Size 8 reborn to be ordained as a pastor
Size 8 already graduated from Harvesters Global Church Bible training school in December back 2018; allowing her to officially become a preacher – but unlike her classmates, the mother of two took her tome before getting ordained.
Announcing the graduation from the Bible school, Size 8 through her Instagram page wrote;

The joy in my heart is beyond words. God thank you for the grace you have given me so far. I graduated today from Harvest Global Church bible training school.
Also read: Pastor Size 8 to hold her first c*****e after graduating from Bible school
Announces her ordination
3 years later and Size 8 finally gets her prayers answered as she will be ordained on Sunday, 12 November as revealed on her lengthy post on social media where she wrote;
Also read:

I will be ordained as a minister of God’s word, a servant of the most high God this Sunday and waaaa hiii ni emotional kwangu???????????????? God is not a man that He should lie. He chooses whoever and changes them to serve Him…. My life is like a movie from the secular world to an ordained servant of God ???????????? see God…… GODS GRACE IS Real…….. I got born again 2013 I started the Gospel music journey, five years later 2018 I went to bible school and graduated and now 8 years later 2021 am going to be ordained ???????????????? see God… And to God be the glory only by His grace, His power and spirit thru His son Jesus Christ has this happened.
And to conclude the soon to be pastress wrote;
IN GOD’S TIME HE MAKES EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL!!! TO my husband @djmokenya thanks for allowing me to go serve God and to my Pastor and mentors Pastor Kelvin and Jacky Ephraim God bless you all…..