Raw video of Babu Owino and Jaguar fighting in parliament

Babu Owino and Jaguar were embroiled in a fist fight in parliament on Tuesday 10th October 2017. The two MPs clashed over supremacy battle between their leaders Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta.

The Starehe MP is said to have followed the Embakasi East MP to Parliament Media Centre to ‘teach him a lesson’ for disrespecting Uhuru Kenyatta.

In a video that has since gone viral on social media, Jaguar is heard asking where Babu Owino was before he found him and started fighting.

“We will teach you a lesson Babu. You must respect the president” Jaguar shouted.

“Which president? The only president I know is Raila Odinga” Babu Owino replied as other people intervened to stop the fight.

The two MPs went on to fight again outside Parliament Media Centre, the fight was however interrupted as other people quickly intervened:




Meet Babu Owino when he was still a street preacher

Controversial Embakasi East MP Babu Owino started out as a preacher before he gathered enough confidence to join campus and national politics.

Babu Owino is among those public figures whose ‘started from the bottom now we here’ stories just inspire you. The controversial MP joined University of Nairobi in 2008 as a pauper but he left as a rich man.

Babu is the longest serving student leader in Kenya, he was elected the chairman of Student Organisation of Nairobi University (SONU) in the academic year 2011/2012, a position he held until 2017 when he quit to vie for Embakasi East parliamentary seat.

Before the glitz and fame, Babu used to be a preacher in the alleys of University of Nairobi. Video circulating on social media shows the controversial Embakasi East MP preacher to fellow comrades in campus.

Watch the video below:



University of Nairobi students hold night vigil to strategize on their vengeance (Photos)

On Thursday September 28th anti-riot police stormed into University of Nairobi (UoN) hostels and harassed and senselessly beat up students.

The shocking acts of barbarity meted upon UoN students were caught on camera, several video shared on social media showed police frogmarching, beating and generally harassing students.

Also read: Shocking footage of GSU officers clobbering female Nairobi University students in their hostel

The Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet and UoN Vice-Chancellor Prof. Peter Mbithi denied claims that police battered UoN students.

The move by police IG and UoN VC angered students who then decided to hold a night vigil on Monday to strategize on next course of action.

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, who is the immediate former SONU leader, revealed that the purpose of the vigil was to plan how to frogmarch the IG.

“Uon comrades are rehearsing for tomorrow’s demonstration to frog march IG,” Babu Owino captioned a photo taken during the vigil.

UoN Students could also be heard shouting “Mbiti must go” in some of the videos taken during the vigil which have since been shared on social media.








“I like you Babu” 6 things Njoki Chege told Babu Owino in her letter that revealed her true nature

Njoki Chege built a persona of a ruthless alpha female through her column on Daily Nation. But on Saturday the popular columnist revealed her true nature in the letter she wrote to Babu Owino.

Compassion is the word that best describes Njoki’s open letter to the controversial Embakasi East MP. Unlike in other columns where the introduction alone is usually filed with bile, Njoki’s letter to Babu Owino starts with her admiration for him before she moves on to positively criticize him for the crude words he said about Uhuru Kenyatta.

Below are the 6 things Njoki said to Babu in her letter that proves she cares about the controversial MP:

  1. She expressed her admiration for Babu

“Aye Comrade!” you said. I was surprised to hear a bubbly voice on the other end, cracking jokes and asking me how I have been all these years. It occurred to me that as an acquaintance, I needed to do more than write a news story about you. So I have decided to write you a letter. I like you, Babu. I like your vim, courage and drive. You are a bit of a “drama queen”, with your silly little antics but all the same, I think I am right when I say you’ve got your heart in the right place,” wrote Njoki in part.


2. She reminded Babu about his past and how he made it against all odds

“Many people don’t know how far you’ve come. As someone who has written your story a couple of times before, I know you grew up in a slum in Kisumu. To make ends meet, your beloved mother used sell chang’aa and engage in menial jobs just to put food on the table. From what you have told me in the past, you had a rough childhood and started spending nights in police cells when you were still in primary school; when police would crackdown on chang’aa brewers.”

