Jaguar reveals why Babu Owino is more likely to defeat Jubilee candidate again in by-election

Jaguar and Babu Owino have reconciled following a cue from Raila and Uhuru. The Starehe MP says Babu Owino is more likely to crush Jubilee candidate in Embakasi East by-election.

Justice Joseph Sergon nullified the election of Babu Owino as the Embakasi East MP on March 2nd even after the court ordered vote recount which Babu won.

Babu has since moved to the Court of Appeal to challenge the nullification of his election. Jaguar however thinks Babu stands a chance of defeating Jubilee candidate again in the event that the court orders by-election in Embakasi East.

Jaguar revealed this as he spoke about his relationship with Babu Owino. He said Embakasi East has 60% Nasa supporters and 40% jubilee supporters.

“We have now made peace with each other and vowed to work together for the sake of our constituents and respective legacies. Starehe constituency is made up of 40 percent Nasa supporters and 60 percent Jubilee supporters, and the vice versa is true for Embakasi East. Babu and I realised what the youth in our respective constituencies care about is the availability of employment opportunities and a conducive environment for business – and not political sideshows,” said Jaguar.

No beef before the fight

Jaguar also reveals that there was no bad blood between Babu and him prior to their October 2017 fight in parliament. He explains the reason why they ended up exchanging blows.

“I knew Babu Owino way before I joined politics. We were good friends, and we’d never had a reason to fight before the October 2017 confrontation. If anything, I wasn’t going to beat Owino up, when I approached him on October 10, 2017 at Parliament Buildings. I just wanted to know why he had abused President Uhuru Kenyatta. And when I posed that question to him, he snapped and started shouting at me, saying there was nothing I could do to him. It is then that our confrontation turned physical.”




Babu Owino to Uhuru Kenyatta: Get me out of the fire now that you’ve reconciled with Raila Odinga

Babu Owino fell out with Uhuru Kenyatta when he called him ‘mtoto wa mbwa’. The Embakasi East MP was arrested and harassed by the police in a move that was interpreted as retaliation by Uhuru.

Babu has also been fighting in court to retain his seat as Embakasi East MP. The lawmaker’s woes is thought to be the work of State House to frustrate him for being a fierce critic of Jubilee administration.

Justice Joseph Sergon nullified the election of Babu Owino as the Embakasi East MP on March 2nd even after the court ordered vote recount which Babu won.

New dawn

Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta reconciled to the surprise of Kenyans. The two rivals announced that they had decided to forget the past and were going ahead to work together to forge a new path for Kenyans.

Babu Owino now wants president Uhuru to stop frustrating him in the wake of the reconciliation. The firebrand politician asked Uhuru to ‘remove him from fire’.

“Mr speaker as Babu Owino like stories in the Bible about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Mr Speaker these three gentlemen were put in a furnace to burn to death. But Mr speaker they were put because they did not obey the king then. Mr speaker they came out of the furnace stronger. And Mr speaker i would like to tell the president Uhuru Kenyatta that he has put Babu Owino in fire, and he has burned and he is strong. I do not want to be stronger than this Mr speaker. Let him remove me from the fire,” said Babu Owino while speaking in parliament.

Photos of Babu Owino and Jaguar warming up to each other after Uhuru and Raila reconciled

ODM and Jubilee politicians are resolving the differences between them after Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta buried the hatchet and vowed to work together.

Babu Owino and his sworn enemy Moses Kuria also ended their beef after Uhuru/Raila meeting. The two MPs were notorious for insulting each other on social media.

New frenemies

Sometimes in October 2017 Babu Owino and Jaguar exchanged blows at Parliament media centre because of Raila and Uhuru.

The two have also buried the hatchet following Raila and Uhuru’s reconciliation. Babu and Jaguar were seen rubbing shoulders in parliament building after their party leaders ended their rivalry.

“Today I met Hon Jaguar at parliament and we reconciled our differences. Promised to work together to serve the interest of Kenyans,” said Babu Owino.

“Kenya is finally one,” Jaguar commented.





“I take him home when he’s drunk” Babu Owino reveals how Kenyans got it all wrong on his relationship with Moses Kuria

To the public Moses Kuria and Babu Owino are sworn enemies. But do you really know the two firebrand politicians are actually buddies behind the scene?

