Bahati almost always seems to fail up. Remember that last year he was vying for This government seems hellbent on creating useless posts for either the wives of the two principal leaders (president and his deputy) or for random Kenyan celebrities like Azziad and the former gospel singer not to mention Carol Radull na kadhalika.
The creation of a tourism position for sijui ati Dubai makes no sense. If we say he is meant to promote Kenyans going to Dubai, then the Kenyans that go to the place don’t need him to convince them. And on the flipside, the people in Dubai don’t give a damn about Bahati nor can he convince them to do anything so this post makes no sense.
I want you to recall the fact that this same government was the one that once elected started singing about the cash coffers being empty. They are the same guys who have been telling Kenyans we need to tighten our belts because hakuna pesa.
Now, for some reason, Bahati has become a beneficiary of this nonsense. One has to wonder to what end this has happened. What is the metric with which we are using to measure the success of his appointment?
Or are we meant to just pray and hope this blessing, a byproduct of garbage policies, falls on us? That makes no sense whatsoever. That is essentially the politics of poverty.
Bahati has done nothing wrong. We need to actually appreciate that fact. He is simply a symptom of a broken system. A system that thinks it can bribe influencers and hoodwink Kenyan youth into accepting this flawed system.
Diana Marua has for a long time been the butt of every joke meant to denigrate her husband. Why you ask? Because she was known to be quite the wild card in her youth. She was essentially the IT girl for a gang of celebrities and some powerful men.
As a result, whenever people wanted to take potshots at him, they do so through his wife. And the fact that she is older and more aware of the ways of the world are something that make for low-hanging fruit.
Diana Marua and Bahati- Photo credits- Google
Add to this the fact that he is clearly within his wife, Diana Marua’s, frame then you sort of understand why people are always ribbing them but I am here in her defence for once. No really, when someone does something worth celebrating, we have to truly celebrate it.
And today we are here to discuss the fact that she is a great wife and spouse (same thing right?) to Bahati. We are going to start with the fact that she has put her ego, and her pride to the side and is actually taking care of Bahati’s daughter by Yvette Obura, young Mueni Bahati. That’s right, she has accepted her into her home and she is being raised as one of her own children.
Diana Marua
This is no mean feat and this alone makes her worthy of all the praise we can heap on her aswell as encouragement. Why? Because that means she is doing something that is truly rare. More often than not, step-mothers abuse their husband’s children by other women. This is a very well-documented phenomenon known as the “Cinderella Effect“.
To explain that briefly, it is essentially a theory in evolutionary psychology that captivated the tendency of step-parents to harm children that aren’t biologically their own.
Yvette Obura with daughter, Mueni Bahati
“Powerful evidence in support of the Cinderella effect comes from the finding that when abusive parents have both step and genetic children, they generally spare their genetic children. In such families, stepchildren were exclusively targeted 9 out of 10 times in one study and in 19 of 22 in another. In addition to displaying higher rates of negative behaviors (e.g., abuse) toward stepchildren, stepparents display fewer positive behaviors toward stepchildren than do the genetic parents. For example, on average, stepparents invest less in education, play with stepchildren less, take stepchildren to the doctor less, etc. This discrimination against stepchildren is unusual compared with abuse statistics involving the overall population given “the following additional facts: (1) when child abuse is detected, it is often found that all the children in the home have been victimized; and (2) stepchildren are almost always the eldest children in the home, whereas the general … tendency in families of uniform parentage is for the youngest to be most frequent victims.”
And Diana Marua is not one of those bad eggs. She is actually taking care of her stepdaughter like she is her own child. That takes sacrifice and going above our base humanity.
Perhaps it could be argued that her tribal culture makes it more acceptable for her to do this as the children are her husbands and the man of the home can bring children from previous relationships or from outside their union for her to raise but we live in a time when modern women refuse to sacrifice themselves for anything and are immensely selfish. She is a great example of love.
Bahati’s baby mama, Yvette Obura and wife, Diana Bahati
Diana Marua is sacrificing a bit of her human nature for the sake of ensuring not just her children but all her husband’s get the best possible childcare and she’s willing to personally offer it. That is a great wife!
Bahati was caught in a video hanging out with a group of friends who for some reason decided was smoking weed and the internet has gone crazy trying to get him to castigate his friends or term on them, perhaps even denounce them.
And I’m just sitting here wondering when Kenyans became so self-sanctimonious. Who is it who told Kenyans that bhangi is something that goes against the teachings of God? From my understanding when God created vegetation he looked at his Creations and was pleased by everything is saw.
Mueni Bahati with daddy
So where do Kenyans get off telling Bahati that he needs to turn on his friends? It also bears mentioning that Bahati grew up in one of the most dangerous slums in the country. Mathare slums where most disenfranchised youth often turn to drugs such as marijuana to escape their unpleasant reality.
So unbeknownst to as he might have a friend group that is mingled with individuals who use weed recreationally. That does not mean that they are bad human beings or that they’re leading him astray. If anything it just shows how pompous Kenyans are when it comes to their opinions about the drug which is often misinformed and misguided.
I mean, sure it goes against the legal code (or is it called the penal code?) that has outlawed marijuana. However, that is not a code that we as indigenous Africans came up with but is a vestige of colonial penal systems that were heavily biased against Africans and a lot of indigenous African culture and customs.
So if we’re going to engage in a conversation around Bahati and his friends who were spotted smoking marijuana, then we also have to have a holistic conversation about our perception of marijuana and body autonomy. Because the singer himself did nothing wrong and wasn’t even spotted smoking anything he was company seated in a group of friends so why is this being used as a casual to bash his cranium in?
Why is anything and everything used as an excuse by Kenyans to bash our cell who were silently minding their own business? Come on guys, we need to do better, be better. We shouldn’t always be looking for an excuse to bash Bahati. Let the man live! And even if he decides for some reason unbeknownst to us to smoke marijuana that has nothing to do with us he’s a grown man who was made a decision the same way we do not attack other artists to drink.
Diana Marua is husband came into the game at a time when most Kenyan celebrities couldn’t simply rely on their talents to get them ahead of the park but also had to chase notoriety and fame by any means necessary.
Bahati roughed up by goons
Very few of them have ever taught themselves how to do it the right way quite like Bahati who seemed to grasp it almost instinctively. The evidence of this is seen in the fact that he has been able to pivot from his musical career onto a lifestyle influencer path.
An argument could be made that he learnt how to do so from his wife but I would argue that while she did help him hone his skills it is something that he already knew to do.
As a result, everything he does to generate excitement when he’s about to drop a project orphan does precisely that without detracting from his talents. The same cannot be said for many Kenyan celebrities such as Eric Omondi or Arrow Bwoy and Nadia Mukami. Hell, not even willy Paul knows how to do it seamlessly.
takes a hiatus from making music the entertainment scene suffers from a dearth of excitement. He even proved how adept he is at clout chasing, when he decided to file for political office. And though he lost, he had a very strong showing proving he understands not just how to generate hype around his music but how to do so in the political arena as well.
But you’re taking a hiatus from making music as he focused on his political ambitions for about a year and sadly he was unsuccessful in vying for the Mathare parliamentary seat.
As can be expected, he was devastated however he has since picked himself back up and has made a return to doing what we love seeing him do: Making music.
Bahati’s bitter political career
He seems to either have captured a muse or ignited his creativity because his latest songs have been bangers. Diana Marua’s husband released song after song with each going on to be hits.
It could be argued that he single-handedly proper Kenya’s fledgling R&B scene. And some of his collaborations have been wild! Never in a million years did we think we’d see him collaborate with other Luo Benga singer. The song “My Abebo” which features Prince Indah has not only managed to gain critical acclaim but is a clear fan favourite as a garnered 750,000 views in less than a week.
Not only has he been releasing new music but his clout-chasing and publicity stunts I simply entertaining. In Bahati we have an artist who understands not only does he need to court attention at any cost but he needs to do so in an intelligent way, one that is congruent with his brand.
And after I hear that was a mixed bag in terms of entertainment content, we are glad Bahati has focused back onto what gave him his platform. So whether or not he truly does have a song with Nicki Minaj and another with Justin Bieber, those assertions alone have made us excited for his new music in 2023!
For more thought-provoking opinion pieces, click here. And be sure to like our Instagram page.
Diana Marua and her husband Bahati should be the first couple off your lips when you talk about happy young couples and that is a debate I am more than willing to sink my teeth into.
Their philosophy is one that most have failed to emulate and by that I am referring to the fact that the couple has adopted an “us against them” mentality. They are genuinely happy with each other and no, I am not saying this because of all the lovey-dovey captions she posts or because of all the publicity stunts she and her husband keep getting upto.
Celebrity “power” couple Diana Marua and Bahati
Diana Marua and Bahati seem to be cognizant of the fact that they are a couple, a business if you will that has to find a way to survive through Kenya’s 3rd world economy and the best way for them to do so is to frame their days as them (as a team) fighting poverty, haters and whatever else makes that laundry list.
And whether or not you agree with her rather littered past is irrelevant. They have made it very clear that they are all about their children and building their businesses together. And yes, their brand is that business and it is a rather lucrative one.
Diana Marua and Bahati
There is a lot to learn from the singer and his wife. There is a lot to learn even from how supportive she is of her husband up to and including accepting his daughter by another woman and at least attempting to co-parent that child with his baby mama.
Terence Creative was more than happy to let us know that he knew all along when his wife was grinding on Bahati’s groin. And if that sounds like a strange way to start an article then it should also seem like a strange thing for a husband to say with regards to his wife.
“Bahati anachemsha maji lakini mimi ndio ninaoga”.
Terence Creative and wife Milly Chebby
And no, I’m not joking, he literally said that and he meant it given his energy. Perhaps he said so because he’s a comedian but that is the sort of joke only failed men (males who’ve failed at being men) can relate to and get some chuckles in. You know, cuckolds.
Back to Terence Creative, the man thought it was funny to be around while his wife was grinding on Bahati because he probably thinks he has to atone for cheating on her with Anita Soina. Oh, you think we forgot about that?
Popular comedian, Terence Creative aka Kamami
The reason he probably has to say he is okay with his wife making a mockery of him is that he thinks he has to allow her to balance out his marital account. The thinking of a simp: because I failed in honouring my promise to you, feel free to pay me in kind.
And this reminds me of the rumour that he was being battered by his wife. Remember that story Ghafla broke exclusively?
For you to understand what a cuckold is, allow me to quote my good friend Google:
a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful, often regarded as an object of derision.
“jokes in literature about elderly cuckolds and misers are rife”
(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.
“in the novel Humberto cuckolds his employer”
I can already hear you make the justification that Milly Chebby was just grinding on Bahati’s crotch, it is a stretch to equate this to seggs but on that one, I will direct you to your father to go and debate with. And Terence Creative is a schmuck who is 3 degrees separate from cuckoldry.
Repeat after me, monogamy is about sexual exclusivity. That means a married woman should not be posting thirst traps. It means she shouldn’t get flirty or touchy-feely with her friends. Hell, she shouldn’t even have male friends. Milly Chebby knows she has something over on Terence which is why he is being creative with the excuses he’s making for her disrespectful behaviour.
Notice we didn’t see Terence Creative grinding on Diana Marua… Why do you think that is?
Bahati vied for the Mathare parliamentary seat and lost. His was a campaign period fraught with betrayal and intrigue and though he braved the battle, Kenyans have made him their whipping boy with their incessant mocking.
And we have all noticed that this took quite a toll on the young man. he clearly had his heart set out for the position and he believed he would win it easy… I don’t know why, perhaps it was delusional confidence.
Bahati roughed up by goons
But Bahati as we all know, lost. And he has taken it hard. It didn’t help that it exposed haters in hidden corners. While we here at Ghafla were busy praising him for having the guts to take this step, most of his own peers and fans were busy laughing at him.
And since then, he has been seen out in public only a handful of times. He was seen at a family function as they celebrated a family affair with is wife -Diana Marua- and kids. But we have also seen him delete his content on social media.
