
Size 8 Vs Maureen Waititu: Choose your wife carefully

Size 8 and Maureen Waititu represent two different sides of the same coin. Both were married, both had what we were led to believe were happy homes but both have since been exposed to have had some wayward husbands. The difference is chiefly in the way their husbands were exposed but also in the manner they both responded to the revelations.

“God reconciled our relationship” Size 8 steps in to save cheating husband’s image

With Size 8, it was blogger Edgar Obare who outed her husband DJ Mo. And adequate evidence was given to support the allegations. With Maureen Waititu, it was she who outed her own husband after previously denying that he had cheated then went on to completely disparage him on social media and in her interviews with traditional media.

Size 8
Size 8 and DJ Mo 7th wedding anniversary

The two give us quite the contrast and are a great example of why men must choose the type of wife they will carry with them through life as they navigate the journey and attempt to make their fortunes. Maureen Waititu would be the kind of lady who will quickly turn against you and then go on to dish out all your secrets. Size 8 represents the type of wife who is aware of the magnitude of her decisions and she decides that rather than tear her family apart, she decides to cover the shame of her idiot husband.

Unless Size 8 and DJ Mo address these two issues, infidelity will become a part of their marriage

The reason why the distinction between the two is important is that for any man looking to make himself high value and high networth, the choice of whom to tie your fortunes to is important. On the one hand, we see Maureen Waititu, a woman who by her own admission, first said she was not aware of any indiscretions on Frankie Just Gym It’s part. Yet she set out to disparage him. And even when he had moved on to a new relationship, she still brought him and the new woman, Corazon Kwamboka, up.

Size 8
Size 8 born Linet Muyali

Size 8 is with a man who is too dense to keep his indiscretions silent and yet she has decided that she is going to be focused more on securing their collective bag than getting any sort of revenge from him. She isn’t going to bother talking about and exposing his secrets to gossips. She is instead going to try and help him re-centre himself and perhaps they can come out of this stronger. Should Size 8 fail, she has the sympathies of a nation. Should she succeed, hers will have been a victory for marriage.

We were right: Maureen Waititu isn’t over Frankie

So gentlemen, pick whom you would like to call your partner carefully. men are notoriously careful when it comes to business matters but on this, the most important decision of their social lives, they often choose poorly.

Maureen Waititu
Maureen Waititu giving Corazon Kwamboka a hard time?

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