There are only two tribes in Kenya, the rich and the poor. The idea of Luo and Kikuyu politicians hating each other is only a facade. Politicians only clash because of conflicting interests and not because they hate each other based on their ethnicity.

Babu Owino

Babu Owino and Moses Kuria throw unpalatable words at each other in public but interestingly they rub shoulders behind the scene.

“At times I find Kuria in a bar very drank and asleep. I am the one who carries him and takes him to his house in Westlands. If I am lying let him deny it in public,” said Babu Owino during an interview with NASA TV on Monday.

Hate mongers!
Moses Kuria

Babu Owino urged fellow politicians to stop inflicting negative ethnicity into the minds of their followers. He admits politicians are to be blamed for fanning tribal tensions.

“We as politicians don’t hate each other that much. After arguing in Parliament, when we come out we still shake hands, talk and laugh. The problem with us is we inflict negative ethnicity in the minds of our people so that people can fight. It shouldn’t be like that.”



Babu Owino joins the list of celebrities defending Eric Omondi

Eric Omondi has had the longest day as his fans have been trolling him after his nude video. The comedian was seen with a few minors enjoying the old ‘duff mpararo’ but not everyone was impressed.

According to most comments, Eric Omondi violated the low by showing children his body which is totally wrong. The comedian however issues an apology through his Instagram page saying;

Babu Owino defends Eric Omondi

Well, after Pastor Burale shared a post asking people to stop trolling the comedian; Babu Owino has also shared a tweet saying that swimming in the river has always been something Africans have been practicing.

In his post, he asks people to give Omondi a break as he wrote saying,

“We should all give Eric Omondi a break. We from poor families had rivers and lakes as our swimming pools with nudity as costumes,”


Babu Owino responds to dirty-minded female reporter who asked him if he would sleep with a woman while on her period

Babu Owino met a female reporter who is equally dirty-minded just like him. The reporter asked the Embakasi East MP obnoxious questions that are best reserved for bedroom.

Babu Owino had a  sexually-charged interview with a female reporter during the recount of votes cast in Embakasi East constituency.

Justice Joseph Sergon ordered a vote recount in the entire constituency following a petition filed by Francis Mureithi challenging the election of Babu Owino as MP.

Babu was interviewed by the reporter as the vote recounts came to an end in Industrial area. The reporter was bold and asked the controversial lawmaker question that made the audience burst out laughing.

Sexual dirty questions

The dirty-minded reporter asked Babu whether he would sleep with a woman while on her period. The MP however declined to answer saying he would only respond to political questions.

“I want to answer political questions, matters sex i will perform with my wife,” Babu Owino replied.

The reporter however didn’t stop asking Babu sexual questions, she also inquired what the MP meant about opening Njeris’ servers.

Watch Babu respond to the reporter in the video below:




Babu Owino wins back his Embakasi East seat

The Jubilee candidate for the Embakasi East constituency Francis Mureithi recently challenged Babu’s win in a petition filed on September 17.

This saw the court approval for a vote recount to remove any doubts that Francis Mureithi had; since he was claiming Babu had been illegally declared the winner.

With the courts decision, the results have now been announced despite a statement released recently by Francis Mureithi who claimed his rival Bau Owino had hired goons to break into a warehouse and destroy ballot boxes and ballots.

Babu celebrates his win

Once more Babu Owino has been declared the winner. The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) MP Babu Owino announced the win saying;

“Refusal to get trained will attract punishment” Babu Owino threatens to expel unemployed youth from his constituency

Babu Owino has initiated a program to take care of all unemployed youth in Embakasi East. The controversial MP insists that unemployed youth must enroll in the program or ship out.

Babu has launched a program to award bursaries to all of his constituents irrespective of their tribe or political affiliation.

“I will start issuing bursaries from next week on Tuesday.Parents who can’t afford school fees are advised to pick bursary forms from the constituency office at Donholm upper savanna ward.Bursaries will be issued to all needy children irrespective of their tribal affiliations,skin color,size of their bodies and size of their brains.Education is the key to success and if you open the gate of a school you will close the gate of a prison.God bless Embakasi east constituency,” wrote Babu Owino.

Vocational training
Babu Owino attending to his constituents at Embakasi East constituency office in Donholm.

Babu says all unemployed youth must get training in vocational institutions. He says he will fund the project with CDF, he insists that those who refuse to enroll will be expelled from his constituency.