We can only wonder about the toll that this failure took on him. He was also met by the stark reality of just how crazy politics is as he was first denied a certificate that would allow him to vie and then the members of his own coalition came out to attack and mock him.
And this is why we need to hope that he has gone to seek counselling because he is clearly showing signs of struggling with depression. And while it is great for him to inundate himself with people who love him, Bahati needs professional help.
That is what will help him lift himself above the funk and then focus on the future. A mental issue like depression is something that could also affect his family because he will not only not be present but he might even take a much darker path.
Willy Paul is lucky to have survived the rape allegation that Diana Marua levelled against him and he knows it. There are a lot of ways to implode your career but by far, a sexual assault allegation is the most nuclear. And Bahati stood by and allowed that entire scam to unfold and play out for the sake of clout.
I get it, Bahati and Willy Paul are only really friends when the cameras are present and for as long as they are present. They both hailed from Mathare and both got their start from their mentor, J Blessing. Bother were gospel artists. So you’d be forgiven for thinking they should be the closest of friends.
Willy Paul
Perhaps it is the nature of the circumstances they grew up in but they started a rather fierce competition. And since they first blew up, they have fought like cats and dogs sewn up into a gunny bag (gunia). And any act that can give Bahati an edge over Willy Paul, he’ll do it, no questions asked and vice versa.
That however cooled off once Willy Paul gave up being a gospel artists there was no real fight over the audience. That didn’t stop them from trading jabs once in a while but by and large, everything calmed down. Or so we thought.
One day, out of the blue, Bahati’s wife, Diana Marua came out and accused Willy Pozze of raping her. That was something no one had expected and though we were all blindsided, no one was as caught off-guard as Bwana Mkunaji.
He has been the subject of other accusations that have never gone anywhere but in this instance, the allegations made no sense. It sounded a lot like an artist who met a fan and decided he wanted to sleep with the fan (Willy Paul has very little d-control) and after the fact that she was now married to his rival, she resented his treatment of her like a jump-off.
Diana Marua and Pozee
And the worst part of all this is the fact that there were witnesses one of whom came out to corroborate Pozze’s account of things. And she was none other than Niccah the Queen who was his neighbour at the time. According to her, Diana Marua was happy to be at Willy Paul’s side and even after they went off to do their thing, she was still eager like a beaver to hang out around him. She even said she’d invite some witnesses to back up her take on things.
This sounded more and more like the case of regret getting weaponised. And Bahati watched it all silently. He could have stepped in to either get to the bottom of things and take his wife to report her claims to the police but instead he remained silent, doubtlessly enjoying this new torment his wife had unleashed on his frienemy.
And life simply moved on. A false allegation that could have been career-ending was allowed to go unpunished. And as I sit down reflecting on just how messed up Diana Marua has to have been to be making up such serious allegations, I realised that though Willy Paul gets a lot of flack for being arrogant, he didn’t deserve to have his career crippled by such a crazy allegation.
Diana Marua and Bahati are genuinely happy with each other and no, I am not saying this because of all the lovey-dovey captions she posts or because of all the publicity stunts she and her husband keep getting upto.
It is easy to tell she is content because she is now sharing all the dark, leary details of her past and the nonsense she got up to. You see, Diana Marua had a storied past before she got involved with Bahati. She has been linked to advertising executives, footballers and other celebrities including radio personalities.
Diana Marua enjoying her new car
One would assume that with such a record of past dalliances, she would be willingly open about her history. She has in the recent past been open about having sponsors and being a veritable socialite in the understanding Kenyans have of that term. She was a heaux in her younger days -which is saying much given she is older than Bahati.
When she met her current husband, he pursued the relationship with her in spite of everything his peers, his friends and foes within the contemporary gospel fraternity had to say. He chose to ignore all the naysayers. As far as Diana Marua is concerned though, she is with the man who is her best current option so her hypergamy is sated.
Nahati and his wife Diana Marua all loved up
And she is feeling not just content but secure in her knowledge that Bahati is not going to up and change things. She knows she has him and he too is content. So she can open up and lay bare the sins of her past.
This is the strongest statement of just how happy and content she is being by Bahati’s side. She is able to discuss her past indiscretions and all the sordid details because she knows her husband doesn’t worry about her returning to her old ways. She trusts him that much.
Celebrity power couple Diana Marua and Bahati
You have to ask yourself whether your spouse has this level of trust in you and your union. Afterall, unless she was a virgin when you met, you cannot speak for her past with any measure of certainty. And as you ponder this thought that Diana Marua has occasioned about your partner, you have to answer that little nagging voice that asks whether or not you really want to know all of your partner’s past indiscretions.
Are you ready to be in a position, like Bahati where you get to know everything about how your wife would become vicious when she was around other men, some of whom you know and other whom you are definitely sure are better men than you? Diana Marua trust that her gospel star is willing to know. Why? Well, again, because she’s content in her marriage.
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Kenyans are busy mocking Bahati for his failure to clinch the Mathare Member of Parliament seat but I am one of the few who think we need to celebrate his courage.
You see, the cry-baby crooner had a dream and boy was it a bold dream. He wanted to become an MP so he could improve the lives of the constituents of the area he grew up in.
Bahati’s bitter political career
So he decided to put his money where his mouth is and Bahati put his name on the ballot as a contestant for the seat. That is a huge feat. he was fighting against established politicians and even the powers that be within his own party of choice did not want him on the ticket.
Still, he soldiered on. Even as Kenyans mocked him for the dogged pursuit of his goal, he kept at it with no fear and no shame. He was insulted and even his woman became the target of ridicule and derision.
Even though we watched him get bullied, we remained silent and refused to condemn his bullies because we are myopic people. We are a small-minded people. We still have not realised that his actions demystified politics and he could very well have opened the door for Kenyan politics to become even more inclusive. Bahati is a no-name, no experience political aspirant spurred on by nothing more than great intentions.
He has essentially blown the door wide open for young Kenyans who have a dream of making their people’s lives better through providing development and policies that encourage it.
