Andrew Kibe Advocates for Choosing Cars Over Land

YouTuber Andrew Kibe stirred up mixed reactions by urging Kenyans to prioritize purchasing a car over investing in land.

In a social media post, Kibe emphasized that owning a car enhances one’s mindset and personal growth.


Andrew Kibe: The Provocateur Kenya Loves to Hate

“The first investment a man should make is a car, not land in Kamulu. Break free from the cycle of ignorance. Buy a car and elevate your thinking. Go get yourself a good car,” he advised.

Here are some of the reactions from Kenyans:

– *burahh*: “They’ll build you a house after you die, so just buy a Range Rover to sleep in. 😂😭”

– *mwambatalo_sambataba7_official*: “You might think Kibe is misleading us, but he’s speaking facts. A car can help you earn money. People respect you more, and you’ll be included in bigger deals. You can even rent it out and make 5k++ a day. Do the math for a month. I wish someone would gift me an Uber car—I’d show them how it’s done. Kibe is right.”


Salasya responds to Andrew Kibe with “I can put you in your place”

– *tony mwirigi*: “@2mbili is right—imagine it’s raining in town and you’re with your partner. A shamba won’t save you there! 😂😂”

– *vikimakaveli*: “When you have a car, women think you’re rich… meanwhile, it’s financed! 😂😂”

– *bridgetbraceletaccessories*: “First, buy clothes and accessories before the car… respect your look! 😂😂”

– *qnw_jeff*: “Buy a car, use the logbook to get a loan, and then buy land. 😂”

– *bravin_yuri*: “You’re being encouraged to buy a liability. Ignore this advice at all costs.”

– *dr.steann_promotions*: “The first investment should be in skills and knowledge, not material things like a car, which don’t define success. 👏👏”

– *iannoh.__*: “With a car, you can drive by and pick up any girl you want. 😂😂”

– *2mbili*: “You can’t pull up in town with a piece of land. Always buy a car. You can grab land later!”

– **: “Why buy a house when you can sleep in your car?”

Andrew Kibe: The Provocateur Kenya Loves to Hate

Andrew Kibe is a name that sparks conversation, controversy, and confusion in equal measure. A former radio host, content creator, and social media personality, Kibe has carved out a niche for himself as a loud, unapologetic voice with strong opinions on everything from relationships to Kenyan society. His delivery is often crude, direct, and undeniably polarizing. But beneath the bluster, there is something about Andrew Kibe that resonates with his audience, no matter how much they claim to despise him.

At first glance, Kibe might seem like just another shock jock — someone who thrives on being controversial for the sake of it. His unfiltered comments about women, masculinity, and the institution of marriage have earned him a reputation as misogynistic and regressive. Critics accuse him of perpetuating toxic masculinity and fueling division between genders. Indeed, his frequent critiques of women’s behavior, often couched in harsh, reductionist terms, have led to an outcry from many quarters, particularly from feminists and progressives.

But the deeper question is: why does Andrew Kibe matter so much? Why does his voice continue to command attention, even when people claim they’re tired of his rhetoric?

The answer lies in his ability to articulate a certain kind of frustration — one that exists but isn’t often expressed in public discourse. Kibe’s commentary speaks to a section of men who feel emasculated by modern gender dynamics and societal expectations. He provides a space for men, particularly younger men, to vent their anger and confusion about relationships, marriage, and the changing roles of men and women in Kenyan society. In a world that increasingly prioritizes political correctness, Kibe offers raw, unfiltered talk, and to many, that feels refreshingly honest, even if offensive.

Kibe’s critics often say that his ideas are stuck in the past, that he represents the worst of Kenya’s conservative, patriarchal culture. And to an extent, they are right. His opinions are often reductive, painting complex societal issues with broad strokes of hyper-masculinity and traditionalism. He suggests that men have been “weakened” by modern women and that they need to “take back control” — a narrative that feels out of place in an era of growing gender equality and empowerment.

Yet, Kibe’s message also exposes the gaps in the conversation about gender roles. While the mainstream push for women’s empowerment is crucial and overdue, the struggles and confusion that many men face in this evolving dynamic are often ignored or minimized. By amplifying the disillusionment of men who feel left behind by modern feminism, Kibe forces us to confront a narrative that is uncomfortable but very real for many. His platform exposes the lack of spaces where men can discuss these issues openly without being labeled as chauvinistic or ignorant.

It is easy to dismiss Andrew Kibe as a provocateur, someone who thrives on the outrage he stirs. And while it’s true that much of his content feels deliberately incendiary, it also points to something deeper — a clash between the old world and the new. Kibe is a representative of a broader cultural conflict, one where traditional norms around masculinity, relationships, and gender are being challenged. His voice resonates because it gives shape to the insecurities of men who feel they are losing their place in society.