“Youths who are not in school will get training in vocational institutions,will be trained to be saloonists,plumbers,electricians,barbers,drivers,carpenters,masons..etc All these will be paid using money from CDF.Refusal to get trained or schooling yet not employed,will attract a severe punishment of being expelled from Embakasi east constituency.God bless Embakasi east constituency,” wrote Babu Owino.


“How many men did you sleep with to be nominated?” Babu Owino savagely tears into Jubilee senator Millicent Omanga

Babu Owino clashed with Jubilee nominated senator Millicent Omanga and it was ugly. The controversial Embakasi East MP hurled unpalatable insults to Millicent.

The drama started when Millicent Omanga called out Babu for disrespecting Matiang’i. The nominated senator said that she would personally circumcise Babu Owino if the government doesn’t deal with him.

“Does BABU OWINO or is it BABU OGWANG’ think that his the only person with the monopoly of insults.If the government is not able to deal with him, personally I am very ready to circumcise him and maybe that will instill some respect manners in him. RESPECT MATIANG’I you small boy,” wrote Millicent Omanga on Facebook.

Had it coming!

Babu being Babu responded to Millicent Omanga’s fire with fire. The controversial lawmaker claimed Omanga slept with several men to be nominated senator.

Babu urged Omanga to continue spreading legs. He also shared a meme of a hippo dressed in a bra and panties and named it ‘Millipedes Omanga’.


Babu Owino dares the police to come after him few hours after an arrest warrant was issued against him

Embakasi East member of politician Babu Owino was apparently wanted after failing to appear to court for the mention of his case.

The politician had been arrested together with his bodyguard after they were report over an assault case. Even after failing to appear at the high court, they have been pardoned by the Senior Principal Magistrate Martha Mutuku who had issued the arrest warrant after the two failed to the court.

This is after Babu Owino and his body guard later on showed up with a legitimate excuse. According to their lawyer, the two had been handling another case at Kibera Law courts.

Babu Owino dares them to come after him

For this reason the two are expected in Court on 19th February to answer to their assault case. However in a post shared by Babu Owino he dared those looking for him by writing to say;



Kenyans fear for Babu Owino’s life after he declares his candidacy for President

Babu Owino has his eye set on the presidency and people are fearing that he might not live to vie for the country’s top seat.

The Embakasi East MP revealed long ago that he would vie for president some years to come. Babu however didn’t reveal a clear time frame for his presidential ambitions until now.

The controversial MP says will vie for president in 2027. He sends a strong warning to IEBC against rigging election when he vies then.

“By the time I’ll be vying for presidency in 2027 the iebc chairman then better prepare to announce me the winner by bullet or by bullet.we have learnt the hard way and won’t make mistakes anymore,” wrote Babu Owino.

2027 is a long time

Kenyans are fearing for Babu Owino’s life after declared his candidature for 2027 presidential election. Most people claim the political system has a way of ‘dealing’ with ambitious politicians who pose a threat to certain preferred individuals.

Below are some of the reactions from Kenyans after Babu owino declared his candidacy for president:

Hon Fred: Babu we love you so much, but please restrain from talking about 2022 or 2027 or any other 20 something… Bcoz u don’t know what tomorrow holds… Jubilee might just assassinate you kesho (God forbid)…

Nickson Wawire: Its possible as long as you are too careful with those people who think they are the ones to lead Kenya, look at people like the Late Saitoti, Kijana wamalwa, people who could have been presidents and best presidents, they were popular than Kenyatta family, Kibaki and Odinga, but they perished when they should have not. Be careful with those people.

Titus Akilisaba: That’s how stupid you are you are giving out your secret to your enemies in advance I thought my akivalia suti is Clever but the reverse is true. Bro forget if you wouldn’t swear Raila in then I tell you this for free moi family will be on the seat it’s up to you even karonzo sahau water melon tw

Garry Jack Hajaoa: 2027 yote…..eeeeh hapo sawa lakini remember watoto wa akina Uhuru, Raila na Moi watakuwa rada. Maybe Kenya to be divided into 3 parts hapo sawa. Meanwhile, dreams are what keeps us reaching our destinations.

Antony Munene Wetu: 2027 you will be six feet under. Having been eaten by worms for seven years. So now guess what will be your death year….