Instead, Kenyans have left him high and dry. I mean, I can understand that his constant crying is off-putting but the key here is to think about the greater good. And that would have been to call out his bullies.
Bahati has shown a young man sitting somewhere in Nairobi that it is possible to pursue political power. he has shown a young lady still in university that she can vie for a parliamentary seat and it’s possible for her to be a threat and even win.
All they need is the courage to do what Bahati has shown them is possible.
All your favourite celebrities are talking about undergoing vasectomies. Well, that is a bit of a stretch but you know what I mean. Your favourite celebrities have either outright claimed they are about to secure a vasectomy or their wives have suggested vasectomies for them.
These characters include Bien and Bahati but even more are stoking the fanfare flames around this rather interesting method of family planning. Why is that? I have never been one to chalk things up to coincidences simply so let’s take a step back and try to see the bigger picture.
When we take a look at what is happening on the international stage, we know that Roe vs Wade was repelled. For those of you who do not know what that is, it is essentially the law that allowed abortions in America.
As a result, your favourite feminists are up in arms acting like that affects us. At the end of the day, abortions aren’t legal in Kenya but that doesn’t us from procuring them. But feminists have never been the type to let simple logic come in the way of an opportunity to virtue signal so male feminists have started declaring they will undergo vasectomies inorder to “protect their wives”.
On the other hand, we have women who know they domineer over their husbands. These women also know that they no longer want their husband’s seed. So what do they do? They subtly suggest a vasectomy as a family planning compromise. And their husbands are either too dense to pick up on the subtle manipulation or are so henpecked, that they don’t know the difference.
And so the idea is implanted into these men’s minds. But for some reason unbeknownst to them, it doesn’t sit easy. Their lizard brains are rejecting the idea of getting their nads snipped. But they need to prove to everyone they are virtuous so what do they do? They do what Bien did, they come out to tell the world and their adoring fans that they are getting vasectomies and they phrase it in such a way it seems noble. After all, misery loves company.
DJ Moz and Dj soxxy
Think about it, when Bien tells us what he and his wife have decided to do to his gonads, a medical procedure that should, by all means, be private, he is proselytizing so he can convince you he is a virtuous husband and that you too should browbeat your man into accepting this nonsense.
However, the truth is, a woman who is truly in love with her man, a woman who truly respects her man would never suggest to him that he essentially castrate himself. Ultimately, we evolved to view a man’s nads as a measure of his masculinity and with good reason.
While a vasectomy could potentially mess about with that apparatus as they have been shown to elevate men’s longterm risk of prostate cancer.
“Our results indirectly support the hypothesis that there is an elevated risk of prostate cancer among men who underwent vasectomy 20 or more years previously.”
Or how about this finding from another study:
“…men who had undergone vasectomy less than 20 years earlier not only had a higher dihydrotestosterone level than age-matched controls (1.46 vs. 1.22 nmol/l; p 0.01) but had a lower testosterone/dihydrotestosterone ratio.”
So why would a woman willingly attempt to put a man she respects through this risk? That is a woman who doesn’t respect her man as I had earlier asserted. And we can look at a pattern beginning to form right before our eyes; an open marriage (if the partner’s celebrity crush happens to be in town), falling into your wife’s frame and finally a vasectomy. But perhaps we aren’t ready yet to drink that cup of coffee.
Diana Marua is the reason no one takes Bahati seriously as a politician which is a horrible fact for his political ambitions but the fact was made abundantly clear when Edwin Sifuna said he would be apologizing to her and not him.
The reason his disrespect was that brazen is he, like the rest of us, understands that the power dynamic is clearly in her hands and she does indeed call the shots. While this is a great thing for feminists and their female empowerment schpill, it is absolutely terrible for him as a man or even as an aspiring leader.
But thing is, Bahati is not a leader because we can tell he doesn’t lead his own marriage. He is a tamer, more localized version of Will Smith and no amount of chest-thumping and Twitter insults will change this fact. And the fact that he hasn’t realised his wife’s penchant for publicising their marriage is the biggest reason for this perception is telling.
Diana Marua is sadly, always taking us through the dynamics of their marriage and whenever she does so, we do not get to see just how strong her husband is as a man. If anything, the opposite is true. She recently spoke about the earlier years of their marriage (the first two years) and what she described as an indecisive manlet. He didn’t know whether to stay or to leave her. Why? Were there legit reasons for him to leave? If that’s the case then why didn’t he? Because he is scared of public sentiment?
Gospel artiste, Kevin Bahati
Or how about the fact Bahati is always wearing her clothes. What is that crossdressing supposed to prove? That he is more comfortable in his wife’s panties and dresses than he is wearing the pants in his house? No wonder whenever she praises him it feels like a disingenuine attempt at propping up his masculinity.
And now we can come back to his political ambitions. The fact that there was a muted uproar about the travesty he was subjected to says a lot about his support base. The fact that he decided to cry on camera and frame himself as the victim was also very telling. And off0putting. Bahati is not ready to become a national leader. He is weak and not very good at being a man.
And a great solution for him would be for him to actually look for masculine mentors who can teach him how to get better at being a man. And it should go without saying that while we all deal with emotions, there is a masculine way to actually deal with emotions and it does not involve him calling a press-conference to start crying and bitching. They also need a PR team around them charged with making him look like less of a weak pansy and more like a man in the making.
Or perhaps he is praying for a political appointment should Azimio La Umoja win? Maybe that’s what he’s playing at but this is not the way to go about it. Because we have seen these games get played out on the political arena with the likes of MC Jesse who responded to UDA giving away his UDA ticket in a very commendable and brave way.
Whatever Diana Marua and Bahati decide to do, they cannot allow her to continue to set the narrative of their love story. She is framing this man as a weak, ineffectual simp who needs constant propping because he is a bumbling uh… Yeah, I think you get the point I’m trying to make.
Bahati was supposed to vie for the Mathare parliamentary seat on a Jubilee/ Azimio la Umoja ticket. The ticket was revoked early on but after he successfully lobbied, it was returned to him only for it to be revoked again recently and he is angry at not just the party but also at Edwin Sfuna for some utterances he made. I am reiterating what transpired for you to stay in the know and for me to meet the word count.
