‘+254 Tuko na Plus Kibao’ hits 1 million views in less than a week, motivating Kenyans not to be used politicians!

Rapper Towett is not just any average artist dropping songs for fame or money! This has been proven in his latest hit song ‘+254 Tuko na Plus Kibao’ that has left many Kenyans motivated and inspired thanks to his lyrics that speak massively to the nation.

The track appeals to the younger generation and is conducive for each individual to prosper as citizens. And though it was done overnight it is clear to see that the song delivered it’s message in ways that cannot be explained!

According to the artist, he did this song to remind Kenyans what we are made of and why we should stay focused as a nation despite the different political parties we all support. He said,


“Given that the country is heading towards a general election, it is mandatory that someone reminds Kenyans that we as a nation are blessed with many positive traits and nation building values that Trans grace regional and tribal differences and further more unites us”.

For this reason, the song has received over 1 million views on YouTube and the comments left by various people prove that Towett’s project is a success.

It will be remembered by various generations to come as the rapper speaks to each individual citizen in their respective walks of life, each one that contributes significantly to the sustainability and growth of our economy and also reminds us that we are all interdependent.

watch the video below;

2 weeks 1.1 million views! This is the Kenyan song that has melted the hearts of everyone

It’s not just the song, it’s the message that it’s being conveyed that touches everyone who listens to the song. It’s simply mind blowing!

What makes you proud to be Kenyan? There are so many gains that we have made as Kenyans. There is so much to be proud of as Kenyans. That’s what ‘+254 Tuko na Plus Kibao’ song reminds us.

‘+254 Tuko na Plus Kibao’ reminds us of the so many pluses we have in Kenya; our prowess in athletics, our footballers playing in top international leagues and all other things that makes us to be proud as a united country called Kenya.

The message in the song is perfectly crafted into seamless lyrics which has impressed so many people judging from the comments on YouTube.

Watch the video below: