
Study finds Kenyans Oppose Housing Levy -shocking absolutely no one

A new poll by Tifa found that 65% of Kenyans oppose the new housing levy, while only 29% support it.

The poll, which was conducted between June 23 and June 30, surveyed 1,530 Kenyans across nine regions of the country.

The poll found that opposition supporters were more likely to oppose the levy than supporters of the government.

Eighty-four percent of opposition supporters opposed the levy, compared to 54% of government supporters.

The poll also found that Kenyans are largely skeptical that the housing levy will actually help people buy homes.

Fifty-four percent of Kenyans believe that people who pay the housing levy will not be able to purchase a home.

Only 4% of Kenyans believe that people who pay the housing levy will be able to purchase a home.

The poll’s findings suggest that Kenyans are not convinced that the housing levy is a good way to address the country’s housing shortage.

The poll also suggests that Kenyans are divided along political lines on the issue of the housing levy.

The government has defended the housing levy, saying that it is necessary to raise funds for the construction of affordable housing.

However, the poll’s findings suggest that Kenyans are not convinced by the government’s arguments.

It remains to be seen whether the government will be able to overcome Kenyans’ opposition to the housing levy.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