This doesn’t mean Kibe’s ideas should be accepted uncritically. Far from it. His views often perpetuate stereotypes and toxic behavior that can be harmful to both men and women. His idea of masculinity is built on a power imbalance, a relic of the past that, if perpetuated, will continue to harm progress toward gender equity. But the attention he receives signals a need for more inclusive conversations about men’s evolving roles and the emotional toll of rapid societal change.

If there’s a lesson to take from Andrew Kibe’s success, it’s that ignoring these frustrations will not make them disappear. We need more balanced discussions that empower both men and women to navigate the complexities of modern relationships and societal expectations. Rather than silencing voices like Kibe’s, it might be more productive to engage with the issues he raises — albeit in a more constructive, empathetic manner.

Andrew Kibe will likely continue to be a divisive figure, loved by some and reviled by others. His shock-jock style isn’t for everyone, and his content can certainly be problematic. But he has tapped into a raw nerve in Kenyan society, one that reveals the growing pains of a culture in transition. For better or worse, Andrew Kibe is a reflection of our times — and that, perhaps, is why we can’t stop talking about him.

Salasya responds to Andrew Kibe with “I can put you in your place”

Kenyan Member of Parliament and content creator Peter Salasya has responded to YouTuber Andrew Kibe regarding his persistent admiration for socialite Huddah Monroe.

In a recent video on his YouTube channel, Salasya expressed his dissatisfaction with Kibe’s remarks about his upbringing and lifestyle.


Huddah Issues Apology to MP Peter Salasya

“Andrew Kibe, first of all, you’re an attention seeker. You mentioned the lady, and I said we broke up, but then you returned to say… I don’t know what that girl is doing,” Salasya began.

He continued, “Secondly, you’re quite petty. You’re a content creator, and I’m a leader in my own right. We’re both single, so we’re in the same boat. Remember, you came to Nairobi long before I did, but now I can put you in your place. I can hire you and pay you a salary because I have my businesses. So there’s no way you can disrespect me.”

Salasya clarified that his previous comments were made in jest and advised Kibe to concentrate on his own content instead of involving him.

He asserted that he can attract women whenever he wants and dismissed Kibe’s opinions as irrelevant.


Andrew Kibe Criticizes MP Peter Salasya Over Viral Photo

“As a leader, let me tell you, all these things you’ve seen are just for fun. I don’t take it personally, contrary to how you’ve presented it. I don’t need a woman; if I want one, I’ll just go and get one. So I urge you to focus on your nonsense for your YouTube content and leave me out of it. You are nobody to me, and there’s nowhere you can take me.”

Salasya Responds to Andrew Kibe’s Remarks on Huddah

MP Peter Salasya has fired back at Andrew Kibe’s comments about his interest in Huddah Monroe. In a social media post on Sunday, September 8, 2024, Salasya emphasized that everyone has a right to pursue their desires.

“People say that men from the village shouldn’t go for city girls because we supposedly can’t handle them. I want to tell Kibe that even we can attract city girls. It’s not just you who can manage to get beautiful women,” he responded to the blogger.


Andrew Kibe Criticizes MP Peter Salasya Over Viral Photo

Salasya also pointed out that times have evolved, and men no longer need to shy away from women perceived as out of their league.

“You might be speaking your truth, but now I’m ahead of you. We’re the locals, and you’re just a broiler. A broiler needs to connect with a local to make things right. The era of fearing these high-maintenance women is over. Let them be,” the politician stated in another post.

Earlier, in an interview with Betty Kyallo on TV 47, Salasya shared his views on his ideal partner, expressing a preference for a wife who is busy and has various commitments.


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“The Bible says a wife should be submissive. It’s both a biblical and spiritual principle; she should be obedient,” he noted.

He added, “It’s very tough for me to marry because today’s women want to live in Nairobi, but I prefer someone who stays in the village. I was advised to find someone like a teacher or a banker—someone who is busy and won’t be a source of stress.”

The outspoken MP emphasized that a woman with a demanding schedule would be less likely to constantly bombard him with messages.

Andrew Kibe Criticizes MP Peter Salasya Over Viral Photo

YouTuber Andrew Kibe has voiced his disapproval after a photo surfaced of Mumias East MP Peter Salasya being fed cake by lawyer Brian Mwenda.

The image, which circulated on social media, was taken on August 22 when the MP attended an event at a club in Nairobi. In the photo, Salasya is seen taking a bite of cake offered by Mwenda.


Andrew Kibe shares two provocative tips for DJ Mo following his split from Size 8.

Salasya shared the photos on his social media, expressing his joy from the encounter: “It was nice meeting @brianmwenda_ and @kenya_prince01, young people of the town. You told me stories that had me laughing my heart out! Thank you for hosting me for the first time… I enjoy it when someone tells me funny stories 😄 🤣 😂 😆 that make me laugh like crazy.”

However, the photo sparked outrage from Andrew Kibe, who criticized the notion of a man accepting to be fed cake by another man.

Kibe argued that, as a man, even one’s father shouldn’t be feeding them cake. “If you find me drunk and the only thing you want to do is feed me, just let me go. How can you be feeding your male friend cake while staring at his mouth? I can’t imagine ever finding myself in such a situation with my friends; it just can’t happen,” Kibe remarked.


‘Kama Hujafika Mahali Madem Wanakutafuta, Fanya Kazi’- Andrew Kibe

He continued by saying, “Is it your friend who feeds you cake? Why weren’t there any girls serving customers at this restaurant? Men, you must be joking; are these the photos trending now?”

The photo showed Salasya being fed cake by Brian Mwenda, a moment that sparked Kibe’s criticism.

Andrew Kibe shares two provocative tips for DJ Mo following his split from Size 8.

Social commentator Andrew Kibe has recently shared his thoughts on the news of DJ Mo’s separation from gospel artist Size 8, offering two bold pieces of advice to help him recover from the split.

In a video posted on his social media, Kibe began by suggesting that DJ Mo should cut off all communication with anyone bringing negative energy, including blocking his ex-wife, her friends, pastors, and even female family members. “You’re still young and can be very successful. Block those numbers and move forward,” Kibe advised.


Andrew Kibe Regrets Getting Married, Says The Church Forced Him To Do So

Kibe’s second recommendation was even more controversial, urging DJ Mo to abandon the gospel scene and switch to secular music. He claimed that this shift would revitalize DJ Mo’s career and capitalize on his marketability. “Leave gospel behind and enter the secular world. You’re very marketable, and the clubs want you,” Kibe emphasized.

According to Kibe, this move would not only help DJ Mo rebrand himself but also tap into lucrative opportunities in the entertainment industry. “Gospel is over. Embrace the other side and come back stronger. Next time, we want to see you DJing in the top clubs.”


‘Kama Hujafika Mahali Madem Wanakutafuta, Fanya Kazi’- Andrew Kibe

While Size 8 has addressed the separation publicly, DJ Mo has remained silent, leaving many speculating about the reasons behind their split. Whether DJ Mo will follow Kibe’s advice and make a drastic career change is yet to be seen, but Kibe’s provocative suggestions have certainly sparked discussions on social media.

Celebs who could be voted into government if they vied

With celebrities coming together to condemn the recent Finance Bill, it got me wondering, which of these celebs could actually vie for office to make a change from within? Here is my list of celebrities who I think could actually be voted into government if they vied:

1. Eric Omondi

The man has recently rebranded into a philanthropist and nothing connects with Kenyans like some well meaning generosity. Babu Owino has already come out in public to state that ODM is preparing a seat for him in Nairobi

2. Lynn Ngugi

The “Oprah Winfrey of Kenya” has been blazing a trail with her videos uncovering the trials and tribulations ordinary Kenyans pass through. As one of the most respected and influential digital personalities in the country, she has also been known to mobilize funds for the needy through her YouTube channel. This is one of the main things voters would look for in a leader

3. Njugush

Much as he is a comedian, his content is extremely relatable with the common mwananchi. He also takes breaks from comedy every now and then to give some activist commentary on the state of Kenyan leadership, which implies that he might be looking to transition into that arena some time in the future

4. Andrew Kibe

The man already tried once to vie for the Lang’ata MP seat and failed. He might want to try again now that he is one of the most notorious Kenyans around. He would have big support from a section of men but he would struggle to gather votes from women as he has bashed them heavily in the past

5. Churchill

The expert storyteller is one of the few celebrities around who has been able to mobilize crowds across the country with his Churchill Show tours. He has also had a slot on prime time national TV for the past 17 years, which gives him name recogniti0n across the country on the same level as some of our biggest politicians

Andrew Kibe Regrets Getting Married, Says The Church Forced Him To Do So

In a recent interview, Kenyan content creator Andrew Kibe discussed his past relationship and his perspective on marriage. Kibe admitted to regrets over past romantic encounters, referencing a situation where he missed an opportunity due to hesitation.

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However, the main focus of the interview shifted towards his estranged wife. Kibe revealed they never officially divorced, characterizing the relationship as difficult.

“No, we never went down that road. Just the way it is with any other man, it is a toxic relationship. It is a bit more complicated than that. It is there somewhere. If she one day files for divorce, we shall deal with it there; I am not interested in remarrying, so for me, it’s not a big deal. I know she’s waiting for me to be richer than I am now. I am super valuable I know how to make riches. If I want money I can make money.

He placed some blame on societal and religious pressures that, in his view, often push men into marriage.

Despite the unresolved marital status, Kibe expressed no desire to remarry. He suggested his ex-wife might wait for him to accumulate more wealth before filing for divorce, but he remains unfazed by the situation. Kibe emphasized his confidence in his ability to generate income if needed.

Watch his full interview below;

At last, Andrew Kibe discusses his connection with his ex-wife

“I know she’s probably waiting for me to become richer than I am right now,” Andrew Kibe disclosed during a conversation about his ‘very toxic’ relationship with his ex-wife.