3. She reminded Babu he had already succeed in life at only 29

“Let nobody lie to you that you are not doing well for your age. There are not many 29-year-olds that are in your position. The truth is, you are a young achiever and you have done very well for yourself so far. I would even say you have proven yourself already. On top of that, you have a few things going on for you. You are educated, young, brilliant, dripping with youthful energy and you have a lovely young family.”


4. She politely warns Babu he was heading towards a dangerous path

“However, there are a few loose ends you need to tie up, and this is where your smile might disappear. Babu, you need to stop. You are fast hurtling down the path of self-destruction and self-sabotage. Like many Kenyans, I was shocked beyond words when you uttered the words you did at that rally. No matter how you try to spin it, it came out very badly and this is not looking good. People are angry out here. I am angry, too.”


5. She tells Babu he could do better as a politician

“Babu, you ought not to be like those other uncouth politicians. You can cultivate some level of refinement and intelligence. You sat in an actuarial science class and now almost completing a law degree. It’s high time you stopped behaving like an ignorant, bucolic yokel and started to behave like the leader the people of Embakasi East Constituency elected you to be.”


6. She asserts that she still believes in Babu Owino’s ability to do the right thing

“You’re better than this. I am one of the few Kenyans who still believe that there is room for redemption. So pull yourself together, clean up your act and be the leader you were born to be.”


Notice Njoki Chege didn’t use the same tone with DJ Mo, she went HAM on the gospel DJ all because Mo confessed that he put Size 8 through a series of tests before he finally married her.




Kiambu Chief reveals what Jubilee will do to Babu Owino if he dares abuses the president again

There are dire consequences of blatantly abusing the president and Embakasi East MP Babu Owino is
learning this all too well.

After spending numerous nights in police cells where he alleges to have been tortured, he finally got released on bail but it seems his problems are far from being over.

He recently received a warning from Sonko that he would send people to sodomize him dare he repeat
the mistakes again and yet another Jubilee politician is hell bent on coming after him.

Kiambu Chief and Biashara ward MCA Elijah Njoroge
Kiambu Chief and Biashara ward MCA Elijah Njoroge

It’s none other but Kiambu Chief and Biashara ward MCA Elijah Njoroge. Speaking at an interview on
Kameme TV, he vowed to teach Babu Owino a lesson if he dared repeat the mistake again. According to him, he together with other Jubilee leaders would take demonstrations to Embakasi and disrupt business in the constituency until the people couldn’t take it anymore and they would personally ask Babu to repent.

Kiambu Chief and Biashara ward MCA Elijah Njoroge

And that was not the only avenue, he was also keen on pushing electoral laws that would see people get thoroughly punished if they dare showed any disrespect to president Uhuru Kenyatta. It will be very interesting to see what will be Babu’s reaction after seeing this considering he doesn’t
take anything lying down.

check out the interview courtesy of Kameme TV:

“Nimekuangalia nkaona uko na figure 8 ntakuja niingize kitu ndani” Babu Owino describes how he would bang Mike Sonko

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino left a crowd in stitches when he said that he was ready to bang Nairobi governor Mike Sonko during a rally in Kibera.

Babu’s speech in Kibera (after the court set him free) was a retaliatory attack against the Nairobi governor who called him shoga’ and ‘mbwa’ during campaigns for president Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday September 27th.

Speaking in Swahili while addressing Kibera residents, Babu said he had two children and was looking forward to have a third one. He explained that he was ready to bang Sonko to get a third child since he called him ‘shoga’ (gay), a sign that Sonko wanted him.

“Nataka niambie Sonko, uliniiita shoga mimi nko na watoto wawili nataka kuongeza wa tatu…kama uliniita shoga inamaanisha yakwamba unanitamani. Na kama unanitamani mimi pia nimekuangalia naona uko na figure eight, ntakuja niingize kitu ndani,” said Babu Owino.


