
Speaking on Jackie Matubia Rift, Milly Chebet promises secrecy in spite of betrayal.

Image: Former Switch TV presenter, Milly Chebby

Once close friends, content creator Milly Chebet and actress Jackie Matubia have navigated a public falling out, leaving fans speculating about the reason behind the rift. While Chebet expresses lingering sisterly love, she remains committed to a “gentleman’s pact” of silence, refusing to dish the dirt despite the evident betrayal.

Their friendship’s demise unfolded publicly in early 2023, marked by unfollowing each other on Instagram and Matubia’s absence at Chebet’s wedding. While rumors swirl, Chebet dismisses them as “barking dogs,” emphasizing she won’t air their “dirty linen” out of respect for their past bond and shared secrets.

Disappointed by Matubia’s social media actions, Chebet clarifies she never mocked her friend for not having a husband, as some speculate. However, she remains tight-lipped on the role of Matubia’s ex-boyfriend, Blessing Lungáho, in their rift.

Another theory points to Chebet reprimanding Matubia for her post-breakup behavior with Lungáho, possibly causing friction. Still, Chebet refrained from directly addressing these rumors.

According to a different story, Matubia did not like that Milly Chebet was criticizing her for how she handled her separation with Lungáho.
Matubia has been making jokes about her ex-partner since their breakup, but Lungáho has chosen to say nothing.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
