Andrew Kibe Reacts To Samidoh’s Re-Union With His Wife On Daughter’s Birthday (Video)

Andrew Kibe’s reaction to re-union of Samidoh and his wife Edday Nderitu was imminent. And he has done just that.

According to the YouTuber, Samidoh is spending a lot of time on women; which should not be the case.

Kibe denigrates the singer for the latter, and claims that if he can manage Karen Nyamu and Edday at the same time, there’s definitely more women in his life.

”Ndio maana uyu msee hawezi nona… Kama akona hao madem wawili, hawezi kosa wengine,” he said in one of his videos.


After much online brouhaha, Samidoh and his wife Edday Nderitu on Sunday united to celebrate their last born child’s first birthday.The pink-themed bash, which featured a giant (and extremely beautiful) balloon wall, saw the couple’s friends and family members gather to lavishly celebrate the little girl as she clocked one in style.

Flanked by their elder children, Samidoh and Edday beamed for the cameras as the woman of the day glimmered in a flattering gold ensemble.

Their re-union was however, noticed by Samidoh’s baby mama Nyamu, who reacted by posting photos of their child’s birthday to make Edday jealous.

Watch Kibe’s video here


Andrew Kibe is right about Azimio attracting criminals

Andrew Kibe decided to share his take on the ongoing Maandamano Mondays protests that Raila Odinga had called his political supporters to take to the streets to protest a number of issues, chief of which is the high cost of living and the amount of taxes we are expected to pay.

Kibe accepts he is a broken man

The main problem with the Azimio brand of demonstrations is the fact that they always attract criminal elements who take advantage of the chaos to commit crimes. Be it robbing people long after dusk hits and the protests are over or breaking into stores and looting or attacking other vulnerable members of society, this mess is an issue.

Andrew Kibe has shared the plight of a Somali businessman who has a supermarket in Kisumu and the residents there attacked his business. He isn’t a big chain store, his is a simply “Mom and Pop” store and the residents attacked his store even if he isn’t from the perceived “enemy community”.

Andrew Kibe calls out feminists for missing Maandamano Monday

And this is heartbreaking because he narrated how this affects his family directly as he doesn’t have much. His entire life’s investment was in his business and in under 10 minutes he had completely been wiped out.

And Kibe is right, these criminals cost Raila Odinga a lot of support. People associate his movements with criminal elements. That is why there is often little sympathy from across the political divide when his supporters get killed.

DNA, watu sio wajinga! Stick to music content, not macro-economics

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Andrew Kibe Advices Content Creators To Avoid Relationships

Content creating has become one of the easiest ways of making money in the current generation. So many people are indulging into content creation as their full time job; especially YouTube. There’s diverse content that has been emulated by most people globally. Some are making millions from YouTube- with Andrew Kibe being one of them.

Even though the YouTuber sounds misogynistic at times, it’s clear that most people are interested in the kind of content he creates.

Also, Kibe is an epitome of toxic masculinity, which he depicts on several occasions while denigrating couples.

He mostly attacks couples with his popular slangs like ‘Kafukuswi’ or ‘Kinuthia’ among others.

Either way, Kibe has gotten his share of numerous YouTube subscribers who constantly watch his content.

That being said, the former Kiss FM presenter has admonished content creators to keep off relationships Why? Well according to Kibe, most of their time will be dedicated to their partner instead of focusing on content creation. He also termed this to be one of the reasons he’s not going into a relationship.

Do you agree with Kibe’s sentiments?

Andrew Kibe Explains Why He’s Not Interested In Getting A Girlfriend (Video)

There’s no doubt that Andrew Kibe has been malevolent to numerous celebrities in the 254. The number of celebs having a grudge with the content creator is growing by the day. And the fact that he’s out of the country gives him courage to do his thing.

Now, Kibe’s antics are believed to have been expedited by his separation with his ex-wife. He has been so bitter towards relationships and he’s always going after couples with his denigratory statements.