Media personality and content creator Kibe has recently opened up about his past behaviour, admitting to being a ‘simp.’ Reflecting on instances where his actions reflected this characteristic, Kibe shared his journey of reevaluating his approach to life.


Andrew Kibe talks about a traumatic event he had with his father.

In a candid discussion on the Mic Cheque Podcast, Kibe recounted an incident where his inability to effectively communicate with a girl led to his friend swooping in and taking advantage of the situation.

“I was very inexperienced. I tried to get her but my buddy saw I was fumbling… He took advantage of the situation and slept with her. The following morning I went to ask her why she did that. I was asking her to make it make sense,” he revealed, acknowledging his past shortcomings.

When asked about his relationship with his ex-wife, Kibe described it as “very toxic,” echoing the experiences of many navigating challenging partnerships. “Just the way it is with any other man. Very toxic,” he stated.


Hakunilipa; Kibe on his decision to interview Mungai Eve rather than Trevor

He disclosed that they never officially divorced and speculated that his ex-wife might be waiting for him to accumulate more wealth before taking any legal action.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding their relationship status, Kibe expressed disinterest in remarrying and seemed resigned to whatever the future may hold. “No. We never went that way… If one day she files for a divorce then we shall deal with it. but I am not planning to remarry so it’s not a big deal. I know she’s probably waiting for me to become richer than I am right now,” he remarked.

Kibe also revealed in past interviews that he felt pressured by his pastors to get married, sharing that before his marriage, he was required to fast for three days. He recounted being drawn into the church and getting married within a decade of joining. However, his marriage ended, and he openly admitted to having been involved with multiple women during that period.

Andrew Kibe Admits Being A ‘Simp’ As He Recalls His ‘Toxic’ Marriage

Media personality Kibe took a candid turn on the Mic Cheque Podcast, reflecting on past behavior he now views as naive.

Kibe admitted to historically struggling with expressing his feelings, labeling himself a “simp” in hindsight. He recounted a specific incident where his awkwardness led to a friend taking advantage of a situation with a woman Kibe was interested in. This experience, he says, was a turning point.

“I was inexperienced,” Kibe confessed. “The girl…well, a buddy saw my fumbling and…took his chance. Next morning, I went back, confused, asking why. Imagine getting rejected and then going back for ‘answers’? That was a low point.”

Kibe also discussed his past marriage, describing it as “very toxic,” mirroring many unhappy relationships. He revealed they never officially divorced, speculating his ex-wife might be waiting for him to gain more wealth before filing.

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Kibe, however, expressed no desire to remarry.

“We never divorced,” Kibe said. “If she files, we’ll deal with it. But remarriage? No thanks. Maybe she’s waiting for a bigger paycheck.”

In previous interviews, Kibe has spoken about feeling pressured by his church to get married, even undergoing a three-day pre-marriage fast. He was quickly drawn into marriage but ultimately the relationship failed. Kibe has also been open about seeing other women during this time.

A furious crowd that interrupted Andrew Kibe’s TikTok Live event is subdued by Sonko.

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko intervened to protect controversial blogger Andrew Kibe from an agitated crowd in a club along Ngong Road in Nairobi.


Hakunilipa; Kibe on his decision to interview Mungai Eve rather than Trevor

The incident occurred during a live TikTok session between Kibe and Sonko on April 29, when a group of angry youths, suspected to be from Kibra, stormed the club demanding Kibe’s removal.

These youths claimed they had seen Kibe’s social media posts about the interview and were outraged by his controversial remarks on trending topics.

Despite the tense situation, Sonko managed to calm the crowd and persuade them to leave peacefully, ensuring Kibe’s safety.

During the interview, Sonko, known for his flamboyant lifestyle, mentioned that he is currently unemployed and keeping a low profile.

The video footage shows Sonko escorting the youths out of the club while Kibe remains composed, observing the scene.


Andrew Kibe talks about a traumatic event he had with his father.

The unexpected meeting between Sonko and Kibe comes after a public feud between them last year. Sonko had criticized Kibe for mentioning his name on his YouTube show and invading his privacy, particularly regarding his personal life and comments about Kenyan celebrities, especially women.

In response, Kibe had openly criticized Sonko, calling him a loser and advising him to show humility.

Despite their past differences, the two seemed to have reconciled, sharing drinks and exchanging jokes during the interview. Sonko discussed his removal from office as Nairobi County Governor during the live session.

Hakunilipa; Kibe on his decision to interview Mungai Eve rather than Trevor

Kenyan Content Creator Andrew Kibe has clarified the reason behind choosing to do an interview with Mungai Eve instead of Director Trevor.

Kibe’s decision raised questions and criticisms from some netizens, as it appeared contrary to his perceived advocacy for the “boy child.”

During the launch of his comedy show in Nairobi, Kibe explained that Mungai Eve compensated him generously for the interview, while Director Trevor did not.

