Kenyans, mostly ladies, have been trying to decode how controversial singer Akothee manages to prune rich men and isolate broke guys. Though Akothee said there’s no particular formular to it, the singer has one or two secrets on how she does it.
Avoid flossers
One secret, according to madam boss, is avoiding those men who carry a bunch of money in clubs just to clear a bill worth KSH 2,000 or Ksh 5,000.
“Listen, if your debts are bigger than the number of assets you own my friend you are broke ????? riches are not measured by liquid cash ,” She said on IG.
“Stay away from men who take out a bunch bundles of money in clubs to pay a bill of 5k and gives you 2k for taxi back home , the rest of the money back in his pocket is to keep you on your toes , so you worship his next invitation ???? utakuja achwa mataani ?? rich people don’t splash money they worked for it so they respect the presence of money.”

“Money easily earned easily spent , be warned , flashy life is a lifestyle not an investment , you don’t get rich by spending money , you get rich by earning & investing money ??None of your children will ever enjoy your flash lifestyle after you dead & gone because it’s not an investment that can secure their future , it’s short term solution to a longterm problem TANO STRONG, do the show and don’t forget the biz part of it , that’s why it’s called showbiz ??”