No More Relationships

Andrew Kibe’s ex-wife- Google

That being said, it’s needless to say that Kibe isn’t a fan of relationships. I mean, would he manage to keep a girlfriend yet he doesn’t value them? More like a misogynist. This is one of the reasons Kibe isn’t ready for a relationship.

The YouTuber recently shared a video where he admonished ladies to stop flocking his inbox since he’s not interested.

According to Kibe, having a girlfriend as a creative will only waste your time & you’ll be less productive. Watch hi video here

Kibe accepts he is a broken man

Andrew Kibe has for a very long time been accused by feminists of being a broken man and he has finally accepted that he is indeed a “broken vehicle” and he did so with some great humour.

Andrew Kibe offers to do paternity tests for all Kenyan celebs

But according to the men’s rights activist, this is the reason why he cannot give himself fully to any woman going forward and he says that this is how he needs to remain so his content can stay fresh and provocative.


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There is a lot of truth in what Kibe says but we can all admit that the man is bitter with other world and at life in general. Having issues with one-half of humanity simply because of their sexual organs is a sign of dysfunction.

Kibe mocks Eric Omondi protests claims its all a con

And now the question we would like answered is who hurt Kibe? Who put him into a situation where this is the type of energy he is putting out.

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Kibe mocks Eric Omondi protests claims its all a con

Kibe seems to know something we all did not know as he has decided to call out comedian come political activist Eric Omondi.

Eric Omondi attacks David Ndii

Take me to a social media account the men’s rights activist acknowledges that Kenyans have been supporting the comedian who has started championing the plight of everyday Kenyans.

Andrew Kibe offers to do paternity tests for all Kenyan celebs

However he claims that in one of the videos that was not widely circulated eric-omondi joking and laughing with the police officers who have arrested him. To Kibe this is proof that there is more a foot than meets the eye.


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Could it be possible that this is assay of nation being carried out by the Sitting government to have Eric Omondi bamboozle and confuse Kenyans?

Why else would Eric Omondi be laughing with his arresting officers because as Kibe put it Kenyan police officers aren’t known to be the most humane while executing their duties.

Or is Kibe just being a hater? Is he simply just upset that the comedian is getting so much attention? You be the judge but time will tell.

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Andrew Kibe offers to do paternity tests for all Kenyan celebs

Kibe has offered to do paternity tests for all Kenyan celebrities because he is of the opinion that most of them are raising children that aren’t theirs.


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According to him, most of these celebrities met their crushes by sliding into their DMs making the internet the way most met their partners. As a result of this he argues, most of them are dating loose women.

Kabir has said he is willing to sell his brand his brand new Mercedes Benz S550 in order to accomplish this.

One has to wonder which celebrity will step up first to take him up on his challenge or whether they will continue to act as if he is an non-entity.

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Andrew Kibe tells his fans not to bully Kamene Goro

Kibe is known for his caustic advocacy for men’s rights and his even more acidic exchanges with feminists. The man whom many would argue is a fully-fledged misogynist has surprised me when he recently defended Kamene Goro.

A fan of his made a comment about how they had approached Kamene Goro at a bar and they brought up Kibe’s name in conversation which resulted in her getting the club security to kick them out of the club.

Real Or Staged? Andrew Kibe & Nicki Big Fish React To Thee Pluto’s ‘Sanitizing’ Content (Video)

Andrew Kibe didn’t agree with that and in a very humorous way simply told him to stop doing that. You would think a man whom many think hates the subjects of his conversations like he does would relish in his fans disturbing people.

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Real Or Staged? Andrew Kibe & Nicki Big Fish React To Thee Pluto’s ‘Sanitizing’ Content (Video)

The ‘street sanitizer’ Robert Ndegwa, known to many as Thee Pluto has surpassed over half a million subscribers on his YouTube Channel. And the interesting thing is, his content hasn’t been diverse as such. He deals with ‘sanitizing’ couples (Loyalty Test).

Before breaking up with his ex-girlfriend Felicity Shiru last year, Pluto was making a couple vlogs on his YouTube channel which had only 60 thousand subscribers together with his then Girlfriend.

