Susumila planning to release a song praising ‘Jini’s’ for giving him fame and wealth? (Details)
Susumila is not a new name in the entertainment industry. In fact he is one of the most talented singers we have come to see from coast and judging from how his previous songs have done in the past – we are certain he is going far.
There are however new reports indicating that the singer is planning to drop a new song in 2 weeks where he is heard praising the illuminati cult for his wealth and fame.

The song dubbed Tawire has left bloggers from coast talking since ‘Tawire’ is apparently a phrase commonly used by witch doctors. Apparently he goes on to use words like ‘Subihan’ which are names used to describe ghosts.
In the song he apparently praises the cult for helping him get a car, beautiful women, and fame.
However, speaking during a recent interview the artist brushed off the claims saying;
“I work hard boss, silali nahangaika. Kama umechunguza I’m very consistent in my work, I push my music alot kwa sababu ndio njia pekee inayolipa bills zangu. Hata vitabu vya dini vinasema asiyefanya kazi asile,”

His 5 rings have also been associated with the cult but he continues to insist that he is not in any cult.