“Sonko has a fake diploma in mortuary attendance” Even in oppression Babu Owino manages to fire back at Sonko

Nairobi governor Mike Sonko called Babu Owino ‘shoga’ and ‘mbwa’ and also said other unpalatable words about the Embakasi East MP. Babu has since hit back at the Nairobi county boss.

Kenyans on Twitter expressed disappointment with Mike Sonko and called for his arrest after a video of him referring to Embakasi East MP Babu Owino as ‘shoga’ and ‘mbwa’ emerged.

Sonko savagely attacked Babu Owino during campaigns for president Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday September 27th. Sonko said Jubilee had mafias who could deal with the Embakasi East MP.


Babu refused to engage the Nairobi governor terming him as an academic dwarf who forged his diploma; the Embakasi East MP posted his response on his Facebook page.

“I will not stoop low to engage one Mike Sonko who has a FAKE diploma certificate in Mortuary attendance. I have more serious issues to deal with #NoReformsNoElections” Wrote Babu Owino.


“The day they come for you it will come from somebody next to you” Caroline Mutoko warns Babu Owino about how they will ‘finish’ him

Caroline Mutoko fears for Babu Owino’s life. The former radio queen said she her hearts started beating fast when she heard about what he said about Uhuru Kenyatta and his mother.

Caroline explained that wives, children, mothers and generally family, were off limits in politics. She stated that Babu Owino toed the line when he insulted Uhuru Kenyatta and his mother.

The former Kiss FM presenter assured Babu that ‘they’ were going to come for him in a matter of years, she affirmed that the people who will ‘fix’ the Embakasi East MP were very close to him.

“You don’t need to look over your shoulder thinking Jubilee is gonna fix you, it’s not gonna happen. You will be fixed with somebody in your own party. Because it doesn’t matter who you are and in what political party you are in, dude there is a line you don’t cross. The day they come for you, it’s not tomorrow, it’s not even next year, it’s not a year after this. You won’t see it coming but it will come from somebody next to you. Let me tell you something i learnt from my mother a long time ago, mwizi ni mtu anakujua. Ule mtu atakufix ni mwenzako,” Caroline Mutoko said in part.

Watch the video below:



Babu Owino offers to pay Kiambu and Githurai demonstrators after insulting Uhuru Kenyatta

Babu Owino hit Uhuru Kenyatta’s supporters where it hurts the most sparking protests in Githurai and Kiambu town on Monday September 25th.

The controversial Embakasi East MP said the president was a son of a dog during a campaign rally in Kawangware on Sunday September 24th.

Babu however refused to apologize for his remarks sparking protests in Githurai and Kiambu. Babu was arrested in Nairobi CBD at 4pm Monday and taken to the DCI headquarters along Kiambu Road for questioning.

Before he was apprehended, Babu offered to pay Githurai and Kiambu protestors to take part in Tuesday September 26th Nasa’s planned demonstrations against the IEBC.

“Kiambu town and Githurai demonstrators have today shown the world that they are the best in unpeaceful demonstrations. Congratulations to the two sets of very talented demonstrators for your monumental exhibition today. I am offering Kshs 1000 to each of you if you will spice up our demonstrations tomorrow at the IEBC headquarters. Payments will be made at the IEBC offices from 9am.chiloba must go,” wrote Babu Owino.



Babu Owino isn’t losing his seat despite revelation he failed to respond to petition within stipulated time

Yesterday September 20th damning evidence surfaced showing that Babu Owino had failed to provide an address of service to a petition filed by Jubilee’s Francis Mureithi who is challenging his win.

According to the election petition rules, a sued party is required to file and serve a notice of address of service within five days after being given copies of the case documents.

Francis Mureithi accused the Embakasi East MP of failing to provide an address of service as well as responding to the filed suit in the prescribed time frame. Mureithi filed the petition on September 7th 2017 at the High Court and served Owino through a newspaper notice.

The deadline for Babu to provide an address of service and respond to the petition lapsed on Friday September 15th. In light of this, the court is expected to nullify Babu’s win and order a by-election.
But the battle between Babu and Mureithi won’t get to the nullification stage just yet, the Embakasi East MP revealed on social media that his response was within the stipulated time. He further accused Mureithi of peddling lies.