That said and done, he has already sunk a lot of money into trying to win the seat and was already campaigning only for this curve ball to be thrown his way and now he is out of the race again. What is he to do and what lies ahead for him?
Well, right from the onset, Bahati is ahead of the pack. he needs o stay political and virtue signalling every possible virtue he can mount atop his shoulders. What do I mean by this? Well, he needs to stick to what he has already been doing which has been working for him.
At the end of the day, he is 28 years old. By the next election cycle, he will be 33 years old. In other words, he will still be a young man and he will still be able to stimulate the youth vote and if he does his bit right, he will have enough support and clout to go the independent route.
I mean, sure, Bahati could very well decide to support the party opposing his party of choice but he will simply look butthurt. No one would take him seriously if h were to decamp to UDa and at the end of the day, while he might get a bureaucratic posting, it would only be for as long as the government that appoints him lasts.
On the other hand, he could possibly stay out in the rain with the rest of us and become the voice of dissension. he could begin to champion the average mwananchi’s grievances and from there, he can package himself as a man who has grown into his position. From there, the sky’s the limit.
The question that remains unanswered is whether or not he will choose to play the long con or he will chase after instant gratification and even then, I do not think we can blame him because he has been using his personal finances thus far to finance his campaigns which means he has a huge hole in his pocket. ut ultimately, when faced with this crossroad, only Bahati can make the decision.
At this point, he can reconstruct the image people have in their heads of him. Right now when you think of Bahati what you think of is a man who wears dresses and cries a lot You think of a cuckold man-child whose wife has to carry his entire household. Sounds rough but for the moment that is what people think of him. He needs to rebuild from the ground up!
Bahati did not pay any men mind when he announced that he was going to make his “prayer partner” his wife. The lady in question was Diana Marua and when word of the fact was announced, I recall listening in as I headed out to high school and everyone was laughing about it.
I have to admit that I had no idea who Diana Marua was but we all knew who Bahati was and I was listening in on a show that used to air on Kiss100 every Friday morning. And now that I have found out even more about who Diana Marua used to be, I am inclined to actually agree with a lot of the people who have raised their doubts.
Diana Marua and Bahati- Photo credits- Google
I say this because as my mentor (one of the guys who was on the Kiss show I mentioned) says, a man should be as concerned about his woman’s past as she is about his future. Bahati should have been warned or informed that given who his wife used to be, he will never truly be ever to hold his head high in a circle of men because she would always be the Achilles heel that they would attack.
Think about it, he married a woman who had a storied history of past lovers and this is always going to be something a man cares about. To make matters worse, his sworn frienemy came out to claim that he too was a name on the list of Diana Marua’s past lovers. And you wonder why he has been silent over the entire issue?! What is Mtoto wa Diana to do? And Willy Paul is such an asshat that he came out to chide him over having slept with her before she was with him… That is a low blow.
Diana Marua
And what option did Diana Marua have other than to allege assault? I mean, it is a dastardly evil to pull on a man but I get it. It is a despicable thing to do to anyone but I can understand that she had no alternative in her brain because she knew how Bahati feels about his “brother” and she knows this might actually be the point at which her marriage is shaken to its core. Thing is, Nicah the Queen came out to offer an alternative account of how things played out. According to her, when she saw Diana Marua with Willy Paul, she was happy to be in his presence and was dancing and bouncing along to his music.
Bahati is in a tight fix -between a rock and a hard place because as a man, his instincts to defend his wife have doubtless kicked in but he has also come to the realization that she is always going to put him in this same situation. Yup, his wife will always leave him with egg on his face and looking to knock a few teeth loose simply because she allowed certain men between her thighs nd some of these men are precisely who her husband has told her he finds distasteful.
But he made a choice. He chose to settle down with this woman and as a result, Bahati will forevermore be in this position especially given the fact that she is the mother of two of his children. Damn! You had doubtless not factored that in. He is literally tied to Diana Marua for the rest of his life (assuming he doesn’t outlive their children). But this is where he should show the world just exactly how ignorant he is. He needs to actually ignore all the whispers because the happiness of his home is at stake.
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Chimano released Friday Feeling and Diana B has released 2 songs, Hatutaachana and One Day and I want to compare her first song to Chimano’s release… I know what you’re thinking, that this is very unfair and I agree but she has been saying that her song is the epitome of Kenyan entertainment… Sigh.
So Chimano released a true work of art, his song, Friday Feeling broke away from the stereotypical expected Kenyan and East African sound in a fantastic way and had a daring video to go along with it that celebrates (as many say) Chimano’s orientation.
Diana Marua
On the other hand, bro, no kidding, Diana B’s song has been described as trash by the likes of DNA and others who are doubtless reacting to the fact that she raps like she is part of Ogopa DJ’s first roster of stars back in 2000. She literally made a song that sounded dated without it being ironic nor an ode to an old sound.
That is the first way in which Chimano’s song comes off as superior. It is done to an old school electro-disco sounding instrumental and the music video pays homage to the fact. Remember when Dave Chapelle said he missed the old school gays? The tough gays? This is a throwback to that era.
Whereas Diana B’s song is just underwhelming. I am saddened that YouTube has removed the dislike counter because I suspect that most of its listeners on the platform simply ratioed it to oblivion. Why do I say so? Because the likes and views do not add up to paint a favourable reception of the song.
Add to this the lyrics… Man, oh man, Diana B’s song is like a nursery rhyme. A great reminder that we do not need rap music to simply rhyme like it was written by Dr Seuss. There is nothing artistic nor poetic about rhyming hatuachani with chini. I mean, she literally proves to everyone that rap music is about more than just talking on an instrumental. You need flow and charisma. Hell, even cadence is needed.
I must admit that this is a rather unfair comparison between a seasoned artist and a lady married to a musician who put out a lazy musical offering but I am justified to make the comparison because she is declaring her song as the best thing in the 254 since Esir blessed a mic. I guess she is living proof that talent is not an STI nor does it come from being in the studio as her husband “cooks up a hit song”.
