealed that a friend of hers once moved in with her ex a week after she broke up with him.

Bahati’s comments have sparked a debate on social media, with some people supporting his views and others criticizing him.

It remains to be seen whether Bahati will follow through on his plans to get a second wife. However, his comments have certainly raised eyebrows and got people talking.

Why Bahati regrets not supporting his dead brother

Bahati, a Kenyan artist, has opened up about how the death of his brother Charles affected him. He says he regrets not supporting his brother at a time when he was battling alcoholism.

Charles was the fourth born in the family and was diagnosed with diabetes at a young age. He started drinking alcohol to cope with the stress of life and his illness. Bahati says that he and Charles would often fight because of Charles’ drinking.

“I failed as a Christian because I used to judge him,” Bahati said. “I wrote him off as a brother because I felt he was not living the life I would want. I forgot that by loving this person I would bring healing and make them understand that alcohol can’t solve things.”

Bahati says that he regrets not being more supportive of his brother. He says that he would argue with Charles over silly things and that he did not show him enough love.

“I have learned over time to forgive easily,” Bahati said. “I forgive my brother for everything and I hope that he forgives me too.”

Bahati’s story is a reminder of the importance of supporting loved ones who are struggling with addiction. Alcoholism is a serious disease that can have devastating consequences. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse, please reach out for help. There are many resources available to help people overcome addiction and live healthy, productive lives.

Bahati Opens Up About His Late Brother Kyalo Kioko

Kenyan singer Kevin Bahati has opened up about his late brother Kyalo Kioko, who died in 2013 from diabetes.

In a recent interview with his wife, Diana Marua, on her YouTube channel, Bahati shared details about his brother’s life and the challenges he faced.

Bahati said that Kyalo was the second-born of four siblings. He was a bright and cheerful child, but he was also very stubborn.

“Kyalo was a very stubborn child. He was always getting into trouble,” Bahati said. “But he was also very bright and cheerful. He always made us laugh.”

Bahati said that Kyalo dropped out of school in Class 4 to help support the family. He worked odd jobs to make ends meet, but he struggled to find steady work.

“Kyalo was a very hard worker, but he never seemed to catch a break,” Bahati said. “He always seemed to be struggling.”

Bahati said that Kyalo was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 18 years old. The diagnosis was a major blow to the family, and it made it even harder for Kyalo to find work.

“Kyalo’s diabetes made it very difficult for him to find work,” Bahati said. “He was always getting sick, and he couldn’t do the kind of physical labor that most people do.”

Bahati said that Kyalo’s diabetes also affected his relationships with his family and friends. He became withdrawn and depressed, and he often lashed out at those around him.

“Kyalo’s diabetes took a toll on his relationships with everyone,” Bahati said. “He became very withdrawn and depressed. He would often lash out at us.”

Bahati said that he regrets not spending more time with Kyalo before he died. He said that he was too busy with his own life and career, and he didn’t realize how much Kyalo needed him.

“I regret not spending more time with Kyalo,” Bahati said. “I was too busy with my own life and career, and I didn’t realize how much he needed me.”

Bahati said that Kyalo’s death was a wake-up call for him. He said that he is now determined to make the most of his life and to spend more time with his loved ones.

“Kyalo’s death was a wake-up call for me,” Bahati said. “I now realize that life is too short to take it for granted. I am determined to make the most of my life and to spend more time with my loved ones.”

Bahati’s story is a reminder that diabetes is a serious disease that can have a devastating impact on individuals and families. It is important to get regular checkups and to manage your diabetes as best you can to prevent serious complications.

Yvette Obura responds to haters calling her ugly

The mother of Bahati’s kid, Yvette Obura, has commented on the persistent teasing and disparaging remarks she has been subjected to regarding her appearance.

Obura praised her appearance in a live session on Sunday and called out those who have dubbed her “ugly.”

Yvette Obura denied suggestions that she had ever referred to herself as a celebrity in her moving speech.

She emphasized that a certain tape had been taken out of context and used to propagate untrue information about her.

“I have never been a celebrity. They know their own reasons why they said that

When some people started comparing Yvette to another well-known person, Pritty Vishy, the internet hatred intensified.

Although Yvette emphasized that she had no animosity toward Vishy, she did express regret at the way some individuals resorted to calling her and other people nasty names.

“No harm to Vishy. It is so unfortunate that people are calling us ugly. I am sorry and sending hugs and love to you.”

Yvette acknowledged the negative effects of cyberbullying and abuse on famous personalities and explained why some of them decide not to interact with their fans.

She bemoaned how people frequently jump to conclusions without taking the time to consider the context or purpose of particular video.

Ziiki responds to Bahati’s claims of hacking

Kenyan singer Bahati has accused music distribution company Ziiki Media of hacking his YouTube channel and removing the video of his song “Diana” featuring Rwandese singer Bruce Melodie.

Bahati made the claims on Wednesday in a post on Instagram. He said that Ziiki Media had illegally hacked his channel and deleted the song, which has over 10 million views.

“Ziiki Media are fraudsters,” Bahati wrote. “They have illegally hacked my YouTube channel and deleted my song ‘Diana’ featuring Rwanda’s Bruce Melodie. Dear Kenyan Government, this is where we are getting our taxes… Help us deal with these fraudsters! Very sad!”

Ziiki Media has not yet responded to Bahati’s allegations.

The incident has raised concerns about the security of YouTube channels and the rights of artists. Bahati is one of Kenya’s most popular singers, and his music is streamed millions of times around the world. The hacking of his channel could have a significant impact on his career.

The Kenyan government has said that it is investigating the allegations. If Ziiki Media is found to have hacked Bahati’s channel, it could face legal action.

The incident has also highlighted the importance of artists having control over their own content. In the digital age, it is more important than ever for artists to protect their intellectual property.

Bahati’s case is a reminder that artists need to be vigilant about the security of their online presence. They should also take steps to protect their intellectual property.

Ziiki Media has since responded to Bahati saying:

“Bahati has claimed in his post that Ziiki Media has ‘hacked’ his YouTube channel, taken down one of his songs ‘illegally,’ and referred to the company as ‘fraudsters,’ without any explanation or substance to such an incriminating statement. We vehemently deny the statement made by Bahati in the above post in its entirety and do not wish to dignify such brazen lies by explaining any further at this stage”

Bahati finally set to wed Diana Marua

The aspirant politician Bahati has revealed the day of his nuptials to Diana Marua.

In December 2023, the couple will conduct their wedding ceremony.

Bahati is seen popping the question to Diana Marua in a video becoming viral online.

The three-time mother accepts the proposal despite being filled with emotion.

Their wedding date, which falls on a holiday, was announced by Bahati on his social media accounts.

“She said Yes, and I officially announce that 12th December 2023 is our wedding day.
If You Ever Forget Everything, Never Forget that I Love you ❤️ This is a Special Gift for You My Wife!!!

And Diana Marua’s response was an equally flowery one saying:

“I didn’t know this day would end with my heart full ???????????????????? My Hubby @bahatikenya surprised me with his first gift of 2023 and this was how the day unfolded!!!!The God of Diana Bahati… Thank you ????????????”

“Thank you God, you knew about this day even before I was born.

You’ve loved us, wiped our tears. Taught us how to love unconditionally. You’ve taught me how respect is important to my husband and most importantly what is, what it means to be submissive. Thank you for gifting me your favored child, Thank you God for this day 12/12/2023. I will be married to my best friend. History will be made,glory to you alone.”