“I filed my response within the stipulated time and treat the rumors being peddled by my opponents with the contempt it deserves.tibim” Babu Owino tweeted.

Well it’s up to the court to determine who between Babu and Mureithi  is telling the truth.



“Moses Kuria I dare you” Babu Owino blasts Kuria over plan to place Raila under house arrest

Controversial Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria has opened up about plans to have Raila Odinga placed under house arrest if he doesn’t participate in October 17th repeat election.

Nasa has maintained that they will not participate in repeat October 17 presidential election if the same people who rigged August 8th election are still in office.

Raila and other Nasa principals on Sunday 17th September told their supporters at Jacaranda Grounds that the only way they would participate in October 17th repeat election was if IEBC meets their irreducible minimum reform demands.

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria revealed plan to tame Raila in the event that he doesn’t participate in October 17th repeat election. Kuria took to Facebook on September 17th 2017 to reveal that Raila will be put under house arrest just like his father.

“Jubilee #WembeNiUleUle rally at Mwiki, Kasarani today. #MbeleIkoSawa. If Raila tries to stop us from voting on 17th October, we will place him under house arrest just the way we did to Jaramogi,” Moses Kuria wrote.

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino was quick to respond to Kuria’s Facebook post, he dared him and his bosses to excute their plan.
“Moses Kuria I dare you & your bosses to place Rt Hon Raila Odinga under house arrest if you are real men,” wrote Babu Owino on Facebook.


5 hilarious photos that prove most male politicians are glorified fisi

The second week of September has been full of exciting activities; hilarious photos of politicians have been doing rounds on social media in the past five days.

A handful of male politicians have been caught in a rather awkward situations, photographers snapped politicians in positions that sent Kenyans laughing when the photos surfaced on social networking platforms.

The likes of Babu Owino, Ferdinard Waititu and even deputy president William Ruto were photographed in postures that caused mouths to wag on social media.

Camera caught these politicians looking at ladies in suggestive manner prompting netizen to conclude they were all fisi.

See the photos:

DP Ruto looking at a Jubilee supporter
Male politicians looking at Muranga Women Rep Sabina Chege


Babu Owino and Esther Passaris invade each other’s private space
Someone found a way to describe Babu Owino and Esther Passaris’ posture using safety pins
Ferdinand Waititu looking at a lady in Kiambu county assembly

7 more photos of Babu Owino and Esther Passaris dangerously close to each other in different rallies

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino and Nairobi Women Representative Esther Passaris dominated talks on interwebs thanks to a single photo of them that was subjected to multiple interpretations.

A photo of Babu Owino standing dangerously close to Esther Passaris at Pangani Police Station sent social media into a frenzy as Kenyans came up with all sort of crazy imaginations.

Well, it turns out that Babu and Passaris are attracted to each other somehow, the two Nairobi politicians always stand or sit next to each other in all Nasa rallies or events that they attend.

At least 7 photos have proved that Babu and Passaris are inseparable at public functions; perhaps they just like each other’s company. Or maybe…

See the photos below:


Babu Owino trolled over his brown teeth as he poses with billionaire oligarch – Jimmy Wanjigi (Photos)

Some netizens found it amusing that Embakasi East MP Babu Owino had tooth discoloration. He showed his teeth while he was posing with Nasa financier Jimmy Wanjigi.

Babu Owino appears on our TV screen regularly but not so many people seem to notice the color of his teeth or the tattoos on his arms from his photos on social media.

Babu Owino with his kid. Notice the tattoos on his arm

Well, a section of Kenyans trolled the Embakasi East MP when they noticed he had tooth discoloration from the photo he posed with billionaire oligarch – Jimmy Wanjigi.

Babu and Wanjigi exposed most of their teeth as they smiled for the camera during a photo shoot in Karen after Supreme Court nullified the results of August 8th presidential election.