Another hint from Chimano
My verdict? I am not going to be as bold as to call Diana B’s song trash but I would advise her to try working with two producers rather than one. They will then be able to craft a song for her that actually sounds pleasing rather than it being a gimmick.
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Diana Marua and Bahati have put all their haters to shame. We all thought their marriage was a sham. Come on, don’t start trying to distance yourself from that group. We all did but with good reason.
You see, Bahati is a young man who has his urges and the fact that he is a star (at the time he was a gospel star) meant there were more than enough women throwing themselves at him.
Add to this the fact that Diana Marua is 10 years his senior (don’t quote me on that, I am just chatting mad) and you start to understand why this would be an issue. How would she compete with all the young and fresh babes sending themselves his way?
But you know what? They have found a way to make themselves the model couple. Who would have thunk it? No really, who would have seen this being the vibes? Absolutely no one, that’s who.
And yet here we are, talking about their marriage being an example for young couples. I mean, who would have thought even I would have been one of the people cheering the legacy of their marriage.
Indeed, Bahati and Diana Marua have shown us that love is a beautiful thing because of how happy and stable their relationships appears to be. But maybe therein lies the devil in the details: all we are seeing is an appearance.
Diana Marua and Bahati- Photo credits- Google
Maybe vitu kwa ground ni tofauti because we all know people especially celebs only share the highlights of their lives on social media. But until we have evidence to the contrary, I will defer to what we have heard directly from the horse’s mouth.
So maybe the secret is in dating and marrying a reformed party girl. Perhaps the secret is in marrying a young man who has used the Bible and gospel to build his empire all the while living in enough fornication to produce a child out of wedlock.
Video of Bahati vigorously twerking on Diana Marua sparks controversy
But what do I know? I for one celebrate the 6 years the couple has been together. That is truly a milestone for young celebrity marriages.
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Kenyans are busy mocking Bahati for imitating and actually outright cloning himself after Diamond Platnumz and Noti Flow is the most brazen celebrity to do so yet it is perfectly normal when you look at things from a neutral perspective.
But a lot of us have infused our emotions and distaste at the now-defunct EMB Records owner and CEO which is why we are quick to disagree with everything he does even when it makes sense and is pretty smart of him to do.
Take his clear pandering and imitation of Diamond Platnumz. It makes sense because Mondi is the biggest star in East and Central Africa. he has grown from strength-to-strength, having started out as a talentless hack from the slums of Tandale.
And when he begun his career, he was singing on rubbish heaps and dancing in sewage but he managed to elevate himself and transform himself into the premier performer and crooner from our region -so why wouldn’t Bahati want to copy his playbook?
Even when it comes to fashion, Diamond Platnumz is the type of man who experiments with all types of fashion including high fashion. And though there are times when he doesn’t really pull off the look, he is very fashion-forward and willing to experiment.
Bahati loses nothing from also trying to ape his fashion. He can find things that work for him and actually perhaps incorporate his own style at his level into what he has aped from Platnumz, owning the look and coming up with something unique.
You see, you don’t always get to meet your mentors in the new social media world. Sometimes, you identify an industry leader or industry shaper and you learn from their successes and that is what Bahati seems to be trying to do.
And who knows, Mtoto was Diana might just get to grab Mondi’s attention. perhaps this is how he will earn an audience with the man or even get signed to his WCB Records label and that would be when most of his haters would see Bahati’s vision and praise him for sticking to his strategy.
DK Kwenye Beat is a new man. He is in a new improved body after shedding a lot of his bulk from being morbidly obese to becoming slightly overweight and we hope he keeps at transforming himself until he gets the best physical version of himself.
And I think the fact that he has seen what his discipline has done for him in terms of his own body has given him some newfound confidence and aggression. He heard Bahati’s new diss track and decided to return fire.
Dk Kwenye Beat With His Child-IG
Some exposition… Bahati released a song in which he has dissed a lot of Kenyan celebrities and entertainers. The disses were sent out to Khaligraph Jones, Ringtone and Sauti Sol and Octopizzo. And while none has responded, DK has.
And in his response, he has called out Bahati for all the things his haters have been saying all along but that is not what is really cool, it is the fact that he is clearly departing from his gospel roots and actually went for the jugular.
The track features DK Kwenye Beat dressed as a man of the cloth at a funeral -Bahati’s and it is a really cool visual for the video. Then when it starts, he first revisits the disses Bahati sent out to all his former gospel artist peers and then he went in!
The song itself is short, more like a freestyle but it really delves into taking shots right away with him mocking him for being Mtoto was diana and the fact that these days his songs lack substance and depth.
he goes on to mock Bahati’s voice but one of the most interesting things is the fact that it was Bahati who posted the song on his YouTube account. So this is either a big boss move or I am right that Bahati is choreographing for us this beef.
It would be nice however, for someone to actually through their own song into the fray, someone who is not part of Bahati’s hype train like I suspect DK Kwenye Beat is. That said, it is fantastic that DK has shown us his versatility.
Bahati has gone from breing a gospel artist to being a borderline secular artist to making songs with gengetone artists and now he has released a disstrack. If this isn’t a full evolution, then I don’t know what is.
Thing is however, that while for a lot of people this might be an off-putting development for a lot of his fans, I like what we are seeing because this shows just how versatile he actually is.
Also, Bahati has gotten to a point where he realizes that he cannot keep crying and being called “Mtoto was Diana” and he needs to earn his peers’respect so he has unleashed an interesting series of missives aimed at Kenyan celebs.
While it is no How to Rob by 50 Cent, it is still a decent attempt to let his fandom and music lovers in general know that he is versatile. Now here is where we look at the cons of everything related to this disstrack:
Bahati is not going to get a response from any of the artists mentioned because I will bet the entire house that he called them all and gave each one a heads-up as to what he planned to do. So this is not really about talking shots at anyone but a publicity stunt.
The “beef” is dead in the water where it never left like so many brave soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy. Why would Khaligraph Jones respond o these few jabs? Interesting they may but he was probably texted by Bahati about what he was going to do.
