Revealed! How bitter clash between Andrew Kibe and his boss forced his exit from Kiss FM

Candid radio personality, Andrew Kibe left Kenyans in shock after announcing his untimely exit from Kiss FM just as June closed in, but it turns out he actually had issues with his boss.

Speculations were rife the radio lad resigned after contract terms did not go well with his employer but that is a different story.

Up and close on Bonga na Jalas, the ex-KISS 100 morning show presenter revealed that soon as Coronavirus hit the business sector in the country, he was already having it rough with his boss.

Andrew Kibe and Kamene Goro

Also read: Confirmed! Andrew Kibe exits Kiss FM!

The clash

Kibe voiced he was not going to entertain anyone who pitied his “poor” economic state, therefore decided it was time he gave up his job.

Just when Covid hit, mimi na mdosi wangu tukakosana, because huyu msee aliniangalia na madharau. You don’t want anybody to pity you. My boss looked at me with contempt and I decided I can’t work with him.

Former KISS 100 presenter, Andrew Kibe

Apparently, unknown to many, even his best friend and alleged side chick, Kamene Goro had zero clue that Kibe had served his boss a 3-month notice before his exit.

A notice that indicated he would be walking out come June 30 – which is the day he bid his radio fans goodbye.

One day, early morning, I sent a message, saying “3 months from today,  I will leave that office”. I told friends and everyone in my life but they did not believe me. They were all in denial. I didn’t tell anybody anything, even Kamene came to know the other day and she is devastated.

Also read: Kamene Goro’s reaction after Kibe’s exit from Kiss FM

Andrew Kibe and Kamene Goro

Well, turns out Kibe just walked out, as his good friend – so they claim – Jalang’o walks in as Kamene’s co-host.