Babu Owino and Jimmy Wanjigi

Below some of the reactions from Kenyans after they saw Babu’s teeth:

pesh_kibe_wanjiku: Hiyo ni meno jamani

duncan.dunco: @pesh_kibe_wanjiku hahahaha


lattymarcelo: Hiyo meno muheshimiwa

pesh_kibe_wanjiku: Explain what kind of meno is that to me @duncan.dunco

princess_lynnetMoney:  money….make sure you he uses all his money to protect our votes.



richiekairo:Salute Mr JMW.

slyviv:My mp

princewalterharry:The big boss Jimmy wanjigi my boss.


jamesnabaala:Tialala,,, tibiim

paulmilowa:92Canaan we came

johnny_we:demandTell wanjigi his support to NASA is appre na raundi hii ni time yetu

lopez.asha:Canaan here we come

theshakazulu:tell Joshua to campaign ama Tena mtaanza kuria

tamekamerina:Mr campaign funding ???



captainharrisjnr: Tibiiiiiiimmmmmm Ndaaani ndaani kabisa…. change is a good thing



Babu Owino finally unmasks African statesman who financed his political activities

Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino has finally addressed questions about the source of his wealth, a topic he avoided in the past.

Babu Owino was SONU chairman for 6 long years, many people questioned how he financed his campaigns given that varsity elections are held annually.

So how did Babu finance his campaigns? Apparently slain Libyan statesman – Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was Babu’s main financier.

Speaking to Citizen Digital, Babu blatantly stated that Muammar Gadaffi used to be his best friend and also he used to finance him.

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi

“Long ago, Libya’s late president, Muammar Gadaffi used to be my best friend, and he used to finance me. When he passed on, I was left a financial orphan and decided to look for other international friends,” said Babu.

The Embakasi East MP however refused to disclose who is currently financing him now that his sponsor was killed in 2011.

“I would not disclose them because when I reveal their identity, they are killed – just like what they did to Gaddafi,” said Babu Owino.



Babu Owino’s wife slays in a black jumpsuit as she escorts her husband to be sworn in at parliament (Photos)

The swearing in of MPs for the 12th parliament happened yesterday August 31st. Embakasi East MP Babu Owino tagged along his beautiful wife to the ceremony.

Babu Owino caused drama in parliament when he was being sworn in, he had to re-take the oath after he broke the prescribed format for taking the oath by mentioned the name of Raila Odinga which was not part of the written oath for the legislators.

The controversial Embakasi East MP still sneaked in his trade mark slogan ‘Tibim’ even after he was forced to retake the oath.

Babu tagged along his beautiful wife – Fridah Muthoni Ongili to the swearing in ceremony in parliament. I mean he had to, Fridah was actively involved in his campaign.

Babu Owino’s wife (third from left) during campaign period

Fridah dressed to impress, she rolled up looking absolutely gorgeous. Babu’s wife slayed in a black jumpsuit with a yellow coat.

“His tibimness @babuowino ❤️❤️ God is indeed faithful. All glory and honour to you my God,” Fridah captioned a photo she shared on social media.

Fridah poses for the picture in parliament building
Fridah and Babu in parliament


Babu Owino: My mum used to sell chang’aa and up to now I still drink chang’aa

Babu Owino won’t change his character just because he was elected Embakasi East MP. The lawmaker caused a stir by his action and confession.

Babu has stated that he won’t take oath of office until the verdict of the Supreme Court is known. The 12th Parliament is set to have its first sitting on 31st August and already ODM lawmakers are planning to boycott the sitting.

“MPs should not be sworn in until the verdict of the Supreme Court is known. Nothing for us without us. On Sunday, August 27, at 11 AM. We will go and pray at the Supreme Court. Kindly carry your bible. Only pastors will be there,” Babu Owino said.

The controversial Embakasi East MP also confessed that he still drinks chang’aa. In an interview with eDaily on Saturday, Babu argued that the law doesn’t forbid anyone from enjoying the illicit brew.

“There is no law in this country that prohibits Kenyans from consuming chang’aa. People should be allowed to enjoy their favourite drinks,” Babu said.