And while I enjoyed hearing Bahati rap in this new song, I couldn’t help but go back to the places where my memories have stored images of him doing some clown bullshit like jumping on the president’s chair or crying about his wife.
Diana Marua and Bahati are an odd couple if you’re anything north of 30 years old. You see, they are a couple who do not seem to follow rules of convention yet unlike most of their peers, they are one young celebrity couple that has not been the subject of serious breakup rumours.
Don’t get me wrong, I know they have been the subject pf beakup rumours but all those rumours were the work of their marketing machine that does such bullshit publicity stunts. But when you think of serious scandals that often spell the doom of their peers’relationships, you cannot name a single one that touched on them.
Who would have thought Bahati and Diana Marua would have lasted longer than Uhuru Kenyatta’s popularity?
I am of the opinion that Bahati and Diana Marua will actually last in their marriage for a very long time because in all honesty, they seem to understand that their marriage is bigger than them as individuals and they are aware that they are in it to win it because just like Hov and Beyonce they are bigger as an item than as individuals.
The very first time I hear on radio that they were “prayer partners”, I laughed my A off. I was listening to all that as I rode listening to a show I used to really enjoy that one of my mentors was a part of on that featured Adelle and Shaffie Weru back before she led a crusade to get him fired from his job. Simple times.
This goofball might actually have what it takes to make his marriage last
And what was odd to me wasn’t just the fact that Bahati had chosen to settle down with a lady who is nearly ten years older than him but that he had chosen a lady who had a certain unsavoury reputation in entertainment circles and that Diana Marua was choosing a guy who didn’t seem to have discovered himself.
Simply put, he was trading his ascendancy years for a partner was was used goods. But they surprised me and everyone else because they have managed to grow from strength to strength and they seem genuinely happy together.
Diana Marua and Bahati on one of their sponsored holidays together
That is because both of them have a united vision of what they want their future to hold for not just them as a celebrity couple but for their children too. You see, they want to maintain and build their celebrity status and the best way for them to do so is as a couple. One isn’t pushing the other, they are united in chasing higher and higher heights of celebrity status.
Besides that, Bahati has found something I do not think even he realized he was looking for all his life: family. And Diana Marua too has found something I do not think she realizes she was craving: respectability.
One grew up an orphan (the former). While the other was the jump of very many powerful men and a few of their hangers on at 1824 from what I heard and from her confessions too. Not to mention that a certain Kenyan footballer who used to ply his trade over at Tottenham used to fly her out there to chill with him.
Whatever the future holds, I am now a converted believer that perhaps the fates should see fit to keep these two together. If only to serve as something young people like me can look up to as an example of a functional relationship.
John Pombe Magufuli is no more. God bless the dead. The late Tanzanian president passed on after a long battle with a cardiac issue and a lot of Tanzanian artists and indeed, even Kenyan artists are mourning the passing of the leader.
What is interesting is that Kenyans seem to have formed opinions and biases about the man and are divided into either the camp that likes him or that looking to vilify him in death. But there is something even more peculiar -artists are making songs about him.
Magufuli with Harmonize at a past state event
Actually, with all the mourning that artists, both Tanzanian and Kenyan are doing, you would be forgiven for thinking they had a close personal relationship. And I not only doubt that this is the case but I see alot of what they are currently engaged in as one extended publicity stunt.
That is why we are seeing harmonize crying like a big man-baby mourning for the late leader as though they were bosom buddies. Then there are the artists who have put out songs about his passing and peculiarly, this cabal includes Kenya’s Bahati.
Magufuli with Diamond at a past state event
Now, you have to really stretch the imagination to believe that Bahati, an artist who has never mentioned Magufuli till now, is busy mourning about him and saying he was his role model. This is clearly just a money grab.
I get it, you need to make money however you can during these tough times in Kenya but come on, allow the man who was a father, a brother and friend to some to be mourned intimately by his people and then after afew, perhaps then it would be appropriate to engage in your cash grab.
And as for Harmonize crying and bawling his eyes out, there is sy=uch a thing as coming off as disingenuous. And you do not want to do that. In the very least, you have done the absolute most. Because grief is very private. It doesn’t announce itself seeking validation. If indeed you were as close to him as you would have us believe, go and comfort and condole the family of the late Magufuli.
Diana Marua and Bahati have opened up to their fans to reveal that the lady of their kingdom thinks they should have another baby and it actually makes alot of sense if you know a thing about biology. You see, her biological clock is letting her know that she is nearly running out of time.
While bahati has been running around trading jabs with Willy Paul (which I must admit were rather hilarious), his wife, Diana Marua is more focused on not missing the window of opportunity to expand their family.
Diana Marua and Bahati- Photo credits- Google
You see, from time immemorial, men have evolved to value youth and fertility in women. This however, isn’t a fact that modern women and especially feminists like admitting. It comes into stark focus for this particular couple because Diana Marua is not only significantly older than her bae but she is also on the wrong side of thirty.
As a result, she is actually doing the right thing in dealing with the possibility for a geriatric pregnancy and insisting that Bahati stick a bun in her oven sooner rather than later. And she should not be shamed for being pragmatic.
Diana Marua wants Bahati to put a baby in her
Diana Marua is aware that the older she gets, the harder her chances of successfully conceiving a child. Add to this the fact that hers would be a complicated pregnancy with the possibility of it not being carried to terma dn you have to appreciate -nay- applaude her sense of urgency.
What is a geriatric pregnancy? Well, by definition, a geriatric pregnancy is what Diana Marua would have to risk if she got pregnant later in her thirties and is a pregnancy that occurs when a person is 35 years or older is also known as an advanced maternal age pregnancy.
Baby number 3? Diana Marua’s dark moment as she experiences pregnancy scare in the past
And don’t get it twisted, modern medicine has made enough advances to be able to help pull through this miracle but it is still risky. The baby could end up with low birth weight, down syndrome, autism, there are higher risks of miscarriages, increased risk of preeclampsia, increased risks of complicated child birth and more often than not you will have to undergo a caesarean section.