“Trevor alikua anilipe hakunilipa, so why would I give an interview for free? But for real, he never asked for the interview, but Mungai Eve asked for the interview,” responded Andrew Kibe to the inquiry.

Andrew Kibe recently appeared on Mungai Eve’s newly launched YouTube channel, ‘Mungai Eve Media,’ following her departure from Director Trevor’s channel. Kibe was the first guest, engaging in an hour-long session covering various topics, including his career and Mungai Eve’s past relationship with Director Trevor.

These are the millions Andrew Kibe was earning from his YouTube channel, which was banned

Blogger Andrew Kibe, back in Kenya after the shutdown of his YouTube channels in the United States, recently disclosed the substantial earnings he used to generate from his content on the platform. Speaking with Mungai Eve, Kibe revealed that out of his 6 channels, two were yet to start generating income, while the others were collectively bringing in approximately $10,000 each month, equivalent to 1.5 million Kenyan shillings.

However, Kibe woke up one morning to find all six channels abruptly shut down without prior warning. He attributes the shutdown to jealousy among some fellow Kenyan bloggers who, he believes, collaborated to report him to YouTube authorities, resulting in the ban.

In his words, “They shut down all 6 channels, something bad that someone did. And I think it’s you and your colleagues who did it. You joined together and said you would go report me… I was making a lot of money. One channel was giving me at least $10,000 every month… I believe there are certain people who were jealous and went to report me to YouTube. All six of my channels went down.” Kibe emphasized that the issue was not related to copyright problems but stemmed from the envy of his success.

Andrew Kibe talks about a traumatic event he had with his father.

Former radio presenter Andrew Kibe has revealed a childhood experience that left a lasting impact on him, shedding light on how his father’s actions affected him emotionally.

He recounted how he harbored resentment towards his father for a particular routine: upon returning home from work, his father would sit on the sofa and expect him to remove his socks.

“There is something my dad used to do that I detested; he would come home, sit down, and make me take off his socks,” Kibe recalled.

He described feeling traumatized by the situation, questioning why his father would make him perform this task, especially when he could put on his socks by himself in the morning but insisted on having them removed in the evening.

Even now, Kibe admitted that the memory remains vivid in his mind, illustrating the profound impact it had on him despite the passage of time.

Netizens chimed in with their own perspectives, sharing how they related to or interpreted Kibe’s experience:

Some users expressed fond memories of similar interactions, viewing it as a cherished opportunity to bond with their fathers.

Others delved deeper into the psychological implications of such experiences, highlighting how childhood trauma can manifest in adulthood, impacting emotional well-being and relationships.

Overall, Kibe’s revelation sparked introspective discussions about parenting styles, emotional trauma, and the lasting effects of childhood experiences.

Kennedy Rapudo issues a warning to Edgar Obare and Andrew Kibe

Kennedy Rapudo, during a segment of “Celeb Ride with 2mbili,” expressed his strong disapproval of having Andrew Kibe and Edgar Obare in his luxurious Range Rover.

Rapudo emphasized that he doesn’t know the two individuals personally, but he has issues with the way they create their content. He particularly criticized their controversial opinions shared online, stating, “Why would a man spend time talking about another man? You are a man, and you want to spend your time talking about another man, bro, it doesn’t work like that.”

Rapudo suggested that while he appreciates the content, there should be boundaries in addressing matters. He urged for a more civil approach without resorting to insults, emphasizing the importance of conveying points in a positive and inspiring manner.

Expressing his thoughts on Kibe, Rapudo commented on the age factor and the influence Kibe may have on younger individuals, especially given that he has daughters. He encouraged a more responsible and respectful approach when addressing women.

Turning to Edgar Obare, Rapudo raised concerns about boundaries, specifically referencing the blogger’s coverage of a court case involving Rapudo’s son. He questioned why sensitive issues related to minors should be publicized, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations.

Rapudo challenged both Kibe and Obare to use their platforms more responsibly and avoid resorting to insults and negativity in their content creation. He emphasized the need for a clean and respectful approach, stating that success can be achieved without the need for verbal abuse.

After a contentious internet feud, KRG the Don confronts Andrew Kibe face-to-face [Video]

Dancehall sensation KRG the Don has finally ended his longstanding online feud with Andrew Kibe by meeting face-to-face at an undisclosed location in Nairobi, with MP Babu Owino present.

KRG later shared videos of the encounter, which surprised many fans expecting a physical altercation based on previous threats exchanged online. Contrary to their social media portrayals, the two appeared amicable during their in-person meeting.


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MP Babu Owino also shared insights from the encounter with Andrew Kibe, expressing support for their interview. Babu praised Kibe as a gentleman, emphasizing that viewers should anticipate their intellectual and brainstorming discussion.

In addition, Babu commended Kibe for establishing his own platform, YAFREEKA, after facing a ban on YouTube. He applauded the new channel, which aims to address challenges and solutions in Africa, as a unifying platform for the continent.

