
Sibling who buried his younger sibling blames their mother after being caught

A young boy in Nigeria has been rescued from being buried alive by his older brother, who was allegedly following their mother’s orders.

The incident was caught on video and shows the older brother burying the younger boy up to his neck in a hole in the ground. Neighbors intervened and rescued the younger boy before he could be buried completely.

The older brother claimed that his younger brother had a habit of stealing and had stolen money from their mother. He said that their mother ordered him to bury his younger brother alive as punishment.

The younger boy’s face is swollen and bruised in the video, as is the older brother’s. The older brother was arrested by the police and is being investigated.

This is a horrific incident and it is difficult to imagine why a mother would instruct her son to bury his younger brother alive. It is important to remember that violence against children is never acceptable and there are always other ways to discipline children.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