It was during their break-up period that Pluto made his breakthrough on YouTube as he got an idea for his YouTube channel. In a couple of weeks, he had hundreds of thousands of subscribers for the loyalty test.

But the youngin was later denigrated for staging his content. Andrew Kibe and his counterpart Nicki Big Fish have also weighed in on the legitness of the videos. And they both claim that the sanitization videos are staged, adding that it’s not easy to find couples on the streets.

Do you agree with the two about staging the loyalty tests? Watch their short clip here


Andrew Kibe Advices Amber Ray To Keep Her Son Out Of Social Media

Andrew Kibe has once again admonished Amber Ray over her teenage son Gavin. According to Kibe, it is uncouth for Amber Ray to keep her son on social media space just like herself.

Kibe claims that exposing Gavin online would only destroy him. Either way, whatever people say about Amber Ray, one thing that we can all agree on is that she is an excellent mother.

To put things into perspective, there are several celebrities who don’t mind introducing their young ones to their online family.

I'm A Proud Mum!” Amber Ray Says After Son's Graduation - Mambo Mseto

And to be honest, it’s sometimes very risky as it subjects them to merciless online trolls. This is among the numerous cons that come along with it.

But Amber Ray is not one to listen to people’s shenanigans. After Kibe crossed her a few days ago, she threatened to practice juju magic on him; but Kibe doesn’t seem to give a damn.

Read also;‘I Can Lock You Up In An Hour Glass’- Amber Ray Threatens Andrew Kibe With Witchcraft

Andrew Kibe Reveals His Ideal Type Of Woman (Video)

Kifee has been having a field day when it comes to making his sentiments known. Most of them might be obnoxious and peculiar, but the YouTuber doesn’t give a damn on whatever anyone thinks about what he says. To put salt to injury, Kibe actually claims he isn’t biased when it comes to hate. He actually hates all tribes equally. At least that what he had to say.

Kibe’s Type

The former Kiss FM presenter mostly talks about explicit things in both men and women; although at times he gives us the idea that he’s a misogynist- in the manner that he addresses women. Anyway, Kibe had a wife before everything went haywire. But that hasn’t barred him from knowing his type. He recently divulged in his video that he’s into petite women rather than the BBW’s.

He flaunted three female content creators whom he’s willing to smash. Watch his video here

Kibe agrees with us, Kamene Goro lost the plot

A couple of weeks back we spoke about Kamene Goro and it would seem Kibe agrees with our take on things, great minds do indeed think alike. But unlike the provocateur, we truly do hope we are wrong in our assessment of her situation.


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Previously, what we had said was, “Kamene Goro is surely regretting the fact that she lost her job at kiss 100 is because she has found out that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

The most powerful lesson we learn from Kamene Goro

For those of you not in no it is rumoured that she lost her job because of frequent absenteeism as well as a drop-in rating. She has since denied both allegations but they persist.

It is reported that during her stint on kiss 100, she was earning about 600,000/- and there is no amount to laugh at especially as Kenya is currently going through some crazy, tough economic times. Kamene Goro was doing it big.

DJ Bonez Not Being Sure About Marrying Kamene Reveals A Lot

Yet when it was announced that she was parting company with the radio station, and claimed she was unfazed as she knew she was moving on to a brighter chapter of her life. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Kamene Goro only seems to still have the advertising and endorsement deals she got while she was at KISS 100 which include a cryptocurrency wallet company that is currently embattled. Aside from this, she has only managed to get a few gigs here and there hyping up events at bars and clubs.

Kamene Goro: Next chapter can be exciting

A quick look at her social media pages confirms this to be true and one has to wonder whether she feels like she made the right decision to jeopardize her job for the sake of partying.


Her fiance should have warned her or at least held her accountable and made her see sense. Sad to say that from looking in from the outside what we see at to blindfold with one leading the other and Kamene Goro has suffered for this.”

Andrew Kibe has released a video in which he mocks his former radio partner. That isn’t the way to go because, at the end of the day, this chapter of her life is merely a speed bump on her road. She might just pick herself up and dust herself off which is what we are praying she’ll be able to do.