Chipukeezy divulges information about Andrew Kibe’s contentious ascent

Kenyan comedian Chipukeezy has ignited conversations, asserting that the controversial media personality Andrew Kibe is a product of the very industry that now struggles to rein him in.

The outspoken MC, known for his candid opinions, openly admitted to aligning with some of Kibe’s controversial perspectives, particularly those regarding feminism and its impact on various industries in Kenya.

Chipukeezy was straightforward, stating, “There are other things he talks about that I take sides with him. I agree with him super. Like those things, he says about feminism and how it has affected industries in Kenya, those things we have talked about… Kibe does things, and you know why I believe it’s facts? Because they took him, tried to play those games with him, and he understood the craft of speaking out. So nobody knows how to deal with Kibe.”

Kibe, renowned for his outspoken nature, has encountered criticism from notable figures such as Jalas, Mulamwah, Eric Omondi, and Akothee, who believe he should exercise his influence more responsibly. Despite facing backlash, Kibe persists in expressing his opinions boldly, often stirring controversy on various issues affecting Kenyans.

Chipukeezy contends that Kibe’s emergence as a potent voice in the media landscape is not accidental. “Andrew Kibe is a creation of the industry because…And this is how the Kenyan industry works; it’s just that Andrew Kibe bites them. They created a lion that bites them.”

Chipukeezy alleges that Kibe’s televised presence was a strategic move by the industry, replacing someone else to fulfill a specific agenda. “It is a game in this radio business. They wanted him to speak like that because those were the same things he was saying.”

The comedian underscores that the industry initially embraced Kibe’s rugged and rule-breaking approach. However, as Kibe turned his critical eye towards influential figures, the industry grappled with the monster it had brought into existence. “They are comfortable with him saying those things about others. But now he has started saying this about their friends.”

Chipukeezy asserts that Kibe’s popularity soared as numerous media offers poured in, fueled by misconceptions about his persona. “They thought he is a clown; they thought maybe he is an intelligent person; they thought he is not what he says.”

Kibe addresses how he lost millions after YouTube cancelled him

Former radio host Andrew Kibe has shared the story of how he suffered significant financial losses after facing a suspension on YouTube.

During an appearance on the Iko Nini Podcast, Kibe claimed that his suspension from YouTube was deliberate and lacked justification.

According to Kibe, his channel was taken down even though he had only received one strike, which was about to expire.

“YouTube rewards you financially when you adhere to their rules…but for me, the freedom to create content is invaluable, and no amount of money can be placed on it. We cannot quantify freedom… I didn’t do anything wrong. I had over 3,000 videos on YouTube, and I had only one copyright strike when they took down my channel. They didn’t just take down one channel; they took down all my channels, both monetized and un-monetized,” mentioned Andrew Kibe.

Kibe defended himself, asserting that he did not engage in any wrongdoing deserving such a severe punishment.

“It wasn’t because I said something; it was a targeted attack. It was someone very powerful. I only had one copyright strike that was expiring in like a week…I’m the person who had the most YouTube videos as a Kenyan, and then they came for channels that did not even have that content. It was a targeted strike,” added Kibe.

Mwafrika pointed out that Kibe was among the highest-paid Kenyans on YouTube and suggested that he needed to alter his content delivery to avoid future penalties.

Before his suspension from YouTube, Kibe was earning at least Sh1.6 million monthly from the platform.

Chipukeezy: Firmly endorsing one of Andrew Kibe’s most divisive viewpoints

Comedian Chipukeezy asserts that Andrew Kibe is a product of the industry. Speaking on the Iko Nini podcast, the MC expressed his agreement with some of Kibe’s controversial views.

Chipukeezy suggested that he aligns with Kibe’s perspective on feminism. “There are other things he talks about, and I take sides with him. I agree with him super. Like those things he says about feminism and how it has affected industries in Kenya, those things we have talked about, like marketing managers… Various things.”

“Kibe does things, and you know why I know it’s facts, because they took him, they tried to play those games with him. So, he is an intelligent person, he is smart. He is able to see. Then, when he understood this craft of speaking out, he became a proper creation. So, nobody knows how to deal with Kibe.”

Kibe has faced criticism from various individuals, including Jalas, Mulamwah, Eric Omondi, and Akothee, who haven’t spared the former radio presenter.

Chipukeezy emphasized that Andrew Kibe is a creation of the industry. “Andrew Kibe is a creation of the industry because…And this is how the Kenyan industry works, it’s just that Andrew Kibe bites them. They created a lion that bites them.”

“They created a monster. Kibe was very rough, spoke in a language we hadn’t heard, breaking radio rules. They could no longer deal with him. It’s like bringing someone from Kayole Lavi and they tell you the truth. He tells you that you can buy spinach for ten bob. And that’s where you grow up.”

Chipukeezy noted the shift when Kibe began challenging them. “They are comfortable with him saying those things about others. But now it is like he has started saying this about their friends.”

