
Steve Mbogo rushes to court to block Nation, Standard, the Star from running shocking story that might end his political career

Steve Mbogo has been exposed before by the media, but this time round the wannabe Starehe MP was forced to seek court’s protection when he heard the media was about to nuke his political career with a hot exposé.

Some two years ago, the internet was awash with stories of a young billionaire (Steve Mbogo) whose flamboyance earned him nationwide attention.

But there was something queer about Steve Mbogo which the media discovered; Njoki Chege confirmed Mbogo was a fraud.

On December 18th 2015, City Girl wrote a story on Daily Nation titled ‘Steve Mbogo is a fraud, not billionaire’ which highlighted inconsistencies on Mbogo’s profile.

Fast forward to 2017, Steve Mbogo has rushed to court seeking an order restraining Nation Media Group, Standard Group, The Star and People Daily from running an alleged investigative story linking him to a defilement case.

Mbogo was charged with the offence of defilement in 2009 at the Kibera courts and the matter ended up at the High Court, where he was cleared of the defilement charges.

The controversial business man want the media barred from airing the story because it will cause him untold suffering and prejudice.

“If that story is allowed to run, it will cause me untold suffering and prejudice since the general voting public will get the same through the media complex network that I cannot match in correcting the impression it will have caused,” Steve Mbogo was quoted as saying.

Boniface Mwangi and Jaguar stand to benefit from Steve Mbogo’s woes. The race for Starehe constituency seat is perceived as a three horse race between Mbogo, Mwangi and Jaguar.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
