
Shorn Arwa Advises Women Against Dating Broke Men

Image: Miss Shorn Arwa

Digital content creator Shorn Arwa has advised women against dating broke men.

In a video shared on her TikTok page, Arwa said that broke men are not to be trusted and that they will leave you as soon as they get the chance.

“Leave broke men alone. When they get it, they want to leave you alone,” Arwa said in the video.

She also said that women deserve a “soft life” and that they should not waste their time with broke men.

Arwa’s advice is based on her own experience. She said that she has dated both rich and poor men and that the rich men were always more generous and supportive.

“I have dated both rich and poor men and I can tell you rich is better,” Arwa said. “There are days when I was feeling low and he would pay. Most broke boys date you until they are able to afford their type.”

Arwa’s advice has been met with mixed reactions. Some people agree with her and say that women should only date men who can provide for them. Others say that love is more important than money and that women should not be so materialistic.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to date a broke man is up to the individual woman. However, Arwa’s advice is a reminder that money can be a factor in relationships.

It is important to be financially compatible with your partner, as this can lead to less stress and conflict in the relationship. If you are considering dating a broke man, it is important to have a conversation about your financial expectations and goals. This will help you to avoid any surprises down the road.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