He confessed that he started drinking chang’aa from a very early age because his mother was selling the brew in Kisumu to earn a living.

“I remember we struggled so much.My mum used to sell chang’aa and she raised up through that and up to now I still drink Chang’aa because that is where I came from. It wasn’t a bed of roses. Growing up in Nyalenda, times were hard as policemen would come and beat people in their houses. I could see my mum being whipped. I slept in Kisumu’s Central Police Station severally as I was, time and again, arrested for selling chang’aa. That was the only means that I could use to raise school fees. But through God’s work I managed and at least I am where I am now.”

“Drop off the hooligan brand” Jalango instructs Babu Owino

Jalango has taken it upon himself to write an open letter to Babu Owino instructing him how he ought to behave now that he is an honorable member of the 12th parliament.

The Hot 96 presenter instructed Babu to emulate Mike Sonko and do away with hooliganism so that he could have a brighter future in politics.

Below is Jalango’s open letter to Babu Owino:

Dear Babu Owino

First and foremost congratulations! You pulled it through! You did put up a massive campaign, powerfully crafted and finally delivered! Swear I still don’t believe it myself! Your opponent was equally big but I guess God had his plans! You are Hon. Babu Owino Ongili The MP. Embakassii East!

Your story to me is a story of dedication, focus and knowing that you can even when other people believe you can’t!

Your campaign slogans will remain in our minds and thoughts forever ! Tibim…Tialala….and all…You are King!

I can imagine how much fun, how crazy and how heated the debates will be! I see you in there dropping a few English jargons and icing them with a tialala or a Tibim! Go for it bro! There is no turning back!

The future is bright mheshimiwa and the sky is just the beginning and so it is yours to make or to loose but knowing you….you will make it!

Back to it now….I know you will kill me when we meet but I have to tell you that National politics is a whole different ball game! Too different from the previous leadership positions you’ve held like SONU! The people of Embakasii have entrusted you with their lives and believe that you can deliver which I know you can! Their needs are very different from those of students at UON. You must now start creating and rebranding yourself to mheshimiwa Babu Owino MP Embakasii not Babu wa SONU! Make Embakasii great again (MEGA)Youths wants jobs, women want to grow their business, the men want to provide for their families and all this up to you to represent them at the House! Go for it! Represent them gracefully !

Humble yourself, pray drop off the hooligan brand! Remember I said the future is bright! Soon and very soon their will be too many Vacuums in National leadership to be filled ! Look at how Governor Sonko metamorphosed from wall punching to cleaned up Hon. See what happened Nairobi did not think twice! He is Governor!

With your 3 degrees, 2 PhDs and 7 Diplomas I can only see success!

Babu Tibim! Ongili Riaaaaa Wuod Nyalenda Tiallalalallaalla!


Fight for them with the same spirit!

I rest my case!



That moment Babu Owino held returning officer hostage after his winner certificate went missing (Photos)

2017 general election has had its highs and lows; a shocking incident happened in Embakasi when IEBC returning officer couldn’t trace where Babu Owino’s winner certificate was.

Drama ensued in Embakasi East tallying center on Thursday after the returning officer said he had no idea where the winner certificate was.

Babu Owino trounced Jubilee’s Francis Mureithi to carry the day, he was declared winner with 43,862 votes against his closest rival who managed 39,805 votes.

Embakasi East constituency returning officer Nicholas Burtuk was however on the receiving end after he failed to give MP-elect Babu Owino his winner certificate.

An agitated Babu claimed there was a plan to deny him his victory, he said that the returning officer was under instructions not to give him the certificate.

Babu Owino stands on top of the table as he demands to be given his certificate

“You are not doing me a favor. You can’t select leaders for people of Embakasi East. I’m elected. We are not leaving here, you are not leaving here until I get my certificate,” Babu Owino shouted.

The returning officer claimed that the certificate had been locked in an office and a logistic officer who had the key had been arrested on Thursday morning over election related fraud.

