
Susumila features Wasafi’s Mbosso in new love ballad dubbed “Sonona” its breathtaking

Remember that time you first fell in love and thought that person and you were meant to be together forever? Well, Kenyan Mombasa based artists Susumila has featured one of Wasafi’s best  Mbosso in a new love ballad dubbed  “Sonona”.

A day after Mbosso had just dropped another beautiful song with his boss’s baby mama Tanasha Dona he now is working with Susumila.

Is he warming himself to our hearts? For me whichever way it’s still okay because the lad can sing and also write.

At the same time, we cannot dismiss Sususmila’s effort in the music industry of Kenya especially coming from the coast of Kenya. Being a veteran in the industry, Susumila has proven that consistency pays.


This is a  song that elicits all sorts of emotions, down from memories to fantasies. Susumila seems to be on a spree to give us juicy music by all means and well the spice is Mbosso and that we appreciate.

Mbosso and Susumila

Sonona is a song that revolves around a man so in love that he sings out his fantasies. Well, we all have our fantasies.

The passion in the song is so emotive that it rekindles the love feelings from the word go.

The best thing about the Mocco produced jam is that the artist understood what they were delivering to their audience.


Looking at the lyrics the song starts with Mbosso describing how he feels about the woman he once loved.

Especially when he says, Siku moja moja ,Ukipata nafasi tukumbukane, Nitalipa bodaboda,Acha na mwendo kasi usijibanebane. I know you are also getting all a giddy remembering how it feels.

He pours his heart out on how much he loves his girl, and that without her he feels sad “Sonona”. With the little Swahili I remember Sonona is sadness.

After all the emotional shares, Susumila comes in the second verse with caution in being in love. Susumila asks his woman to take care of his heart he begs her metaphorically not to play with his heart.

He says,”…..Hakuna asiyejua,Matatizo ya moyo ukipenda, Unanifanya mwanasesere,Kunichezesha…..” Its a beautiful rendition that should work for valentines day.


The song was produced by Mocco Genius in conjunction with 001 Music, WCB Wasafi records.Lest we forget the visuals to the song were also beautifully done. Clearly we’d want more. Your take?

For rating I will go with 8/10.

About this writer:


Entertainment news writer. Music lover. [email protected]
