Eric Omondi has launched a film studio and I am happy to see that he is thinking well into the future. He is focused on a masterplan meant to give him financial freedom on into the future when he is no longer the hottest comedian on the Kenyan and East African landscape.
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This is infact him borrowing a leaf from Tyler Perry’s playbook and I can only hope that he sticks the landing. You see, Eric Omondi is aware that he produces some of the most hilarious and popular commercials for companies. And rather than keep paying all that money out to outsourced camera crews and production companies, he might aswell take all that home.

And he is also doubtless banking on the fact that he will be producing his own content and whether it is meant for YouTube or some TV station eventually picks a show up for syndication, the fact still remains that it is an impressive display of confidence that he is willing to bank on himself.
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Now, all he needs to do to fully actualize the Tyler Perry Playbook is open up his studio for use by other creatives, Allow people to shoot their TV series and movies at his studio. And once in a while, team up with creatives to allow them to realize their content.

This way, Eric Omondi would be playing on a whole new level as he would still have the business running along as he hit upon the inevitable writers/ creative block that afflicts all creatives at some point of their lives. Now, imagine if you will what Eric Omondi will be able to achieve if he hits critical mass with the number of shows and movies being produced at his studio.
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Hell, he could even open up his studio to doing music videos for River Road artists and this would doubtless provide him with a steady and healthy income stream. But the fact still remains that if Eric Omondi plays his cards well, he could see himself become a pivotal figure and a cornerstone studio in the film industry.

Even beyond getting his shows picked up by a company like Multichoice, he could get to a point where whenever an international film is in Africa and they need a base to work from, his would be the studio of choice. But only time will tell whether or not he will be able to closely follow the Tyler Perry blueprint.
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