Size 8 thriving in ‘God Business’ with fake miracles
Have you ever witnessed a blind man get his sight back after prayers? Or seen a cripple walk again after miracle prayers? Can’t say i have but don’t get me wrong I have seen miracles in breakthroughs, prayers answered maybe because of my small faith – but honestly – I am yet to see a pastor raise the dead or perform some of these said stunts we are now seeing with pastors.

Okay having said that, we all know that preachor Size 8 is currently trending following the miracles she has been perfoimg at her church. Before i get into the story, I want you to know that I understand what 1st Chronicles 16:22 says and that is;
“Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm”.
A scripture that has been misused by many preachers claiming God forbids us from critizing men of God. From my understanding after reading the whole scripture is that it applies where the anointed are in the pursuit of their inheritance within the covenant of God; and are opressed because they are few and weaker than those around them.

But in Size 8’s case…were talking about miracles….blind men seeing, cripples walking etc….you know them all. And not her being forbidden to spread the gospel.
Biashara ni Biashara
Well having started her only ministry that has attracted a huge following – we now hear Size 8 is casting demons and healing the sick. Okay okay…she is a Christian, woman of God and all – but a miracle worker?
I am in no position to say she performs or she does not perform these miracles….but after pastors started preaching about panda mbegu, annoiting oil, stickers, candles – and other things, i really find it hard to believe that the church is the only place these “miracles” are happening.
Again, I dont want to suggest that actors are getting paid to play such roles….but we all want something solid (Even Thomas doubted Jesus for a minute, right?) like how about visit the sick at KNH or other hospitals and perform these miracles?

Remember, even Jesus had to cross the sea of Galilee to go see Jairus’ daughter on her death bed – where raised her from the dead.
So why must it be that these preachers only perform miracles at their churches? Is that where faith is fully connected to God?