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Andrew Kibe Lists Celebrities Who Have Blocked Him For Trash-Talking Them

Andrew Kibe is feeling the flinch of talking ill about celebrities. He has unleashed a list of celebrities who blocked him due to his obnoxious sentiments about them.

The former Kiss FM preseter, who worked in tandem with Kamene, has actually been blocked by her. Kibe had previously called out Kamene for not being in the frontline to push the agenda for Kenyans being undermined.

Controversial radio duo Kamene Goro and Andrew Kibe move on up to Kiss 100  - The Sauce

Kibe was also blocked by Presenter Ali, who is a content creator just like him. Kibe claimed that Ali was becoming less productive after meeting his girlfriend.

Terence Creative and his wife Milly Chebby also blocked the fella; as he had talked about them being overweight and stuff. Kibe had this to say to Terence;

”Mimi sina shida na wewe, shida ni tabia zako. Sina ubaya na wewe. ”

Why Milly Chebby almost left Terence Creative

Director Trevor and Mungai Eve are also among the culprits. The two have seen Andrew Kibe heavily denigrate their relationship. Director Trevor promised to take action on Kibe once he comes back to the country.

Watch Kibe’s video here


‘All Women Are Gold Diggers, Including Your Mother’- Andrew Kibe

Andrew Kibe’s antics in denigrating people’s way of life can’t go un-noticed. Well, at some point, the fella seems to be right in a couple of aspects.

But not everyone thinks he’s actually making sense. He may go overboard at some point, making uncouth statements that provoke. He’s been termed to be a mysogynist a couple of times since he mostly attacks women.

Kibe recently divulged that all women are actually gold-diggers, regardless of their age;

He stated on one of his videos;

”They are all gold-diggers, including your mother. Ask your father, he will tell you… All they want is money. That’s all they want. ”

Sounds provoking, right? But the latter may be true. Otherwise, Kibe is a freak who doesn’t mind speaking his mind on anything. Watch his video here

Andrew Kibe’s Former Pastor Exposes What Led to Kibe Divorcing His Wife

*This story might be long, but trust me it is worth it to read to the very end. It’s one of the big stories of the year.

Andrew Kibe has been known to be intensely regretful of his previous marriage. He claims that the church he used to belong to are the ones who forced him into wedding his former wife. Speaking on his YouTube Channel, in a video titled ‘Is marriage a scam in 2021?’ Kibe said:


“The pastor was my buddy and knew my secrets. I told him I wasn’t ready and had no one in mind but he insisted. Another pastor in the church asked me to fast for three days and then he told me huyu ndio utammarry.”


Clearly Kibe believes he was somehow coerced into the arrangement.


“I was weak. I couldn’t make a decision. I should have said, ‘no, I don’t want to get married’. Just getting married because the church wanted me to. I should have stood my ground. I would not have messed up someone else’s life and now there are kids in the picture.”


Well, the pastors around Kibe at the time have a different recollection of the events that transpired. They have now turned to Facebook to defend themselves. Pastor Daniel Wabala said this of the fateful day:


“This man told me he had met a girl and wanted to follow the ideals of Christianity by getting married through a wedding….as his pastor I adviced him accordingly not forced him, either tuko got it wrong or the guy himself Choke!”



He dropped another bombshell, calling Kibe a “mama’s boy” and blaming the mum’s change of heart about the wife for the chaos:


“The man fell in love with Bernice and as a mamas boy took the girl to the mum for approval in Balozi, later the mum changed her mind about her. He came to me as his pastor and sought counsel. I adviced him to follow his heart and the will of God . He told me that against his family wishes he still wanted to proceed with the marriage . I encouraged him and not forced him. Later on the wedding day the family showed up on a Friday at Langata shopping mall where Faith Chapel and Flamekeepers premise was. I was to officiate the wedding. but as it would be during the service the family turned wild and chairs begun flying . I was left with no choice but implored one of my pastors to take them to the Flamekeepers office and continue with the ceremony…His choice to walk out of the marraige was his personal decision”



