
Shorn Arwa’s Dating Advice for Single Women: “Date Them All!”

Image: Shorn Arwa

Until a man commits to you officially, keep your options wide open—that’s the advice from author and digital content creator Shorn Arwa to single women everywhere.

The UK-based Kenyan influencer, known for her bold statements and unapologetic online persona, urged single ladies to “keep all their cards” until they find the right match.


“Please don’t include me in any budget events!” Shorn Arwa states.

In a lively video posted on social media, the mother of one exclaimed, “My sister, date all of them! Date all of them until you find the one. Thank you,” laughing heartily.

Captioning her TikTok post, she wrote, “Until you find your special one…” The post has since attracted over 40.3k likes, 284.7k views, 7,000 shares, and close to 700 comments.

Responses were mixed, with some followers backing her perspective and others questioning

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