Jerssicah Joyz Skater: Sioni ukifikisha hio mwaka…furthermore do you think the so called ‘your people’ hawatachanuka??… They have realised Nasa government is just bullshit full of idiots.. Unless utumie uchawi

Kimutai Matelong: IAm very sure its hard &tricky 4 u to retain your seat as member of Parliament come 2022,,,,,therefore dreaming 4 presidency is a vocabulary

Bonny Arap Kim: At this hour we accept you are in dream land but!!Baby Owino are you aware you are losing that seat next month after court ruling….you better find ways to go back to UoN and vie for student leader post.

Gideon Kimutai: We are 10 years away from 2027, don’t you think you think you owe the Embakasi East electorate a lot as of now and you are talking of bullets…. Wait, eti you got how many degrees?

Peter Mutie: Spare me these childhood dreams, swear in Raila and will see your potential. 2027, will you use the same method you have used to retain SONU slot till then?


“I have decided to make some changes in my life” reveals Babu Owino

The former SONU leader, Babu Owino who is currently the MP of Embakasi East has decided to finally lay low.

Having made a name for himself through his dramatic ways, the politician says it’s time he changed. He now plans to serve the people that elected him to power and of course show some seriousness without causing any controversy.

Speaking to Nairobi News, Babu Owino revealed that he has changed for the better. This is after a few preachers visited his office to anoint him as seen on the photos he shared. He captioned one of the photos saying;

Also read: Babu Owino reacts to the death of Maseno university former student leader beaten to death by matatu touts

“If you kneel before God you will stand before any man. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom,”

Babu Owino New Years plans

Apart from changing his ways, Babu Owino plans to become a motivational speaker in future. He said;

“It is a new year and I have decided to make some changes in my life. To some people I have always been the leader who reacts the most in different situations. Some might even call me a drama queen. But I have decided that have to now become the leader that the people of Embakasi East want me to be. To champion on matters affecting the youth of our country”

Do you think he will manage to do without the drama? You be the judge.

Babu Owino reacts to the death of Maseno university former student leader beaten to death by matatu touts

The death of Joseph Kiarie Ng’ethe left many people shocked by the cruelty of matatu touts. Babu Owino has since spoken about the demise of the former Maseno university student leader.

Joseph Kiarie met his end on December 24th after an altercation with matatu touts. The deceased was badly beaten after he confronted matatu touts in Zimmerman.

Zuri Genesis Sacco and Marimba Investment Sacco matatu knocked Kiarie’s car leading to the altercation. Witnesses say drivers and touts of the matatu which ply the Zimmerman-Roysambu route escalated the row.

Joseph Kiarie Ng’ethe

The drivers and touts savagely attacked Kiarie when he requested for compensation for the damage to his vehicle. Kiarie was pronounced dead upon arrival at the Nema Uhai Ruaraka Hospital. His body was taken to Kenyatta University Mortuary.

Perpetrators should be held culpable

Babu Owino has called for the immediate arrest of the drivers and touts who beat Kiarie to death. The former Nairobi University student leader says Kiarie should be given the justice he deserves.

“Joseph Kiarie was a comrade and a student leader at Maseno university,he was killed by touts after his car was knocked by the marimba and zuri Sacco Matatu.The perpetrators should be held culpable and Kiarie given justice he deserves at his resting place.Rest In Peace comrade,” siad Babu Owino.





Babu Owino: Lust doesn’t care if you are married or single

Babu Owino has shared interesting marriage tips to his constituents. The lawmaker encourages people to exercise restrain this festive season.

December holiday is all about fun and sex to some extent. Babu Owino fears uncontrolled lust may destroy some people this festive season.

Marriage doesn’t cure lust

Babu Owino and his daugher enjoying holiday in Coast

Babu encourages his constituents to exercise self control. The controversial Embakasi East MP cautions that most people will be destroyed this festive season if they don’t control their desires.

“Marriage doesn’t cure lust, if it did adultery wouldn’t exist. Self-control is still a requirement. Lust doesn’t care if you are married or single. You may be Solomon in wisdom or David in praise or Abraham in faith or Joshua in war but if you are not Joseph in discipline, you will end up like Samson in destruction…Tialalala
this festive season self control is needed.  The world needs you.Tibim,” says Babu Owino.


Jimmy Gait, Ben Kitili among celebs mourning the death of Francis Nyenze

Francis Nyenze passed away on Wednesday December 6th after a long battle with cancer. The Kitui West MP was wheeled to parliament in August to take the oath of office.

