
Standard Group in more trouble as auctioneers circle the media house

The Standard Media Group is facing an auction for failing to pay former Taita Taveta MP Basil Criticos Sh4.1 million awarded to him by the court. The money is still unpaid despite Criticos winning a Sh4.1 million lawsuit in 2011 for defamation.

In an attempt to recoup the debt, Criticos has attached six cars and other items, such as office furniture and wooden cabinets, for potential auction through Moran Auctioneers.

The warrant of attachment of movable property states that the Standard Media Group must pay Criticos Sh4,178,218 together with costs of the attachment. If the group fails to pay, the attached assets will be auctioned off.

The Standard Media Group was sued by Criticos for a piece that the group had published. The publication claimed that Criticos was blocked from selling his parents’ house and that his niece had falsely accused him of faking her grandmother’s signature to approve the transaction.

The media outlet apologized and acknowledged publishing the piece. However, Criticos filed and was successful in his claim, resulting in the Sh4.1 million award.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