The impasse was resolved after the winner certificate was found among documents with the deputy returning officer; Babu had stepped up his calls to be given the certificate.

IEBC returning officer signs Babu Owno’s winner certificate

The firebrand politician was finally given his certificate but not without causing a little more drama, he demanded that the returning officer should wear the official IEBC uniform before giving him the certificate.


Babu Owino celebrates victory in Embakasi

ODM candidate for Embakasi East constituency has already started celebrating his victory, Babu Owino trounced his main rival with a 52.6% win.

The Embakasi East constituency race was one of the hotly contested seats in Nairobi, the race was dubbed a two horse race between Babu Owino and Jubilee’s Francis Mureithi.

At the end it’s Babu Owino who emerged victorious, the former SONU chairman acknowledged the contribution of his wife to his campaign in his victory statement.

Babu won Embakasi East parliamentary seat with a total of 46,741 votes which translates to a 52.6% of the total votes cast in the constituency.

“We did it with a total of 46,741 votes (52.6%). Thanks to God, my dear wife and the whole of Embakasi East fraternity for this opportunity,” Babu Owino tweeted.

Babu Owino explains why he would not pocket his salary once elected Embakasi East MP

Babu Owino has other means to support himself financially, his salary will be used for something else in case he wins Embakasi East parliamentary seat come August 8th.

The race for Embakasi East parliamentary seat has been dubbed a two horse race between ODM’s Babu Owino and Jubilee’s Francis Mureithi.

Babu has given the electorates another good reason why they should vote for him come August 8th. The former SONU chairman vowed not to touch his salary once elected MP.

The outspoken Nairobi University alumnus explained that he would instead channel his salary to benefit the underprivileged in his constituency.

“I have grown up and known what lack means. I, therefore, made a pledge to my people that what I will earn will go directly to them to help meet the needs of the underprivileged such as orphans,” Babu Owino said during an interview on Kiss FM on Thursday August 3rd.

Babu also plans to establish five water distribution points, one per ward, and a monthly cleaning exercise in his constituency.

“People in the semi-urban and slum areas lack basic amenities such as water. We will help address and have monthly cleaning exercises to avoid diseases like cholera.”


Babu Owino’s wife goes all out in a bid to make sure her husband wins Embakasi seat (Photos)

Babu Owino’s wife Fridah Muthoni has gone into overdrive campaigning for her husband who is eyeing Embakasi East parliamentary seat.

The former SONU chairman revealed in a recent interview revealed that his wife was the one who urged him to allow her to join his campaign team.

Also read: “It was love at first sight” Babu Owino opens up about dating his sweetheart Fridah Muthoni

Fridah is doing a wonderful job campaigning for her husband, she has visited several areas in Embakasi to distribute water and to interact with the electorates.

On Monday, Fridah distributed water to residents of Vumilia, Kamola, Kisumu Ndogo and phase 8 in Upper Savanna ward following a water shortage.

And on Tuesday she did the same in Tassia, Mradi, Riverbank and Embakasi Village.

“It was love at first sight” Babu Owino opens up about dating his sweetheart Fridah Muthoni

For many years Kenyans believed Babu Owino was a rogue student leader and a bachelor, until he revealed he had a wife and a daughter a while back.

Babu Owino shot to fame thanks to his hooliganism during his stint as the chairman of Students Organisation of Nairobi University – SONU.

The wannabe Embakasi East MP recently unveiled his wife and daughter to the public during his campaign trail in Utawala.

Also read: Babu Owino parades his beautiful wife and daughter in public for the first time

You can say Babu’s ambition to be a lawmaker has made him open up about his private life, the ex SONU chairman spoke about his beautiful wife and daughter in a recent interview with Nairobi news.

Babu Owino with his wife and daughter

Babu revealed that he meet his wife – Fridah Muthoni at Nairobi University when they were both first year students, Fridah was pursuing a degree in Economic while Babu Actuarial Science.

Babu and Fridah dated for three years before they made their relationship official in a small ceremony attended by family members and close friends.