According to Chipukeezy, multiple media offers came because “they thought he is a clown, they thought maybe he is an intelligent person, they thought he is not what he says.”

Andrew Kibe Reunites With His Kids In Kenya

Andrew Kibe, the controversial content creator, has put feuds on hold for the time being as he reconnects with his children after a two-year absence. Sharing a heartwarming photo on his social media, Kibe simply captioned it, “With the fruit of my loins,” capturing the essence of his cherished moment.

Kibe’s return to Kenya on December 1st, 2023, was initially overshadowed by a crowd of online media and fans eagerly awaiting him at JKIA. Clad in a military Arafat scarf, he remained silent, opting to prioritize his family reunion.

However, drama unfolded when singer KRG, true to his earlier threats, arrived on the scene ready to confront Kibe. Fortunately, “elders” stepped in, acting as peacemakers and successfully diffusing the potential physical altercation.

KRG, addressing the media afterwards, boasted about his intent to “rough up” Kibe had it not been for the intervention. Nevertheless, Kibe’s reunion with his children takes center stage, marking a welcome shift in focus from online feuds to fatherly love.

This development leaves one to wonder – will Kibe address KRG online or let the matter rest? Will their rivalry continue to simmer, or will the focus remain on Kibe’s reconnection with his family?

Only time will tell what unfolds, but for now, Kibe’s priority seems clear: cherishing precious moments with his children.

Andrew Kibe Wins Major Award, Plans Meet and Greet in Kenya

Social commentator Andrew Kibe has won a major award, the Africa Social Media Star of the Year Award. He will be returning to Kenya in December for a meet and greet event where fans can pay Sh20,000 to meet him.

Kibe had previously announced the meet and greet event in September, dubbing it the “Andrew Kibe graduation.” He had initially set a goal of selling 300 tickets, but has since increased it to 2,000.

In September, Kibe’s YouTube account was suspended, which he said caused him to lose hundreds of thousands of followers. He protested the move, saying that he had not received an email indicating any violations that led to the termination of his account.

Google Africa Head of Communications Dorothy Ooko explained that Kibe’s account was terminated because he violated YouTube’s terms of service.

Despite the setback, Kibe is still going ahead with his meet and greet event in Kenya. He is clearly a popular figure, and his fans are eager to meet him.

Andrew Kibe Explains The Probable Reason For Akothee’s Break-Up With Her Husband

It was quite imminent that Andrew Kibe would indulge in the colloquy surrounding Akothee’s recent reported break-up with her husband Dennis Schweizer. The mother of 5 made her revelation of undergoing depression; leading to speculations that she might have decided to call it quits with her mzungu hubby.

Most have shared their sentiments on the paramount issue, claiming that Akothee rushed things before getting married to Schweizer. It seemed like a happy ever after marriage; but things might have gone south really fast. In less than 6 months of their marriage, it seems like Akothee’s expectations towards her marriage with the white dude didn’t go well.

Kibe’s Prophecies

Well, Kibe has prophesied a couple of relationships to end in a cul de sac- and this one was not any different. The YouTuber has now shared what might have led to their fall-out. According to Kifee, he claims Dennis might have been a Pakistani who was pretending to be Swiss. At least this is what Akothee divulged about her husband. Secondly, Kibe claims that the guy wasn’t good in bed as Akothee had expected, expediting their break-up. Kibe made his sentiments via his usual vlogs, adding that they weren’t meant to be and that the guy was just a scam; with Akothee ignoring the red flags. Akothee has been in several relationships, and none of them seem to be working. Bear in mind that Miguna Miguna had also warned Akothee about her white hubby. What do you think of Andrew Kibe’s sentiments?

Kibe celebrates Crazy Kennar’s latest skit

A Crazy Kennar sketch demonstrates how women respond to guys in various occupations. Even Andrew Kibe is pleased by his portrayal of how these men seduce women and tells him so.
He labels the video with the humorous phrase “HOW MEN FROM DIFFERENT PROFESSIONS SEDUCE LADIES” while posting it. Who or what is missing? Ayeeee Purchase your HAPPY COUNTRY concert tickets right away at madfun or by dialing *672*66#.
The author of the content demonstrates how Forex traders, cooks, instructors, physicians, bikers, acapella boys, broke men, baby daddies, photographers, and teachers can all effortlessly attract women.
He starts by having teachers demonstrate how simple it is to obtain phone numbers. He approaches a female teacher who is assisting a challenging pupil. He attacks the student and advises the instructor to call him if she ever has any issues.

The biker has it simplest because all he has to do is dress like them and walk over to his enormous bike. The woman quickly follows him.

The third occupation is that of the broke man who finds it difficult to persuade woman to visit him to see his new shower and duvet.

The photographer charms the woman with positions that reveal her physique and convinces her that he would make good friend.Most likely, the praise and worship leader has the smoothest time. He is bearded man with dark skin who performs acapella and uses his voice to sing songs that appeal to the church’s female members.

