
Still in mourning, late Charles Ouda’s best friend Nick Ndeda is stepping back from activities

Even weeks after the cremation of Charles Ouda, actor Nick Ndeda remains deeply affected by the sudden loss of his best friend, Charlie. The actor recently opened up about his ongoing struggle to come to terms with Charlie’s death, which occurred on February 3.

In a social media post, Nick expressed his sadness and ongoing grief, revealing that he is not currently in the mood for socializing or attending events. He requested people to respect his decision and allow him to navigate his emotions in his own time.

Nick shared that his grief process involves meditation, introspection, and a period of isolation. He clarified that he is not experiencing depression but is going through a phase of sadness. Despite the challenges, he conveyed optimism by stating, “But we gon be alright.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