But depending on how you look at things, the silver lining in all this is the fact that older mothers are more likely to have multiple babies -twins, triplets, you get the point.
So bahati, what will it be? Wil you give in and give your wife the baby she is clearly craving or will you wait till later and riskj missing the boat entirely?
Ringtone has set his targets on Bahati once again and this time he is claiming that Mtoto wa Diana Marua could be in the closet with all his new social media posts about Willy Paul being his woman.
Ringtone is back on his bullshit and he is not taking prisoners. He recently took to his social media account to call out Bahati who had posted a photoshopped picture that had Willy Paul’s head on a woman’s body.
And it has to make you wonder what happened to the gospel fraternity. What happened to them putting out music glorifying God instead of attacking each other? On the one hand, we have Ringtone attacking fellow gospel artists and on the other we have Bahati toying with the idea of fully embracing secular women.
And what that has resulted in is a dearth of content from those very quarters. And this is a stark contrast from a few years back when gospel music ran the entertainment scene. Infact, when Bahati first came onto the scene, the secular scene was dead.
It’s interesting that bahati enjoys wearing dresses and makeup
Gone are the days when every new artist had to be a gospel artist if they wanted to make it. Now, they need stunts because even the fans aren’t interested in urban contemporary gospel music. Or perhaps they are simply reacting to the lack of content.
Gospel worked alot better when artists weren’t chasing after stunts. It worked alot better when artists sort to collaborate. Back then, the message in the music was paramount and it was always about God above all else.
But as secular music began to rise in popularity, gospel artists refused to stay in their own lanes and keep making great gospel music. Instead, they began focusing and obsessing on what socialites and secular artists were doing. They kept going towards what the weren’t meant to -worldly pleasures. And Bahati and Ringtone only exemplify this fact.
Diana Marua has made a habit of constantly dragging up her exes whenever she decides to do a solo video and this is both perplexing and troubling because she is supposedly a happily married woman.
Also, it makes having dated Diana Marua a serious pain in the posterior because you have no idea when she will bring you up. It would seem she has no idea of the concept of statute of limitations because you could very well be in a happy marriage with children of your own and boom, your ex is bringing up your relationship from a decade ago.
Diana Marua is always going on about her exes
Usually, this is a sign they haven’t moved on but I am sure Diana Marua will argue to the contrary. Anyway, one can’t help but feel sad for Bahati whose wife is always bringing up her exes. this is some new-fangled method of cuckoldry but at the end of the day, he signed up for this mess.
The question, however, that remains unanswered is why. Why does she keep bringing up her exes? And that is what I would like to get into. We need to delve into it as far as we possibly can in a Ghafla article.
Diana Marua’s birthday series in which she surprisingly did not tell us more about her exes
I would argue that there are three reasons why Diana Marua keeps bringing up her exes and they are:
#1. They were excited as compared to her boring existence
#2. She is reliving the thrills of her past
#3. They are a source of cheap yet exciting content
She seems to enjoy retelling the stories of how she was once a married man’s chipo. She seems to enjoy telling us about how a former lover went around to gloat about the fact he had smashed her.
The reason for this is because these men were genuinely exciting and exhilarating and as a result, her body reacted as it should when it is aroused. Compare that to her safe, promised existence and you can see she misses the tingles she got.
Mrs Diana Bahati
Diana Marua is reliving her thrilling past
Her memories are her fantasies and the fact that she has an audience that joins her along on this trip only serves to make the experience even more viscerally exciting. Whenever she posts these videos, other women share their experiences with their Wafula Thundercock former partners. To me, it reads like a digital erotica orgy. She coos about the excitement she had running around and hiding her affair. The fact that the men she was with were dominant and I cannot help but look at Bahati and realize he is not the type of man she would generally be excited by.
Her old relationships are a cheap and exciting source of content
It is lazy but it is efficient. She doesn’t have to create anything new, she simply closes her eyes and taps into her mental wank bank and she remembers all the exciting DJs, businessmen and rumoured football players that would get her soaking wet and she excitedly tells us about the memories they made together. All she has to do is remember to “create” a moral for the story when she is done with her salacious memories.
Bahati recently said he has no problem with people calling him “Mtoto wa Diana” because when he was an orphan in the orphanage, he longed to have a mother. This statement made my skin crawl.
I am reminded by Bahati’s statement of a Greek tragedy called The story of Oedipus. In that myth, an oracle foretold the demise of a king, Laius, at the hands of his son. So when his wife sires a son, our good man bound his son’s legs and hands and abandoned him on some mountainside far from their native Thebes.
Bahati is a very interesting celebrity
I have a friend who is a major history buff so it shouldn’t bee too surprising that Bahati’s statement got me recalling this story. Anyway, some shepherd happens upon the child, led to it by it’s wailing and takes it to the King of Corinth who, being childless, decided to adopt the boy.
And when our boy achieves the age of manhood, he decides to travel about, gallivanting across the ancient Greek world and he happens upon an old man with his five servants and unfortunately, a squabble ensues and ends with Oedipus who is actually quite the hero, killing the man and his servants with the exception of one who happens to flee.
Bahati and his wife Diana Marua
Later, Oedpis happens to deal with the sphinx, blah blah blah and years later wanders into Thebes where the populace are still caught in the throes of mourning for their king who died and left them without an heir. I hope Bahati is paying attention because this is where it gets interesting. Our hero decides to take the throne and marries the queen, Jacosta, to legitimize his reign.
And it is at this point that through some foils, we find out why Sigmund Freud came up with the Oedipus complex: he finds out that he was the one who killed the king (that old man) and Jacosta is actually his mother. So where does this come into an intersection with Bahati?
The Bahatis
Sigmund Freud says that little boys grow envious of their father as they grow to witness their mother’s affection split between them and daddy dearest. These emotions usually get resolved as we grow into balanced adults but with Bahati who was denied a mother, he gets a fixation on the idea of who the woman was.
So he ended up marrying an older woman then purposely making himself seem like he is her child. That is why Bahati has no problem with being Mtoto wa Bahati. Do with that information as you would. I just found it to be interesting.