Nyenze died while receiving treatment at Nairobi Hospital. The Wiper lawmaker had been battling cancer of the colon for the last 10 years.

The fallen MP developed pneumonia during the campaign period. He was using oxygen cylinder to breathe in the last days of his life.

Celebrity reactions

Jimmy Gait, Ben Kitili, Carol Radul, Babu Owino were among first celebs to mourn the death of Francis Nyenze. The celebs expressed their sincire condolences to the family of the deceased.



“You’re an academic GMO” Babu Owino taunts Meru Senator as UoN revokes his degree

Meru Senator Mithika Linturi joins the long list of famous politicians who forged academic papers. The likes of governors Waititu, Sonko and Joho are all accused of getting their university degrees through dubious means.

University of Nairobi senate decided to revoke Mithika Linturi’s degree after they determined that the Meru senator presented fake papers to get admission.

Mithika degree revocation follows an elaborate and in-depth investigation that UoN did jointly with the Commission for University Education (CUE).

Meru Senator Mithika Linturi

The Meru senator graduated from UoN with a Bachelor of Commerce degree. Minthika was among 106 leaders the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) flagged as having integrity issues in a list it presented to IEBC in June.

You are an academic GMO

Babu Owino is having his moment after UoN revoked Mithika’s degree. The Embakasi East MP is pursuing law degree at UoN, he is also the longest serving students’ leader at the University.

Babu mocks the Meru senator in a tweet following the revocation. He calls Mithika an academic Genetically Modified Organism (GMO).

“So my friend Hon Mithika Linturi is an academic GMO? #LinturiDegree,” Babu Owino tweeted.

Babu Owino causes a stir as he celebrates police assault on Jubilee supporters

There is a perception that police deal with Nasa supporters brutality while Jubilee supporters are treated with care. This was not the case on Tuesday November 28th.

On Tuesday both Jubilee and Nasa supporters were equally assaulted by the police. Photos of police beating up Nasa and Jubilee supporters at different venues went viral on social media.

Nasa supporters were beaten and some even shot by police as they tried accessing Jacaranda grounds for a planned public rally by their leaders.


Police roughs up a woman during Nasa foiled rally at Jacaranda grounds

Jubilee supporters were assaulted by police when they tried gaining access to Kasarani stadium. The arena was filled to capacity but some people still wanted to get in to witness the swearing-in ceremony.

Police beat up Jubilee supporters at Kasarani stadium

I love this

Babu Owino was elated by photos of police beating up Jubilee supporters. The Embakasi East MP taunted Jubilee supporters saying they were experiencing firsthand the brutality of Uhuru’s government.

Kenyans on Twitter expressed mixed reactions over Babu’s tweeted. Some were irked by the MP for not condemning police brutality while other were in sync with his thought.



Babu Owino vows to take action as Nasa supporters blame Sonko for dumping human feces at Jacaranda grounds to stop Nasa rally


Apparently 13 lorries dumped human feces at Jacaranda grounds in Embakasi early Tuesday morning before the planned Nasa rally.

Nasa supporters claim Sonko sent Nairobi city county trucks with the human waste. Nasarites say the move was meant to scare them from attending a planned rally at Jacaranda.

I will re-dump the feces at City Hall

Babu Owino has vowed to take action if Sonko doesn’t collect the human feces he allegedly dumped at Jacaranda ground.

police keep guard at Jacaranda grounds

The Embakasi East MP affirms that city county’s lorries dumped the feces at his constituency. Babu threatens to re-dump the human waste at City Hall if Sonko doesn’t remove it.

“@MikeSonko should come and collect the 15 lorries of feaces which was dumped on Jacaranda grounds using Nairobi County Trucks yesterday ASAP failure to which I will lead the affected Embakasi East constituents living around Jacaranda grounds in redumping the feaces at City Hall,” Babu Owino tweeted on Wednesday November 29th.


Babu Owino sends hilarious message to KCPE underperformers…Vows to pay fee for top performers

Babu Owino is one of the brightest lawmakers in parliament. The Embakasi East MP scored 394 marks when he sat for KCPE in 2002 at Kisumu Township Primary School.

He received a letter to join Mang’u high but instead went to Kisumu High School because his mother couldn’t afford to pay the fee at Mang’u.

Babu scored a mean grade of A- when he sat for KCSE in 2006. He joined University of Nairobi in 2008 to pursue a degree in Actuarial Science.

