
Super hilarious memes after Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu demands rivers relocated instead of buildings demolished 

Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu has opposed the demolition of buildings on riparian lands, instead Baba Yao wants rivers to be moved and the buildings spared.

Speaking on Sunday August 12th during a church service in Kikuyu constituency, Waititu says owners of buildings on riparian lands should be made to move the rivers to flow on other land.

“Kama watu wanasupport ubomoaji, mimi hapana support. Mambo iangaliwe kama kuna nyumba yako imekaribiana na mto, wewe uambiwe ni gharama yako kuhakikisha hiyo mto imesonga kidogo. Lakini kubomoa nyumba is not a solution. Honestly speaking. It’s such a big loss,” said Mr Waititu.


Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) went HAM on Waititu following his ridiculous statement. The Kiambu governor was savagely trolled in tweets and memes. Take a look below:







About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
