
Stevo Simple Boy management team panics after they are exposed, dump him

Men In Business (MIB), the management company of Kenyan singer Stevo Simple Boy, has announced the termination of their contract with the artist.

In a statement, MIB said that they “no longer wish to proceed with our musical contract with [Stevo Simple Boy].” The company did not give a reason for the termination, but they said that it would be effective as of July 31st.

MIB said that they would be “tapping both parties’ interest for a smooth transition” during the termination process. They also thanked Stevo Simple Boy for his cooperation during his contract.

The termination of Stevo Simple Boy’s contract comes amid reports that the singer is broke and wallowing in poverty. In a recent interview, Stevo Simple Boy said that he was struggling to make ends meet and that he was “not sure how to move forward.”

It is unclear what the termination of Stevo Simple Boy’s contract will mean for his career. However, it is clear that the singer is facing some difficult challenges.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
