
‘So Many People Are Suffering!’ Tedd Josiah Calls Out Government For High Cost Of Living Amid Pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic has evidently affected the normal way of life. Who would have thought we could be covering part of our face with masks anytime we’re in public? The virus has swept thousands of people across the globe and still counting.

The worst part is, a significant number of those remaining are struggling to make ends meet; this is due to the fact that most businesses have been affected, leading to job losses/furloughing workers and closure.

Given the recent jobs report, few winners in a COVID economy |  FierceElectronics

Hard Nut To Crack

Well, music producer and entrepreneur Tedd Josiah has stressed on the same. The high cost of living has immensely affected the youth; and he urges them to call out political leaders to work on it. Showing his rage on his Instagram video, Tedd Josiah captioned;


So many jobs lost. So many people suffering yet u want to triple tax ur own citizens to their graves!!! Young people wake up! It’s time to wake the hell up! Ur lives won’t be affordable”

He continued to add through the video by saying;

  ”Young people are losing jobs in this country… It’s crazy. The job losses in 2020/2021 have been magnificently huge, yet you want to increase tariffs of mobile phone usage. A lot of people are using bundles to do business and communicate back and forth…”

This is not the first time Josiah has reiterated on the effects of the pandemic in the business sector. I bet he’s feeling for the young people who are struggling to put a meal on their tables.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
