Gospel singer Bahati is looking at other new ways he can take his troubled record label EMB Records now that most artists have left.
Mr Seed started the exodus after falling out with Bahati and his wife Diana early this year. Several other artists followed from then and Bahati has been working hard to clear his name from negative controversies.
Speaking to Mzazi, Bahati shared that he’s looking beyond music now as the new direction.
“It’s now EMB entertainment as it is now helping many people, not just artistes . There are new projects we have started that will help differently abled children. EMB is now an entertainment house. We have also been certified as a foundation by the government, Bahati Tena is now a foundation and this will help me help people better as a foundation,” he added.
Bahati added that his record label is not a business but a calling therefore God knows where He’s taking him.
“I was called to serve so in everything I do. He (God) give one a test and when you are tested you emerge stronger and he gives you more grace. He has given me more finances. I am waiting for him to tell me who is next,” Bahati said.
Things are not looking up for Bahati and his record label EMB Records. It all started out after fellow gospel singer Mr Seed left the label following Bahati and wife Diana Marua disrespecting his wife.
The Weezdom followed suit and a string of other accusation were poured on the singer. A promoter also came out to claim Bahati is broke and even started an online funding program to help the singer pay his debts.
More woes
It has now emerged that EMB manager, Kioko Kioks who is also his brother, has left the label. Speaking to Kiss 100, Kioko didn’t want to reveal exactly why he left but assured them that he’s no longer working Bahati.
“No, I am not at EMB Record. Yes, I moved. I am out of EMB completely,” Kioko said in a phone interview.
Asked why he left, the manager said he’s just looking for a greener pastures.
‘I just want to advance. Sorry, I can not answer further,” he said.
Gospel singer Bahati and Willy Paul are among most criticized artists in the gospel industry in Kenya. But we don’t blame fans for that. The two are always into “ungospel” lifestyle which doesn’t relate with many Christians.
Bahati has just released his new song “‘Nyota” which has him singing about being in debt to Jesus who died on the cross for him.
However, fans don’t really understand why he had to involve a video vixen in the song. The act left many wondering whether the song was about the girl or God.
Not a hit
“A good song but you don’t need to have that lady she’s bringing confusion to the theme of that good song,” said a fan on Youtube.
“Baha lakini young gospel artists acheni kwenda mkitoka kwa maandiko sana,mnajaribu kubadilisha gospel inakaa secular like.stick to one side,review songs za hapo mwanzo na saa hii.” another one added.
“For me this is no!!!!!! You can do better than this jameni wimbo nimeusikiliza buttt noooo!!!!!!! ???”
In general, the song which was shot in South Africa, has failed to impress his fans despite the quality shoot.
Gospel singer Bahati has promised to walk down the aisle soon in yet another wedding ceremony after proposing to wife Diana Marua.
In an interview, the singer, who surprised many after proposing for a second time to Marua during New Year’s performance at Thika Municipal Stadium, said that he needed to propose because they’ll have a church wedding.
“Everyone knows that Diana and I are an item. Everyone knows that she is my one and only but never has anyone heard or seen me propose to her, something I consider a very important process. A man can do a traditional wedding but one needs to put a ring on it. We are taking a step at a time.” he said in the interview with Pulse.
Not a stunt
The proposal came two years after Bahati and Diana Marua made their relationship public and over a year after their traditional wedding ritual in October 2017. Now they want another which Bahati promised to be huge.
“Yes, a big ceremony is on the way.” added Bahati who said that it angered him when people said it was all a stunt.
“It is funny how some people make fun out of everything. I wasn’t stage-managing this. This was to tell Diana before the whole world that I am all hers and that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I wanted to clear doubts that we are just dating,” said Bahati.
Singer Bahati has a new song called “Diana” a dedication to his wife Diana Mwarua. The song comes after the two lovers “broke up” in an episode of their reality show Being Bahati that airs on NTV.
Kenyans however, are not happy with Bahati after he released the song and are claiming that he’s copying Otile Brown.
Bahati begs for forgiveness in the song after annoying his wife, a thing that made many compare it with Otile Brown’s latest release.