Tom Abungu, the pastor who actually officiated Kibe’s wedding, had this to say:


I personally officiated the wedding of Kibe and his wife. I must say that Mr. Kibe, you are lying to yourself and listeners . I can share what happened at your wedding . As the bride was walking down the hill as they got infront before me, your mum came forth and nearly refused for you to get married to this lady. There was a stampede at the alter and your sisters also brought up a show. At one point one of your sister removed her high heels shoes and almost hit my head because I decided to proceed with the official work of doing the wedding vows because the reasons were baseless ! Kibe was very much mad in love that I personally asked them if they wanted to postpone the wedding to a later day and which they responded by saying no. The wedding went on at the office of pastor Wabala .


Amber Ray Takes A Swipe At Andrew Kibe For Mocking Her

For the longest time, Andrew Kibe has been at loggerheads with several celebrities for his antics in denigrating them.

Despite Kibe’s age, he’s also been at ‘war’ with youngins such as Thee Pluto, Nicholas Kioko, among other content creators.

He’s doing it for the sake of content creation; and it seems like it’s all doing it right. He’s been able to gather lots of followers and YouTube subscribers for his content.

Andrew Kibe Vs Amber

We’re well aware that Andrew Kibe has been hit back by a couple of celebrities for his behaviour, And Amber Ray isn’t one to eschew response. The expectant mother of one sent her sentiments to Kibe via her stories.

Andrew Kibe went too far in rubbishing Jeff Mwathi’s death

Yesterday on his podcast Andrew came out to give his opinion on the death of Jeff Mwathi, DJ Fatxo’s alleged friend. He rubbished the entire thing saying that he couldn’t bring himself to feel anything for a stranger. In his exact words


“Siifeel, nitaifeel saa ngapi? Sifeel, when I feel it I will post it on Twitter, I don’t care”


As someone who believes that sometimes Kibe is right and sometimes he is wrong, on this one I believe he is completely in the wrong. It is absolutely not cool to rubbish the dead especially when they  didn’t do anything to you. What’s so hard about paying your respects and moving on? It would have cost Kibe nothing. But he weighed between paying respects and moving on vs kicking a man when he is dead for the likes and he chose the latter.


This is one of the worst shows of poor moral character I’ve ever seen from Kibe, and that’s saying something. Not speaking ill of the dead is one of the most foundational basic character traits that people are taught at a young age. Who raised this man? His parents wherever they are should be ashamed of themselves and their poor job they did of raising a man who at close to 50 years of age still results to juvenile things such as laughing at dead people for likes on the internet.

Andrew Kibe’s Fight Vs Influencers- Is It Worth It?

Andrew Kibe’s impeccable antics in roasting Kenyan celebrities has caused endless disenchantment with celebrities who’s comebacks are imminent. As a matter of fact, most celebrities have built bitter beef with the former Kiss FM presenter for taunting them.

Kibe took his niche in content creation after coming up with obnoxious sentiments about celebrities. He spews everything on what he thinks is right. From talking about how celebrities should behave, to how men shouldn’t be simps when it comes to relationships. He has been able to diversify his content along the same pool.

The fascinating thing is, most people are actually interested in Kibe’s content roasting celebrities. His YouTube Channel is thriving immensely and he’s not stopping at any cost. Recently, Kibe flaunted a screenshot of Presenter Ali threatening him for talking about him & his girlfriend.

Kibe Vs Celebrities

By now, it’s pretty obvious that Andrew Kibe’s content is being watched by thousands. For him, it means more money. That’s the thing that keeps him motivated to keep mocking celebrities. While other celebrities would eschew response on Kibe’s sentiments, some like Presenter Ali are not willing to let the issue slide. Hitting back further pushes his agenda. The only way to avoid un-necessary attention is to let Kibe be. It’s his niche that earns him a living anyway.

