Stop Using ‘Being Young’ As An Excuse To Accept Failure- Kamene Goro Advices
A couple of times we’ve heard people feigning failure and use the words ‘I am still young’ or ‘there’s still time’ to make things right. Procrastination may at times lead to shoddy work at the end since things may not go as planned; just how life works.
Kamene Goro has despised the use of ‘I am still young’ phrase not to get things done. She says that most people at their youthful stage miss many opportunities because of this. Additionally, Kamene was nostalgic about her teen life and said that she started getting things done at just 19. She has advised young people to do the same and avoid using the excuse that they are still young.

”You’re only going to be young for so long… And with that in mind, your youth can not be an excuse for you to lack focus. I see a lot of young girls making very bad decisions and the excuse is, she’s young. I’ve seen it so many times. Not taking your career seriously, not taking your education. For every single moment you’re being reckless, there’s another young lady hustling and getting it…
Youth can not be an excuse. It can not be an excuse. You don’t know how to keep a stable job, I’m okay, I’m young… No, being young is no longer an excuse. Let your 20’s be the years that you set your foundation for your future… I had to start at the age of 19…”
The damsel however added that it’s good to have fun but set the foundation while still young.