The doctor also follows up with unwell female patients to see how they are doing and to provide medications and medical advice. What woman wouldn’t appreciate a man calling her five times a day to see how she’s doing? The baby father bemoans his unappreciative baby mother while sobbing on a woman’s knee while sending her Sh 1 million in rent and school fees.

Mixed Reactions After Andrew Kibe Set To Charge 20,000 For A Meet-and-Greet In December

US-based Kenyan YouTuber Andrew Kibe is planning to charge his fans KSh 20,000 for a meet-and-greet event in December called “Andrew Kibe’s Graduation Day.” Kibe initially planned to sell 300 tickets, but sources close to him advised him to sell 2,000 tickets instead. He explained that he wanted to keep the event manageable, so he decided to sell 2,000 tickets.

Some of Kibe’s fans expressed their thoughts on the event on social media.

Comedian Dj Shite said that the tickets had already sold out.

Instagram user itsmssuzzy commented;

“If you have to pay someone to tell you you’re a man bro you have drama issues.”

Tina Muchiri commented;

“Ma student wa kibe ata hawawezi afford iyo” (Kibe’s students can’t afford that)

Bright Gameli commented;

“What is he graduating with? And the people to attend are… let me not finish.”

Kibe’s decision to charge KSh 20,000 for a meet-and-greet event has been met with mixed reactions from his fans. Some fans are excited about the event and are willing to pay the price, while others believe that it is too expensive and that Kibe is charging his fans too much.

Jacky Vike responds to Kibe calling her ravishing

The well-known Awinja, Jacky Vike, has expressed gratitude to Andrew Kibe for calling her the sexiest person alive.

The comic was shocked because she had no idea Andrew Kibe had praised her looks, but she was grateful nonetheless.

When questioned if Kibe had feelings for her, Awinja responded simply by thanking the male activist for his appreciation and declining to elaborate on his allegation.

“Mashallah, lemme appreciate sina kitu ya kusema other than asanti nimeshkuru”

The journalist insisted that Andrew Kibe had a crush on her despite repeated warnings from the mother of one child since he doesn’t value people very highly.

“Unajua Kibe anajulikana na sifa tofauti tofauti lakini wewe ukjo on the right books na anaembrass your beauty as the sexiest human being. Labda umemteka Kibe na hujui”

She advised the entertainment journalist to quit being so demanding and to stop making a big deal out of a small compliment.

” Acha uchochezi bana, Mimi nasema asanti, its a compliment mbona nikatae compliment nimesema asanti.It is courteous to say thank you once someone compliments you.”

The comedian thanked Kibe for his compliments and also revealed how she got her fantastic summer figure.

The dancer joked that she ate everything because it was the one thing she didn’t take poison of when asked if she had a food plan.

“Mimi nakula kila kitu kenye siezi kula ni sumu pekee. Ni genetics sisi kwetu si wakubwa sana tukona mwili ndogo

but other than that I do hot yoga ama Bikram yoga is a room is heated then mnafanya yoga hapo for 40 minutes siezi wadanganya ati ni hivi au ni vile mimi nakula kila kitu.”

Andrew Kibe finally addresses Kate Actress and Phil Karanja split

The marriage between Kate Actress and Phil Karanja has ended, and social commentator Andrew Kibe has something to say about it.

Like most Kenyans, Kibe has something to say on his account.

Kibe attacked Kate’s remarks by playing an earlier video of her talking about fathers who stand up, as well as one showing how Phil welcomed her after a trip to South Africa.

Aiee the pain that is in Nairobi right now. Watu wa roho mbaya come her. I will ask you one question. Finally, she has left that msee. I talked about it a few months back. Do you guys remember when she came from South Africa? And she was crying …

Men what did I show you how many times am I going to teach this lesson If you dont learn a lesson you will perish, men, you will find yourself on how to keep the calm edition. When you find yourself here, it means you are a joke. Niliwashow aje? Please if you hear she is a single mum tell her…eheeh look at the time si nita kucall. Toka mbio kaa mwizi.

Buda! Us baby daddy’s I want to teach you we have full access to those **Bro any person who has my child iyo ni yangu I can pick it up anytime I want. Even if it is my last day on earth and I need one last time, I will just pick any one of my baby mamas. You can walk in or out anytime, all day all night. The only thing that is keeping her relationship alive is because you don’t want her. The day you want her, that guy is crying. “

Kibe reiterated his warning to “tunuthias,” as he refers to men who look after children who are not their own. Kate thanks men in that video for,

 “I just want to salute the men who step in who took over and just nurtured, mad mad respect and God bless you and for not making us feel less, but supporting our dreams and pushing us to become even better moms, wives. Thank you so much.

Tunuthia, how long do I have to keep telling you? Mnacheki venye mnasukwa hapo. Oh God bless you young man, for taking care of children that are not yours, and God is going to come through for you, not me but God”