“It was love at first sight, I saw her and knew she was the one. She is beautiful, intelligent and I knew I had to get her before other men cast their eyes on her,” Babu Owino said.

Babu however kept Fridah off the limelight until recently when he introduced her to the public while campaigning in Embakasi East. The former SONU chairman stated that it was her wife who requested to join him in the campaign trail to assist him clinch the Embakasi East seat.

Fridah campaigns for her husband in Embakasi East



Babu Owino parades his beautiful wife and daughter in public for the first time (photos)

Babu Owino has managed to keep his family out of limelight but last Saturday July 17th the whole world got to see his beautiful wife and daughter.

Controversy is Babu Owino’s other name, the wannabe MP has however been ‘humbled’ by his quest to be Embakasi East legislature come August 8th.

Babu’s ambition has made him unveil his family in public for the first time; for those who didn’t know Babu is a happily married man.

The former SONU chair has married one Fridah Muthoni and they are blessed with a pretty baby girl. Babu paraded his wife and daughter when he attended a church service at SDA church Utawala on Saturday.

Babu Owino’s wife Fridah Muthoni with her daughter (third on left)

“Today I joined my constituents from Upper Savannah ward in a clean up exercise after which I attended SDA church service in Utawala ward in company of my lovely Wife and daughter. God bless Embakasi East,” Babu Owino wrote on social media.


17 stunning similarities between Babu Owino and Barack Obama that you didn’t know about

US 44th president is a global icon whereas Babu Owino is just another goon in the eyes of many. But you will be shocked to find out that Barack and Babu have several similarities.

A certain Ndege Fredrick aka Ndege Serkal has impressed Kenyans after he compiled a list of the things Babu Owino and Barack Obama have in common.

Babu Owino
Barack Obama

The list of similarities between Obama and Owino has caused mouths to wag because most people didn’t think the two could have so much in common. See the list below

17 similarities between Barrack Obama(B.0) & Babu Owino(B.O)

1.Both of their late fathers were air-lifted to USA to study by the late Tom Mboya

2.Both are light-skinned Luos, with big ears and long tongues

3.Both are from Siaya County

4.Both are feared by Kenyan government, Boko Haram, and the Al-Shabaab

5.Both have a grandmother called Sarah

6.Both are liked by single ladies, loved by married women, but are faithful to their women

7.Both can speak Spanish

8.Both quit smoking before entering politics

9.Both have read all of Ngugi Wa Thiong’o;s books

10.Both would have liked to be Architects if they weren’t politicians

11.As teenagers, both experimented with drugs including marijuana and cocaine

12.Both broke their virginities on a Sunday

13.Both have a beer named after them in Kenya and Indonesia

14.Both are well-groomed men. They cut their hair once a week

15.Both learnt how to drive cars before cycling

16.Both of their names are associated with Blessings. The name BARRACK means ”one who is blessed”. The name BABU means ”one who blesses”

17.Both can say the letter ”P” without opening their mouths.



Babu Owino finally reveals the benefits of being the Robert Mugabe of University of Nairobi

Paul Ongili Owino popularly known as Babu Owino was nicknamed the Robert Mugabe of University of Nairobi (UoN) for staying at the helm of SONU for six long years.

Babu joined UoN in 2008 when he enrolled to pursue a degree in Actuarial Science, he graduated in 2012 with first class honors. He enrolled for yet another degree – law. He’s yet to graduate.

The now ODM flag bearer for Embakasi East parliamentary seat has been at the helm of SONU since 2011. His decision not to cede power at UoN was the reason he was labeled a career student/Mugabe of UoN.

Well, Babu has clapped back at people who taunted him for being a student for way too long at Kenya’s most prestigious public university.

The wannabe MP took to social media to show off his ‘prestigious’ certificate in a bid to shush critics as he boasted of his academic prowess.

“Incase you feel like doubting my academic prowess and keeping on asking why I do not clear campus,there you go. My first degree in actuarial science which is ranked number one degree course in the world. I also have 4 diplomas and I’m a lawyer in the making.#jaluojeuri.tibim” Babu wrote.