Embakasi East MP Babu Owino is not ashamed of his past. In fact, he is willing to use his past life experiences to educate the youths; and thanks to an interview he did with Robert Alai – we get to know how his experience with drugs.
Just like most youths, Babu Owino says that he has used all types of drugs that is from soft to hard drugs. The fella said;

Personally, I’ve consumed everything. I’ve consumed soft drugs, moderate drugs and even hard drugs. But I didn’t see the benefit of it because it almost led to my destruction.
Just to give an example of some of the drugs he has used before, Babu went on to say;
I have done a lot of drugs, I’ve done cocaine, heroin and many brands of alcohol but that was in my last life and I have to admit that these drugs impair your judgement and they don’t help the body in any way. If anything, they do a lot of harm to the body.
Babu shares more details
Seeing how his interview with friend Robert Alai was getting recognition on social media; the politician shared a detailed post through his gram talking about the importance of recognizing the struggle of drug abuse in our society. He wrote;

KENYAN SOCIETY NEEDS TO CONFRONT THE REALITY OF DRUG USE AMONG THE YOUTH. My attention has been draw to a clip circulating on social media from an interview I did with my friend Robert Alai about my history with drugs of abuse. I wish to take this opportunity to give that clip some context.
How it all began
On the same post, Babu Owino mentioned how and why he found himself drowning in drugs like most youths. The young leader said;
Yes, I can confirm that in the past, like many young Kenyans struggling with identity, I fell victim to drugs of abuse. I was in a dark place in my life; everything appeared rosy to the public but inside, I was struggling with my demons and my outlet was alcohol and drugs.
On the same post, Babu added that his main reason for the interview is to educate Kenyans on the effects of drugs; and him being a public figure means his story is the perfect example. He went on to add;
The reason I went public with this very personal testimony is to show my fellow young Kenyans that your past does not have to define your future. I knew that there would be varied reactions to my story – “How can an MP be involved in something like that? But your life appears to be so good? What do you struggle with compared to ordinary people?”
Drugs do not distinguish between rich and poor, young and old, male or female; it can affect anybody! But you do not have to carry the mistakes of yesterday into today. It IS possible to break free from the yoke of drug use and turn your life around.
Word of advice
To those who continue to battle with their demons on the low; the politician encouraged them not give into the ‘devils’ whispers saying;
I can confirm that with the help of God, I have broken the chains of darkness. I have been alcohol and drug free for over one year and thanks to the invaluable support of my lovely wife, my friends and the people of Embakasi East, I have managed to reclaim my story.I no longer have a secret with the devil.
And in conclusion, he wrote;
I know there are many of you out there struggling with drug use. I know how it can seem so hopeless. God can do for you what no man can. Trust in God and don’t be afraid to make that first step. It is possible! I hope through this testimony, I can provoke a long overdue conversation about the reality of drug abuse in Kenyan society.
Comrade Babu Owino,
MP, Embakasi East.