Andrew Kibe Is Right About Cheating Celebrities

We witnessed so much drama & theatrics last year from a couple of celebrities. Like any other year, there’s always something to talk about; and it’s the reason why blogs & vlogs exist. There’s always something hot & intriguing to talk about when it comes to celebrities. In the past year, some were bent out of shape, while others were on cloud nine.

At least there’s room for learning from these celebrities; especially when it comes to matters concerning relationships.

Read also;DJ Mo and 4 Kenyan celebrities who allegedly cheated on their partners with ugly women

A 2nd Chance


Some have been caught cheating on their partners and have gotten a 2nd chance; while others have not. Good examples of those who were forgiven after they were discovered cheating include Kabi WaJesus, Terence Creative, DJ Mo, Jalang’o, et cetera. But at what cost?

Well, according to Andrew Kibe, there’s a price to pay when your wife finds out your cheating on them. You’ll have to do things inadvertently whenever they tell you. In other words, you’ll be like their slave. If you won’t cooperate they’ll keep bringing up your cheating story; something that would progress an eternity.

Andrew Kibe claims it’s shrewd enough to walk away after your wife/girlfriend finds out that you were/are cheating on them- or else become their slave.


What Kibe Gets Right Despite All His Crap

Controversial media personality Andrew Kibe is among the celebrities with balls to address wrongs that most people would rather not talk about.

After divorcing his wife, Kibe claims it helped him become the best relationship coach.

“Jose Mourinho never participated in any major competition as a player but he is currently one of the best managers. I too do not have to be married for me to give you the right advise. Hao watoto wenu kama wamekua vichwa ngumu muwalete kwangu, I am a strict parent, ” he claimed.

Kibe On Track

Mercedes E350 Leaves Kibe Drooling - YouTube


Kibe has been on the limelight for long over his obnoxious advice. But some of them have sufficed and been hailed by his followers.

However, Kibe is a sucker for love; and he roots for loyalty over royalty. This adds a positive about him. Additionally, he has proved to be a hardworking man; who advices others to do the same.

He recently bought his new Mercedes Benz with content creation. It seems like his YouTube videos are earning him millions.

With that in mind, Kibe advices his fellow men to put in more effort and be consistent . These are among the things he gets right and makes him stay relevant.

‘I Was Once A Hawker & A Barber’- Andrew Kibe Narrates His Previous Odd Jobs Before Fame & Money

YouTuber and former Kiss FM presenter Andrew Kibe has created a fortune for himself after finding his niche in content creation. No one would have thought that the Rogue Radio CEO would have transitioned from radio to content creation and make a living out of it. As a matter of fact, Kibe recently bought himself a brand new Mercedes Benz S550 worth 13 Million. According to reports, the Mercedes S550 price in Kenya ranges from KSh 8.65M to KSh 13.75M depending on the dealer, mileage, and year of manufacture.

Kibe claimed that her acquired the Mercedes Benz from his YouTube earnings; and even went ahead to thank fans for flocking on his YouTube channel to enable him fetch the income he required to get the sleek ride.


Grass To Grace

Andrew Kibe opens up on his life as a preacher & experience that changed  his life | Pulselive Kenya

Of course, Kibe didn’t get everything on a silver platter; he had to put in immense efforts over the years. And just like any hustler, he had to do some odd jobs before making it. He even had to lose a precious position at Kiss FM and went bankrupt before coming back to his feet.

Narrating the same via his YouTube channel, Kibe divulged that he had once worked as a barber & a hawker.

”I’ve had to sell sim-cards, I’ve been a barber. Nimeuza sandwich when I was watching rugby. I’ve washed cars, I tried to be a mechanic but it collapsed. I’ve sold cars, I’ve sold motorcycles…”

Rumour also have it that Kibe was once a pastor too.

Anyway, Kibe continued to encourage youngins to try anything that they can get their hands on without giving up.


Mungai Eve congratulates Andrew Kibe for major win (Video)

For the longest time Andrew Kibe has always picked on 22 year old Mungai Eve and her boyfriend Trevor; something we may have assumed bothered the couple – but like the saying goes – if you have haters, theres something youre doing right – which explains Mungai Eves latest YT post.

