
Striking a balance between work and baby! Avril reveals her struggle with parenting

Sultry singer Avril became a mother for the first time sometimes in July 2018. Her life changed forever since she gave birth to her son.

Avril opened up about motherhood challenges during a recent interview with Kiss FM. She talked about lessons she has learnt ever since she became a mother.

“Motherhood has it’s trials, especially for a new mum right at the beginning when it hasn’t quite hit you that this is your life now; but it’s the most rewarding chapter of my life that I have ever found myself in. It’s teaching me a love that I never knew existed, patience that has brought me so much peace. The fatigue at the beginning weighed me and I’ll admit got me a bit loopy, but once I got a hang of things I started being a very happy tired person,” said Avril.

Baby and work

Avril also narrated how she had managed striking a balance between her son and her work. The mother of one revealed that being self employed has really helped her even though she get affected emotionally when she leaves her son behind for a few days due to the nature of her job.

“Later I think the greatest challenge started being striking that balance as a working mother. I am fortunate to be self-employed so I spend a lot of time with my son, but there comes a time when I need to travel for a couple of days; that’s usually pretty hard for me especially emotionally. The first time was the worst,” Avril said.





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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