The Embakasi East MP graduated with First Class honours in 2012. Babu is currently an undergraduate student at the University of Nairobi pursuing his second degree in Law.

You just differed with the examiner

Babu Owino sent a hilarious message to 2017 KCPE underperformers. The controversial MP tells them that they didn’t fail the exam but rather differed with the examiner.

He encourages underperformers to repeat class 8 if they are determined to win. Babu also promises to pay school fee for top three pupils at his constituency.

“I will pay full high school fees to the top three pupils in Embakasi East,the rest who equally performed well will be given bursaries to enable them further their education.For those who did not perform well should never be discouraged,know that you never failed but only differed with the examiner.You are encouraged to repeat Class 8 and should know that a winner is a loser who never quits,” wrote Babu Owino.


Babu Owino spoiled for choice as 4 banks agree to his irreducible minimum

Babu Owino’s ultimatum has been met by at least four banks. The Embakasi East MP had given banks condition which had to be met before he could open account with them.

Nasa’s irreducible minimum has set precedence in all sectors of the economy. Babu Owino gave banks one condition to open Constituency Development Fund (CDF) account with them.

Embakasi East MP takes oath of office

Babu says that a bank must employ at least 10 residents of Embakasi East constituency for him to open CDF account with them.

“For me to open Embakasi east cdf account with any bank in Kenya or proceed with the existing account,the bank must provide employment opportunities to at least 10 residents of Embakasi east.If the above Condition is not met the bank should forget business from us.DO ME I DO YOU,” wrote Babu Owino on Facebook on Thursday November 9th.

Banks comply

Babu Owino during a campaign rally

Hours later after Babu posted his condition at least four banks agreed to his term. The Embakasi East lawmaker says the four banks contacted him saying they were ready to employ 10 of his constituents.

“The following banks contacted me today and have agreed to employ residents of Embakasi east.Coop bank,CBA,KCB and Equity bank.Embakasi east residents love you.Need cvs.”




“I sleep with their daughter daily and she enjoys the foreskin” Babu Owino taunts Kikuyu tribalists

Controversial lawmaker Babu Owino has make true his threat. The Embakasi East MP warned his detractors a couple of weeks ago that he would do something they wouldn’t like.

Babu has had to deal with tribalists who attacks him using ethnic stereotypes. On October 26th the lawmaker issued a warning to his haters who have been giving him sleepless nights on social media.

“I’m sending a strong warning to the jubileediots to stop squirting and masturbating on my Instagram.I will block you forever,” wrote Babu Owino.

The Embakasi East MP reiterated the same message on other social media platforms including his twitter handle and Facebook account.

Babu Owino take the bull by the horns

On Monday November 6th Babu Owino dealt with his tormentors the best way he knows. The legislator blocked 12 people on Facebook and went on to taunt Kikuyu tribalists.

Babu sarcastically says that Jubilee fanatics keep on pestering him to get circumcised yet their daughter loves his foreskin. The MP’s wife Fridah Muthoni Ongili is from Mt. Kenya region.

Babu Owino’s wife Fridah Ongili

“I have blocked 12 idiots from jubilee who keep on telling me to get circumcised,yet I sleep with their daughter daily and she enjoys the foreskin.More will be blocked if they continue hurling insults at me with their uncircumcised brains,” wrote Babu Owino.


Babu Owino calling for mutiny? Ethnic profiling now takes an ugly turn

Ethnic profiling of Luo people by the government could take an ugly turn. Embakasi East MP Babu Owino has sent a coded message to the men and women in uniform.

The killings in Nyanza has created an impression the government is carrying out ethnic cleansing. Luo celebrities voiced their concerns about how their tribesmen and women were being killed by the police.

Several hashtags like #LuoLivesMatters have been used to highlight police killings in Nyanza. The killings and shootings were witnessed during Nasa demonstrations in Siaya, Kisumu, Homa Bay and Migori counties.

Babu Owino’s ambiguous message

Embakasi East MP has cautioned the police and army not to watch as their people are being killed. Babu implored the men and women in uniform to wake up and support their people.

“I call upon the police and army not to watch as their people are being killed by the two tribes.Wake up and support your people,” wrote Babu Owino.

Who did it better showing off guns? 15 photos of Kenyan celebrities brandishing deadly assault rifles

The law forbids brandishing of guns in public. But this does not necessarily stops people from showing off deadly assault rifles.