“Niko vitanzi na moyo, Baby. Zaidi ya yote kumbuka Jana. Unasongo, mi nasonga, moyo unakataa, kinachonitia wasis wasi ni cha kuwambia kanisani. Na sijafeli, nina Imani moyoni, ulivyobeba virago, Kanisahau mie, na ukambeba mwanangu, amwite nani daddy?, Diana, Diana, wangu Diana, Niskieze Diana” sings Bahati.
Here’s what fans had to say:
HG Dynasty umekula uchafu tena na ulikuwa umerudi church its obvious ur trying to copy controversy za otile
Lauryn Nakitare Sasa umekuwa otile brown ati utaimba ukiwachwa.
Goma Ra Kimwamaro Wewe ndie unajua kilichomfanya aondoke na kuimba haisaidii suluhisho uende kwao mkaongee hapa unamwaga mtama kwenye kuku wengi tu
Milly Meely Good song but am confused bahati bado ni Gospel artist??? Pure lack of content,no offence
Magdalene Kioko The time you spent writing and recording this song should have been spent convincing her in private. Is she supposed to be knocking at your door now because you’ve sung to the world you’re hurting?
leah songwa songwa Honestly huu ni ufala plus!! hiyo time ume waste studio kufanya hii ngoma,ungechukua hiyo nafasi kuenda penye Diana ako upige magoti umuombe musamaha ukitumia hayo maneno unayo sema kwenye huo wimbo angakuwa nyumbani, hata sisi hatungejuwa,but seems music is more important than your wife.act like a husband and a father.
KEVO . G Upuzii…ka hakuna mahali tunaenda ka hizi ndo vitu watu tunategemea wameanza kutuimbia,mwingine anatuumiza masikio a bora uhai alafu mwingine tena anarudi na ingine eti Diana, warathis now!!!!??
ian kemboi Hii ni ushenziiii mtupu… Mimi Kama fan Nataka mziki si kalongolongo Kama hii.. tukiskiza Nigeria munakasirika…. Wacha ufala… Diana vitu Gani Diana vitungu hio mtatue bedroom…. Mimi Nataka mziiiiki… ….bahati ukiendelea hii umama bado …BET hauweeeezi make
Gospel singer Bahati and wife Diana Marua were blessed with a cute baby on February 14 this year and life has not been the same for the two. The two, who named the baby Heaven Bahati, have been enjoying parent responsibilities and sharing it on social media now and then.
Heaven was recently hospitalized after falling ill but was released after just a day. Bahati took to IG to thank his fans who supported him during the temping times.
Enjoying the sun
It seems she’s totally fine now and even her dad steps out with her to enjoy some sun. Here’s the photo of the two enjoying the morning sun now that the rains have reduced.
Gospel singer Bahati has lately been having it rough. About two weeks ago a man by the name Benson of came forth to accusing him of conning his Ksh 200,000.
The story did not go far since the singer denied everything. Being a Christian and mtoto wa mama many went with his side of the story which painted the guy as an obsessed fan.
Also read: Bahati responds after being accused of conning his friend Ksh 200,000
However, there is new evidence explaining how true Benson’s story is. Apparently Bahati has now been busted for not paying a car he bought for his EMB records. According to reports, Bahati got a Nissan Caravan from Mr Benson and agreed to pay him in installments.
Also read:
Photo courtesy
Following the law, the two signed an agreement showing that Bahati was aware that he was to pay 1.6 million for the car. Any late payment would force the singer to pay 500 and from his signature seems like he understood what he was getting himself into.
So how does he owe Mr Benson Ksh 200,000?
Well,the business deals between the two did not end there. Mr Benson says that the two were to partly own EMB film and production. He then sent Bahati the Ksh 200,000 to cover as rent for the EMB house.
After realizing that EMB was not making any money in return he then reached out to the singer hoping to get the money back. However, things did not work out as he thought.
Bahati’s arrest
Even after being arrested for fraud, the gospel singer managed to walk out free. He even denies being arrested and his entire team has been protecting his image.