
Social media goes wild after Maina Kageni announces he is vying for the Nairobi Women representative seat

Maina Kageni has given everyone a reason to talk about him after announcing that he will be running for the Nairobi women representative seat this coming election.

From what we all know is that the Women representative seat is only set aside for the the female candidates and article 97 of the Constitution of Kenya also confirms this.

However, Maina Kageni yesterday made it official that he will be competing with Shebesh and Esther Passaris for this seat. Just to show how serious he is Maina Kageni backed up his announced with clearance photos from the IEBC as he went ahead to say,

“For more than 10 years I have sat on air and addressed issues that regard women in Kenya, it started as a joke that I need to run for women Representative. Initially, I didn’t take them seriously but I realized the demand was real, after much thought, consideration and consultation with Nairobi’s women, electorate, I have decided that this is the time to make a move,”

Well, sounds shocking but this is something that the radio presenter can totally pull off judging from the number of women he has managed to win through his Classic 105 show.

Anyway, Kenyans on social media could not let this moment pass without making fun of the fella. Below are a few reactions from social fans!

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