A few celebrities in Kenya are licensed gun holders. The like of Prezzo is known to carry his gun everywhere he goes. The rapper has also been caught in endless gun dramas.

The majority celebs who do not own guns have also been seen brandishing firearm. The guns they showed off on social media are usually owned by licensed gun owners.

Who did it better?


Mike Sonko’s daughter Salma Mbuvi


Mike sonko

Vanessa Chettle




Babu Owino


Shaffie Weru






Nyota Ndogo


Mother-In-Law’s actor Mustafa


Mzazi Willy Tuva

Uncanny resemblance: Photo of a man who looks exactly like Babu Owino is funniest thing on the internet

Babu Owino’s body double has left the internet in stitches. Photos of a man who looks exactly like the controversial MP have gone viral on social media.

The firebrand MP has dominated headlines for all the wrong reasons in the past weeks. At least now the ‘other’ Babu Owino is making Kenyans laugh.

Only his hair distinguishes him from Babu

Netizens were dumbfounded to see photos of a man of Indian origin who resembles Babu. Only his hair distinguishes him from the controversial Embakasi East MP.

It’s not clear whether the picture of Babu’s look alike was photoshopped. But reactions on social media was crazy, everybody just couldn’t hold their laughter back.

See some of the comments below:

nzisa_wa_wanzaHahahahahha a drink to that
cynthiacheptoo????they resemble each other
young_malikaHahaahaaa!!! Lmao
kwamboka.anne@balaka_x can’t anyone make a joke anymore? I don’t know if he half whatever..and honestly I don’t care..was just going with this thing. ????
wanjiru_wanjiChinekeeee???? @henrietta_m
pieces_of_beautiful???too funny

Jaguar apologizes for getting physical with Babu Owino, but this is what he wants the Embakasi East MP to do!

On Tuesday 10th October Jaguar who is the Starehe Member of Parliament was caught on camera fighting with Embakasi East MP, Babu Owino something that left many Kenyans disappointed to see the two people representing the Youth exchange blows.

With funny meme’s making rounds on social media to troll the two, Jaguar has come out to apologize to Kenyans through a press conference where he was addressing journalists earlier today.


Also read: “I acted in self defense” Babu Owino defends himself

Speaking during the press conference Jaguar refereed to Babu Owino as a friend and had no intentions of getting physical with him. According to Jaguar he only wanted to talk to Babu Owino before the fight broke out. He said,

I just wanted to tell him to respect President Uhuru Kenyatta and not fight with him.

Regretting his actions he went on to add,

I was not elected to fight in parliament. What happened was unfortunate and I will apologize to my friend Babu Owino.

Jaguar however insists that Babu Owino should stop insulting the president and if anything he was the one who started throwing punches at him – and for self defense he had to fight back.

He should stop insulting the president. I have never insulted Raila Odinga…I just approached him to talk but he started shouting at me and started saying that this country does not belong to one community…and I had to act and I just pampered him a bit.

Well since none of us were present at the fight, we hope they both change this and serve the Youths who elected them!

“I acted in self defense” Babu Owino defends himself

Starehe MP Charles Njagua popularly known as Jaguar and Embakasi East MP Paul Ongili aka Babu Owino yesterday were caught on camera trying to tear each other out but thanks to the body guards and security detail the two were stopped before worst come to worst.

A video showing the two fighting and exchanging words has been making rounds on social media pissing off many Kenyans who are now fed up with the ongoing political differences dividing Kenyans.

Also read: Raw video of Babu Owino and Jaguar fighting in parliament

Anyway, Babu Owino has come out to address the issue claiming that he was only defending himself from Jaguar’s ‘malicious attack’ and will not apologize from his actions.

Speaking with journalists he said:

“I cannot regret because I was defending myself. It was an act of self defense in the face of a malicious attack. If I did not defend myself right now it would be a different story. Embakasi East residents would be missing their MP and Kenyan Citizens would now be mourning”

He went on to add that from how he was attacked by Jaguar, he believes that this had been planned but he has forgiven them as he is a man who obeys the Bible. He said;

“If I did not defend myself I would be dead by now because the way those people came to me was o strange and weird. Seemingly, they also had a group of people they had planned earlier to come and attack me. I will forgive them as the bible says and I will follow the Bible. It is my choice not to report them. As Babu Owino, I am so innocent and I will not follow the law but just forgive them.”