Kenyan gospel celebrity, Bahati´s choices in life have more often than not stood as controversial especially in respect to his choice of career in the gospel industry.
His actions have been deemed betrayal to his family and young children with many holding to the believe that he might be a boy in a man´s body.
Not my words.
From doing stuff like dressing in his wife, Diana Marua´s dresses and heels, to getting funny hairstyles whose inspiration many have questioned.

After going under for a while, Bahati has re-emerged with a fiery-red dyed hairstyle that one would mistake for Size 8 back when she was still a secular artist.
Like, c´mon, these are hairstyles even ladies need courage to have on, let alone a grown man.

Trying to sample how much hate or love his new controversial hairstyle would attract, the family man posed:
All Girls Like My New Hairstyle ???????? NIMEWEZA ama NIMECHOMA??? #NewLook a YES or NO ???

True to his guess, this attracted a fair share of love and hate.
Blame game
The blame has instead shifted to his older wife, Diana Marua who has been brutally condemned for tolerating her husband to put on such kind of hairstyles.
Also read: Diana Marua´s special promise to Bahati that left him speechless

Willy Paul coming first, blasting:
Sasa wewe, Diana hakukuambia ukweli bro?? I’m so disappointed ☹️ ume over do. Unaka pink panther ???? … pink panther wa masaku hahahaha @bahatikenya
To which Bahati responded:
Wacha Nikufikirie Pole Pole Nitakujibu

Mixed reactions
For some, Diana Marua was indeed a let down.
diana_wairi???????????????????????????? eti pinkpanther wa wapi enyewe diana pia unatuangusha chesos
arby_gal254 Diana ako wapi akate hizi nywele ????????
agwata1 kichwa inakaa that ball ya covid hard feelings ….it’s the wife’s responsibility to dress her man before atoke bedroom…Diana hapa umemuangusha honestly
shamirshamim @willy.paul.msafi…. Wewe ukienda salon bibi yako hukuwa hapo… Kwanini unaingisha Diana hapo
For others, his ethnic background might be disturbing him.
am_bani.i pozee elewa wakamba na macolours????????
kambuamuziki Iya????????♀️
kinyanjui.elizabeth Aiii baha hiyo colour zii
jos.2381 baha wacha mchezo,,,toa hiyo ktu
harwallaUshakua oddi wa muranga nn
As others felt that he was probably trying to get traction by putting on the Coronavirus cell on his head.
shizohramcy inakaa virusi vya corona????????????????
itsruthkinyanjui Anakaa cell ya Corona virus
jtez_muzik Unakaa balloon ????????????????