
Socialite Huddah Monroe Discloses Her Ideal Type Of Man (Screenshot)

It’s not a surprise to find women who find men with big bellies attractive. Some do it for the cash, while others are genuinely in love with them for the latter reason. Socialite Huddah Monroe is no exception when it comes to loving chubby men.

Contrary to expectations of netizens, the slim thick socialite is into such men. And she’s not hiding it. She shared on her Insta stories, explaining that because of her physique, she would really enjoy ‘bouncing’ on chubby men.

”I’m sooo petite so a chubby daddy would be my bouncing castle…”

She is known for speaking her mind when it comes to divulging explicit information regarding her life. The socialite’s sumptuous lifestyle has been admired by several girls; who see her as an icon and want to lead her lifestyle. From living in Dubai for almost 2 years, to owning a palatial apartment in the capital; Huddah Monroe is indeed making money moves. ‘

But on several occasions, much has been spewed about her lavish lifestyle; with some claiming she has a ‘mubaba’ who is sponsoring her deluxe lifestyle. Huddah however, shuts down such claims and states that she makes her own money. This is definitely through her own Huddah cosmetics, among other endorsements.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