Well, unlike people who hold grudges to a point of dragging it to their business – Mungai Eve knows how to handle work and personal feelings. Just like she features other celebrities on her YT videos, Mungai Eve’s team recently shared a detailed video congratulating Andrew Kibe who just bought himself a brand new Mercedes S550.

From the video we understand the luxurios car cost between Ksh 14M to 18M and if you think thats enough….he wven got a customized plate with his name.

Kibe flaunts customized plates for his Mercedes

Back on his feet after suffering loses

In 2021 Andrew Kibe shared a video opening up about the troubles he faced in 2020 after losing his job at Kiss FM; something that saw him lose his car and house leaving him homeless for a while.

With no savings and genuine friends to turn to, he then pulled himself up and started his Rogue Radio project after relocating to the US.

I was homeless. I thought I would make it the next day after quitting my job, but no. That journey is long. 2020 messed up with me big time but rewarded me at the same time. I am proud of my Rogue Radio project. With this radio, I am going somewhere.

And today….the same.fella is driving one of the funniest cars in the market.

“Do you know how many women are struggling to have kids?” Andrew Kibe takes a swipe at celebrities pushing for Vasectomy

Andrew Kibe has always been one to speak out his mind about our local celebrities and for once – he seems to be looking out for the male gender now that Vasectomy is getting some unnecessary hype in the entertainment industry.

Well we have seen the likes of Nick Ndeda (the radio presenter) talk about it and even went ahead to get it for his girl – only to breakup with a few months later. Bien Aime has also talked about it and his reason for pushing Vasectomy is to help out his woman…more of like taking off the burden of having to worry about unplanned pregnancy.

Bahati a father of 5 also seems to be pushing for Vasectomy now that wife, Diana Bahati doesn’t want more kids. Mmh looking at this – its obvious to see there’s someone looking to open a Vasectomy clinic soon…and the only way to market it is by having a few celebrities talking about it.

Bien considering vasectomy

Kibe on it!

However problem is – they only talk about the positive and not the negative effects – hence forcing  Andrew Kibe to weigh in on this topic.

Speaking during one of his YT videos, the fella vowed not to ever take part in such nonsense. According to him, what these celebrities are not telling their followers is that Vasectomy reversal can be tricky.

Apparently about 75% of men have their vasectomy reversed within 3 years. Others have 55% chance after 3 to 8 years. And the most recorded number stands at 40% who get back to ‘normal’ after 9 to 14 years.

And with that information – Kibe feels these celebrities are pushing Vasectomy for selfish personal reasons; especially with the huge number of women crying and fasting to have kids of their own….yet a grown healthy man opts to interfere with his body because they can’t control their sex life.

To him, he would rather sacrifice having intimacy for years than have his bollz nipped –  because if God ended Onan’s life for  ejaculating and spilling his seed on the ground; think of what he would do to those having vasectomy?

Andrew Kibe predicts Director Trevor will suffer same fate as Mulamwah

Andrew Kibe must be the realest Vblogger we’ve come across in awhile and this because he doesn’t mince his words. He tells it, as he see’s it and if you’re hating – take a seat please – or better yet, argue in the comment section.

So far we can say Kibe is among the hated Kenyan content creators – but in his defense y’all don’t like hearing the truth! I mean, at his age – don’t you think he has seen it all? So why hate when all he wants to do is help these young men style up and stop simping like Mulamwah did.

Also read: Andrew Kibe Reacts To Claims Of Mungai Eve Disrespecting Boyfriend Trevor On Camera

Weighing in on Mulamwah’s recent outburst on ex Sonnie – Kibe not only feels the comedian failed the male community; but sees his as a whimp, who can’t get over his ex, which is a shame. Adding – this is why he can’t stop airing her dirt online.

Mulamwah and Trevor same WhatsApp group

And since fans are already tired of the Mulamwah stories – Kibe turned his focus to one Director Trevor kafukuzwi who he predicts will suffer same fate as Mulamwah. This is because Kibe see’s Trevor as a soft man easily commanded around by his girlfriend, Mungai Eve.

Mungai Eve and bae, Director Trevor

Addressing a video of Ringtone gifting Mungai Eve cash on her 22nd birthday, Kibe was quickly to claim the body languages between these two was that of watu wanajuana. Actually what he said is that Mungai Eve is always dropping giggles and laughs whenever around Ringtone….which says a lot.

Also read: Andrew Kibe Responds To Mungai Eve And Her Boyfriend Threatening Him (Video)

However to save a brother a heartache in future, Andrew Kibe told Trevor;

Trevor tafadhali, nunua towel kama hii because Kusweat utasweat very soon utalia kama Omosh.

Adding that Trevor should probably think of starting his own Vblog – because when the breakup happens, things will get ugly!




Kamene Goro explains why she ended friendship with Andrew Kibe

For a very long time many thought Kamene Goro had a thing with Kibe but unfortunately it turned out that these two are just friends and nothing more.

One would have however thought they’re a bit too friendly with each other  – and I’m guessing we saw this during the NRG times when they couldn’t stay away from each other.

Also read: Andrew Kibe reminds us why Kamene Goro is still just a divorcee

Tbt: Kamene Goro with Andrew Kibe

Moving to Kiss FM unfortunately ruined the whole ‘best buddies – happy colleague’ duo especially after Kibe was let go. Since then, the two friends slowly started distancing from each other and the last time we checked – Andrew was busy attacking Kamene on social media.

Also read: Uliskia Wapi?- Andrew Kibe Refutes Claims Of Being Housed By A ‘Mumama’ In The US

Kamene on friendship with Andrew Kibe

With their friendship dead for about a year or so – Kamene Goro recently held a candid interview with Dr Ofweneke where she opened up about her relationship with Kibe.

Andrew Kibe and Kamene Goro

According to Kamene, she decided to cut off Kibe after realizing that the fella wouldn’t respect her or their friendship. And having heard some of the nasty things he says about her on his pod cast – there’s no way their friendship wouldn’t go back to being the same.

Speaking about her reasons for cutting off Kibe, Kamene Goro insisted that he is a toxic man with no boundaries.

I don’t miss Kibe. Recently, I tried to maintain our friendship after we stopped working together but he just became really toxic of late.


He has been out of the country and I have no idea what is going on. When he started attacking me and dragging my name into his mess. I was like, yoh! I am just here minding my business.

And just like that, the two old buddies no longer see eye to eye!


Andrew Kibe Weighs In On Michelle Ntalami & Makena Njeri Break-Up

Business lady Michelle Ntalami candidly confirmed her separation with Makena Njeri days ago; stating that Makena was cheating on her with multiple women- something she couldn’t handle.

On her confirmation post, Ntalami maintained that she has evidence over her speculations.

”Hard as this is, today I choose to be bold and speak the truth. I felt that we owe those who loved and looked up to us the truth. The truth of the matter of why we are no longer together is serial infidelity on their part with multiple partners.

Those I suspected and confirmed are two individuals; one a public figure, and the other a less known married woman, a health worker. Eventually, these individuals undoubtedly confirmed the above. I attach screenshots and my responses simply to alleviate denial”

Ntalami went ahead to insinuate that the Makena didn’t show remorse even after evidence she was cheating.

”What they have done to me is downright heartless. It is not right to go around hurting someone you claim to love, putting on a facade that all is well while leaving their life in disarray and not being accountable for the pain and trauma caused,” she said.

MICHELLE NTALAMI and her alleged 'Wamunyoyez' lover MAKENA NJERI disturb  the internet with new romantic photos. | DAILY POST
Michelle and Makena Njeri- Google

Andrew Kibe Reacts

It was imminent that Andrew Kibe would definitely have a say on the issue. Kibe states that Makena’s flamboyance has immensely contributed to her cheating since most women can’t resist her.
”I’ve met Makena. Makena is a fire human being. If you ever meet that chick, you’ll know why other chicks keep falling for her day in day out. This chick has mad energy…”